The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, February 27, 1890, Image 3

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JEWS and notes fou woriEX. Bows are still worn, but as a rule are Aoade shorter. longer considered Bouquets are no for the ball room. Vice-President Morton's wife wears biggest diamonds in Washington. Seven-eighths of the subscribers to literature are said to be women, Even elderly ladies wear light and toned evening gowns this season. Black is the sine qua non of all winter It appears in every direction, I [artans Scotch stripes are to take the place of or plaids in early spring woolens. Coquettish little velvet hoods form the icadgettr of many of the wee genera- lion. | One of the highest novelties in furs is (he application and seal. of embroidery or astra- ;han Wedding gowns are trimmed with tearl passementerie in a way that is of he olden time. Maud Howe, the authoress, advises oung ladies to make their engagements s brief as possible. While cloth is very popular, some ol he handsomest of the winter walking owns are entirely of velvet. \ With heavy silk net of lined or dotted Pattern stuff-muslin is used for a founda¬ tion quite as often as satin or silk. A fashionable toque is of reddish rown velvet, the crown of which is cov- ith hollv berries and leaves. Some of the richest women are eco¬ nomical, and make a trip abroad when in heed of clothes, to save expenses. Dr. Alice Bennett has been elected to Presidency of the Montgomery Coun- Medical Society in Pennsylvania- Long mantles which entirely cover the ress with long loose sleeves, are a feat¬ of out-door dress as the season ad- ances. The linings of velvet sleeves are of on street gowns, so that the fur can be worn with such in all sorts weather. It is said that Henry Edwards, the itory writer, refers his all wife, the doubtful who is ques- of dialect to quite authority. Admirers of the conspicuous will be charmed ’jvith the fad now prevalent of dressing from head to foot in the tint of one’s own hair. The wife of Congressman S. S. Cox is said to be a good business woman, She owns considerable property in Washing¬ ton, and looks after it herself. An improvement in cuffs, an inner band buttoning tightly around the wrist and preventing the cuff from slipping, has been introduced in London. Miss Amelia B. Edwards, the greatest woman Egyptologist writer, and at pres¬ ent lecturing in this country, has made for herself but very little money- Anna Katherine Green, the novelist, described by an admirer who met her her home on the Hudson, as “tall, graceful, with a face full of character.” It is intimated that hoops will again become popular. In Paris and London ffhey are limited in rotundity as yet, but tions. promise to spread to extreme propor¬ Some very pretty underskirts are made bf tine white flannel, embroidered with Bax thread. Colored flannels, too, thfee are selected and finished with two or Bullies of inexpensive lace, i Senator Stanford, of California, has Liven Susan B. Anthony #500 for the benefit of the woman suffrage cause. [Five thousand pamphlets will be dis¬ tributed in South Dakota. by A pension of #285 has been granted the British Government to Emily [Faithful, [who has the devoted English woman the spent her life in alleviating condition of her countrywomen. The Queon of England has an ermine cloak in which sue encases herself when she is traveling in cold weather. No one has a cloak like it, as is would not be considered good form to copy it. The Astors of New York possess a for¬ tune in rich furs which are heirlooms iu the family, but Mfcs. C. F. Huntington, wife of the railroad magnate, owns the finest set of Russian sacques in the Country. | Zouave jackets are the particular fashion j | of dresses the moment, would and all to the be more trimmed costly to simulate appear them, handsome guipure and laces being specially prepared to applique on bodices. The sleeve of high, fashion