The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, October 10, 1890, Image 6

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REV. DR. TALMAGE. THE BROOKLYN DIViNE’S SUN¬ DAY SERMON. Sutijecpf^-jf;* rittanasrO in Pales¬ tine.” l r Text: “I icent up to Jerusalem .”—Gala¬ tians, i.. 18 . j’" in My Joppa. second It day is 6 o’clock in the Holy in the Land. morning, We but ari we must start early, for by night we are to tie in Jerusalem, and that city is forty-one miles away. We may take camel or horse or portunity carriage. As to-day will be ouy last op¬ in Palestine for taking the wheel We choose that. The horses, with harness tasseled and jingling, are hitched, and. with a front, dragoman in coat of many colors seated in we start on a road which unveils in twelve hours enough to think of for all time and all eternity. Farewell, Mediterranean, with such a blue as no one but the Divine Chemist could mix, and such a fire of morning glow as only the Divine Illuminator could Kindle. Hail; mountains of Ephraim and Judea, whose ramparts of rock wo shall mount in a few hours; for modern engineers -can make a road anywhere, and, without scale piling Ossa upon Pelion, those giants can the heavens. Wo start out of the city amid barricades of cactus on either side. Not cacti in boxes two or three feet high, but cactus higher than the top of the carriage—a plant that has more swords for defense, considering the amount of beauty it can exhibit, than anything created. We passed out amid about four hundred gardens, seven or eight acres to the garden, from which at the right seasons are plucked oranges, lemons, and figs, olives, citron and pomegranates, be¬ which hold up their censors of perfume fore the Lord in perpetual praise. We meet great processions of camels loaded with kegs of Mohammedan oil and with fruits, and some wealthy with four wives—three too many. The camel is a proud, mysterious, solemn, ancient, ungainly, majestic and ridiculous shape, with his stalking whip taps out of the tho camel past. on The the driver fore¬ leg, But and he kneels to take you as a rider. when he rises hold fast or you will fall off backward as he puts his fore feet in standing posture, and then you will fall off in front as his back legs take their place. although But the I inhabitants find the riders are use to dis¬ his ways, often mount and walk as though to rest them* Selves. Better stand out of the path of the camel—he stops for nothing and seems not to look down; and in the street! saw a child by the stroke of a camel’s front foot hurled seven or feet the ground. Here and hands we meet people with in faces and arms tattoo their tattooed, as all lands sailors arms with some favorite ship or admired face. It was to this habit of tattooing among the orientals that God refers in a figure when he says of his church, “I have graven thee on tho palms of my hands.” sandy, Many of these regions are naturally but by irrigation they are made fruitful, and as in this irrigation the brooks and rivers are turned this way and that to Water the gardens or farms, so the Bible says, “The king’s heart is in the hands of the Lord, and he turneth it as the rivers of water are turned whithersoever he will.” , hundred As we pass out and on we find about Universal eight iferaelitish acres alliance. belonging Montefiore, to the tho Israelite Mi centenarian and philanthropist, and Rothschild, the banker, and others of the largo hearted have paid the passage to Pales- tine for many of the Israelites, and set apart lauds for their culture; and it is only a be- ginningof the fulfillment of divine possession prophecy. of wheu Holy t hese Land. people The shall road take from Joppa to the Jerusalem, and all tho roads leading to Nazareth and Galilee, wesaw lined withpro- cessions of Jews going to the sacred settlers. places. All either on holy pilgrimage or as where they are among our best citizens, and -cross two seas to begin life over again in « strange land. in But the outrages heaped upon thorn Russia, and tho insults offered them in Ger- many, will soon quadruple and centuple Pal¬ the procession of Israelites from Russia to estine. Facilities for getting there will be multiplied, not only in the railroad from Joppa to Jerusalem, to which I referred last Sabbath as being built, but permission for a road from Damascus to tho Bay of Acre has been obtained, and that of course will soon connect with Joppa and make one great ocean shore railroad. So the railroad from Jerusalem to Joppa, and from Joppa to Da- mascus, will soon bring all the Holy Jewish Laud within a few hours of connection. colonization societies in England and Russia are gathering money for the transportation for the of the Israelites to Palestine, and purchase for them of lands and farming im¬ plements, and so many desire to go that it is decided by lot as to which families shall go first. They were God’s ! and He has promised to bring them back in to f their home, aud there is no power one | thousand or five thousand years to make ; God forget His promises. Those who are a prosp red in other lands will do well to stay 1 where they are. But let the Israelites