The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, June 20, 1890, Image 7

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household affairs. ..viSDCCM- 09T2ICH FEATHERS. |t° r ' “I dean and wuuiux. _______ „. v ~. I * plsver ostrich feathers, and , think ' K „ best milliner cannot do it much r te b solution made of good In a (boiled and r iP.nm o nd soft water p astl r o' om.thc feathers are washed, time before soaked them in L,?r After that process, I pul water. lTdean table and mb .them care- r fewTtb cloth, simply fine linen or a hands few times: them through my a P® lav them between two linen cloths, t , dry, wher a them gently till they are [?", 11 tom Shot apart and hold them over s coal .0 carl. This mas. I tTdoae L wy the “ reIull downy S “ feathers d ° 0t *°° are very ‘‘ ea ' P.,_ coal Jnced as A bit of sulphur throwc | Re L coal when white pure feathers white. are Thu tc I cleaned, insures a Less seems quickly bothersome, done.” but is very | m ple and chimney curtain. I a handsome chimney curtain to hang I ss t be fireplace where there is no fire- lace under the shelf, is made as follows: lake stripes of blue cross-stitch canvas, B i and one-fourth inches wide, and \...... . e ve red Blush, five inches wide, t nM lited by drawn stripes of heavy white the seams being concealed by rows jen The plush stripes are left i cr oss-bars. pile needing decoration; ain the rich no L vas ones are ornamented with a C a n in red, white and gold, bss-stitch border be design is worked with coarse em- Lidery cotton, or twist and gold thread, rh stitch being crossed over two threads f Llean c h way. The ground, drawn and thread are stripes worked have al- Lately linen The with red and blue threads. L s _bar row beside the red stripe is blue, side the blue one red. The hanging is Immed at the lower edge with a fringe otted of blue and red cotton. The lotting:is as follows: Two red and seven ue double threads, nine aud one-half I Iches long, are looped in alternately to |e lue half, double so that threads four red formed. and fourteen The are "] knotting threads arc united by a chain single buttonhole knots, while the blue es form pointed ribs of knots, and then |o seven chains of buttonhole knots. Ine curtain with linen .—Yankee Blade. EERILY RECIPES. |Xo more healthful diet can be put upon L table at this season than fruit, says L Courier Journal. Leibig says on Is [' subject: Irtion Besides contributing a large pro- of sugar, mucilage and other jtritive ley contain compounds such in fine the combination form of food, of a betable acids, attractive substances, d diuretic principles, with the uutri- ^ matter, as to act powerfully in the rmcity of refrigerants, tonics and ftisceptics, and when freely used at p season of ripeness, by rural laborers id others, they prevent debility, lengthen digestion, correct the putre- btive tendency of nitrogenous food, jert lengthen scurvy the and probably of maintain productive and jiower Ikivn ^ -4 __ Fresh ripe fruit is particularly whole- tie if taken in the early part of the y. ‘ That housekeepers may serve :m with variety the following sug- itions are given: frozen Currants—Mash a quart of red [rants, add two pounds of sugar, the pe of three oranges and one lemon, let p i one hour, add a quart of water, [ I freezer until the and sugar is dissolved, turn in freeze. -urnnts ich)—To and raspberries—(for tea red ot : every quart of large, pberries allow a pint of ripe currants V a pound of sugar. Put on a pre- » T e kettle, bring to a boil, dish and set Ihe ice—the juice should jelly. purrant atine with Sponge—Cover half of half cold a box water, of V a cup soak for half an hour; then pour over y a pint of boiling water, add half a ar and stir until it dissolves, lain half a pint of currant juice, and I on ice until thick and cold; then beat I ” whites of four eggs, put in the mix- 2$. p ^ eat until smooth, tarn into a fancy and set on ice to harden. raspberries Meringue—Crush a pint of al - with a pint of sugar; ^ the whites of four eggs; stir all to¬ ner gently until it stands alone, |ioca raspberry Tapioca—Wash a teacup of [er with