The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, May 01, 1890, Image 7

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Singing Birds. singing birds arc instructed in their the elder males. They are real >y masters. Song is not with birds in <r supposed, innate or iu- popular IV an d. ed faculty; it has to be pur birds, when captured, only learn r correctly when placed under tui- n ^('onsetpiently. . when it is desirable bird to learn any particular strain <>t • other singer, they should be placed same room, apart from other sounds. * as birds so prone to imitate that, unless from miscellaneous sounds, they their song by introducing bad [ A good canary, nightingale, gold- good L skylark or woodlark makes a master for young birds. In Tlm- [ a birds are' noisy selected outbursts, for teachers descend h, instead of av!v through all notes of the octave 'i silvery sonorous voice. Many in the wild state imitate their fel- iU it is difficult to recognize their fcl song. As a rule, most birds nat dug Tike their parents, and have to ,arated when quite babies to pre- t. smallest circular saw in practical which is that can a fair maiden smile and be gay, Bfflovel.v and loving and dear, v’Gct as fi rose ori^bt as tne Muj \\j ien her liver is all out of gear ? au’t. It is impossible. But if she will ko Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Diseov- cleanse and stimulate her disor- I iver, purify her blood, make her corn- soft and rosy, her breath wholesome, I •its cheerful and her temper sweet. All ts. hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust ith your offensive breath, but use Dr. iage’s Catarrh Remedy and end it. be too severe on the man who scolds e in public. Perhaps that is the only ■ dares <h> so. - purifier and strengthening alterative, of several instances where it has put and women on their feet It after physi¬ cal exhausted their skill. is a medi¬ al certainly goes right good. to the The spot, blood the •st dose seeming to do ifennd we believe there is no other |ne remedy. made so And powerful it does as look a blood if purifier when as ixl is made pure a person naturally gets We advise any of our subscribers who ling [give and feel sick Sarsaparilla from any cause what- I)r. Bull's an immad- -Covin(/ton K.rpress. satisfied secret with of popularity himself first, is to and make af- satisfied with you. tvv of a man Who was Bull’s cured Sarsaparilla. of a forty sore on liis leg by inilv tli at, it cured of erysipelas which ■[ failed i; to benefit.-Jo/m JJ. Andrew*. a . is a debt, like coffee V Because the sooner tied tho less grounds there are for com- ,I/S CATARRH (THE directly is a liquid and the n internally, and surfaces acts of the upon i kud mucous system, pr testimonials, free. Sold by Druggists, | J. CHENEY A- CO., I’roprs., Toledo, O. i ! is an organ-grinder who is so suspioi- 1 the compels his monkey to carry a nch. _________ or T)r. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. Don't ... i • druggist sell you some other kind of ledieme. None other are so safe and ure. j rcat art to love your enemy consists in i «ing sight of man in him. P m stopped free by I)R. Kune’s Great Restorer. No Fits after first day's ! .arvelous cures. Treatise and Phila., $2 trial ree. Dr. KLine, 931 Arch St., l’a ' icted Dr.Isaac Thomp- with sore eyes use attfic bottle, per ■---- ket match-safe free to smokers of Il’s Punch” 5c. cigar. n’t Get Caught il [ins, as you may have beeu digestion before, with im- pod [ppetite full of impurities, your torpid, poor, kidneys and liver and , htsm liable to be prostrated by disease—but keif into gtiod condition and ready for the and warmer weather, by takiug Hood’.-, ■ilia. It stands unequaled for purifying the Iving an appetite, and tor a spring medicine. 01 od’s Sarsaparilla 'e year* I was sick every spring, but last tan in February to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, he bnttles and have not seen a sick day ^k>. W Snout, afflicted llilton. Mass. was with the worst tyjie or anr i oil the recommendation of my drug B' 0 ijfm Htxid’s Sarsaparilla. To-day he i, f| l well, notwithataadiac it was said the.