The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, March 13, 1890, Image 3

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A VALENTINE.'I ! • Go. Valentine. I do not darei To go my myself and speak . __^ The word which, like the morning air. Shall tinge this Rose’s cheek. And when you see the scarlet tint > ^ Across her features climb, Betraying in a blush a hint How she accepts my rhyme. Know this: if I her heart have won, Her lips shall part and tell; If I have lost, your day is done—- A swift match, and farewell. Go, then, and while I madly hunt In love’s devouring fire, 1 i 1 live if she one word return^ * )r else, like you, expire. —Frank 1>. Sherman, in Harper's. V. H HUMOR OF THE DAY. Cinderella was a slippery maiden. The musician is not easily played out The best cigar meets its match when £ is lit. Door fastenings have knobby decora¬ tions. “The whirled is mine,” said the cy¬ clone.— Washington Post. The burglar opens the door for the sake of a little lock-upation .—Merchant Tra¬ veler. The Speaker of the House is the maD who listens to the talk of others .—New York News. When a man wants to find fault he will do so, even if he has to be up all night looking for it. The goat eats tomato cans, aud such, To the amusement of man; But what can tickle man’s palate so much As an oyster can? Tommy, yon may go and cut me a good, strong birch rod.” “Pa, I don’t think it’e a good day to go fishing.”—. Time. This truth should everywhere be known— One swallow can’t a summer bring; But vet it can be clearly shown That just one frog can make a spring. Herald. —Chicago To be convinced that it is possible to be very sharp aud very flat at the samf time, it is only necessary to look at a well kept carving knife .—Dansvilli Breeze. It takes a man of iron nerve to sins “Home, Sweet Home” for a lullaby when the baby wakes up squealing at 2 a. m., and positively will not go to sleep.— .Somerville Journal. * Visitor—“You look utterly worn out, Miss Sophie. 1 suppose you have been bored with callers all morning?” Miss Sophie (languidly)—“Oh, no; you’re the very first.”—Si. Paul Eye. “You can’t procure content with money,” says the philosopher; but the fact that the converse is equally true, if not more so, rather hurts the force of the proposition .—Merchan t Traveler. Cantwaite—“How about that five dol¬ lars you owe me?” Van Gall—“Oh, hang that five dollars! I’m sick and tired of hearing about it. Say, ean‘l you make it ten ?”—Washington Star. Teacher—“When boys disobey the rules of the school and refuse to learn their lessons, they grow up ignorant and lazy. What kind of men do they make?” Pupil—“I know. Jurymen .”—Dansvilli Breeze. Boarder—“Madam, we want hot meals or we’ll move.” Landlady—“Hot meals! Why haven’t you got pepper, aud cat¬ sup, and horseradish, and raw onions, and mustard! What more do you folks expect?”— Time. An exchange tells of a man whe “choked to death while eating his sup¬ per at night.” He would probably have escaped this sad fate if he had eaten his supper in the morning, right after break¬ fast .—New York News. Wick wire—“There are a heap of things a man thinks he knows until he has an occasiou to air his learning, and then he finds out that he is not so smart after all.” Yabsley—“What got you into that state of mind?” Wick wire— “My ten-year-old nephew has been at my house for a week. ”— Terre Haute Express. A Paris masher, in hard luck, entered a third-class restaurant; a waiter, for¬ merly employed at the Cafe Anglais, recognized him and whispered in a tone of surprise: “Can Monsieur think of dining at a low hash house like this?” “Well,” said the discomfited dude, “You’re here, ain’t you?” “Very true,” the waiter said, with an air of pride, “but I never dine here.” The Most Widely Read Author. The author whose books have the largest sales in the United States is a Bt. Louisian, and the chances are that there are not 100 people in the city who have ever heard of him, His work is uot that of a genius. It is hack work, pure and simple, but he makes more money than Howell, James, Mrs. Bur¬ nett or any other American author or authoress. This author’s name is J. W. Kuell, and one of his books has been sold to tlie extent of 1,000,000 copies. The books he has written are never heard of in the literary world; the literary review¬ ers pay no attention to them. They are sold by subscription all over the coun- |ry. ,.iat is They wisely are calculated usually bound to sell in the a book styl« where the contents certainly would not. >uell catches a fad and writes a book to Meet the fashion, and in a few weeks of ■ 1 ’mpitation comes forth with a volume that is greedily seized. Buell is wealthy, but he hasn't enriched literaturee to any areat extent.