for matrons for church weddings and the reception following, where comes well down to the elbow, it is finished with a cuff and deep laee, falling over the long glove, which reaches above the elbow. Mrs. Custer, widow of the gallant General, >y is said to be a woman absolute- without fear. She used to accompany her husband wherever he would allow her to go during his campaigns, and her fon(ln ess for out-of-door life has never left her. A Remarkable Centenarian. A clapboard was exhibited in Knox- ^ e . Tenn., which was made by Will- fam 100 McXash, of Jefferson County, aged years. He cut the tree and sawed and split the boards with his own hands. Ie is a native of North Carolina, but nas lived in Tennessee a reasonable life- flue. He is as vigorous as a man of ° rt y— J| TathniUe American. TIi3 Population of China. There are eighteen provinces in China proper, and the total population of the empire is set down by the best informed authority on the subject, M. Popoff, of the Russian Legation in Pekin, at not far short of three hundred and ninety million, a population more than equal to that of Europe. To these provinces — islands leaving out Manchuria, Corea, and the of Formosa and Hainan—there are only seventeen “open” or treaty ports where foreign ships are allowed to enter and European merchants are permitted to establish themselves. Thus, with a coast line of over three thousand miles, there are but seventeen ports for foreigners to t aie with nearly four million of a popu¬ lation. A Woman in the Case. There always Is. She is the power behfnd t he throne. A woman's influence over the man who loves her is often absolute. To wield so great a power to guide, strengthen and help her husband, healthy. a It woman’s cannot be mind if she should is be clear and functional derangement.. suflgrlng How from any home manv a be its is made unhappy light is because she who would life and a wretched, depressed, morbid invalid ! Wives, mothers and daugh¬ ters, why suffer from “female complaints” which are sapping yonr lives awav, when Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will renew vour health and gladden those about vou? It has restored Why endure happiness martyrdom to many when a saddened life. release is so easy? In its special field there never was u restorative like the "Favorite Prescription." To cleanse the stomach, liver, and system generally, use Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. 25 cents. Only by slow' and painful degrees can we clinging fl^bt our way upward and break loose from the hold of self-love. I know the composition of, and have pre¬ scribed excellent Bull’s preparation Sarsaparilla, and believe altera¬ it an for producing an tive effect upon the system. I consider it the best article of Sarsaparilla in use. It is when a man is all run down that he tells you he is all broken up. Deafness Can’t Be Cured. by diseased local application, portion of the for they can There not is reach only the ear. one way tional to cure Deafness, Deafness and that is by constitu¬ by remedies. is caused an in¬ flamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustacheun Tube. When this tube gets inflam¬ ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, is and result, when it is entirely closed Deaf- nesss the and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to it* normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine which cases is nothing out of ten are inflamed caused by latarrh, but an con¬ dition ui’ the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) t hat we can not cure circulars, by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. {'df Sold by Druggists 75c. Erie Railway. This popular Eastern Line is running solid vestibuled Pullman trains, consisting of beautiful day coaches, between Cincinnati, sleeping and New dining York cars, and Chicago, Lake Boston. All truins run via Chautauqua during the season, and passengers off holding this