The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, August 08, 1890, Image 7

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’ kan MfeCarasi.aMl ‘ me h-irn The harp she usea lv costVl , 40 ^, and was made by a this city- ^ fashioa ed instru- harp ’® and very difficult t ^ look, a.mple ftS, correctly. It one rvlro hat never exam, B b iedv. It seems to consist abarpC )»> r of strings which are nun j ust at the strings t pulled, ^ d except that there are one’s lingers. t0 bother Ita ;,ISt ® , r '^i SIT1 is Notwithstanding more involved i .J ian0 . popular again 3 % hecQm{ag social standing u n-women of T and sustain fashions of ail in all directions Of latethere teen more harps ordered for ama- d be paid for a good the piano. base of ths ivenp edals surround They are attached to as many which run up through the pillar at ront of the harp, and are there ed to more rods with a hold on the hold that can be removed or fenedby This a pressure mechanism _ of the corresponds foot on edals. the shortening or length- s e fleets to string of of a violin string or the „ running the finger iter or banjo, by to the frets. harp, tuned here are forty-four to a E [effective natural. It is a particularly graceful instrument for a woman to [ [t if she has and a this good arm have and wears sleeves; may some- L to do with its return to popular 3 ” It is also a very handsome in- iment, or it may be made so With i carving of the head and decorations n the top of the sounding board.-— , York Sun. A Gallant Officer. n the Nile campaign of 1889 Serrs the scene of an act of great personal on the part of an English officei is a pleasure to record. It will 11 explain the kind of warfare they re en gaged in. Bimbashi Judge, oi \ fed Thirteenth land at Serra Battalion, village had with been fifty or- to in, as a strong party of dervishes reatened to attack there. He landed men and, taking twelve of them th him, he proceeded on foot to the side of the village to see if there is any sign of the enemy. Suddenly a imber of the enemy’s cavalry appeared >m behind the sand hills. The men thhim precipitately fell back and left Calling on them to stand, he fell ck slowly. There were seven dervish rscmetl a 14°gether. Instead of charg- g down on him in a body and dispatch- ghiru, they tried to deliberately sur- und him. This enabled him to use hia and disable three of them aa e )' dosed rouiul him. By this time tho man, an Emir, was on him. Iidge, Icton finding that his sword had no ef- I the thick, padded coatand turban the Emir, and being a very tall and lowerful man himself, as a last desperate port seized the man by the collar, tore lim from his horse and ran his sword prough and him. dispatched Just then the all remainder his men pme f the up The twelve who enemy. men, ad suddenly lost their presence of mind pd Pgiment deserted went him, on to their their return commanding to their Ifficer up and reported the matter.— Black- food's Magazine. Tin Mining 1 in Malacca. W. I. Johnson, of South Dakota, who ecently visited Malacca to examine the there, says: “If the Dakota T es cou ^ he worked as cheaply as use ia Malacca, this country would ccr- be exporting that necessary metal, miners of Malacca use a simple pro- ,ess for extracting ore. The surface and ubsoil are removed for a few feet, until be mineral can be seen. The ore is car- L t0 a wooden flume which is washed a current of water. The coolies wash ■material e tin-bearing earth and work up the so that the light sands may be It Climated. Then the mineral is melted Bin little furnaces, and as it runs out the -f r mne. 1 wo Wonderful Twins. There are two young artisans of Bris- I EatDed Johnson, who are twins, and _ I fi'-neen whom the similarity is far more l^aiarKabie ‘Oouos even. than Not in only Shaksperes two are they of the I cm T ght and weight, having the same ticlT 6 P , air ! cal ’ eyes > and complexion, and iden- feed- I sin^imr^nf’ W ■ measurements, g and run ning ’ lau S hiQ g- crying, ’ , alike, but they are dfn. Same °ccupation, hold an S v the same ! 10a ’ aQ d have the same religious L' , f lon sdd . and the u kes have and dislikes. More Sf sinui W, ’ y espoused very / es ’. aQd the ? ^ve the same e *, 0 ^ c ^ddren, who are of the same g( ce girls and three , boys each.— can Government has granted barnn^ < i * en tlle ~ad Of the Topolo- !>h° n > mi!