The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, June 13, 1890, Image 7

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SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. : philosophers of our own time assert !connection between the spots on the of the sun and terrestrial weather. ice discovered ] Boston scientists have trees do not flourish near electric rhv need the of dark- hts They repose . ; ?ss. sig¬ The heliograph is used *o flash ns between stations in New Mexico 1 L Arizona that are seventy-five miles ft. man with a penchant for statis- has computed that more than I,.Jo,000 miles of b’ood human pass through being e veins of an ordinary Ling the lifetime of 70 years. A Russian inventor seems to ques- L the vaunted perfection of the binaii body, and has patented an ar- mo-cment of springs and harness to t worn to facilitate walking, running d jumping. IA prominent English electrician af- hns the value of lightning conductors though they are not always reliable. B said that there is almost as much i n ger of being hanged for murder as ing struck by lightning, fin Northern Africa has lately been scovered a river that has worn a bed .•ough the rock 300 feet deep, aiid bn makes a perpendicular leap 650 Jet, Lg while all around are peaks. deep, yaw- chasms and gigantic It has been proved that fish that live iar the surface of water can only de- end to a comparatively slight depth: an increased pressure they die, Id—this is very lemarkable—the Iter being forced into their tissues, fcir bodies become rigid and brittle glass. lA professor in the University of jlauseuburg bmidcd claims to have corn- a solution which completely butralizes the poison introduced into Ic system by the bite of a mad dog. his solution consists of chlorine later, salt brine, sulphurous acid, pnanganate of potassium, and eu- liyptus oil. j Mr. Stejneger of the Smithsonian at Washington in 1882 northwestern extremity : Behring Island the bones of Pallas’s irmorant, the extinction of which in North Pacific corresponds to that the great auk in the North Atlan- The eggs arc unknown and only ur specimens of the skin are to be wild in museums. Edison’s Simple Wnys. Edison is a Count, a millionaire and 10 most famous living inventor- His esont wealth, which amounts to an . v millions is as nothing to what it be in the next few years ; but he ' v °rks away in his laboratory, and mes forward to greet you in just a Sll it of clothes as he wore twenty ai ' a -°- As compared with Edison's fidle shop of twenty years ago, at Menlo Park, in which he used eat hi® bread and cheese seated on > old packing-box, talking over the ! k in hand with his two or three 1 kmen, the present surroundings e fabulously luxurious. Everything unbounded means, which may Lie case when we remember that his laboratory costs $200,000 a to maintain, But the master bid is still the same. M'hen he it was no r " omnion thing for him to remain at " bench for fortv-eight hours at a fetch, m sending one of the boys for cheese when he felt y. and not giving up until his as- ■'ants had actually fell asleep Ktand- e up ‘ ^ °-day he is just as interested. Insect Superstition. ___ 1 Ti“ io v 8 ,cry -r ieDtThe j\oran says ad flies shall „ perish save one — the bee fly. It is reo-arded as a death warning in’ Germany fc hoar a cricket's ny. I he Iapuva Indians in South Amer- iea sav the devil “hvn nssnmee assumes the the fmm loim nf Ot a -i A ii\. l\:un . is, . m some parts of the coun- trv, rllimiinf expected to follow unusually J loud (imping furnishing nf ot c.mi.atc tuckets. r,,. I lies are regarded . a as prognostications of the -Weather ucatntr, nnJ and wan even nf of other events. Span- . lards in the sixteenth century believed that spiders indicated gold when they were found in abundance. Although a sacred insect among the Egvhtians the beetle received but little notice in folk- lore. It is unlucky in England to kill good one. In Germany it is said to indicate web luck to have a spider spin his downward toward you, hut bad luck when he rises toward you. The grass¬ hopper is a sufficiently unwelcome visit¬ in ant of himself in this country, but Germany his presence is further said to announce strange guests. A Welsh tra¬ dition says bees came from paradise, leav¬ with ing the garden when that man fell, is but God’s blessing, so wax necessary in the celebration of mass. The ancients generally maintained that there was a close connection between bees and the soul. Porphyry speaks of “those souls which the ancients call bees.” It is said that upon the backs of the seven-year locusts there sometimes appear marks like a letter of