The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, April 17, 1890, Image 3

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Ihe Unexplored Region*. The principal portions of the worldre- cmining unexplored are situated in Cen¬ tral Africa, certain portions of Asia, the central portions of Australia, and the f-jnd surface of the globe within, or bor¬ dering upon, the Arctic regions. Africa •s still the least knowa division of the -dobe. and although during the latter half of the present century considerable portions of the country have been explored, and many of them opened up for trade and colonization by and from various Euro¬ pean countries, yet still there is probably where at least one-sixth of that continent the foot of a white man lias never trod. If China, Thibet, Persia, and those parts uf Asia most recently annexed to the Kussian Empire were included among the unexplored portions of the world, then the extent of Asia remaining to be ex¬ plored would probably reach as much as ne-tifth of its entire area. As to the . continent of Australia, all the central por¬ tion. forming one-lialf of the whole, still remains practically unexplored. The ex¬ peditions in and since 1872 seem to demonstrate that much of the interior of Australia between the west of the over- Spring mnu la a necessity with nearly everybody, rh down, tired condition at this seaeon is due tjm. purities In the blood which have accumulate.^ l;ir the winter, and which must be expelled 1^ j wish to feel well. Hood’s Sarsaparilla thorof. • purifies and vitalises the blood, creates a good .** -y tite, cures biliousness aud headache, gives hetj® ul ' action to the kidneys aud liver, and impart* t< - whole body a feeling of health aud strength. IqI'II t this spring. ■si- -1 take Hood’s Sarsaparilla every year as a sp *' tonic, w iib most satisfactory results.”—C. Pabme. C49 Bridge Street, Brooklyn. Purifies fha Blood Ills the “Hood’s Sarsaparilla purified my blood, gave icll strength and overcame the headache and dizzint jj(J so that I am able to work again. I reeomme )n . Hood’s Sarsaparilla to others whose blood is tlfiL or impure, and who feel worn out or run down" —Lcthek Nasos, Lowell, Mass. -We have used Hood’s Sarsaparilla for years, aiyC recommend it as the best spring medicine or bkioSg! purifier. Our boy is nine years old and has good health ever since we began giving it to him —B. F. U mover, Rochester, X. H. Hood's h Sarsaparilla druggists. $1; six for $T>. Prepared on!*’ j Sold by all by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. '• tOO Doses One Dollar : ’ ■ I ; ! - ! ; ! scon’s < ; : EMULSON ; w ■ ! ; 1 ! DOES CURB i : - » ; CONSUMPTION 5 > : In its First Stages. ) i He sure yon yet the genuine. : < : i Us, ’ RpHB’’ 1 i ; BCOft JO RADFIELD -SS^iTycHILD •> REGULATOR CO ATLANTAnA SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Uft v* •EVEHTUN SEVENTY > j ° soTP Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation, “laltna. Liver Complaints, hake the sate acd certa in remedy, SMITH’S BILE BEANS Si? SMALL SIZE Kru (40 little pS?tee beans to the 11 bot- T 8Ult * (ISSINC ««Br?u ** P ^!.' ”• 1 Ue0fthl 7- 70: * Photo-gravure. P ‘ Ct ° r '* tm * Makers J F. SMITH A CO.. . of — • ’Bile Beans.' ’ St. Louis, Mo. ®V 1 " ill save money, pi imp, anti CATARRH b> using lys Cream Balm. wm Pi ‘ a ’ ’ n *° **chnostril. Y v BRO?., u< •-*> Warren St., N.V. J BUSINESS COLLEGE, NASHVILLE, TENN, H. V. ^ jENXI xi;s! d pru*. land telegraph line and the east of the narrow hilly border of western Australia is little better than desert, either unmiti¬ gated sand the or dense scrub or porcupine grass. In case of *he Arctic regions very little can be "ascertained as to the surface, because both land and -water are continuously under masses of snow and ice; and even when explorers like Dr. Xansen, in the case of Greenland, succeed in crossing the continent, the information gained is, after all, but slight, and makes it doubtful whether the result is sufficient to compensate for the risk to human life incurred in obtaining it. A great portion of the northern part of South America is also absolutely un¬ gions known. Taking all the unexplored of the re¬ together, at least one quarter land surface of the globe still remains- un¬ explored and comparatively unknown to the civilized nations of the earth As to the water surface, practically nothing re¬ mains to be explored the Arctic except those Antarctic por¬ tions within and circles, which are continually frozen over and therefore inaccessible. 