« m ^ any a zone of 31,000 square ’ Stencilling on Textiles. The stencil is really one of the simplest methods of decoration, valuable bcoause it can be applied to so many different purposes and materials, and at the same time is thoroughly artistic, and not at all mechanical, why it as it appears. One reason may be so unreservedly commend¬ ed to women is that it does not demand previous training in drawing. Unfortu¬ nately for art education in this country, drawing is not made as imperative as in some stencil foreign countries. Now, in the drawing is the most mechanical part of the work after the de¬ sign is once prepared. There is scarcely a fabric on which the stencil may not be used. Wools should be excepted, as they should be in all decorative work, on account of moths. But from coarse sack¬ ing to bolting-cUth, that fairy-like web, there is free range. Blue denim, which will be recognized as the material of which overalls are made, and of which the color is highlyi*. prized in decorative work, takes stencilling admirably. White jed, and yellow are the colors generally lines used, Disks and water in the Japanese manner are signs for simple portieres. and effective de¬ As wall coverings or in uphosterv, all-over designs in Indian spirals and whorls are very good. Such designs ing. are excellent also on coarse sack¬ When large, seroll-like designs are used, it adds much to the richness of the decoration to cover the plain spaces with broken bars, after the manner of darned ground in embroidery. Greens and blues, reds and blues, and different tints of the same color, combine well in this way. A New Stalaetite Cave. A stalactite cave of enormous extent has been discovered at Reclere, close to the French frontier, and is attracting considerable and interest whole among geologists the others. The extent of cave has not yet been ascertained; but an idea can be torrued of its size from the circumstance that a few days ago two ex- ploring parties visited the cave, one en- tering at 8 a. m. and the other at 11 a. m., and each party roamed about, for sev- eral hours, without coming across the other. The cave is fairly dry, contain- ing, so far as now ascertained, only a small pond, and it can be entered with perfect safety. Amount of Gold in ths World. An English writer says that “the quan- tity of gold in the world supposed is not nearly be. so large as it is commonly to it If it could all be collected in one spot, would form a pile only 25 feet high, 45 feet long, and 25 feet wide. The reason for the smallness of the space which the world's stock of gold would fill is to a great extent accounted for by the density of the metal. A cubic foot of it Weighs more than twelve hundred pounds.” of gold In view of the great discoveries during the last liftv years, this appears to be a remarkable statement; one that should attract the attention and investi- gation of the leading scientists. WnEN a father is seen purchasing a pair of stout boots it is not always an evi¬ dence that he is on bad teims with his daughter’s suitor. Mint Sauce. Two tablespoonfuls of green mint, pint one of of powdered sugar, a quarter of a vinegar. Wash the mint, which should bo freshly gathered. and mince Pick the finely. leaves from the stalks very Put them in a tureen, add the sugar and vinegar, and stir till the sugar is dis- solved. Make two hours before required; cold. serve with roast lamb, either hot or Grate Bars for any size Boilers can be bought at lowest prices of Joe S. Nix, Atlanta, Ga., who is the leading dealer in fine Steam Engines, Saw j Mills, Cotton Gins and Timber Lands. Give the length and width of your fire-box , in . order- lug A horse may pull with all his migh, but i never with his mane. j , . . .. 1). IV. Mcllroy, Pent, Ark. , Actors quarrel a great deal, buT then they I “make up” every night. HoocFs Sarsaparilla ! Is Peculiar To Itself i 100 Doses I One Dollar FOR GALL STONES, ; BILE BEANS , Ifsving used Smith s Bile Beans in my family 1 have no hesitancy in recommending them to those suffering from biiiousnese, chills and fever, etc D. Gainey, Limestone, Fla. J. Try ’’BILE BEANS SMALL” t40 lit¬ tle beans In each bottle'. Very small—easy to take. Price of either size, 25 cents, sarBUY OF YOUR DRUGGIST. A Funeral oi Ants. The writer saw a large number of ants surrounding some that ne had killed, aDd determined to watch their proceedings. Accordingly he followed four or five that started off from the rest toward a hillock a short distance off, in which w»s an ant’s nest. This they entered, and in about five minutes they reappeared, followed by others. All fell into rank, walking regu¬ larly and slowly, two by two, until they arrived at the spot where lay the dead bodies of the soldier ants. In a few minutes two of the ants ad¬ vanced and took up the body otEers. of one of their