through several waters, then cold water and let soak all nt- In the morning set on a close i pour over a pint of boilipg water; slowly until the tapioca is per- [7 Ciear into - Stir a quart of ripe rasp- r es the boiling tapioca and a [eteri. pdish; 1 set ake from ice; the when fire; pour cold, in a on very e sugar and cream. -ewed Gooseberries—Stem and top quart ot gooseberries; put them in a f P.' eam C0Ter Settle; the add kettle one close pint of and boiling stew p 3*| >uinute8. Add one pound of sugar, catr on the back of the stove-where it ( Jt , ,0 ° bot for fifteen minutes. i>erry FOOd - Stem aIld t0 P 3 1 ofwater until they are bed OUr through colander * a to re- l«K er the and skla s; add a teaspoonful of i’l a Cu P °f sugar, and the yolks mi e ^* beaten, and S] s i pour in a • ® eat the whites of the eggs f hy an<i add two heaping .nfuk ; tea- P0Wd€fcd 8U g ftr ’ aud be a t a He - *p»“ •“p Colors and the Eye of TVT pn bcience gives US interesting details about aooui vtnat what tbe the human Human eye has h«e Koo~__ been and a vv nat it may become. The Vedas of In- dia, which are the most ancient a " clent written written uocunv nts, . attest ,, , that . most in times re- mote, but still recorded in hisfnrv 'i nnlv two colors co.ore were were I knov\D, nmn black n« i and red. i* could A very long time elapsed before the anrV» eye perceive the ^ color color vellow yellow, ana a still longer tune before green could be distincuished thJ•J,lemarhapie • and it is remark-ship that tnat in in trie most ancient languages the term which designated yellow insensibly passed to had. the signification of green. The Greeks opinion, according to the generally received the perception of colors very highly developed, and yet authors of a more recent date assure us that, in the time of Alexander the Great, the Greek painters knew but four colors, viz: white, black, red and yellow. The words to designate blue and violet were wanting to the Greeks in the most ancient times of their history, they calling these colors gray and black. It is thus that the colors in the rainbow were only distinguished gradually, and the great Aristotle knew only four of them. It is a well known fact that when the colors of the prism outside are photographed the there remains the limit of blue and violet, in the spectrum, a dis¬ tinct impression which our eves do not recognize as a color. Physiologists tell us that it is reasonable to suppose that,as the color organ becomes more highly de¬ veloped, and even before the human eye becomes perfect, this outside band will evolve into a color perfectly discernible. The Earth and Comets So far as the nucleus of a comet is con¬ cerned, there has never been any recorded case of contact with the earth. There has, however, been at least one instance of contact between the earth or its at¬ mosphere and the tail of a comet, for the earth passed through the tail of the great comet of 1861, in the month of June, in that year, and was immersed in it for a space of three or four hours. According to the astronomer Arago, occurred. this phenome¬ If non had never before a comet did come into contact, with the earth, it w r ould, in all probability, be the only sullerer. The earth w T ould it is thought, neither be thrown from its or¬ bit; nor disturbed in any material w T ay. The only result so far as it is concerned •would be a magnificent display of shoot¬ ing stars, the atmosphere of the earth acting as a perfect shield, and consuming the cometary fragments ns rapidly as they rushed into it, In 1832 a contact with Biela's comet was expected, and greatly the feared, but the comet arrived at meeting place about a month before its expected time, and hence a collision was avoided. Wlmther it has since collided with the earth or some other that planetary time it body is not kuown, but since lias broken up and disappeared as a comet from human vision. A Triumph of Surgery. A novel operation has been Irfirmary. performed A in the Edinburgh Royal diseased leg- farmer was suffering from a On medi¬ bone, induced by au accident. cal advice he came to the infirmary and was put under the care of