The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, September 05, 1890, Image 7

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UOtSLHOLn AFEAlliS. A FBE ^ 0 ur gl^^rom crack- t/J tn r-F m WHITE STRAW HAT. lE vrSG A found " \mieal voung Wife has husband^ hat ^"^Q^Jerving soiled, that she her cheerfully rear / s hat was how to clean 1 Tl ; nl that she knew look just » s good as a \ friend in Brooklyn gave one ’ The husband had some her mvu way, he surron. ’lu „ad the info immediately Ed it to a bath strong in sulphur that they fumes. nearly f mes were so but' four families out of'the house, Lomical young woman only smiled V’ tiv as She held a damp sponge tq tri j When the hat came out Of lath-it s perfectly black. Except was rubbed off, the hat the blackness good the [j have been as as genuine [ fieri 5traWS that are now so popular.— Times. METHOD OF FRESERVIKG FRUIT. K that vriter in a foreign journal quantities says of .IS pi eserved large than forty every season for more in pure water only. The fruit is wide-mouthed bottles up to ' h’ then water is poured in to t e fruit; the bottles are then ;( i i n heat—where they remain until the boiling point. They Are then ^irle to cool, and when quite cold a id quantity of olive oil is gently into each bottle; they are then as y put on a shelf in a cool, dry t, where no scrubbing ogr$ is al- [ ’to disturb them, until they are ;d for use. The mouths of the •5 arc left uncovered and uncorked; keeps out the air effectually, mly failure he has had for many was when three bottles of Orleans fermented. They were quite bottled, and it should be jin mind that there is a point e ripeness ends and decay com- cs. The writer docs not hesitate, Is, to use old pickle-bottles, and glass jars that have come with Ih plums; but he prefers bottles, [hen the water reaches half-tvay up b neck, only a small quantity of oil mired.— New York Witness. MANGOES. Mangoes— Select small, green melons. Cut out a small piece, re- seeds w’ith a spoon and scrape lie soft part. Make a strong brine, melons, cover and let stand hours; drain and take from eovei peppers in strong brine for six Wash and remove the seed; stuff one poind of mustard seed, quarter P ° Un(3 0p finger, half a pound of P e Pper, half a teacup of celery three ounces of mace; mix ingredients with half a teacup of 0 '*' fih the mangoes with it. Put -one jar, sprinkle with a pound of over cold vinegar, press down ce P we U covered. the tops from o k Remove ^’ ant i the half seeds, a dozen stand; green the pep- lu stone crocks, pep- - put a teaspoonful of each, pour over cold water, and '‘a two days. Chop a large head of e , season with mustard, cloves, cinnamon and 6alt; stuff the the mixture; put on the the cavities P ‘? r over water flnd let stand l *" uur hou rs; chop a head of cab- ^.'(inches ‘ Ul5a season of with celery, spices, a root of n ’ mus- npper and salt; fill the tomatoes, covcr with cold vinegar. ' Un S oe s—Pour boilirg watei frt . P oac hts and let - stand two days; 01 out and s pht them j on one t0 soa ^ tn tumuric vinegar SP1 da Js. Take the h made out seed, fill ird ^ °f chopped peaches, a a j ce seed, „ . ’ er y brown sugar, ! anna tnon, cloves, cliopped onions rieen " pepper. Sew up and drop in VlI *gar —Courier-Journal. a Ir r 0f ^ astronom rl8 have coocluded ia that college toen- Cor at F ^VtehclL ** kU ° WD Bfter ’ the IDA LEWIS AT HOME. How the Famous Heroine Live9 in Newport Harbor. T>.. nn ; n „ tne .. roainlaud . , into the ■ , bnnt^ stinch , vf , C VP f 1 rb ° r is lou u ~ v mrp - w ^ ere you to find n ° , U ^°. U wou l d erelong ■ ’ i- 'gothouse - beyond a woman Pro^nfi 111 v ^ ,-fi 1 1 !UK a gye m step 111 ^ ,0 she ! lr runs direction, down - ’ , le narrow dor fastened to the ac stone wall, jumps nimbly into a boat, unties it r0 m 1 .poolings, takes the heavy oars, :in , W1 l 5 eaut ' of stroke all her own n --.i" 1 l , nn g, 1U1< 1 a strong pull that ‘ . d the * U " ™ n " n steps of the P U , ^ 1C WaU ^ er ' s a « prpH- fi a op f a J a girl, her poaerfu f strength , manifest in the great V 1 eS e °" l >l Klt U1U ^ S ’ and y e h when ->ne ,i c e r f i y * turns . it . lound j and you gets good look at her face, it can be seen that e on 8 s 0 a ''.oman in middle life, but upon w om line has left few tell-tale with a beautiful white °U 1 :l we wrist, ! ( ' otnia adding g hand a ciceiy smi e and a word of greeting as ma 'esrea } to take you over to Lime hocv a.