The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, October 10, 1890, Image 4

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UNION DOTS. Mrs. Carrie Myrick is improv- ing Mrs. Sarah Denncs is quite iM. Mrs. Julia Roquemorc of For¬ syth is visiting her aunt Mrs. S. M. Myrick. Howard Persons is not happy. He is afraid he will be cornered. Willie Biasings me left Monbay morning tor Atllanta to attend Dental college- Mrs- Sallie Searcy of Tay’or county visited her father Mr. C. H. Smith last Sunday. Miss Mattie Lou Blasingame left for Macon this week to attend Wesleyan female College. It is thought that Walter My¬ rick will move to Macon soon, that is if he can get into business near the College. He wiil have to do that or drop to number 4. Jacob,s Son. GOSHEN VALLEY. It is talked that Willie Walker will soon move to Knoxviiie in j order to School his children. We here had a very good School at Walkers Chappell, but an aceident happened to our wor¬ thy teacher Mr. C. E. Worsham and hot only the school but Mr, Worsham's back. Among the branches taught in his school were Gymnastic’s on a hickory pole p’accd in the forks of a coup¬ le of pine saplins* Here Mr. Worsham taught his puqils. It was very interesting to see him give them a lesson, you would have thought him not only acrabat fcut a contcrtiohist also. But alas one day be made a miscalcula¬ tion and iell and broke h!s back, and his school both. The last seen of him was he was riding around with a tar plaster on his back selling cotton seed crushers. We have the boss Turkey hun¬ ter in out neighborhood, he has been going in the same direction about twice a week for two years. He never misses, rain or dry, hot or cold, and always after a turkey he has never been known to ■bring any turkey back, but we all j khow that turkey is there or be wonld’nt go so persistently. There a suspicion that he always gets turkey but eats it where he finds it, yes! Farmer John is a champion turkey hunter. Mr Luther F. Blasmgasne was in the Valley last week together with his wife and her sister Miss Mary Miller. Mr. W. T. Raines has purchas¬ ed a place near here and will soon move to it. The Lemonade Man. The medicinal qualities of La- msr’s Extract of Buchu and ) u niper recommend it as superior in the treatment of all Kidney troub- les. Notice of local Legislation Notice is hereby given of intention to apply to the next genral As semb'y for the passagof a Law to ba entitled An act to amend the art entitle Aact to precribt the m ode of granting licens to sell intex icaiing Liqnrs in the counties jeffr- son, Burke, and Washington. So for as the sam; relates to ford and for other puq o.e3 tcO. 7th, 18S9. X. X. X. MBs Beula Wright. a de¬ lightful visit of several weeks in Knoxville, has returned to her heme at Macon. Citizen Corput has fc<--en retired to the realms of innocuous desue¬ tude by the voters of Floyd Co. La to it Snelson was completely snowed under for the Senate by jee Terrell of Mtriweather. After makeing his political speech at Cusseta last week ex- Gov. Smith so overcome with patriatism that he had to adjourn coirt for the term. Mr. M. C. Fulton of DeKalb county wants something. It will be years before he gets it from the hands of men who know him. The State fair which opens in Macon on Oct. ‘i2nd will be the most attractive ever held in Geor¬ gia. If there is a man in Georgia who shirked his duty during the war he is sure to be opposed to Gorden, Show us a man who had the sore eyes from 6 1 to 65 and will show you a man opposed to Gor¬ don. The negroes camp-meeting came off at Knoxville on last Sun- dr}-. They came from the North, the East, the South and the West and darkness and gross darkness aovered the earth. Several of our white people attended on Sunday evening and was intertained by an intelligent Sermon by Bobb-Kent. When you hear a man mouth ing around about the war being over and Generals have had enough rewards and we are tired of Sidiers &c. just examine his record and see if he dident: shurk in the rear during the war behind Boombproof or a fraudulent ex¬ emption. The subscription list to the Herald has already exceeded tjjc- moste ardent hopes of its p^o.pria- tors. Official reports show that its list is above tne average* Ev¬ ery body is delighted, with the pa¬ per and let the gc.od work go on. Tnere is no light or trashy mat.