through world-famed tickets are privileged Be to stop tickets at read resort. sure your via N. Y.. L. E. & W. R. R. March April t*’ a Are the best months In which to purify ycur blood, tor at no other *eoson does the cystem so much ueel the aid of a reliable medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla, as now. During the long, cold winter the blood becomes thin aud Impure, the body be¬ comes weak and tired, the appetite may be lost. Hood’s harsaparlUa is peculiarly adapted to purify and enrich the blood, to create a good appetite and overcome that tired feeling. It has a larger sale than any other sarsaparilla or blood purUler. and It Increases la popularity every year, for It is the Ideal Spring Medicine ‘Early last spring I was very much run down, had nervous headache, felt miserable and all that. 1 waiTcry much benefited by Hood s Sarsapirilla and recommend it to my friends.’—Ma*. J. M. Titdou, 111* Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. ••Hood’.* Sarsaparilla has cured me of ’ aa't rheum, which I have hud for years. I do tV.n'i It is a spisndld medicine. I am 80 year* of age and my skin It jiwt as smooth and fair as n piece of glass. 1 have six children, and when an* thlcg la the trouble with them the first thing I go for is Hood's farsaparlila.”—Mas. Lima Ciahk, South Norwalk, Conn. Hood’s Fold by all druggist*- fii; alx for ik Prepared only by C. L HOOD A CO„ Lowell. Mas*. IOO Doses One Dollar a, STERERS’ PATENT,IMPROVED, SEND FOR ^ j| §1 Pi Catalogue. ^ J. P. STEVEHS & BRO., Atlanta, G-a. tEVCN tcvnrrKM StVZKTY sri > To cure Biliousness e :ck Headache. Constipation. Malaria. Liver Com plaints, take the tala aud certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL SIZK i lO little beans to tte bot¬ tle). Thev are the most convenient: suit all ages. Price of either site. 25 cents per bottle. ■VlOOlittV* IFSCCIIU^ *1 ‘ IT TO; Photo-gravure. panel size of this picture for 4 cent* (coppers or stomps). J. F. SMITH A CO.. Makers of ’ ‘Bile Beans. ’ ’ St. Louis, Mo. ELY'S CREAM BALM GIVES BELIEF AT HEAD ONCF. tX)Rgp^FAK(^g *^«at /g' COLD IN ■ 8 —CUBES- CATARRH. Apply Halm into < ach nostril. Kl.Y BflOS-.W Warn»n St.. X.V. Blf ILCO EC I by Dr. TRASK’S Magnetic Ointment, keep it, r ' Known over SU yearn. DruggiaU AiiBCn or will mall you a bottle for 25 rente VVnCIJ , V. KAN SOM. SON * CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. Tie J effereon Darts Jlonnuient, After the battle of Buena Vista, General Zachary Taylor, whose daughter married Jef¬ ferson Davis against her father’s Colonel wish, is Davis: said to have remarked to the then bless “Co onel, you have saved the day. God you.' When DoUy Would have you, she was a better judge of a man than I was." Undoubtedly In¬ " those words of the bluff old Mexican and dian fighter express the feeling of every native southern family towards the mail whose whole life is so interwoven with their judges history, that they can wellsay, we are the host of the man’s worth. And whether a public monu¬ ment is ever raised to his memory or not, every southern family should have a monu¬ ment of him all their own, in the form of a good portrait, for framing. We have just re¬ ceived from the publishers, I. S. Johnson <fc Co.. 22 Custom House street, Boston, Moss., a very fine porirnit likeness of The Jefferson publishers Davis, witn autograph signature. for it engraved for as¬ sure us the plates were houses in them by one of the most and j amous America. The size is 12x10. has every Ills an. pe,stance of an exquisite Sepia Etching. suitable for framing to hang in any parlor or library in c,ur laud. The publishers in the hands pronose of placing the portraits for sale in everv druggist and general storekeeper the South, so that people can dealer conveniently for If get he them. Ask your nearest one. has nol got them, urge him to write Johnson A Co., as above about them; or, postpaid the publishers will send one to any address on re¬ ceipt by them of 25 cents in stamps. Write your name, postoflice and State plainly. A few electric volts wouldn't hurt our mil¬ lionaires. They need light. Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, a lit acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fe¬ vers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c- and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. We br ild barriers against the flood tide; we should place some restraints to all prosperity. Bolls and Carbuncles. It seems strange that any one will suffer with boils, carbuncles, etc., when Dr. Bull’s Sarsa¬ parilla will certainly prevent all such eruptive tendencies. It is a sure and safe antidote for its blood poison when arising needed from should whatever not be source, unueces- and use e sarily delayed. advertised Thousands blood medicines who found to have exten¬ sively whatever, rojoicing in the fact that no efficacy Bull's Sarsaparilla are is exception, and'that au good litic health Invariably follows its use. Syphi¬ and scrofulous symptoms disappear, the skin becomes clear and free from pimples, the digestion is improved, aches and pains cease, the weight of the body becomes greater, the flesh more solid, ulcerative and of consumptive endurance tendencies disappear, the power is increased, weakness, di/zy spells and unnatu¬ ral fatigue vanish, In u word the user of Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla becomes Try it. a Lise picture of other.— good health and strength. no Dayton Enquirer. The life of man consists not in active soeing charity visions and dreaming dreams, but in arul willing service. When you think your children leave worms, ask your druggist for Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroy¬ ers and do not take any other. They taste good are always sure. God is a shower to the heart burned up with grief; God is a sun to the face deluged with tears. _________ Rich, fragrant, fine, “Tansill’s Punch.” The groat difficulty about advice is the pre¬ dominance of quuntity over quality. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is prepared from Sarsapa¬ rilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Juniper Berries and other well-known vegetable remedies, In sack a peculiar manner as to derive the full medleliiaJ value of each. It will cure, when In the power of medicine, scrofula, aUl rheum, sore*, boils, pim¬ ples, all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head¬ ache, Indigestion, general debility, catarrh, rheu¬ matism, kidney and liver complaints. It over¬ comes that extreme tired feeling caused by change of climate, season or life, and Imparts Ufa and ■ strength to the whole system. Blood Poison “Tor years at Irregular Intervals In till seasons, I suffered the Intolerable burning and Itching of blood poisoning by ivy. It would break cait on mr legs, lu my throat and eyes. Lost spring X took Hood's Sarsaparilla es a blood purifier, with no thought of It as a special remedy for Ivy polsouiny. but It has effected a permanent and thorough cure.” —CS.LTIK T. ScHVXtt, Wentworth, K, H. “I had boils all over my neca and back, troubling me so much that I could not turn my head erouni nor stoop over. Hood's Sarsaparilla cared me In two weeks. I think It Is the best blooi purifier. ’— Daniel Rkad, Ksasa, City, Ho. | Sold by ail druggists, gl; six for $5. Prepared only . by C. 1. HOOD * CO., Lowell, Mass. i IOO Doses One Dollar [rj 003 era NORTH -OR — i'Ahb ONE OF THE- WEST — i BURLINGTON ROUTE -THROUGH TRAINS FROM- ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO —TO— Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Ilest Line anti for nil Point* North and West the Pneitie Coast. CHEAP LANDS. Along the Linw of the HurlfTijgton Konte in Ne¬ braska, Colorado, Wyoming snd Northwest¬ ern Kansas. There ts stilt vouie Goveralueut Land ■waiting settlement. These Lend? are among the best to bo bud ar.jrshsrs in K : he esast-y