- her guest. 1 ou have cause for self-congratulation in being thus favored by the heroine, Ida Lewis. Life on a lighthouse, situated as is Lime Hock light, is not the gruesome roomed thing generally imagined. With a six- house there are cares that fill the day, and like any other “gude wife,’’Miss Lewis has her pots, kettles, and pans tc attend to, rooms to sweep, beds to make, papers and magazines to read, letters to write, and all the various et easterns tc manage which fill the time of a busy A . det , oted , church , woman, she , woman. spends ._uuday on shore whcnevei her brother is at home. Ws the only woman light-house that keepei will . country, the last in our ana one be gnen a light-—for such is the verdict of the powers that be--Miss Lewis has other duties that are unique. Exactly at rundown she must light her lamp, and precisely at midnight another must be substituted. All through the night it must be watched, and Miss Lewis likens this constant care to that demanded by an infant /I he wick might flare or burn ( ^ V ’ chimney smoke or crack, °i any of thehundved-and-one accidents happen that arc ever taking place with the use ot kerosene oil. fehe can but catch eat- naps; lienee the nearness of her sleeping room to the light. At surmsp t ” aw requires her lamp, like the foolish vir- gins’, to have gone out, and from this she is an early riser. The responsibility is no small one, for the slightest neglect of duty or accident to her light or lenses would bring a report from the first sea- man who suffered by it. Lives hang on her vigilance, but to her credit no light on all the coast is as regularly does or other per- feetly attended to. nor anv gain from the Government Inspector daily so high a report. Miss Lewis keeps a expense book, noting just the amount of wick and oil burnt, and the time to a seeond of the lighting and putting record out of of the lamp. In addition, a the weather must be entered daily. As Lime Rock light is a first-class light, no rations are allowed, the yearly salary be¬ ing $750 and two tons of coal.—[Ladies’ Home Journal. Why Do The Heathen Rage. Not long ago the British ambassadoi it the Persian court publicly presented t copy of the Bible to the shah. At onc< there was an outburst of rage among the Mohammedan population and the guard of the British legation was doubled What is the matter with the Moliamedansi Suppose the Persian ambassador should bring a magnificent cbpy of the koran to the queen of England or the president Chi¬ of the United States; and suppose the nese ambassador should follow’ with the writings of Confucius; suppose someone else should present a copy of the book ol Mormon and others should bring volumes lontaining the writings of Zoroaster and Buddha; would there be a riot or an earth- juake? All these gifts would probably de- oe received with thanks aad perhaps arid left oosited iH some great library disturbed by to .lumber there in peace till he research of the curious. Christianity lan afford to hear what men say and read ivhat men write. It. can tolerate free ;|>eech and free discussion, Its foun- lations are too broad for panics; but when the Bible appears on the scene it teems to just set the devil crazy to do some¬ thing to oppose it.—[Armory. A Shrinking Desert. Already the area of California’s desert lauds is shrinking like the waters of Lake Tulare, and it will be odIv a few years before it will no longer be seen on the maps of the State, Every day people are finding out that desert docs not mean irreclaimable, and that underneath the grav and drab desolation of these lands lies the richest of fertility, . All the elements of productiveness need the revivi¬ are latent there, and only wake into fying influence of water to activity and usefulness. Eastern capital- IStS have not been slow to see this and tc act accordingly. The latest evidence The Census May Not Please You, But You Will be Fully Satisfied With Hood’s Sarsaparilla Banishing Flies. Flies will not pass through a net made of thread, tine silk or wire