a surgeon, who determined to remove the diseased por¬ tion and substitute an ox rib. The oper¬ ation was performed a month ago, and it seems it has been so successful that the man will be about again shortly with a limb as strong and healthy as ever. A woman has suggested is that when when men break their hearts, it the same as a lobster breaks one of his claws—another sprouts immediately aud grows in its place. Georgia’s Next Covrrnor Is a wise selection. Tlie prospect for a fine cotton crop and good price is excellent, and the decided increase in orders for first-class Steam Engines, Saw-mills, Cotton Gins and other improved machinery from our leading dealer, Joe S. Nix, of Atlanta, Ga., all point to an era of prosperity that we hail with pleasure. A man never realizes what perfect idiots women are until he hears his best girl laughing at some other fellow’s jokes. look Crue', fashionable the welfare mother of ! "Why sickly don't little you after your enough it child ? The nurse hasn’t eense to get a box of Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers. McCrackle—“What caused the fire at your boarding-house yesterday'/” McCrackle—“A heated argument at the dinner-table.” I use Smith’s Tonic Syrup in my practice, it and am determined to use it so long as chills gives such excellent satisfaction in cases of and fever .—John P. Mwshat , Calhoun, Ala. A fool always finds a greater fool to admir e him. _ Erie Railway. This popular Eastern Line is running solid vestibuled trains, consisting of beautiful day coaches, Pullman sleeping and dining York cars, and between Cincinnati, Chicago, New Boston. All trains run and via Lake Chautauqua holding during the season, passengers off at this through tickets are privileged Be to stop tickets read world-famed resort. R. R. sure your via N. Y., L. E. & W. FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nehve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s trial use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and Phila., $2 Pa bottle free. Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Peculiar That Hood’s harsaparilla does possess curative powers Peculiar to Itself is conclusively shown by the wonderful cures it has effected, unsurpassed in the history of medicine, This absolute merit it possesses by reason of the fact that it is prepared by combination. Proportion and Process Pecu¬ a to other medi¬ liar to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, known no cine, and by which the fuU medicinal power of all the ingredients used is retained. If you have never Hood’s Sarsaparilla a fair trial will convince token you of its merits. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Prepared only Sold by all druggist*. »1; six for *5. by C. 1. HOOD & CO„ Lowell, Mass. lOO Doses One Dollar A Safe Guard. Few people living in a malarial country but occasionally need a vigorous tonic, either to keep off the malarial reeling or else to cure the disease if it once gets into the system, There is uo more uncomfortable disease that humanity than thills and fever. It drives away energy and ambition. It makes one feel sit K and mean ail over. A safe guard against the disease and a sure cure is Smith's Tonic Syrup, made by Dr. John do Hull, for of Louis- ville, Ky.” A single bottle will an entire family. It is far better than quinine, follows us no derangement of the system ever its use. The use of quinine causes a and buzzing m the ears, dizzy sensations, and nausea paralysis. sorne- Use times convulsions Smith’s Tonic Syrup and all such danger is avoided. In fact it has all the good medicinal Qualities of quinine with, none of its evil na- ture ' All work and no play—Learning the piano. A. M. Priest, Druggist, Shelbyville, Ind., says : “Hall’s Catarrh Cure gives the best of satisfaction. Can get plenty of testimonials, as it cures every one who takes it.” Druggists sell it, 76c._ '_ What is the most proper exclamation for a man to make when he barks his shins ? “Dog gone it 1” _ Syrup of Figs, Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the 6ystem, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. It frequently turns out that the queen of diamonds is a knave of hearts. After dinner 6xnoke “Tansiirs Punch.” f PATENT IMPBOVtO' UNEQUALLED FOB i ACCURACY . & i SEND FOR ^ wy |r CATALOGUE^ 'J ? 