the alphabet. When this looks like a W it is thought that war is imminent. German tribes regard stag de¬ beetles as diabolic, and all beetles are tested in Ireland, more “goldie.” especially a bronze is also variety known as It believed that to see a beetle will bring on rain the next day. Henry Grady’s Youth. The first school that Mr. Grady at¬ tended was taught in an humble little ivy-covered, one*room frame building by a lady who came to Georgia from New England several years before the war. Young Grady was nine years old when first put under the tutorship of this esti¬ mable and cultivated lady, and continued under her training and guidance first for two years. But about this time the guns of the civil war were summoning fathers of both Southern and Northern children to the front; and among the first that left Athens was Major W. S. Grady. lie was ordered to go to Asheville, N. C., where he was placed in command of sev¬ eral companies that were mustering for the great conflict. Here he was in camp for many months, drilling his companies and schooling them generally in matters of warfare. While thus occupied Major Grady was often visited by young Henry Grady and his mother; and it is said that even "then, while but a ten-years-old balanced boy, his sympathies were so evenly senti¬ that he gave utterance to similar ments to those which in alter days were so characteristic of his great speeches. In fact, all through his boyhood lie was known among his schoolmates to have been, while a loyal lover of his native South, always seemingly thoughtful of the nation’s welfare, as truly as on the night when, as has been said, “he plan¬ ed the standard of the Southern democrat in Boston’s banquet hall, and discussed the problem of the races in the home of Phillips and of Sumner .”—New England Magazine ______ A Greenliouse Turtle. The species of turtle w r hich is the sub¬ ject of the following item from the American Garden is very common in Florida and might in many instances be made useful. “In looking through a private greenhouse a few days since we made the acquaintance of a box-turtle, a species common in this section. We asked what his duties were, a».J found him invaluable in clearing out snails of all denominations, woodlice; in short, every variety of creeping, crawling in¬ sects. The gardner assure 1 us his ser¬ vices were of more value than those of a man.” _ Miss Gildings —“Oh, papa! What can be more brilliant than a diamond?” Mr. Giddings—“A girl’s wits when she wants one.” .Machinery. Joe S. Nix and Thomas Camp are engaged in the sale of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins and other machinery in the city of Atlanta, and since they have been in business have sold over seven hundred engines in Georgia, ’ihe relalion steam power bears to the development and civdization of onr country is wonderful. Men would not care to be wicked if women did not look on naughtiness with mingled dread and admiration. FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Kestorek. No Fits after first day’s trial use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and ?2 bottle tree. Dr. Kline, 031 Arch St., Phiia., Pa A Pocket Cigar Case and five of “Tansill’s Punch,” all for 25c. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ son's Eye-Water.Druggists sell at 25c per bottle. For a disordered diver try Beechaxi’s Piles. Creates An Appetite There is nothing for which we recommen 1 Hood's confidence than tor loss ' SarsiharUla with greater ) appetite, indigestion, sie'i neadache and other troa- bles of dyspeptic nature. In the most natural way this medicine gently tones the stomach, assists di- gestlon, and maxes one feel, “real huap-y. Lilies in deiicate health, after taking Hood’s sarsaparilla few - days . And «„s themselves __Inn.-in. ,0 ns“»S for Ior and eatinr e * uu s a relish. the plainest food with unexpected Hood’s Sarsaparilla Soki by all druggists, tl; si* for 55- 1 repared only by C. i. HOOD it CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar The Best Recommend. The best recommend a skilled mechanic can give is a specimen ot his workmanship and t he ssfffffsat Bull, Louisville, Syrup, inane by Dr. John of h-V., has been used with good effiot in many pected of it. If used for chills and fever it cures as certainly and completely localities as it has water al- tenches altogether thirst. taken In many the blace of quinine. It most has surer effect ou chills and fever than quin- ine, for it has cured many cases where quinine did no good whatevtf, and quinine then frequently it never pro¬ has duces the after effect on the system, such as nausea in the stomach, headache, dizzy sensations, etc. When aper- son has once used it in place of quinine they wil1 ever a fterwards prefer it. _ He—“Were you ever in love?” She- "I thought 1 was once, but since I have read a U ° VelS 1 C ° U ' We will give $ 100 reward for any case of catarrh that eunnot be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Take internally. F. J. Cheney A: Co., Proprs., Toledo. O- Governess—"And nov, dear, what ran you tell me about Minerva?’ Pupil—'“She she was the Goddess of Wisdom, aDd—and never mar¬ ried. __ Chills and fever clung to me eleven months. Quinine did me no good. Two bottles i. f Smith’s 'Tonic Syrup made me sound and well.—Chan. Pepper, No. 12 Ferdinand, St., New Orleans, La. To a lover the geography of the world re¬ solves itself into two localities—the where place where bis sweetheart is, and the place she isn’t. Crying all the time. Poor child. I know what makes you so peevish and cross. Mother must get you a box of those sweet little can¬ dies called Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. McCrackle—“What caused the Are at your boarding-house yesterday?” McCrackle—“A heated argument at the dinner-table.” Compliment to it Southern Book-keeper. The New York Sun says: “Just twenty-five Principal years ago R. W. Jennings, now the of Jennings’ Business College, Nashville.Tenu., was employed by the great firm of A. T. Stew¬ art & Cck, of New York, to examine into and report upon their hooks. This was successfully and satisfactorily performed and gave him at once a reputation as one of the expert Book¬ keepers of the country.” The Only Daughter Cured of Consumption. When death was hourly expected from Con¬ sumption, all remedies having failed and Dr. made H. James preparation was experimenting, of Indian he Hemp, accidentally which a recipe cured his only child, and now'gives this free on receipt of two stamps to pay expenses. Hemp also cures night sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break afresh cold in twen¬ ty-four hours. Address Craddock & Co., 1032 Race 1st., Philadelphia, Pa., naming this paper. iN /A / JPITIIMI # »*• — W emet t\ ’WAT CMS ft* rw* tvcNiP BUY THE STEVENS WATCH. BEWE PC JR CATALOG XTSJ. J. P. STEI/ENS & BRO.. ATLANTA, GA. F* It Friend” m LESSENS PAIf Dj a DIMINISHES ..(MOTHER ■Sf.*"MOTHERS m/LED FREE t > CHILD ATLANTA BRADFIELD REGULATOR DRUGGISTS. CO. SOLD BY ALL sevrw MVfMTCrN SEVCWTY i r * 3d - To cure Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation, Maluria. Liver Complaints, take the sale and certain remedy, SMITH’S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to the bot¬ tle). They are the most convenient; suit all ages. Price of elthei size, 25 cents per bottle. l»IwOlil<La iriCCIlUO at 7. 17, 70: Photo-gravure. panel size of this picture for 4 cents (coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH ft CO.. Makers of •’Bile Beans.” St. Louis, Mo. .... ! BUSINESS COLLEGE, NASHVILLE, TENN. Y This College, though yet iu its infancy, I has more than HOO former student them aoceu- pying go-xl positions, many of re¬ ceiving salaries ranging from 84HJO to $1.- 500 per annum. For circulars, address R. \V. JEN NINOS. Prim. CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS /irf ftv\ RJD Safe CROSS And always DIAMOND reliable. Ladle*. BRAND. A r' n asE Druggist for Diamond Brand, in metallic boxes, sealed with blue Viv —TwJJfribbon. pasteboard Take boxes, no pink other. wrappers, All pills are I 1 / ~ fff laVf^r*! <J»nfirert>ua J OT countei-felt*. .v^ticulars. testimonials Send 4c. and zn V- ta RWI«r r„r Ludl<-^”,n Utur. bj retur. mat I. Name Paper. (iietMtrr < 6-rn'l Co.. It.dUor. So-. Thila.. r» PIUM cured out and ticulars B.M. pain. Whiskey WOOLLEY, at sent home Book FREE. Habits of with¬ M.D. par¬ Atlanta. Cio. Office 104>. Whitehall St DETECT YES W*nte4 i. «v«ry Cosaty. Shr«w4 men to at under tattrasUM „ Mf ^ w h*uvt. ruiinhn fte. tiraauan Deteetlva Bareas Co. 44Ajad. ahwimti a ■rnPP Cil ORLtimtll teilCV "W-.toleBoot vs. Piece I I UPP Root Trees" PAY. llkb STAKE NVRSERIES, Louisiana, M«x 50,000 Men A Wom“n Canvassers now. il * n hour. Prc^eui wrortu $1. A. Bloom ngdale.Gloversville.N.Y. J§i I if rm h/} m / ►V- OPm RNJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup and refreshing of Figs is taken; the it is pleasant and to taste, acta gently Liver and yet promptly cleanses on the Kidneys, Bowels, the sys¬ tem aches effectually, and fevers dispels and coldi. habitual head¬ cures constipation. Svrup kind of Figs is the only remedy pleasing of its the ever pro¬ duced, to taste ana ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com¬ mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Kile in 50o and $1 bottles bv all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VMSVILLL. KY. NEW YORK. N Y. MOORE’S r COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GA. Shorthand Established over tiventv years. teachers, Bookkeeping Thousands and taught by experienced of students ia good paying positions. Terras moderate. Students received daily. Send for circulars. 