stretched across an open window, even though the meshes are an inch apart, unless there is a window °r light behind it. This af- fords a ready means of excluding these insects from all our rooms which have windows on one side only without keep- ing the latter closed. If, however, there are windows on more than one side of the rooms, flies can only be kept out bv using fine gauze for the purpose. The best wav to destroy flies in a room is to expose on a shallow plate the following mixture: Quassia chips (small), one-quatter ounce; water, one pint; boil ten minutes, strain, and add of treacle four ounces. Flies will drink this with avidity, and are soon destroyed by it. Cold green tea, very strong , and sweetened with sugar, when set about the room in saucers, will also attract flies and destroy them. An in- genious person lias devised the following plan-. Observing that a fly always walks upward, he made a window screen di- vided in half. The upper half lapped over the lower, with an inch space be- tween. As soon as a fly alighted on the screen it proceeded to walk upward, and thus walked straight 45 out of doors. Not being able to walk down it this had no way to return to the room. By means a which room can always be quickly light. cleared of flies, seek the Our Eyes. The eyes are truly the “windows of the soul,” but if these windows become marred and injured, looking inward to the soul, a person must appear very like a house whose windows are stuffed with old hats and wads of battered garments. Too great care cannot be bestowed on the eves. Late hours, incessant reading or study, excessive labor by lamp, gas, or electric light—all injure the eyes. Dissipation or f re quent rubbing also fatigue, or much weeping will redden the eyes, and entire- ]y des t 10 y their beauty of expression, children should never suffer sudden changes from darkness to light, nor should their hair be allowed to failover the forehead into the eyes. The light in slceping rooms should ue ver fall directly Gn the eyes, nor should the rooms be ‘ either to 0 dark or too light. If the eyes have a slight ° discharge, never rub them, This on] irrates and vedden8 them. Bathe with tepid milk and water,or in ex¬ trac( . 0 f wBc h hazel diluted with water. ______ The Eeligious Denominations. According to the statistics , of the . , New T }° rk Independent, the most numerous the- Ro¬ denomination m this country is man Catholic with 7 500 churches, 8,300 P ne, ts, etc., and 8,*8i,300 popu- lation, of whom 4,376,000 are emulated to be communicants. The » come the Methodists with, m round numbers, ^,98 ; >.°00 communicants; Bap- tlsts ' ' ’ -f resbytenan, 1,2,. ,0 , Lutherans, 1,086,000 ; Congregational- lsts , 491,000; and Episcopalians, 480,000. It is peculiar how soundly a man sleeps when his wife crawls over him on her way to the kitchen to make afire. Smith’s Tonic Syrup. This famous remedy was discovered by the eminent Dr. John Bull, of substitute Louisviiie, for Ky. quinine, It is intended as a scientific this drug. and is rapidly superseding the use of For any ailment that may indicate a need of quinine. Smith’s Tonic Syrup may be pre¬ scribed in preference and with more satisfac¬ tory results, as it never leaves any unpleasant the head, after-effects, such as fullness of headache, buzzing in the cars, deafness, convulsions, un¬ easy or aching sensations, nausea, good medicinal paralysis, etc. It has all the qualities of quinine and is free from its many evil tendencies. As a tonic, anti-periodic and antipyretic, it is unexcelled by any drug known to medical science. In cases of malaria, colds, influenza, inordinate temperature of the body, feverish symptoms, chills and fever, etc., no other remedy can be used with such certainty of beneficial effects. It is a certain antidote for the evil influences of malaria and climatic changes. Is it quite right to oall an expert oarsman a first-class s culler? ___ If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr.lsaacThomp- son’s Eye-Water.Druggists sell at 25c per bottle. bkecham’s Pills act likemagic <on a Weak stomach, ~” SENT FREE. Every rea <i er 0 f this paper who expects to buy anything in the line of Diamonds,fine Jewelry, silver and Clocks—or who thinks of buying A WATCH Should send for our new illustrated catalogue for 1889. which we send free. J. P. Stevens & Bro, Jewelers, 41 Whitehall ST., ATLANTA, GA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, NASHVILLE, TENN. This College, though yet in its infancy, has more than 4>0O former student* occu- , ,’uu -iOO per per annum. au For circulars, address r w JKNN1XGS . Prtn. -LEXINGTON. KY.