4-T V ^NS&bB& i k WHITEHALL ST, - ibw ATLANTA GA J &&J3lf SlNEss ’ J y ® «■ t i : jyJTrf V —-r -g»— ' mi Eft' (J, Ar. trerti— :V » JL THE LEADING- TELEGRAPH SCHOOLS SOUTH. Best Equipped, Most Practical and Most Economical. Only school in the country that fits its graduates for the practical duties of both Agent and Operator. Furnished agents and operator* for Twenty-three different roads during the year 1889. Has graduates at work on Western Union line, Postal line and on Twenty-seven of the leading roads of the South. Send for complete new catalogue free. COUCH & LUOENBEEL, Senoia. C5a. teves •CVCNTXCM it scvrwTr \r. To curs Biliousness. Sick Hoadache. Constipation, Malaria. Liver Complaints, taka the safe and certain remedy, SMITH’S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to the bot¬ tle). They are the most convenient: suit ail agea Brice of either size, 25 cents per bottle. IflASfi Klwaillu SMfi at 7 - 17 ' 70: Photo-gravure, tori panel size of Giia picture cents (coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH St CO.. Makers of * ‘Bile Beans. 1 ’ St. Louts, Mo. purchase one of the cele- T?§ ^ M hrated SMITH & WESSON arms. The finest small arms ‘ I ever manufactured all and the firat choice of experts. Manufactured in calibres 32.38*nd 44-UQ. S1n- ale or double action. Safety Hammerlees and Target models. Constructed entirely of bent for sun!. Ity wrouulit steel, carefully unrivaled inspected for finish, work- mansh'u and and stock, they are Do not be deceived by durability mullenble nccurncy. cnst-lron imitations whicn cheap often sold for the genu'ne article and are not are but dangerous. The SMITH A onlv unreliable, ail stamped the bar¬ WESSON Revolvers are and dates upon of patents rels with flrm’p name, address In¬ and are gunru n t ecd perfect in every detail. sist upon having the genuine article, and if your dealer cannot supply you an order sent to ad di r-ss below will receive prompt and careful attention. Descrptiveoataloime and orices furnished upon ap¬ plicator SMITH & Springfield, WESSON, Mans. MfMe.ntton this paper. WALL PAPER BARGAINS! We will guarantee all these clean new goods just made, and full length—8 yards to the roll. An 8-yd. roll White back Paper, 3 to Sc. An 8-yd. roll Gilt Pnper. 5 to 10c. An S-yd. roll Etnbomed Gilt Paper.Sto 15c. Gilt Borders, 4 to 18 inches wide, li and 3c. per yard. Borders without Gilt. 'Z to 9 inches lc. per yard. the best and Send 4c. in stamp* for sample* of greatest bargains in the country. F. II. CADY, 305 HIGH STREET, Mention this paper. Providence. R, I. BORE WELLS! MAKE Well Machine* are the most MONEY! Our SVOCKSSrCL! i RBLIABLE, DURABLE. and > They do MOKE WORK PKoriT.TP £L< aakeOKEATF.R WelU where They FIN ISH S EK. ethers FAIL! Any *ixe. inebee to 44 inches diameter, ipy Cat alogue LOOMIS & NYMAN, FREEI TIFFIN, - OHIO. *£?£H£Ms BOX.-»8 WORTH A GUINEA A For BILIOUS & NERVOUS HiSOHOERS S S wo Sick Headache, Weak Disordered Stomach, Impaired Liver, Digestion, Constipation, etc., ACTING LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame. Beecham’s Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE FEMALES to complete health. SOLD BY ALL DRUCGISTS. Price, 25 cents per Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEEOHAM, St. Helene, Lancashire, England. A F. ALLKJf CO., Sole Agents for United States, 30,1 & 367 Canal St., New Fork, who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham ’s Bills on receipt of price—but inquire first. (Mention this paper.) Ooliniir.! G0IN6 NORTH '■ fW-ri ; -OR— .