comrades, then two and so on, till all were ready to march. First walked two ants, bearing a. body, then two others with another dead ant, and so on until the whole line was extended to about forty pairs, and the procession moved slowly onward, followed by an irregular body of about two hundred ants. Occasionaly the two laden ants stopped, and laying down the dead body, it was taken up by the two walking unburdened behind them, and thus, by occasionally relieving each other, they arrived at a sandy spot near the sea. The body of ants now commenced digging with their jaws a number of holes in the ground, in each of which a dead ant was laid. Tnen they all fell to and filled up the graves. This did not quite fifiish the remarka¬ ble circumstance attending this insect funeral. Six or seven of the ants had attempted to run off without performing their share of the digging; these were brought back and killed on the spot. A single grave was quickly dug, and they were all dropped into it. How to Make Beef a La Mode. - Six or eight pounds of the round of beef, half a pound of fat salt pork, three tablespoonfuls of butter, two onions, half a carrot, half a turnip, two tablepsoon- fuls of vinegar, one heaping tablespoon- ful of salt, half a teaspoonful bit of pepper, of stick two cloves, six allspice, a cinnamon, a bouquet of sweet nerbs, or a teaspoonful each of dried thyme and sweet marjoram, four tablespoonfuls of flour ar.d two quarts of boiling water, Cut the pork in thick strips as long as the beef i9 thick, and draw them through needle, it at regular intervals with a larding or the holes can be made with a steel or a boning knife and the slips of pork pushed the in. Chop the vegetables fine; melt butter in a large saucepan and add them to h, letting them cool for five minutes; dredge the meat with the flour and brown thoroughly on both sides, fake it out, add one quart of the water and let it boil a minute, stirring steadily. Then put back the meat, add the other quart with a *i the remaining seasoning; cover close- ly, and simmer gently for four or even ^ ve tours. Then take up. Draw the saucepan forward; skim off all the fat from the gravy, and boil it rapidly reduce^ for ten or fifteen, minutes in order to it. For a pint of gravy allow one table- spoonful of browned flour, though mail} P refer unthickened. The juice of a | eraon IS an improvement. Put whatever is left between two plates, and press with a heavy weight. It is even better cold than hot. Save every particle of gravy, as it can be used either in a final mince or in soup. Woman’s Walk. ^ can P. ace 4° sugges ^ 1C advisability . of opening c asses m schools v here children, gir s especia walking }, might be taught the science of Mothers should be natural teachers, but mai 7 "’ ho are f^ful in all other particulars seem absolutely indifferent on this important point. In ac , a e by of their . them navigation means legs, duty is believed to be at an end, and, no matter how wretchedly a child moves, the parent rests satisfied with only spasmodic the attempts ungraceful at wob¬ cor- rection. Whether ble, the halting step, and painful stoop s0 comm0 nly seen is attributable to care- lessness or unnatural dressing, ceitain it is that six out of everv ten women walk aboniiuab ly. To be upright and easy in movements is only as nature in- tended, and unless deformed there is not the slightest excuse for the absurd Joco- motion noticed in the streets every day. Why children round-shouldered, ere permitted to crooked, grow up pigeon-toed, awkward is proposition left and a open for further discussion. Tablets from Ancient Babylon, The collection consists of documents of a commercial and legal as well as fiscal character, varying from about B. C. 2300 down to about two centuries before the Christian era. Many of these inscriptions are of a curious envelope class—that is, one copy of the deed was written and inclosed' in a clay envelope, upon which a second copy is written. One pair of tablets, dating about B. G. 2200, reveal to us the curious fact that there were in Babylon at that time a class of men em¬ ployed as agents to obtain children to be adopted by wealthy citizens who had no family. These men received a regular commission both from the parents and from those who adopted the infant. 