-- “Cheapest and Beet Business Collsge In ths World.” Ricwmt Award at ^orld r Kxfo»mow. 10,000 GrsAuaies ia Business. 13 teachers employed. C«it *f Bciimm CeBMl, In* eluding Tuition, button* Y Ro»rd, about |90. Frort-bano. TrpR WRiTi.N# 4Rd TKLR«RAP«r opeciRhleo. /So vRCRjioR. Enter ocw. Graduates successful- gpeeiol deport*fRtf«r .) ladles. Ne»rl y 1.000 studeRts i« attendancs thefust ye%r LEXINGTON. 1 KY. WILBUR R. SMITH. Pres’t wfWl ”o” ■jLluLTi.u. fitch & co., c. pension attorneys Successfully .J t Tears- experience. prose- ° und claims of ah kinds in shortest r" ------- III hie nrae. trSo FEE pnuta* --- - tcckasruL. HBHBrnawiS V St., Wnabingten, U. C. Attorneys. 1419 Branch Ufflces. flevelnud, Detroit,C§lc«s.. Railroad Accident Statistics. A very interesting column in northern railroad papers is devoted to accident statistics. Accidents will happen, but the lingers are valuable nevertheless, and peculiarly suggestive to railroad people. The record of The Railroad Gazette, for June accidents, includes 64 collisions, 07 derailuunts and six other accidents, a total of 137 accidents, in which 58 per¬ sons were killed and 253 injured. In a majority of cases the official in¬ vestigation leaves “cause unexplained.” happened Of all accidents, 32 per cent to passenger trains and 68 per cent to freights. Of flu* 58 people killed, 41 were employes, 14 passengers, and 2 “eth¬ ers.” Fifty-five people were killed by de¬ fects in the road, 31 by defects operating, in equip¬ ment, 147 by negligence m malicious¬ 9 by unforseen obstructions and ness, 64 by unexplained causes. Thirty two accidents caused the death of one or more persons each, and 44 caused injuiy but not death, leaving 61 (45 per cent of the whole) which caused no personal in¬ jury worthy of record. Hall's Catarrh Cure is a liquid and is taken internally, and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Sold bv Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, O. Fashionsrun so much to the decollete that even the popular gioves are undressed. A child that is restless at night and don't sleep well, should be given Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. It may have worms. “The path of duty,’’said a much-tried trav¬ eler, “is undoubtedly through the Custom House.” I prescribe Smith’s Tonic Syrup in my prac¬ tice, haviDg found it to be as recommended— a cure for enills and fever.—A. Browne , Af. D., Concord, Tex. _ “Great cry and little wool,” was what the colored man said on being shown his new born baby. __ FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 trial Pa Lottie free. Dr. Kline, 981 Arch St., Phila., %2L Gs dS 41 V it m s' i ONE ENJOYS Both the method and result* ■when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬ tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. only remedy of Syrup its kind of Figs 18 i the ever pro¬ duced, table pleasing the stomach, to the taste and r ac- in cep its action to and truly beneficial prompt its m effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent all and have qualities made com¬ it mend it to the most popular remedy k nown. in 50o Syrup or Figs is all for sale and $1 bottles by leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable hand druggist will who may not have it on pro¬ cure it promptly it for Do any one who wishes to try not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL l LOUISVILLE, KY, NEW YORK, N.Y. sue IftViC s rUu > , nooit-aeepinir, Business Forms, Penmanship, Arithmetic, "horl-iiaiid, etc., thoroughly taught by MAIL. Circulars tree, oi.i'a Col etc. 4J7 M.uu St, Buffalo, N. V, M WfevirSM ▲ ▲ i- THE POSITIVE CURE. Price cta.i*__2£l Sags ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren. 8U Rev? York. 60 m iw ARE THB OLDEST FAMILY STANDARD. A Purely Vegetable Compound, without mercury or other injurious mineral. Safe