'What the world wants, says some¬ body, is a new religion. We doubt it. Some people are getting not willing to pay foi what they are now. B ■ ,^-^rffmnunieatiou nothing that will be of interest to the public, ana tnere is so little news to be obtained that I almost refrain from writ ing at a J1. that , friend, . . I am glad to has state sufficiettly our covered Wesley Felts, from his recent illness to be among us acain, and in a short time he will be en- abled to once more resume the duties of a Mr*. Lizzie Pierson, of Monroe county, spentseveral days of this week with rela- tivesherc. She has just recovered from iffltegJStoiTm that ."““is lescing. Mr. F. M. Felts lias* resigned the post- mastership at Roblcy, and on yesterday turned the office over to his successor, Mr. H.*D. Fincher. Mr. Felts has held the position for several years, and the patrons of the office tender him their thanks for the faithful discharge of his official duties. Most of the farmers arc busily engaged iu eotton planting or work per¬ taining in that direction, and in a short time the entire crop will have been planted. The early planted seed are coining up, but remembering the fate of those who boasted of early garden the veget sub¬ ables, there is but little talk on ject- The Oak Grove Singing Society will meet with the people of Musella, at the school house near that place, next Sunday afternoon, April 27th. As usual, the young will probably turn out en mass, and we would be older glad people to see good attendance of the well. Better order would be jn their presence, and would be Dictionary” is being dnerihi to tne pnblic at a very low price. The body ol the book, from A to Z is a Cheap reprint page for page, Of tho Ouition Ot 1847, Which was in its day, a valuable book, bnt in the pro- press of language for over FORTY YEARS, has b0SB completely superseded. It Is HOW reprodncea, broken type, errors and all.bYptiot Q-I ttbograpIiprocMa.Ispricteid fllmsily bound. A 03 Cilfitip papQt &dU by between brief coiuparifion. and page latest page, and enlarged the reprint the edition, will show tho great superiority of tho latter. These reprints are as out Ol date as a last year’s almanac. NO hon- orable dealer will allow the buyer of such to auiipose that ho is getting the Webster which to-day is accepted as tho Standard and THE BEST,-every copy Of Which bears our imprint as given below. II perrons who have been induced to purchase the “ Ancient Edition ” by any : tacts, we Will undertake io see that the seller i3 punished as ho deserves. G. S C, MEB1UAM GO. SPKINGFIKLO, MASS. f F YOU WISH A & _____ ^ If F. O I, V Hit 1 -----.1/ Lmsoti *4 V purchaae one of the cele- Prated SMITH Kt WESSON {( arms. manufactured The finest small and arms the )J Xy-o/ ') ever of all expert.'. \\ first Manufact.ired civic* calibres :*>and 4t-li». Sin- t j i in :t2, and gle or double action. Safety Hammerless Target models. Consttuetwi entirely of boat for quul- Uv Avi ought steel, carefully unrivuJed inspected llni-li, work' j'and stock, tlicy arc for deceived by •turnbllif y »ml accuracy. Do not be cheap mal leable cast-ivnn imitations which a^e often sold for the gc T.u ne article and are not onlv unreliable, but dangerous. The SMITH b WESSON Revolvers are all stamixd an.i upon the bar¬ rels with firm's name, address dates of pat. ntu and are gunritutct-d perfect in every detail. In¬ sist lit Kin having the genuine article, and if your dealer cannot supply you an order sent to address below will receive prompt and careful attention. Deacrptiveeatalovue awl orices furnishel uoon ap- *' licatoa SMITH & WESSON, fWMention thi- paper. Springfield, Musa. FINE! JEWELRY J. P. STEVEIMS & BRO., A.TLANTA, O-A.. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT UK. 1.0BB. 329 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia. Twenty years’experience in special diseases; cures the worst cases of Nervous Complaints, Blood Poisoning, Blotches, Eruptions, Piles, Catarrh, Dicers, Sores, Impaired Lung, Memory, Liver, Desp -mlency. Dimness of Vision, Stomach, Kidney uTright’s Disease); confidential. Mr-Csll or write for question list aud book. MADISON RATTLER RAZOR, $1.25 True Apollo Bing Razor, - * •. $ 2.00 N^StyleftlttonHole Sctosors, with ret screw. SSc. &jS«£rr--4Ksass: D ETE CT IVES traauaa DsUcUt* Barsaa Co. H Axcads. 3 a dsai d.w The Color ol Flame*. The color of a flame depends partly the on the temperature, but principally undergoing on nature of the substances com¬ bustion or incandescence. The flame of an ordinary tire is yellow, because the heat is not sufficient to render the carbon a white heat. The flame will burn much brighter when air is supplied to it freely, is by raking out the cinders at the bot¬ tom of the grate or blowing the fire with a bellows, because with every fresh rush af air there is a new supply of oxygen. The red flame is caused when there is a rapid union between the combustible passes and the oxygen of the air, which is frequently the ease in the uttermost zone af a candle flame. A quaint superstition formerly existed in Wales to the effect that bees were originally created white, but became brown after the fall; a white pigeon set¬ tling on a chimney is regarded as a cer¬ tain token of death; and in some parts, if in a row of beans one should happen to come up white instead of green, a member of the family will die before the year it out. Miss Larkins was bilious and feeble and sick. And it seemed as if nothing would ever re- lieve her. thick. , iliver clogged with impurities . enn was burning SU, M her stomach was constantly j B . shc v 0 .. ght a SUPP w. an directions for taking pursued to th e let- j thi^ be8t thing on earth she could posai . resp bly try, Miss Larkins bet- 1 d soon, very soon, was „KSS? After. , thin-onchial, throat and lung diseases, sick it—pohe, abofeer°. scrofula, dyspepsia, and all diseases ri8in m impure bl °° d and a dlS ° r ' i | was* M> cleansing, I)r Sage’s antiseptic Catarrh and Remedy healing are quali- un¬ - , Brot '-- (» The Ladies Delighted. look' I* eRsai d effect and the perfect safety won which ladies may use the liquid fruit pieitivc. Syrup of Figs, under all conditions with it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing male e ye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual I ting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. ing • ----- ve is a species of intoxication that swells uah---- , leart instead of the head, mal Tlie Beauty ot' Health. thefw jit he many’ beautiful, women with are regular not, and features instead that of vening our admiration only sunken arouse, cheeks our Their hollow eyes and -“Vallow skin haunt our memory. fills the Alas house ! an storirt wife or mother or sister • -gloom and sadness and an otherwise hap- 11 ‘fa eside is shadowed with a pali of regret, the bd be the physician who has invented a Mm-ly with power to strengthen the female . ‘ uzation, that regulates the delicate fune- tlirobf feminine life, that relieves those bear- Craw' h pains, that renews the appetite, that ... digestion, that brightens ine eyes and ■\y ies the coinplexon with the glow of . , Such a remedy is Dr. Bull’s Sarsa- just It ’ best friend for . is woman’s eoun- sick |hg the evils that afflict her sex. Thou- >f ladies owe their beauty to a use of very bomparable alterative. Demand it of is quruggist. Take no other .