- ter iu the Herald. Everything in ’.t is select and worth reading. Mr. J. 11, Holt was in Knox¬ ville last week after a protracted absence of several years. Lamar’s Diarrhccea Mixture should be kept always in the home for case af emergency. Gentlemen who are fond of a delicate , perfume , for , their ..... handker- chief and that will last through the wash, should use the Sheps ard . fi ll, ROLL OF HONOR, KNOX¬ VILLE HIGH SCHOOL. Liliias lack. Thaddie Mathews. Belle Harris. Lena Andrews. Minnie Hicks. Lizzie Bryant. Mattie Ellis, Eloise Harris EugeneCausey, Lawton LeSueur. Oscar Davis, Madison McCarly Myrtis Nolan, Bonnie McCa ty Ci.ira Wright. Thurston Hatcher, Alice Holt. Holton Mathews. Louise jones. Arrigo Hammett, Stubbs Hicks. Miss Lucy Wilson, John Lowe. Mamie Champion. Paul Jones. Chester Allan, Willie Smith. Robert Mathews, C. G. Power, Teacher. Ir -.11 cases ol Cholera Morbus, or.ce and take a dose of La- Dja:rc(lja Mixture. Try those * 1.0*3 Brorans desc or the et Hilsma n and Co. GIVE US BETTER ROADS. The demand for better roads « becoming universal throughout the State. Bad roads in a county is almost always a sign of a want not only of public spirit, but also of a want of education and en¬ lightenment. As our people be¬ come better educated they give more attention and thought to the necessity of improving the high¬ ways of travel. And organized efforts are advo¬ cated in every direction for the purpose of securing such legisla¬ tion as will enable county autnor- ities to put public roads in a condition to be traveled with ease and safety. We have become satisfied that the matte:* will have to be reaehed by local laws snitable for each section Like prohibition it will have to be obtained by separate action of {ounties. A Georgia Road Congress was held in Atlanta in May, 1889, over which Col. W. J. Northen presided, and a memorial was drafted asking the Legislature to pass an act to provide for a Su¬ perintend ;nt of roads for each county, that roads be laid off iu sections and be either let out by contract or overseers be employed to work the roads. Tc provide fo requring all per¬ sons subject to road duty either to perform the labor faithfully or to pay its equivalent in money. Also to provide an additional tax on property to furnish . addi¬ tional means for purchasing road implements, etc. And to provide for putting convicts on public roads as soon as the. present fease expires. Nothing has. ever been done with this Hill for the semple rea¬ son that, there is too much ignor¬ ance and narrow mindedness in tVtf. T..legislation to do anything chat will benefit the Country. Nearly every member is afraid he might make some body mad and probably lie could not go back again. It is a fact that the present roads are a disgrace to the state cf Georgia, and some steps ought to be taken to improve them. The only way to permauntiy improve our roads is by making them with convicts or by Taxation. A petition is now being circulate d asking the General assembly to take some steps in the matter. If constitutional a law ought to be passed o ,,per caysita” tax on every person betwen 16 and 60, for that purpose; But if not con- stitutional then a property tax ou2ht , Q be d _ (or iti , abs0 . |u( . ne to have good r02ds . ^ year$ peop|e have gone t0 other markets than Knoxvill on account of the roads. People from the Western and Northern part cf the county would goto Barnesville and Thom- aston rather than came to Krox* ville. Now we havo a market equal to any to be found in the country era.sice of ia.go Cities,and the interest of evury citizen !il * ue comity to improve the roads, bund up homo markets and gen- eri ^F improve ihe countv. 10 good schools we need good i oa ds, we have the school, ttOW icrs havo the roads, N, iceoi local Legislation Notice is hereby given that ap¬ plication will be made to the next gencrol assembly for the passage cfa Law to be entitle „an oct to prohibit the sale of Liquor, ale ; or Leer within three miles of Mas- . ua Chur h in Crawford Coun THE S. S. COLUMN. The plan suggested by „EnstK, is a good one. Calculated to make all “search the Scripture, and create a fresh interist in the opening exercises of our School. We should vslue the meaning of this passage, “Ihy word have I h id in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee. If we encourage our pupils to memorize Bible text, as is their and our duty, the bene¬ fit is not only for the present, but who can tell the good that it may do when in the future, temptat tions, doubts and sorrows assail. Our Saviour hurled texts of Scripture at Satan when he temp¬ ted Him in the wilderness, and won the Victory. And so may we, for in that sacred