frr Agricnltare! s ;-J Graaing purposes. -r pamphlets and other matter, giving looa'ivn »n«t fall particulate, addres-sny Agent ot the Burlingtnu Route or tha undersigned. A MAP OF THU UNITED STATES. ■ A large, handsome -Map of the Uoit-d States, 1 showing North and Houth Dakota, mounted and ■uitsble tor*thee amt home use, and irsued by the “Burlington Kouto.” will i>e f truisuet rsspoo- sib.e ,-arUtiit Free on asiplicitiou HOWARD to ELLIOTT, (len’l Pass. Agent Burlington St. Route, Jto. IT. It. TODD, nnrlin^ton lioute Louis, 4 «e n * I Atfrnt 9 AllMlltR* CaUe HAB- s with- ftUCSTt'UV. Unit Book-keeping. Short-hand Buaineea Forma, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Sflf*w.°S !E£T etc., £ 2 WiiiSS“«V 3 I prescribe and folly eo> dorao Big ti as the only Cvrvtls w specific for the certain curt ~\ Ironswf TO » BATtt. T of this H.INGRAHAM.M. disease. D., ao< u O. tamBtrMen- Amsterdam, N. X. grdvalybfth# We have eold and Big it Q has tor [viatCMaisttlOf. many years, tha best of eatle- _. ■ faction. eiren Ohio. D. R. DYCTTE & CO.. Chicago, 111. Trade 81.00. Sold by Drugglota, A. N. U Ninfl. 1890. n I il { i' n \ i I 1 < xr I wm i I' ! IK r 4il. I dTj -21 ( i I / V * { Wh j/Tll llun t r r \ ! 'm in n - *'“**..•*»' i A f v— II -mL V V ; ^ J j, ^ “A vQ “ I WILL FIGHT IT OUT ON THIS LINE IF IT TAKES ALL SUMMER.” The bull-dog is not an animal to be admired, yet he possesses one trait that at least entitles him to our respect. His tenacity of purpose is proverbial. adversary. It makes him a formidable A like trait has often enabled man to overcome great obstacles and win vic¬ tory under the most trying circum¬ stances. In fact, indomitable it is onlV by tenacity of purpose and life's will-power, brought that many of battles are to a successful termination. Disease, like man's more material enemies, is often an obstinate adver¬ sary, and it is only by the most de¬ termined persistency in the use of the best remedy that victory is attained over it. While Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med¬ ical Discovery is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it is recommended, yet in ailments of long standing, which are usually alike slow in their inception and progress, the cure must likewise be effected by slow de¬ grees and regular stages. This can 1 $500 the ■•niMiaiafnnii Ol^Jb’EA-OnX) proprietors of on DR. mhb SAGE’S Catarrh for an CATARRH incurublo in the REMEDY. Hend case by of SYMPTOM# OF CATARRH.—Headache, obetmetioft of nose, discharges falling into throat, purulent, sometimes bloody, profuse, putrid watery, and and offensive; acrid, at others, weak, thick, ring¬ tenacious, mucous, deafness; breath: eyes ing In ears, offensive smell and taste impaired, and gen¬ eral debility. Only a few Only of these symptoms likely to bo present, at once. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cases. 50 cents. Sold by druggists, everywhere. FORA Double Breech-Loader r • - 1 .a Hr*ecb.Lo*<j*r*, $4 !o CEO. ( IU1W*, $J1 1o M2. Brrvrh-loftdiug KM«« t *2X6 U *13.00. S#Jf-*oekl»fr Ii*Tolv®r«, Ntakel.pIfttRl, |C.OO. 2 (\ stamp for 60 -page Catalogue and tare 26 ^er rente GRIFFITH A SEMPLE, B!2 W. Main, Louitville. Ky. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT Dll. I.M HU, 3 J9 Nertli Fifteenth (Street, It special I disease.- blluitelphin. Twenty years’ experience j cures the worst casts of Nervous Complaints, Blood Toleonlnf, Blotches, Krnptioiis, Despondency, File-, Catarrh, Ulcer*, Bores. Impaired Memory, Dimness of Vision, bung, Liver, btomacb, t»~Cal! Kidney or write .BrtghUs for ,)iie*tton Disease;; llet »md confidential. book. IttPKQtfEB fcXSftLSWti I»tiU»AT0B m SSSSS^gS^S 4c 81wyi*, (or Ulus J*r:«N data »4 Sttttt deiur.igalalU*. STAHL, tjulney.lU, Baa. A ) G«E> I# #. gSa i & < 1 r BR II ■ ■ m m DR. SCHENCK’S 9 ; r n 2 ■ a is 1 DR. >A» SCHENCK'S 8 r-(Uwm M &wdmke P ills DR.SCHENCK’3 V. m Seaweed TONIC Is a PositiT# Cure far DYSPEPSIA And all Disorders