—Paris News. S M'V\estv is doubtless the best policy, but it seems to have expired long ago. now’s This r We offer Qne Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking ^ Hall’s \md?Sfed Catarrh Cure. O h^ C 0P e f!’ j. We the known Cheney for the lact 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac- ANeit Truax, Wholesaie Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding. . Kin nan &Mamn, Wholesale Drug- E . H.Van H^en, Toledo, cSShler, Toledo National Bank, Ohio. N'j! 1 ' 8 Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aet- S . r ^f tLT“tem. e S,^-. “er’bottle' solo by ail Druggists, It's no Fin to siu, but it’s a sitt to be caught . That is-n ociety. smnms ' you are m s My wife for several years hail been an inva- iw and slowly grew worse i tried doctors but mend at once. She weighs fifteen pounds more sh - (! id ‘‘J! 11 ' ^°^. h ?.. ago ’ aad * teIs u uite , wll.- c- Ca ,o. Is the woman who goes to church to exhibit her sealskin siH-que religious? Wasting away, growing thinner Bull’s every flay. Poor child. You need Dr. Worm De¬ stroyers and you would soon grow fat aud hearty. Mamma, get her some. It seems paradoxical dollars to than say it, but some rich men have more sense. FITS stopped free by Dk. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and J:.’ trial bottle free. Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa The Mother's Friend, used a few weeks be¬ fore confinement, lessens the pain and Sold makes labor quick and comparatively easy. by all Druggists. The V. S. Government make? regular pur- ehaises of “Tansill’s Puncii ,T for the army. If afflicted wit h sore eyes use Dr.Isaae Thomp¬ son’s Eye-Water.Druggists sell at 25c per bottle. er 3 . et |ji j; CD •“r: I d: %'§ CH3 r • j •-V ! r\J I ^ v S3 m S~9,- I (/) Ul a -wG- >’ &> WS W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE fc£ GENTLEMEN I And Other Advertined .Specialties World. Are the j Best in the Nore genuine unless name and price are stamped on bottom. SOLD EVERYWHERE. If your dealer will not supply you, send postal for Instructions how to buy direct from fac ory without extra charge. W. L. ItOt LiL.iS Brockton, .Maas. i A(l|H|| Ill'Silm HABIT. Only Certain and I Win eaay CF&Bin the World. Dr. VI J. L. STEPHENS. I ebantm 0 PATENTS I Cn I 3 Xo Patent. N® Pay! \v*,t Book Ire® j 1 rm w. Fitzgerald a ci. * «« -V I V $ > •T01 .LA •> • f it #, > %, / \ ti ! V V 9 I 1 %, s XI 1 \ * l sst m m \ a r u ' w* i? 5v s. Copyright, 1889, Said Sarah to Mary: “ Pray, tell me, dear cousin, what can be the matter? > Sure, a tew months ago you were fairer and fatter. Now your cheeks, once so rosy, are Bunken and sallow, *’ Your thin, trembling hands are aa huelesa as tallow; Your nerves are unstrung, your temper is shaken. And you act and appear like a woman forsaken." Said Mary to Sarah: “Your comments seem rough, but the facts are still rougher, For nobody knows how acutely I suffer. I am sick unto death and well nigh desperation. A With female disorders and till nervous stomach prostration, is seething I’ve doctored and dosed my the trouble of breathing." And life hardly seems worth Said Sarah to Mary ; “ Forgive me, my dear, if my comments seem trusty, crusty. And, pray, try a cure that is certain and ’Tls needless to suffer, to murmur and languish anguish, And pass half your days in such pitiful For ‘ female disorders ’ of every description Prescription." Are certainly cured by Pierce's Favorite Mary heeded this good advice, bought Prescrip¬ a supply of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite tion and it wrought a perfect euro. The history of her marvelous restoration to health is similar to that of thousands. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the world-famed remedy for all those chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to American women. It is a most potent, invigorating, restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting tone aud vigor SICK HEADACHE, Dillons Headache, Dizzlnen, Constipation, Indiges¬ tion, Billons Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and V bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of A DR. FIERCE’S PELLETS. Purely Vegetable ana Perfectly Harinleus. Aa a liIVEH. PILL, Lnequaled! OWE PELLET A DOSE! Fop Fifty Years the Standard Blood-purifier and Tonic, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has no equal as a Spring Medicino. Prepared by O'?