-- [enough Ntian, Iliipolis, medicln- iu Illinois to affect a cure.' Ill. lz zyj Tirod Feeling ® ri t-class spring medicine ray wife and I r ’ highly of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cured ' of sick headache and relieved me of a ced feeling J. H. Pearce, Supt. Granit* Concord, N. H. >od's Sarsaparilla all druggists, ji ; sil for Prepared onh tit -'!> & CO., Lowell, Mast-. Looses One Collar tcvtKTrt* StVENTV > Bl!!odsness. Sick Headache. Constipation, uver Complaints, take the safe “>« certain remedy, SMITH’S E BEANS CV»/' 5 A^ 9IZE «0 little beans to the bot- INC stmnpg! 6Ue of 70: 01,8 Photo-gravure. pers or Picture for 4 I-kera enot Bl, Beans. * CO., » ’ st. Louis. Mo. - ll INS r * -V VY. f ti ltwiK ► OK A LI, or Vtih."D.C. NO 1*A Y Affy, r0m era me zj A'bZ m HHs y‘- .. • * ONE EiVJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup and of Figs is taken; it is pleasant gently refreshing to the taste, and acta Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the sys¬ aches tem effectually, and dispels colds, head¬ fevers and cures habitual constipation. only remedy of Syru kind igs is the its ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, healthy prepared only from the most and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities corn- mend it to all and have made it the Syrup most popular of Fig3 remedy is for sale known. in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCISCO. CAL. WHSVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N Y. L Children f «£4§ ! & always j ! . wm WW- : ! f ; Enjoy It. ! t ; ■SCOTT’S i ! ( t ; i IEMULSI t 0 ! ) ) 1 | ! ! of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- q ; phosphites of Lime and Soda Is 5 almost as palatable as milk. Children enjoy It rather than ! , ( otherwise. A MARVELLOUS FLESH : | PRODUCER it Is Indeed, and tho j j little lads and lassies who take cold ) j easily, may be fortified against a 1 ( cough that might prove serious, by j i ( taking Scott’s Emulsion after their ! l meals during the winter season. ! : Jieirare of stibstituiions and imitations. J i > L __ Ht Elys Cream Balm. “"^iColdiNflead SPLdVnHEA 0 ] I s si re to cure HUICKUY. Applv Balm into each nostril. £?''XT' 50c]kLY BROS.. 5S Warren St.. N.Y. BUSINESS COLLEGE, NASHVILLE, TENN. This College, though yet iu its infancy, lmsmorethun 600 for liter student* occu¬ pying poalttonn, many of them re¬ ceiving salaries ranging from $900 to $1.- 500 per annum. For circulars, address R, W. JENNINGS. Prln. IF YOU WISH ‘ r ..... ---r purchase one of the cele- if© ^ brated SMITH A WESSON arms. The finest small arms r ever manufactured and the I first choice of all calibres experts. :«and tt-iuo. Sin- NgS*) Manufactured in Safety 32 , Hannnerlesa and VTsV gleot double models. action. Constructed entirely of best 1- T arget wrought steel, carefully inspected for q work¬ 1111 manship lly and stock, they are unrivaled for finish, <ln rn hi lit v and accuracy. Do not be deceived by cheap malleable cast-iron imitations which are often sold for the genuine article and are not nnlv unreliable, but dangerous. The SMITH v WESSON Revolver* are all stain x d upon the bar- rels with firm’s name, address and dates of patents and are guaranteed perfect in every detail. In¬ sist upon having the genuine article, and if your dealer < annot supply you au order sent to addreaa below will receive prompt and careful attention. Deserptivecataloerue aud prices furnisbe 1 upon ap- plica ton. SMITH & WESSON, HT-llention this paj>er. Springfield, NIa**, r liHH » Tl For Ml h)’ s ^ y They hare been tried for over fiftv yeari, and ’ to-day the popular are most in nee. Your fathers and mothers used them. They Liver are the Safest, Purest, and Best Remedy for aud Stomaoh Diseases ever compounded. For Sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cts. per box ; 8 boxes for 65 cts.; or sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price. Dr. J. H. Scheack <fc Son, Phiiai'a. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT DK. 1.0BB, 320 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia. Twenty years’experience In special disease-; cures the worst cases o£ Nervous Complaints, Blood Poisoning, Blotches, Eruptions, Piles, Catarrh, Ulcers, Sores, Impaired Lung, Memory, Liver, Despondency, Dimness of Vision, confideutiaL Stomach, Kidney ^right's Disease); Hr call or write for question list and book. 6 JONES TON SCALES OF $60 BINGHAMTON Beam Box Tare Beam & H. Y. a.. « ILL SIXES .* DiTCUTC "sICm J No Patent. No Pay!------.. Wash., C. N. W. Fitzgerald A Co., V. MEMORIAL DAY. ITS OBSKRAKCR IN ATLANTA, GA., AND OTHKH FLACKS. The observance of Memorial Day at Atlanta, Ga., was a glorious ]>oints success. of Thousands of veterans trom ail the compass thronged the streets, while the well-arranged programme of the day was faultlessly carried out. The lirst duty to he performed was to lay the corner stone of the home which will shelter the dis¬ abled veterans who fought for the lost cause. The hour for the laying of the corner stone was purposely appointed early in the day in order to give every¬ and body an opportunity city to be time present, take yet to return to the in to part in the memorial services at the opera house and appear in the procession. The early morning trains brought great crowds of visitors to the city. Several military companies were among them. By noon the crowd began moving toward Marietta street, and a half hour later the sidewalks and streets near the old capital and DeGive’s opera houso were thronged. house full By 3 o'clock the opera was The Confederate generals and a few prom- iuenent citizens occupied the stage, with Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and Gen. Kirby Smith occupying seats close to each near the center of the front row. When the generals took their places on the stage they were lustily cheered. As Gen. John¬ ston and Gen. Sru'th took their places they were given an ovation. The opera house rang with the cheers of the vet¬ erans, the ladies waved white handker¬ chiefs and men and women stood up. Tne generals bowed their acknowledge¬ ments and took their places in the center. Gen. Clement A. Evans then introduced the orator of the day, Hon. J. C. C. Black, of Augusta, Ga. Major Black de¬ livered a beautiful aud touching eulogium in commemoration of the dead heroes. At the conclusion of Air. Black’s speech General Johnston was called for. He rose and thanked the veterans for his cor¬ dial reception closing by expressing again the hope that all of them would meet up yonder. As he said this he pointed toward the sky. He was given a renew¬ ed ovation. General Kirby Smith was then called for and said a few words in acknowledment. Gen. A. R. Lawton was also called for aud made a few brief remarks. Promptly at 4 o'clock the procession, which had been formed and waiting for the termination of the opera house exer¬ cises, began moving. It was a magnifi¬ cent demonstration, the battle-scarred ve¬ terans of ‘61 marching in line with their old leaders, and the glittering citizen uniforms and flashing arms of the soldiery. The procession was the largest that ever formed in Atlanta on Memorial Day. It reached from the capitol to the cemetery, aud the thousands who crowded along the line of march were interested and im¬ pressed demonstration. with the spirit which inspired such a At the cemetery the veterans marched to the confederate monument, which overlooks the graves of the soldiers who are buried there. The military portion of the procession was halted and at the en¬ trance of the cemetery, the troops drawn up iu line, city. extending on Hunter street toward the By the time the head of the procession entered the gates of the cemetery, the crowd of sweet-faced women had in¬ creased until it embraced all ages, from