6 J0NE8 TON SCALES OF $60 BINGHAMTON Beam Box Tare Beam f N. Y. V .a, ALL &LZJL8 ** / ^5’ ^ 7M few? lil-H CEMETERY IRON SIXTY CATALOGUE STYLES FENCE & FREE LAWN FOR H J. W. RICE,ATLANTA, GA. 11 T 1 HIS OWN DOCTOR By J. Hamilton Ayers, A. M., M. D. Tlii* ia a moat Valuable Book for the Household, teaching a* it doe* the easilv- A K distingaiabed Symptom* of different Dt»- \ eaaea, th* Cauaea and Mean* of Prevent¬ FOB THE DOCTOR WHEN ing anch Disease*, and the Simplest Rem¬ NO NBKD TO RUN YOU HAVE THIS BOOK. edies which will alleviate or cure. 1 m The Book is written in plain, every-day English, a and is free from the technical terms which render most Doctor Books so valueless to the generality of readers. This Book ie intended to be of Service in the Family, and is so worded as to be readily understood by all. ONLY 60 CENTS POSTPAID. (The low price only being made possible by the immense edition printed.) Not only does this Book contain so much Information relative to Disease, but very properly gives a Complete Analysis of everything pertaining to COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE AND THE PRODUCTION AND REARING OF HEALTHY FAMILIES; TOGETHER WITH VALUABLE RECIPES AND PRESCRIPTIONS, EXPLANATION OF BOTANICAL PRACTICE, CORRECT USE OF ORDINARY HERBS. HEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED WITH COMPLETE INDEX. With this Book in the house there is no excuse for not knowing what to 3o ia an emergency. Don’t wait until you have illness in your family before you order, but send at once for this valuable volume. ONLY 60 CENTS POSTPAID. Send postal notes or 2-oent postage stamps. ATLANTA PUBLISHING HOUSE, 11 4-118 LOYD ST., ATL ANTA, GA. __________ Winship * Machine ATLANTA., Co., GfA. fBBHrr— COTTON GINS, Self-Feeders and Condensers, COTTON PRESSES, To Pack Up or to Pack Down. THE BEST IN USE. Oar Cotton Gin as now Improved ia Sapnior to any on the Market. Sr-i bSAW MILLS. The Lowest Price and Best Mill. ’Cane Mill* and Syrup Mill Kettles, Shaft- 1 -M in* Fulley*. Gearii up. Send for Circulars and Prices. CHAL1IES. 5.COO piece* of Excellent quality, rilINTfcD CHAI.LIE DRESS GOODS, 21 inches wide, In many choice patterns, including FAST BLACKS, with White Figure*, all at 5 cts. per yd. Send for sample*. Postage on 12 yd*. 20c. extra, making an extra dress pat¬ tern cost 80c. SHEPARD, N0RWELL & 00., BOSTON, MASS. _GOING I|' § NORTH - OR --- at ONE OF TJIE- WEST -TAKE BURLINGTON ROUTE -THROUGH TRAINS FROM- ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO —TO— Kansas City, St. Joseph, Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Best Line for all Points North and West and I he Pacific Coast. CHEAP XjAIVDS. A'ongthe Lines of the Burlington Route in Ne¬ braska, Colorado. Wyoming nnd North¬ western Kansas, there is etui eome Govern¬ other ment Land awmting settlement, as well as cheat) land held by individual*. These lands are unnug the best to be had anywhere in the country for n*n- cnltural and grazing purposes, and in the compara¬ tively new districts are many improved farms which- can be descriptive purchased at land a paintilllots, very low rate. folders, etc,, For Burlington map*, Route, call on any a^ent of the or address ELLIOTT, HOWARD Gen’l Puss. Agl., Ht. Louis, Mo. _ II. 11. TODD, Gen’l Ah'., Freight , & Pass. A«t., H.K. BLAKE, Tru v. Agt., CHAS. K. LIJDLOI, Trav. Pass. I 89 North Market Ht., Nashville, Teun. PATENTS—PENSIONS"!,,;” %£ tJX gest ot Pension and Bouutx laws. Send tor Inventor*? Guide or How to Get a Patent Patrick O'Farrru, Attorney at Law, Washington, D. C. OPIUM nrtaiu 1, World, Lebanon, and ills O • • —- 4 _ I prescribe and folly an. vH dorse Big <} as the only ri TO Onr«i« 6 DATB.^ specific of tbisdi fortbe certain cur* 8eage. BunslMd Ml M G. H. INURAH AM.M.D., Maas •iriciurt,. Amsterdam, Is'. Y. lira only by (be We have sold Big O for trim Cbials*] Oo. many years, and It ba* m given the best ef satis¬ . k faction. CO., Ohio. D. R. I1YCHF. & III. !»rkHSl.OO. Chicago, Trade Sold by Druggist*. Plso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. CATARRH ■ ,\+ Sold by druggists or sent by mail. 50c. BL T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. | A. N. U Twenty-four, 18&1.