1 ' ■ P|NS*0NS,WS Have vou a claim pending but want relief—now I Write us and receive oy return mall appropriate blank * n d full Instruction* tor v ourcm-e, with a copy of the aew a nd liberal Law. LONOSHAW & BALLARD, References given. Box 46, w ashlngton, i>. U. WM. FITCH & CO ■* 10-A Corcoran Building. Washington, D. C. SSSMSSlM Lima iWSo t EE svcc»sy S j ! possible . _ Walnut Catsup. One hundred walnuts, six ounces of shalots, one head of garlic, half a pound of salt, anchovies, two quarts of vinegar, two ounces of two ounces of pepper, a quarter of an ounce of mace, half an ounce of cloves. Get young walnuts and prick them well with a fork, Put in a jar with salt and vinegar sand let it stand three days, stirring daily. Drain the liquor, and boil with tH above in¬ gredients for half an hour. Pour it hot over the walnuts in jars or bottles, cork well, and seal. It w ill be ready for use in a month. ____ An Irishman seeing a Chinaman read- ing a Chinese book backward, as is their custom, exclaimed: “Johnny, are you left-handed or only cross-eyed?” A Very Good Heaton. Druggists who are selling Smith's Tonic Syrup, made by Dr. John Bull, of Louisville, At Ky first, wonder they that began Its 6ales to buy increase quarter so rapidly. a half a or dozen, but found that amount was sometimes sold in a single day, and now they say they lots are obliged to buy in half gross and gross in« rder to keep a supply on hand. There is a should very good sell reason well. why 'There Smith's is not Tonic much Syrup news¬ 60 paper advertising done, advertises itself. Every bottle used Is an advertisement, for it does exactly what it is expected to do. It will break up the chills and fever In less time than any other drug. It will prevent and quickly cure colds, influenza, la grippe, etc. In fact. It can be and substituted for quinine satisfaction, in every for In¬ Its stance, with better and effect is more certain and reliable, that it quinine never leaves the unpleasant effects sometimes does. Marion Co. Sljnal. A man's face Is against him when he has a gin phiz. _________ Conductor E. D. Loomis, Detroit, Mich., Is says: “The effect of Hall’s Catarrh Cure wonderful.” Write him about it. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Strange to say, it is hard to Ignite a cigar in a light wind. bull's* leJvilhand^iwsand’faiimMo 1 Destroyers,°a pleasant^Vandy rfveThem Dr’ Worm * medicine, High tied—the couple that were married in a balloon. FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s trial use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and bottle free. Dr. Kline, 501 Arch St., Phlla., Pa If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr.Isaac Thomp¬ bottle. son’s Eye-Water.Druggists sell at 25c per For a disorderer liver try Beecham's Pills. 1J_____UL Ixi \Wf ONI5 ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to th^ taste, and acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the sys¬ aches tem effectually, and fevers dispels and colds, habitual head¬ cures only constipation. remedy of Syrup its kind of Figs is the ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable its action to and the truly stomach, beneficial prompt in in its effects, prepared only from the most its healthy and excellent agreeable qualities substances, mend many it all and have made com¬ to it the Syrup most popular Figs remedy is for sale known. in or 60c an d $1 bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure wishes it promptly it. for Do any one who to try not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,. SAM FHA/amCO, CAL. 1 UUiSVILLE, xr. HEW FORK, M.Y. How many times in your experience you have WAITED thinking next week or next month will be time enough to buy a watch, it although hour you I know that vou are needing wait every in j the day ? Do you wish to UNTIL you lore have buy missed $50.00 a $1,000 watch? engagement Perhaps be- j j think you a at the exact time when you you canguess leave, but do be your train is going to not TOO i sure of your accuracy in thi» direction; a good watch will save you a great deal of anxiety. Business men who study theeco- nomical disposition of their time cannot afford to be without a watch, for time is the equivolent of money. Better LATE | !«“ than neve Ud r vo send for our illustrate,! S™ rata- 5 i 'lrt you VV P. j Htevens <fc Bro., Jewelers, 47 hiteuall St., I Atlanta. Ga. Ivl MONEY Made Easily and Rapidly. READ THIS and Think it Over ! We want lOO men who have energy and grit. days. l>o not heeitate but write at onoe for full par- ticulars. Address, it. C. HL’DdvlNSf it lO., \„. 