-#. Louis Star-Sayings, Value of Earth Worms. The weight of earth worms bring to the surface yearly is enormous. Darwin esti¬ mated that worms, by swallowing earth for the sake of the vegetable matter it contains and forming castings, bring to the surface as much as ten tons* of earth per annum on an acre. Worms are great promoters of vegetation by boring, per- foiatino- and loosening the soil, and ren¬ dering it pervious to rains and the fibres of plants, by drawing straws and stalks of leaves and twigs into it, and, most of all, by throwing up such infinite numbers of lumps of earth called worm casts, which form a fine manure for grain and grass. The earth without worms would soon become cold, hard-bound, void of fermentation and consequently sterile; this has occurred in many cases where the worms have been either accidentally or intentionally destroyed, and tjie fertility of the soil thus lost has only been re¬ stored when the worms had again col¬ lected auu resumed their fertilizing work. The Alexandria Library. A Vienna journal says that the story of the burning of the Alexandria library by the Mohammedan conqueror is a myth, and not an historical fact. The state- ment thus appears: “The investigation of the famous Fayum collection of Egyp¬ tian manuscripts, bought by Archduke Rainer, and deposited in the Imperial Library, Vienna, has been progressing for some two or three years. The work has been rich in important results, including the discovery, by incontrovertible evi¬ dence, that the story of the destruction of the Alexandria library is a fable.” $2,500 Reward for n I.ost Cat. The equivilent in English money of London $2,500 was once offered by, an old lady m for the return of a favorite cat which had strayed or been stolen. People called her a “crank,” and perhaps she was. It is unfortu¬ nate that one of the gentle sex should ever gain this title, yet ninny do. It is, however, frequently not their fault. Often functional derangements will apparently change such a suf¬ wo¬ man’s entire nature. Don’t blame ferers if they are “cranky,” but tell them to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which is an infallible remedy for “female weak¬ nesses.” It will soon restore them to their normal condition. It is Warranted to give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be r eturn ed. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills; 25 cents a vial; one a dose. _______ farce.” Jimson calls matrimony "a one-act He isn’t up with the times on the divorce ques¬ tion. How lo liny Buggies. The correct way to buy goods of possible. any kind is from the manufacturer, when For sixteen years the Elkhart Carriage and Elkhart, Har¬ ness Manufacturing Company, of Ind., have sold direct to the consumer at wholesale prices, saving their customers the middleman’s profit. As they ship paying, anywhere, with privilege to examine before and pay all charges if not satisfactory, the buyer runs no risk. See their advertisement, and send for catalogue. That Tired Feeling Has never been more prevalent and more prostrat¬ ing than now. The winter has been mild and un- bealtbful, influenza epidemic and fevers have visited uearly all our homes, leaving about everybody in a weak, tired-out, languid condition. The usefulness of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is thus made greater than ever, for it is absolutely unequalled as a bullding-up, strengthening medicine. If you have never taken Hood's Sarsaparilla trj- it and you will realise Us re- cuperativa powers. Tired Feeling “My health was very poor last spring and seeing an advertisement of Hood’s Sarsaparilla I thought I would try it. It has worked wonders for me as It has built my system up. I have taken four bottles and am on tbe fifth. 