—TAKE one of the— WEST BURLINGTON ROUTE -THROUGH TRAINS FROM- ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO —TO— Kansas City, St. Joseph. Denver, St, Paul and Minneapolis. The Brat Line for all Pointa North and West and the Pacific CoMt. CHEAP LANDS. Along the Lines of the Burlington Route in Ne¬ braska, Colorado, Wyoming and North¬ western Kansas, there 13 stiil some Govern¬ ment Land awaiting settlement, as well as other cbeaD land held by individuals. These lands are among the beat to be had anywhere in the country tor agri¬ cultural and grazing purposes, and in the compara¬ tively new districts are many improved lorius which can For be purchased at land a pamphlets, very! ow rate folders, etc., call descriptive of the Burll maps, Route, or on any agent iugton address HOWARD Gen’l ELLIOTT, Pass. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. II. R. BLAKE, TODD, tienM Trav. Agt., Freight As Pans. Agt., B.F. Trav. Pasa. Agt., CHA8. 180 North F.LUDLUM, Market St., Nashville, Trim. (OjA iksaor C0MBINI^GljARTICLESili fc. r s? 1 r FURNITURE. ;; * s’ - .(Invalid ' BnEl WHEEL IT* ifl pmCHAIBS; ' 'I We wholmile retail factory at the pr\cc^/KJ' lowest sg&fttA Jf* [Hit JLCUUBG MFfci. CO., 145 ». 8th 8U Phiiaiu.. ra. H B #^f®l Ml and ured Whiskey Ilt luirne Habits witli- < ' PBiaS KM B IS P* » EMm out licuiars pain. Book FREE. of pnr- W MM 19 uw B.M. WOOLLEY,M.D. sent Atlanta. «a. OBice 104*4 Whitehall St HnyC BGvmc Sl’UUl, PenmuijsUip, Book-keeping, Business Fonns, Arithmetic, Short-hand, etc., ■ « thoroughly taught by MAIL. Circulars free. Brynnt’a College, 457 Mam St., BuhuJo, N. Y. TREE I likb SALESNiEr ^ o, «'-vk STAKE NURSERIES, Louisiana, Mo. • A !1 \ 1 t iftl —HIS OWN— DOCTOR By J. Hamilton Ayers, A. M., M. D. ThU Ii a moat Yaluable Book for the <S S Household, teaching a* It doeo the casily- dUtlocalakcd Symptoms of different DIs- \ eatti, the Cause* and Means of Prevent¬ NEED TO RUN FOR THE DOCTOR WHEN ing snob Diaeaaes, and the Simplest Rem¬ NO YOU HAVE THIS BOOK. edies which will alleviate or cure. I fl “ v J The Book is written in plain, every-day English, and is free from the technical terms which render most Doctor Books so valueless to the generality of readers. This Book is intended to be of Service in the Family, and is so worded as to be readily understood by all. ONLY 60 CENTS POSTPAID. (The low price only being made possible by the immense edition printed.) Not only does this Book contain so much Information relative to Disease, but very properly gives a Complete Analysis of everything pertaining to COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE AND THE PRODUCTION AND REARING OF HEALTHY FAMILIES; TOGETHER WITH VALUABLE RECIPES AND PRESCRIPTIONS, EXPLANATION OF BOTANICAL PRACTICE, CORRECT USE OF ORDINARY HERBS. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED WITH COMPLETE INDEX. With this Book in the house there is no excuse for not knowing what to do in an emergency. Don’t wait until you have illness in your family before you order, but send at once for this valuable volume. ONLY 60 CENTS POSTPAID. Send postal notes or 2-cent pottage stamps. ATLANTA PUBLISHING HOUSE, 114—118 LOYD ST., ATLANTA, GA. Winship Machine ATLANTA, Co., GA. ■Jp COTTON CINS, Mm i if" i L Self-Feeders and Condensers, at COTTON PRESSES, To Pack Up or to Pack Down. THE BEST IN USE. Am Our Catton Gin as now Improved is '■ , the Market. Superior to any on feSAW MILLS The bow e st Prlce n j ^Case pr in* AIlIIs mod aad Pulleys, 8yrnp Mill Kettle*, Gearing. Shaft- tW ~riend for Circulars and Prii ee. set CHILLIES. f-,000 piccss ®? BSslUj; PRINTED CHALLIE DRESS GOODS, 24 Inches wide, In many choice patterns, Including FAST BLACKS, with White Figures, all at 5 cts YARD. PER Send for samples. Postage on 12 yds. 20c. extra, making an entire dreee pat¬ tern cost 80c. SHEPABD, NORWELL & 00., BOSTON, MASS. Make Your Own Rugs. Price List of Rug Machines, Rug Patterns, Yams, etc., FREE. Agent h Wanted. E. ROWS A- CO.. Tol edo, Oh io. _ Ailiiiu llrlllBM HABIT. CURE Only In Certain World. an* Dr. I IMIfl easy the J. L. STEPHENS, Lebanon, O zstrs ■ I presrrlhe and fully en. dorso Big <; as lh« only ABr W Onrvaln DATS.Ni spedfle for the cerialn cura A \ TO 6 of thisdiseoat'. H.INORAHAM.M. D., 310 Fhuotaf V w wStrtct not u.. " G. Amsterdam, N. Y. Ifra only by tbs We have sold Big Q for in. Tmiv^QBP^BsriiMSI.OO. Sold by Druggists. A. N. U....... ........Twenty-fi ve, 189*). a. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good, . U60 in time. Sold by druggists. m L_2_.51C’rs:~