of the gestive Organs. It Is likewise a Corroborative or Strength- ening Msdicine, and may he takou with benefit in all coses of Debility, tor Sal* by all Druggists. Price,fl.OOp-rbot- tie. Dr. Schenck’a New Book on Lung*. Liver and Stomach mailed free. Address, Dr.J.H.Schenck A Son. O r^ st rhrfiicianii. C taste. Childrtm take it wlfnout obj©otioji. By djrttffgi>ta. 9 S BUGGIES if 15.95 HARNESS THE BIST All roods sold ’Pools” direct to " the Truau" earner. No * or for us. Wo stand on our own tooting, aofl soil the “ KOvray “ good* solaly oh their wurlti-ro- uowned marif< ana low prieo«. »*» 61 tk* y, s vr rertnopa* i SATE THU Atf •* abo AffbPLniAji'g bri>f«A. *, Writs far aXi'w* and Not Cut) Priest. WIL ER H. MU AY MPG Cp-CINCINNATI.O. only be accomplished by a persistent use of this wonderful remedy for a reasonable length of time. When so used, it conquers the worst cases oi Salt-rheum, Scalp Eczema, Tetter, Erysipe¬ las, diseases, and all manner of blood-taints, no matter of how long standing, or from whatever cause affections, they have arisen. All Scrofulous as Old Sores, or Ulcers, White Swell¬ ings, Glands Hip - joint Tumors Disease, disappear Enlarged under and a protracted use of thi8 greatest of blood-purifiers. is the “Golden Medical Discovery” only blood medicine, among the scores that are advertised, possessed of such positive curative properties selling as to war¬ rant its proprietors in it, as they are positive doing, through druggist*, benefit under a guarantee of paid or it cure in every cast, or money for will be promptly refunded. World’s Dis- pensart Medical Association, Pro¬ prietors, No. 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. THE, UBU WONDERFUL r.A COMBINING, jAHTICUSy*. ft. 1 GM tV/j OF FURNITURE . I I Ldjghfi N VAL! i JKSalCHAI WHEEL Rsjjfp /n\\ V'e retail at the ^ Automata: Brake leh'iltmtlf and ship fnsiary goods to prices,fiC be A WHEEL FREE paid for on delleei 7 U"1 ( lUXBa Rend stamp for Oats- . xA s TO HIKK. iofue. JVame pood* ilaairea. “Ill'KC'IAL fEBSI . acjulru ura. co., i«s i.TSb Curtain TaHM States ode* of 1ST0, 80. 81 end sj w- v*it valuable; c ut pt-ca •r 18JJ and la. Certain li»IT'« ol ICS1 V are w*nh dollar* el IVU, IwX). 'ltou- diuwta cl el t her Vuticd State* «o<t t-relju Mae. Confederate money, eto., are iroriti large pre- mlaioe. fiend II) irau fitr Cola Valmi Guide and terror to e;*ute. Ladle* or fuuta toake i*r dry Ter ui lieroe. dddreea AkCkfilC It a«t~V» €U., Lo. iwttle, kj. OPIIIM Ul IU sTI ffltkMisistt i. L. hTEPUF.NH, Lebonom, 0 STANDARD FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Curs Indigestion, Ponr Stomach, risert- burn. Flatulency, Colic, and all Ulseascs the Stomach; Costivaumia, Inflammation, Diarrhoea, Piles,and Ifilionsnecs, Diseases uf the Nausea, llowsls; CongseUon, Jaundice, Headache, Giddiness, Nervousncaa, Wan¬ dering Pains, Malaria, Liver Complaint, and all Diseases arising from a Gorged and Sluggish Uver. They clean tha mucous coats, reduce gorged or congested condi¬ tion*, break u;- stuM-orn complications, r«- •tor© free, healthy action to the organs, give the tvstfiu & rhxkhra to recover tohe strength. They are PURELY VEGETABLE, cTRICTI 31 nltel hi V Dri MtUlHJLL, I A l e amb A BSO LUTE LY SAFE. For Sale by alt Druggists. Price 2S cts. per box ; 3 boxes for 06 els.; or sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price J. II Sch cnck £ Son . Phil adelphia. I’a. *r 7 jm*v PjJLMO SYRUP Will Cura r» fi 11 f* U C2 <*ai ne ’ oft LUNdiS. ^ THROAT AND It is pleasant to tlie taste, and dues uot contain a jwitlclo ot opium or anything Cough li;iurl- iled- ous. Itisthe Best lcino ,M the World. For Sals by all Druggists. Pr!re{l.lfl per buttle. l>r. gchonck's Book on Consumption and its'Cuitt, mailed free. Address 0*1 H Scbenck 4 Scr.rHU. BEST IN THE WBRID i More “ Mttrtray " Buggies and ‘ Barueta eold last year than any other two makes combined. Which proves that thetr inferior qcaditlMere appteoieted.