1 recommend It to my acquaint¬ ances.” John Matthews, Oswego, N. V. “I was very much run down in health, had no strength nnd no Inclination to do anything. I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and that tired feel¬ ing has left me, my appetite has returned, I am like a new man.” C hai ncey Latham, North Columbus, Ohio. Hood’s Sold by all druggists. $ 1 ; six for $5. Prepared only Sold by all druggists. #1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Jr CO., Lowell, Mass. by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar La Grippe has Left the System badly debilitated in millions of Cases. Take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and restore Tone and Strength. It never fails. Prepared by Dr. $1. C. Ayer & Co*. Lowell, Mass. inn g To cure Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation. Malaria. Liver Complaints, take tbe safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to the bot¬ tle). They are the most convenient; suit all ages. Price of either stae, 25 cents per bottle. KISSING at 7. 17. 70; Photo-gravure, panel slse of this picture for 4 cents (coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH A CO.. Makers of ' ‘Bile Beans.'' St. Louie. Mo. ri-OgTM*. It is very important in this age of \ast ma¬ terial progress that a remedy be pleasing t* the taste and to the eye, easily taken, accepta¬ ble to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. Women love to find in men a difficult combination—a gentleness which will in¬ variably yield, with a force which will in¬ variably protect. It It# a Fact. It has been conceded by those who have tried it, by others who have watched its effect, by physicians who know its composition single that Dr. Hull's Sarsaparilla is without a public exception the best remedy ever offered to the us a cure for all diseases arising from a state of blood impurity and disordered functions of the body. Its effect is always sure. It prevents eruptive tendencies. It assists digestion and the proper assimilation of food. It checks de¬ cay and ulcerative inclination whether of lungs, kidneys or liver. It cures syphilis, scrofula, eczema, salt rheum, itch, dyspepsia, nasal indigestion, inactive liver, weak kidneys and urinary catarrh. Bright's disease, mel- ner¬ vousness, general debility, sleeplessness, of power.loss of ancholy.uunatural fatigue.loss loss of etc., memory, Give loss it of appetite, all who would enegy, assist etc. a trial maintain health and na¬ ture in her efforts to and strength until old age gently brings rest quiet. JSIOO Reward. SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased tc learn that there is at feast one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the Medical fraternity. Catarrh constitutional being a con¬ stitutional disease, requires Catarrh a Cure is taken treatment. Hall’s and internally, acting directly upon the blood mucus surfaces of the system, thereby dis- and troying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength, by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do¬ ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they that offer it One Hundred Dollars for any case testimonials. fails to cure. Send for list of Address, CO., Toledo, O. F. J. CHENEY <Sr JS^Sold by Druggists, 75c. It is the man who can’t sing that, seems anxious that every one should know it. I have used Bull's Sarsaparilla with entire success in cases of syphilitic, scrofulous aud other skin and glandular diseases. It is the best medicine manufactured for that purpose.— James Moore, M. D. Louisville , Kg. It is hard for a lazy man to be truthful, for be is happiest when lying. Hollow eyed little children, worms pleading are gnaw¬ looks ing at their vitals. Their them should make a mother quickly get Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. Considering how little the bell knows, fit is wonderful how much it has tolled. Erie Railway. This popular Eastern Line is running solid vestibule#! trains, consisting of beautiful day- coaches, Pullman sleeping and dining York cars, and between Cincinnati, Chicago, New Boston. All trains run and via Lake Chautauqua holding during through tlie tickets season, privileged passengers to stop off at this are tickets read world-famed resort. Be sure your via N. Y„ L. E. & W. H. R. We recommend “Tansill's Punch” Cigar. The marked benefit which people In run down or weakened state of health derive from Hood’s Snrsa- j oarllla conclusively proves the claim that this medi- , cine "makes the weak strong.” It does not act like a stimulant, Imparting fictitious strength froiA which there must follow a reaction of greate'V weakness than before, but possessing just those elements which the system needs and readily seizes. Hood’s Sarsaparilla builds up In a porfectly natural way, all the weakened