and sure always. For sale by all Druggists. each FuH printed directions for using with package. Dr. Schenck’s new book on The Lungs, Liver and Stomach SENT FREE. Ad¬ dress Dr. J. H.Schenck & Son, Philadelphia., KING COTTON Buy or sell your Cotton on JONES 5*Ton Cotton Scale, NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. For terms address JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. OP3UM ^ ____ - __________ BBS ■ mS S5S B-M.WOOLl£^ uculars senv lilts. ,M.D. Atlanta, G*. Office 1W> 2 Whitehail 8L —----------— ANY MAKRMOKRV. HAN World farUcHlsr, ftopli .dares. (JAN Tor tf.t. BK K FOKU. W nahlngten. t. \ — "I N.y < n \ \ / S') * _• cp 59 On the mend —the consumptive who’s not be¬ reft of judgment and good Golden sense, lie’s taking Dr. Pierce’s Medical Discovery. If taken in time and given a fair trial, it will effect a cure. Consumption is Lung-scrofula, For Scrofula, in its myriad forms, and for all Liver,, Blood and Lung diseases, the “ Dis¬ covery” is an guaranteed unequalled remedy. If It’s tue only one. it doesn’t benefit or cure, you get your money back. You only pay for the Discovery good you ” strengthens get. Weak “ Lungs, and cures Spitting of Blood,. Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and kindred affec¬ tions. Don’t be fooled into taking something else, said to be “ just as good,” that the dealer may make a larger profit. There’s nothing at all like the “ Discovery.” It con¬ tains no alcohol to inebriate; no syrup or sugar to derange di¬ gestion. As peculiar in its cura¬ tive effects as in its composition. Equally good for adults or children. WN PlliTinil Miuna 'V. J,. D«u{Im Hbops arm warrantod, stamped null evorv pair has his name and price ou bottom. ii ;; Ififi MtDfFS 0 *H .*?00 erv m: 75 ■»J Js? 5 s W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. FOR I 3 T"Vnti address UOlliLAS. on postal for valuable luformalkm. YV. L. Brockton. .Hubs. - cVHU ©Vf ATTENTION MEN and BOYS! Don’t run your Boots and Shoo* gLKX flftUWB over M«rlon’»( at tbo Heel. liter Buy 4 lie. a pair |i~ttf. of nil PHbS --- M fencrefrom your and dealer, or to-nd *1tc. In stamps We in vivo them a paly to by mail. guarantee I ®1 keep the Heel straight. children^ Made in ’Li 1111 for TJ Bn Ba l i.ud men’s wear. Give them size of shoe. MORTON Any HEEL boy ran STIFFENER put CO on. ISHPaa Chamber* tit.. New York. DROPSY TREATED FREE. Positively Cured witii Vegetable Iteme.iieev Have cured thousands of case*. Cure patients does pro* nounoe l*iopele«« tiy heat physlclanu. from ttm symptom* disappear; in lea day* at least tivo-tlilnls all symptoms rsmove I. Send for froe Cook teatim^ nlal* of miraculous cures. Tea days’ treatnae*t free iiy mail. If you order trial, send liic. fa Htamp* to pay postage. Da. H. fL Obcbn St Soss. Atlanta, >*a M ONEY Made Easily and Rapidly. READ THIS and Think it Over! We want I (HI men who have energy and grit. We will give them situations in whicii they can »iiU» money rapidly—the labor being light and employment edu¬ all the year round. Requires no capital or great hoys. ction. Some of our liest salesmen are country Toung men or old will do. Remuneration within is nert quick tbirty and sure. We have need for loo men the days. Do not hesitate, it. but writ-at once tor full par¬ , C. Hl lXilNS & CO^ ticulars. Noufb Address, Broad .Street, Atlanta, tin. No. 33 CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS “ Ilf <?•«««terfelU. ritad 4e. V •~~~ SEw stall. Name Pmper. tfcichwter Uwe’J Co., fladkoc k. rkUoun fb PENSIONS Great is Th* Passed. PENSION Fathers teUfen, Widow*,; Bid _ - ,-- ----—_— *r* aad are •» ^°rAi 2 *1C TOS’jSO A MONTH can be mads working furrrlai »I9 fa us. Psrtoas preferred who eas a horse and give their whole time to the busineeA •pare moments In may be profitably aad cities. employed B. F. JotLH- alas* A few vacancies towns AON A CO.. lOOi Main St.. Richmond. Va. PENSIONS OLD CLAIMS SKTT1.KO LNDER NEW LAW. Soldiers. Widows, Farente, send for blank applications and lnfermatkin. Patrick O’FAR nau, Pension Agent, Washington, D. C. OPIUM -iSTg O ■ easss SWWtar*- Amsterdam, N. Y. I | r Vr - . b -»v # We have sold Bie GLfo? many years, and II ban iSsa^sm m pr»as«a»given the best at satle- A. N. U. Thirty-Six. 18SO