the silver-haired grand-mother to the tiny schoolgirl in short dresses. And maid aud matron joined in the sacred task of decorating the graves of those who sleep beneath the shades of Oakland. The “Unknown” were not neglected, and many a wreath of choicest flowers was laid on the lowly mound where sleep the heroes of the confederacy. When the procession reached the mon¬ ument and the various companies formed around it General Joseph E. Johnson and General Kirby Smith were driven up to the base of the tall marble shaft. A great yell went up that drowned the throb of the drum and the clamor of the band. Cries of “Johnson! Johnson!” were heard on every hand, and when the old warrior raised up in his carriage and lifted his hat. enthusiasm when wild. Cries for “Kirby Smith!” brought that old hero to his feet, and in a few words he expressed his fealty to the south and her people, and conferred his appreciation him by of the the distinction on veterans. At last, when the bugles sounded the retreat, and the Atlanta Artillery had fired the last salute over the graves of their fallen comrades, the crowd began to disperse. The day was generally ob¬ served throughout the South with fitting •and appropriate ceremonies. A CONFEDERATE MUSEUM. the DAVIS MANSION IN RICHMOND TO BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Tim several committees of the Rich- mood, Ya., city council, to whom were re- ferred the petition of the Ladies’ Holly- wood Memorial association, asking the use of the Jeff. IJavis mansion fora museum for confederate relies, had a seutatives eran organizatioas and the chain- ber of commerce endorsed the move. The committee unanimously adopted au ordinance giving the ladies he use of the mansion. Duriutr ° the dis- . It ., Stated , , that one room „ m cussion, was the building will probably be dedicated to each confederate state, to be used for the preservation of their relics. it was also intimated that an effort will be made to have the remains of Mr. Davis brought to Richmond, and buried in the old mansion. California experienced the most incle¬ ment and depressing winter this year since the year of great floods, 1861. It rained al¬ most incessantly for three months. £> -X r <«s- n ^ V D r /It j M !) I - ft a' y* V n O A v* II o t V n \ \ 0 1 V y« -c- % % v Ms- c o9* A SCARED EDITOR. A rugged farmer stalked into the sanctum with a Dig whip under his arm. “I am,” .“Be you the editor?” he asked. was the half apprehensive reply. “Here’s two dollars — send me your paper, for life,” he said. daughter “You see,” he went on, “our was sick and like to die; she drooped and grew weak and pale, had headaches, no ap¬ petite, back ached, hands and feet like ice, couldn’t sleep, hacked with cough, and we thought she had consumption. No medicine helped her until she tried that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription mentioned in your paper, when she liegan to mend in no time aud is now well and handsome as a rose — put me down as a life subscriber.” Now the editor is looking for another scare. The medicine has cured thousands afflicted the as was female the farmer’s daughter, healthy re¬ storing functions to ac¬ tion, and removing the obstructions and suppressions which caused her trouble. It is guaranteed price ($1.00) to give refunded. satisfaction It’s in legiti¬ every case or a mate alcohol medicine inebriate; , not a beverage. Contains no to no syrup or sugar to sour, or ferment in the stomach and de¬ range digestion. invigorating tonic, it imparts As an SICK HEADACHE, Biliona Headache, Dizziuess, Conatlpation, Indigea- 1 tion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of DR. PIERCE’S PELLETS. They are Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. As a lil VE R. FIZjXj, Unequaled! ONE PELLET A DOSE ! “Oh, So Tired!” is the cry of thousands every Spring. For that Tired Feeling take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and recover Health and Vigor. It Makes the Weak Strong. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. -/MOTHERS ».felEUD” T -'N Child. '-fMAKES LESSENS Diminishes P*i D rn wjs&srt mqt CHILD her 8RADFiaDAEGULM0 ? ra. / mNTr sA - C Plly 1■■ T - J 5" Inf tL RT * * nU. A J, p, STEVENS & BROa, aTIjANTA, G-A.. ■ MyyvKnvATmi tlvIB I F1U Wflia ■ ILLv i c ° *», D 'a tea ~ t—, / ~ #«■**»»*• («ud;.s) fo.- ou»t«fdu. pirticuUr*. tr,timoaial9 sni4«. v and ! w* jg "KiSlef for Lndk«,»ia Utur, t>j n*nrn *> ■— —/' n»dw.« s^. •ubk.i^ A fll IBB ||| mM . ^WHISKEY HAB- with- I H W* 2 I |Bl ITS cured at home j§ out pstn. Book of oar- -SY, IL R* osics «»« WLitnhnii st ^ •TaatM tarter? CoaBtJ- Skrtwd «wn V> t.„r*»r«nwWva.S»p-r«w»»«»a«aa-T ______ tmnnnnPU mNw» strength to the whole system. For over¬ worked, “worn-out,” ‘ run-down,” debili¬ tated teachers, “shop-girls,” milliners, housekeepers, dressmakers, nursing seam¬ stresses, and feeble generally, Dr. mothers, Favorite Prescription women is the greatest Pierce’s earthly boon, being and unequaled as an appe¬ tizing cordial restorative tonic, or strength-giver. bloating, It promptly weak back, cures nausea, indigestion, debility and sleeplessness. nervous It is prostration, carefully compounded by experienced an and skillful physician, organization. and adapted Purely to wo man's delicate vege¬ table and perfectly harmless in any condi¬ tion of the system. As a soothing Prescription” and strengthening unequaled nerv- iue, “Favorite is and is invaluable in allaying and subdu¬ ing nervous prostration, excitability, hysteria, irritability, and ex¬ haustion, spasms other distressing, nervous symptoms, functional com¬ and monly attendant upon organic disease. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de¬ spondency. For Book of 160 Woman; Her a and How pages Cure on them, (sent Diseases, to sealed in plain envelope) enclose ten cents, in stamps, to World’s Dispensary Med¬ ical Association, 663 Main Street, Buf falo, N. Y. NORTH ■J OR Routt. WEST —TAKE ONE OF THE- BURLINGTON ROUTE -THROUGH TRAINS FROM--- ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO —TO— Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Ilent Line lor all Point* North auii West and the Pacific Const. HOME SEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS! Reduced RutOBofonc fareforthe round fripiiav. been made bv the llnrlinaton Inh, Idaho, Koulc to po.nts m Colorado, tVyoming, I Montana, North and South Dakota, Northwestern Round Iowa. JlinneaolH and Wiaeonain. trip ticl'etaoi) sale For April 22nd and further and flay information iiOlh, apply gixxi tor t« ;iO dttVtt. rates of Kurlington Itoutc, the ticket agent the or address, HOWARD ELLIOTT. _ <»en’l Fa.». A«t., st. Lanin, >Io. 11. H Freight . TODD, &. «en>l Fas*. Agt. A B.F. BLAKE, Trav. ft. CII AH. F. LUOLUNI, yiarket''s"t".'^int.h\ille, ISO North TenII. r mil, !::fi: 1 f.n fq n L-8 a Ife- mi jjsH * 'o »• - - - A s’* m, A 2 Hw* * a- O o. S3 CO cr- LQ ______ Specialties Are ih* Beet in the World. None genuine unless name and price are stamped on bottom. SOLD EVERYWHERE. If your dealer will not supply’ you. send postal without for instructions charge. bow to buy direct from factory extra W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, flans. _ BEKHAN Sc 5IONRY, Washington, D. C. f 1 PxrDrr, yrsmos, </ljcum Member axd Latd Attorsktu. 9 O, D. Money, 10 year* Aes’t of Congress. A. A Freeman, S jr#aie O, tS. AU’j-dsn. An;i(si op,u habit. Only certain aa4 " Pl-So’fi Remedy for Catarrh to the Beet, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest- A Sold by druggist* or aent by mall. 5uc. E. T. Hazeltin.’, Warren, Pa. *- dorse I prescribe Big and the fully only en. (J as g Car** DAT*. in X specific this disease. f or t h e cartai n cum I TO & or •naseStrletar*. G.H.1NGRAHAM.M D., Amsterdam, N. \. Hrdasly hy tb* We have sold Big O lor tmiChaslMlOo. many years, and it ban _g-vep the test el satto- ■ faction. CO Ohio. D. R. DYCHE A in. _ Chicago, Trvit (rkl $1.00. Sold by Druggists. _ X V N. IT U.... Dighteeu,