parts, act* upon the That Tired Feeling blood as a purifier and vltillzor, and assists to hcalUiy action those important organs, the k'dneys and liver. -Hood’s Sarsaparilla has renewed my grip. I am <>5 years of age aud was all run down and dis¬ couraged. I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla end on looking myself over find that I am much better, in fact quite a chap. Of course the medi¬ cine will not discount my years, but it comes nearer to It than anything else.” Chas. B. Long, Shrewsbury. Mass. N. B. Be sure to get only' ^rScOMBINING5ARTICLES^ W i 39 OF FURN ITUR E . SIS 1 INVALID^--- SYiVYVVLS A NO (J WHEEL CHAIRS 7/ Brake We retail at the lowest ^ Aatonutue xchnUsale fa.ri.ory prices, on all FREE and ship goods to be n-~i tea eke* paid for on delivery. UH WHEEL (HA1B& Send stamp for Cftta- xy\ * ^SPECIAL TO HIKE. logue. JVamc goods desired. FKER ItCKCKG HFtt. CO., 145 _. UKLIVfcKY. >. Hth St. FkiUdiu. Pe. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT DR. MIBB, 3’2f» North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia. Twenty years'exi>erlence in special diseases; cures the worst cases of Nervous Complaints, Blood Poisoning, Blotches, Eruptions, Piles, Catarrh, Ulcers, Sores, Impaired Memory. Despondency, Dimness of Vision, Lung. Liver. Stomach, KUlney .Bright’s Disease,; confidential. Wrcall or write for question list and book. AD|||iy| IIOHO! W b^-oX-k^.; WhtUbal! ATLANTA. Q*. OOc «Sla 8t IMPROVED EXCELSIOR INCUBATOR Sin.!., r.rfMi sad S«if-L^«!»tlnt. Hun. dreds in successful operation. Ou.rantesd to hatch larger percentage of fertile eggs at leaaeoetthau a..y other hatcher. Send *c for Ulus Cata «Mt BTAML, Qancy.m. STANLEY’S STORY. jKSSSr.VIS'iK Engrav- Dark Continent. 40 Colored Plates. 200 ings. YOU massive Quarto Pages. Elegant Outfit FREE for 50 cents to prepsv tvV express. M. W . H 4ZEN CO., 64 Si 66 'J.’Id St- >ew lork. TREES Root Grafts—Everyt ling! Nc larger stock in U. S. No bet“ ter, no cheaper. PIKE CO. NDRSERiE-S, Louisiana, Mo. ^| E JEFFERSON DAVi$!SVSE£ Beautifully Illus¬ Three edltlcus In three weeks. trated. Local and General agents wan tea Complete »d- outfit 81.00. R. fl. WOODWARD. Baltimore. "TV - % .1 * * c t -a ■ Jfi 'd/Zs* A r/j f rj W/‘ «e m v v> r/k k)s| '/a 6 - ii \A X v i i s, 4 V i l I i. I / i/ JC-O A v i JA i 1 i A BAD SPELL. A merchant’s clerk wrote a check for forty dollars, and spelled the numerical adjective “ f-o-u-r-t-y.” His employer directed his attention to the error, with the remark, “ You seem to have had a bad spell this morning.” To which the clerk replied, “Sure enough ; I’ve left out the “g-h.” Let us hope the clerk will still further amend his orthography, meanwhile, if anybody is suffering from a “ bad spell ” of headache, superinduced by constipation, over-eating or other indiscre¬ tion, let that person ask his druggist for Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are entirely vegetable in composition, and are prompt and effective In action. They are specific in all derangemeuts of the liver, stomach and bowels. They are strongly cathartic or mildly laxative according to size of dose. Un¬ equaled as a Liver Pill. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One tiny, Sugar- coated Pellet a dose. WHAT AILS YOU? Do you feel dull, languid, miserable, low-spirited, both lifeless, and indescribably experience physically and mentally; after eating, a sense of of fullness or bloating stomach in or the “goneness,” or emptiness of morning, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, fre¬ quent headaches, blurred eyesight, “ floating specks ” before the eyes, nervous prostration hot or exhaustion, irritability with chilly of temper, sensations, flushes, alternating pains here and the-e, sharp, biting, transient cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakeful¬ ness, or disturbed and unrefreshing dread, sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of or of impending calamity? all, considerable If you have or any num- Apple Cream. Boil six apples in water till soft, re¬ move the peel and press the pulp through a hair sieve upon a quarter of a pound add of sugar; whip the whites of two eggs, them to the apples and whip all together till it becomes very stiff and looks quite white. Serve it heaped upon a dish. fc. llaka. STEVENS PATENT, IMPROVED tifflf Ml Unoqualed for m &&»-, Durability and Pil — J. SEND P. Catalogue. STEVENS FOR « BRO., ™ I s Por COUahSiP? a ^ Golds ISltM There is no Medicine like DR. SCHENCK’S - :£ 8 * s PULMONIC r SYRUP. 