33 Sonih Broad Street, Atlanta. Ga. OPIUM aud Whiskey Habits cured at bom* with¬ out pain. pain. fars Book Booktupir- FRfeE. t>f par¬ ticulars sent sent FREE. ____D M WAmnt*,Ga. Atlanta. Go. Office Oili 104J 4 Whiteh all St OLD CLAIMS SETTLED I NDKB NEW LA W. Soldiers, Widows, Parents send for blank appli -atioas and information. Panuot q O'faasa».». Tammmlu Pension Renal, Agenq Washington, B. C. •’I M u l* \ & Too long deluded — the unhappy victim of catarrh in the head. He’s been told that it can’t be cured. Don’t you believe it. It can be, and it is— no matter how bad or of how long standing. It has been done kf or thousands — by Dr. Sage’s so-called Ca- Itarrh Remedy. Other remedies may palliate for a time; this cures for all time. By its mild, soothing, properties, cleansing and healing it conquers the worst cases. Its makers offer, in good faith, a reward of $500 for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. They are able to pay it. Are you able to take it? The symptoms of catarrh are, headache, obstruction of nose, dis¬ charges falling into throat, some¬ times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, putrid and mucous, offen¬ purulent, bloody, weak, ringing in sive; eyes offensive breath smell ears, deafness ; ; and taste impaired, and of general these debility. likely Only a few be at symptoms Thousands to present termi¬ once. of cases nate in Consumption and end in the grave, without ever having mani¬ fested all these symptoms. Dr. Sage’s Remedy cures the worst cases. 50 cents, by druggists. BUSINESS COLLECE, W* NASHVILLE, TENN. This College, though yet In its infancy, has more Uihu UOO former student* occu¬ pying gold positions, many of them re¬ ceiving salaries ranging from f9UO to $1.— 300 per annum. For circulars, address R. W. JKNKINOS, Prln. IP YOU WANT A COTTON PRESS, Cheapest on the Clued Mar¬ ket, llav Press, or a Steel Deseriptlon mid Prlee Heut by WlAiri Re. .WORKS, IV’kINhon^’ Clmttanoo- ts Iga, Teim. Box 200. (SAVE THIS PAPER.) CANNABIS INDICA, The Great East India Remedy. Imported by Craddock & Co., 1082 Race Street, Pblladelphla, Pa. Is warranted to cure Consumpt>on,Bronchltis, Asthma and Nasal Catarrh. And will break up a fresh cold In at hours. Skeptic, ask your druggist lor it. One bottle will sat sfy bottles, you of Its merits. $ 2 .r >0 per pint bottle, or three $6.50. Send for circular. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ■srajeauii** / JV V ?‘} f ® reliable. Ladles, f$\ A *S red, "kI>rBf«l»l for Diamend Brand, in metallic box eg, sealed with blue :x *8 —-.w-ff'K^o-Taks 5^4 ' n pa«teboard Pole*, no pink other. All pill, d eounterfelta. wrapper), are “n«rro»ia Send 4e. Utarno,) Belief |°r particular,, testimonial* and V mall. A’ami for Ladles,” Paper. (it letter, by return thlehoater them ’1 to.. Jfadiwn 3«., ITUJa.. Pm ATTENTION MEN and BOYS! Don’t run your Boots and Shoes over at the Heel. Buy a pair or « Horton's t on lifer A- Heel Nllf. J fenera from your dealer, or mntl li&e. Id stamp* and receive a pair A by keep mail. the Heel We guarantee straight. them Made to In 3 m 9# ahoe. and MORTON all Chnmber* sizes men's Any HEEL for boy wear, ladles’, Bt.« can STIFFENER put fllve New children's them size York. on. CO ot KING COTTON Buy or sell your Cotton on JQ 2 ^ES 5*Ton Cotton Scale. NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. For term* address JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. TAD p M CDC I ! beinr 1* you knapped want your cotton Ires and from or gm cur, re- I ceive the highest priors for it, have it ginnrd on agin sharpened with the Farmern’ Write GIm Haw J. G FALLS iirnmer Sliarpcuer. Memphis, No filing. Trnn., Ro to No. <«. IS Cotton <fc t'O., circulars. dOO in Used m by the Oi Mi!!* k*. for Machines use. trial. throughout ths South. shipped on NEW LAW CLAIMS. A s ,r Milo B. stem & Ci __________ Attorneys, 1419 F St., Washington. O. C. Branch Offices, Cleveland, Detroit,Chicago. PENSIONS ’ Great Is The Passed PENSION a Soldlrrv, Widows, Hoik- lh«lr Bill IL.'., ■' _ , ■ 1 wm£u£iaT, * r ® bL®£ ca Blank* tr*s. iosxi’u h. hcstul a«i, — IRON FENCE SIXTY STYLES FOR CEMETERY & LAW.J CATALOGUE FREE J. W. RICE,ATLANTA, GA. $75 ^430 A MONTH can be made working a horse and give their whole time to the business, •pare moments may be profitably and employed mlro. A few vacaacieein town* cltlea. B. r. JOHN. ^ OPIUM I prescribe and folly on. dorse Big G as the only i S DzTg^l specific of this disease. for the certain cure w . I fcuiuiad noi wW G.H.INGRAHAM, M. Ib. 310 aiM Btricwrv ■ Amsterdam, N. Y. Mrs Miy by the We have sold felg^G for A Ciaoinaat! JM VW faction. CO ^W Ohio. D. R. DYCHE* 111. . sds^^HBI^^arklSl.OO. Chicago, Bold by Druggist* I Best, Plao’s Easiest Remedy to Use, tor and Catarrh Cheapest. Is the ■ CATARRH I Me. Fold 2L by T. druggist* Haxeitine, or Warreu. sent by mail. Fa. A, N.U. Thirty-two. 1890