armory are weapons to suit w ary ,.soldiers ot the Ctoss, in every conflict of life. Dear fellow teacher, let us think as we study the lesson for next Sunday—October 5th—how res¬ ponsible we are for the faithful cultivation of the little corner of our Lords Vineyard as given su to tend in our Snnday School class. The vines are young, so tender, so easily impressed persuaded, traiued in the right direction. How important it is, to be our¬ selves what we teach them that they should be. In teaching them to cultivate their little share of vines, their hearts, to nonrish the precious growth of good, to feel their per¬ sonal accountability Xg> their absent, yet, in another seace ever present Lord; to learn one of the noblest lessons of life, faithfulness, to duty where trust is bestowd, let us see to it that we teach them by exam- pie as well as by precept. Ah? the position of a Sunday School teacher is one of solemn responsibility. Let the iesson before us fill us with heart searchings, and send us to our knees to ask the aid of the Divine Husbandman, that we may give Him rich and abundant fruit, from the vines He has given us to care for. C. FROM WESLEY CHAPELL. We have the banner school in the county. Have 140 schollars good teachers and a faithful and wortey Superentenbant. It appeared that the weatner was too disagreeable last Sunday for any to attend, notwithstanding there were 67 answered to roll call. On the two previous sun- days there were present 95 and 91. God help our Superentendant to continue to prove as faithful and zealous as he has in the past. How are the children of our community to got a knowledge of our blessed Savior, without study¬ ing his word. The word of God must be laid up in the hearts and in the minds of the children of our land. It is not taught at home, the s?»b bath school is practically the only place where the Bsble is taqght! who would opject to preacher and people both old and yong assem¬ bling on the sabbath day in the house of God for the purpose of bi ble study;we are pusuwaded there are none. We believe the sabbath school to be anxilary to the church and a blessing to society. We ho: e to see the day when the ath school will be favo.el by all ristian churches over tha entire ristian wourld. A.Scl.o’ar. LOCAL DOTS- The harvest is white and iaboiers are few. & Mr. j. N. Lewis went to Central city this H week, Col. Blasingame went toAt’V on last Monday and made SOU important contracts f or ti Herald. Jeans at your own price Blalock’s Cullodep. Those melton suits at Hialcck Cnlloden, are the correct thi this season. The faculty of the Kncxvi chool is composed of a sene principal, with an ,,Elder' 1 ass tant. How is this? Five papers i foa five cenrs at BiUock’s, Ci>| den. A copper cent bnys a r per. Prof. Power's roll now nuinlv just 100 and still they erne- Those ten dollor sack suits Blalock's, Culloden, lattlfj Honest goods and periect fit- Jim Dent spent last Sunday Knoxville* Come to Culloden and exai3 Blalock Bros, stock of £enei merchandise, The largest best select or. the A. & F. R. We excel in clothing. $ for old and you"g. Sack $t Cutaway suits, Prince Albert sa New and Nobby styles. Ti! i;.J; Bros. In addition to theh ren ■ o mvetkgs the County Aiiijj will have called meetings on first Mondays in November, I cc.Tibc? and March. Blalock Bros. G’ltoden, se!. CeKebrated Colvmbns buggy U buggy—the best vehicle I wheels. It will be money ii: your pec ta examine our stock of Furnlii A solid car no-w nn .he i| Blalock Bros, Overcoats of every eniaj' style ot Blalek Bros. CulloderJ Splindid Prints onlp five cj at Blalock Bros. We want all the new* would be glad indeed if the pq would hand it in to us. Oil count of being busy with ‘ matters, srequently people d and go. and important ti transpire that we never kno*v. Miss Besie May Smith, 'L attending Gordan Institute, i 'ast Sunday in Knoxville vw parents. In regard to overcoats, yo And an elegent tiring in a 0, or, satin facing for ten v Blalock Bros. Our stock of breech and ' loading shotguns, vvinches-f &C is very full. Y* r e wff l5£ a gun at an astonishbu?? figure. Blalock Br° s< The old saying is if }' 011 bottler whiskey it wintbota* b'Jt how is this, a drunker cam e into our printing ofiltj nesday night and in stagger und iell against o»:r typea' u about a page that was r esi press* The printers were® rious and the devils say give the scamp a soberk- negro Bop Harvey sobeL .j world ane took a saplin. Judge Gustin says the 11 is the best weekly ne'' v - that he knows of