8 §5 *. It is pleasant to the-taste and 138 c does not contain a particle of opium oranytblng ini urions It is the Best Cough Medicine in the World. For Sale by all Druggists, Fries, £1.00 per bottle. Dr. Schenck’e Book on Consumption and its Care, mailed free. Address Dr. J. H. Hahenck & Bon, Philadelphia. platform Wagon, $50. The Elkhart Carriage A::. ■^ ^ Harness For 16 Toaro IK 1 r«r» kato sold to X *23.00. ___ eonsamori at aHtll.k-Alk Pill KS. ib.ntbc’ pru*i. Ship onywb.r. f.r«• AMii.fttloa b.f.r. bnjl>*. Pay frfljbt rb.rfI f u.l i.U.fa.t.ry. Warrm.Wd for U*. S4-p.s* t.t.lof.* FBkK. iddr... PRATT, .ee’y, Blkhart. - - India C a. Best CO Choice 10c. Tke co co Little lection tilaat. of 6K9la St. Loula. only 1 ly Satin Pluwh Remnants for Crazy OLAJtt Patch, a large pkg. pretty pieces, assorted col. L our ill. story paper 3 mot. 10c. The Little Giant. St. Leals fimilll a UPIUM ^LFhTKPHKNK Letmmoo.6 * S OKfl Best Coach Medicin«. else fail*. Recommended Pleasant agreeable by Physicians. tke 25 Cures where all and to CTS J taste . Children take ft without objection. By drue^iats. I / S55.95 BUGGIES ^S5.90 HARNESS THE IEST IN THE All goods said direct to tbe con- sumer. No ”?*•!»“ or “Trast#” for us. XYe stand on pnr •*» footing, and Mil the •• Murray ” goods Mtety on their world-re- DortM mtwts etui low prices, BVT Of TH* * tkVTiCrrXlM r* K O® INCINNATI.Of l>er of these symptoms, you American are suffering mala- from that most common of dios — Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. lias The more complicated your disease be¬ come, tho greater the number and diversity of symptoms. No matter what stage it has reac bed, will Dr. subdue Pierce’s it, if Golden taken Medical according Dis- to covery for reasonable length of time. directions a One or two of Dr. Pierce’s Pellets taken daily with the “ Discovery” will add to its efficacy in case the liver is very torpid and the “Golden bowels constipated. Medical Discovery” is the onlv medicine of its class guaranteed to do all it is represented to accomplish, World’s or money paid for it will be refunded. Dispen¬ sary Main Medical Association, Proprietors, 663 Street, Buffalo, N. Y. YOl WII.L SAVE MONEY,I HC Time, Pain, Trouble and will CURE CATARRH • mo mi by using ELY’S CREAM BALM Apply Balm into each nostril.I KEY HROS..5H Wnrren St.. N.Y GOING WEST NORTH —OR 1 A k i. ONE OF THE- BURLINGTON ROUTE -—THROUGH TRAINS FROM- ST- LOUIS AND CHICAGO —TO—- Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Rest Line for all I’nintM North nnd Went anil the Pacific Coast. —FOR THE— NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIA^ Tuba held at St. Paul Greatly in July, Reduced 189 1 . Round Rate* trip tickets will be sold at “B from all Points in the South reading via the ur i lington Route” to “Burlington !St. Paul. Passengers Route” pur¬ will chasing have clioioe tickets of via the either St. Louis, Peoria, C a routes, via trains direct toj or In eng >, as this vast sy-tem runs St For Paul lurther irom either information, of these threepoints. pamphlets, concerning. 1 the meeting, etc., cad on or address HOWARD Geu’l Pans. ELLIOTT, Agt.. St. I.onis, Mo. II. K. TODD, Geu’l Ant. II. F. BLAKE, Trnv. Freight & I* USfi. (1I AS. F. Trav. LI DLI M, Pass, Agt., (is. 38 Wall St., Atlanta, $7 FOR A Double Breech-Loader Brc.fb-boad.rt, ft to *50. i Wtmrb.ttrr li-hut RlSea, (II to *12. Brrrrh-loading Kilo, *2.65 to *1S.M. Self-eofktBg Kcrolr.r., Kiel,l-platcd, *2.00. ftrndtc. .tamp for 50-na.. Catalogue and .arc 25 per seat. GRIFFITH k SEMPLE, 612 W. Main, Loui*vllle.Ky. (Ifilir UmE 8TI DV. Book 'keening, Business Forms, dr Penmanship, Arithmetic, Short-hand, etc.. II thoroughly taught by MAIL. Circulars Buffalo. free. Y. Bryant’s College. 457 Main St.. N. M I prose r be and the fully only ea- dorse Bl t* C« as A Wt TO c«?o» & paTB.^H In 'fiSJ specific of this disease. for the certain cur. M RunsMf not Ml G _ H> JsjgRAHAM, M. D , 1 | soom Btrtetaxo- ■ Amsterdam, N. Y. j Mr. only by tbe We have sold Big G for to bMamaa.JZ.’riJ'.'lg ^ A ^ Cincinnatifaction. & CO., Ohio. J? W D. R. DYCHE UJ i Chicago, 1 sold bv Drugglata i A. N, U........................Eleven, 1890. 9R 7^3 CfTl I U,\ vje 7 THE (1ST IN THE WORLD Mere "Murray” Baggies and Harness sold last year than any ether two makes combined, which proves that their superior qualitleo are appreciated.