*® O. & Co •9 Lowell, Masa. ij’ » GOING NORTH 2l*J —OR III ONE OF THE-- WEST — l.vivr. BURLINGTON ROUTE -THROUGH TRAINS FROM- ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO —TO— Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Tlic Best Line for nil Points North mul Went and the Pacific Coast. home seekers- excursions! Reduced Rates of one f areTor the round trip' hava t’oio™«1o,WyominK.l^^ North and .South Dakota, Idnbo^ Northwestern Montana" Iowa, Uliuetota uid Wisconsin. Round trip tickets on sale April 22nd nnd AI nformation nv 20th, good for to 30 dnvs. For rate* and further Route, apt* y the ticket agent of ttie Burlington or address, HOWARD ELLIOTT. Geu’l Pass. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. H. It. TODD, Gen’l Act. R.F. BLAKE, Trav. Freight A Pass. Agt. CHAS. F.LUDLUM, Pass. A«tt., Trav. 38 Wall Atlanta, Ga. St., CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS REO CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. -- w" ^ tiafe mnd a)way, reliable I.MiIlra, A I red. ask Dr.ifri«t for Diamond Srand. in (ribbon boxes, v-n -4 w!!h fclu, bVW Take other. AllpI \y I lb pasteboard boxn, pink wrapper*, are dangrrou* counterfeit*. Send 4e. V "Heller (•tamps! for tor I-adlca,” particular,, i'r» letltr, testimonials by return and mall. Maine Paper . CXem'l Co.. HadJaan 8*.. rhlla^Pa PATENTS-PENSIOMS^r W gest of Pension and Bounty laws. Send for Inventors' Uuhle or How to Get a Patent. ParaN’K O’Eaxbxu, Attorney at Law, Washington, I>. O. -- DISO’S REMEDY FOR ( ATAKRti.—Best. Easiest to use. Jl cheapest. Relief is itm.iedwte. A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. t CATARRH It is an Ointment, oi which a small particle by is mall. appi: lied to the nostrils. Price, 50 c. Sold by dniegists or sent Warren Pa. Address, E. T. Hazeltise, , to the whole system. As a soothing nervine it it is unequaled. See faitlif guarantee ully carried printed on bottle-wrapper and Out for many years. A Book of 160 pages, treating of Woman and Her Diseases, and their Self-cure, address, sent in plain sealed envelope, in to any on receipt of ten cents, stamps. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. SCHENCK’S WON EAWEED \ TONIC la a Positiro Curo for DYSPEPSIA iy y? nil Disorders of the Digeat- And ivs Organa, it ia likewise a ^ W*«Airr»e Btwthwi corroborative, or strengthen¬ I ing Medicine, and may be taken with great benefit In all cases of Debility. For Sale b? all Druggists. Price, 81.00 per bottle. Dr.Schenck’s New Book on Lungs Liver and Stomach mailed free. Address. Or. 1. H. SCHENCK & SON. Philadelphia. VO THE SICK WttmVV DR. KING'S ROYAL GERISIETUER ( urea diwaee without fail. Builds uplrom the first dose. Price § j .50 tier bottle (makes one lull gallon particu¬ of medicine). Afflicted lend stamp for lars and certificates of wonderful cures. Forsale by druggists and by the Atliintir tiernietncr there Co., ATI, A NTS, Ga. Agents wanted where lire no droggists. Sixty gallons of tins wonderful emedy is being drank in Atlanta daily. JONES 1113 PAYS THE FREIGHT. & Ton \\ au;on Iron Tare Levers. Beam and Roarxrciox Bearija^, lor. Bra m . seo. Jl ^7 ' Kver^ size fieaie. For lroe prlc® I ist r iitenttou this paper and tuidretag / JOKES BINOIIAMTOX, OF BINGHAMTON. N. V. A ^ VULCANIZED FIBRE HE WASHERS. Bm CHEAPEST AND BEST. OUTWEAR FOUR LEATHER ORES. Ask your Hardware Dealer for them, cr write to Vulva nixed Fibre to.. 14 Dey St., Now York. ftDill&JI II rillill wUm ATLXSYaTqL b. m.woolley. m. d* Office 86 ik Whitehall 8t_ GAPC$ CHOLERA anti ROUP deitray your Poultry. Send 5 one-cent stamps for a largoillostratod cataioga*. Tells you how you can learn to prevent and 'ire all their diseases. A. 31. LAKO, Core Dale, My- PENSIONS rEilAluSva ,N, it, Fitsgerahl, *■<»« A LI. Att’y, or Wash., NO PAY. O. C. M ■ I prescribe and folly only en¬ dorse Big G as the specific for the certain cure ® A nT .Ml V ol G. this H.INURAHAM, disease. M. D-. i 3TC I eaeseowwwrc. Amsterdam, N. Y. Hre only ty the We have sold Big Q tor V JL B Ct zx ; n.n a-Jjmmk Jfl faction. DYCHE & CO nh(y. D. K. lit. . * Chicago, Ti»l^^^#BS? ! awbl*1.00. Sold by Druggista. A. N. U Sixteen, 189Q