who are depreciated and towards attacked the and. rising persecuted of A turn their faces sun their deliverance. Cod will gather in that distant land those of that race who lmve , maltreated, and He will blast with the been those lands lightnings of His omnipoteuce which have been on either side of the Atlantic the instruments of annoyance and harm to i that Jewish race, to w hich belonged Baron Abra- bam and David and Joshua aud H B Hirsch and Montefiore and Jesus Paul the Christ Apostle the and Mary the Virgin and Lord. On of Sharon K the way across the plain It is respect- we meet many veiled women. not I; able for them to go unveiled, and it is a veil F that is so hung as to make them hideous. A I man may not even see engagement the face of his of wife until after betrothal or mar- riage. Hence the awful mistakes and the unhappy homes, for God has made the face f an index of character, aud honesty or dishon- esty usually is demonstrated in the features. I I do not see w hat God made a fair face for if I It were not to be looked at. But here down come the ■ the crowds of disfigured women bundles of sticks Rfor road on their way to Joppa, heads. They started fire wood on their at three o’clock in the morning to get the 1 ’ fuel. They stagger under the burdens. Whipped and beaten will some of them be if their bundle of sticks is too small. All that is required for divorcement is for a man to say to his wife, “Be off, I don’t w&ntyou any 1 more.” Woman a slave in all lands, except f those her in which the Gospel in Christian of Christ countries makes a queen. And yet , there are women posing as skeptics, and men 0 with famiiy deriding the only religion that I makes sacred and honorable the names of t; wife, mother, daughter and sister. L What is that? Town of Ramleh, birth- B place, residence and tomb of Samuel the glorious Martyrs, prophet. called Near because by, Tower of Forty so that number ol disciples but towers perished had there been for built Christ’s sake; if for aU those who in the time of war as in time of peace have fallen on this road during the ages past you might almost walk on turrets from Joppa to Jerusalem. Now castles we of passed chopped the guard houses, which are straw and mud where at night and partly through bandits the day armed men dwell and keep the off travelers. In the caves of these mountains dwell men to whom massacre would be high play and a purse with a few pennies would be com¬ pensation enough for the struggle that the savage might have with the wayfarer. There is only one other defense that amounts to much in these lands aud that is the law of nospicanty, ir you can get an Arao to eat with you, if only one mouthful, you are sure of his protection, and that has been so from age to age. The Lord’s supper was built on that custom, a special To friendship after Wal¬ par¬ taking food together. that custom “Talisman,” ter Scott refers in his immortal where Saladin, with one stroke of the sword, strikes the head from an enemy who stands in Saladin’s tent with a cup in his hand and before he has time to put it to his lip, and does it so suddenly that the body of his en¬ emy, beheaded, stands for a moment after tne oeneaaing, with the cup still m sipped his right hand. After the cup had been it would have been impossible, according to the laws of the oriental hospitality, to give the fatal blow. The only lands where it is safe to travel unarmed are Christian lands. _ Human life ia more highly valued and personal glad to rights believe are better respected, and I am that in our country, from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean, thorn is not a place to¬ day where a man is not safer without journeys a pistol than with one. But all through our in Palestine we required firearms. While the only weapon I had on my person was a New Testament we went through the region where I said to tho dragoman: “David, are “Are you irmed?” and he said “Yes,” and I said: those fifteen or twenty muleteers and hag- gage men and attendants armed?” and ha said “Yes,” and I felt safer. On we roll through the plain of Sharon. Here grew the rose after which Christ was named, Rose of Sharon, celebrated in all Christendom and throughout all ages. There has been controversy as to what flow¬ er it was. Some say it was a marshmallow that thrives here,, and some claim this honor ror tne narcissus, and some for the blue iris, and some for tho scarlet anemone, for you must know that this plain of Sharon is a roll¬ ing ocean of color But when Raving the spring botanists breezes in move across it, what it is, I the would take the controversy as to and beautiful of them all and most aromatic twist them into a garland for the “name which is above every name." Yonder, a little to the north as wo move on, is the plain of Ono. The Bible mentions it again aud again. The village standing; on this plain of Ono is a mud village. Two great basins of rock catch the rains for the people. Of more importance in olden time than in modern time was this plain of Ono. But as the dragoman announced it and in the Bible I read of it I was reminded of the vasl multitude of people who now dwell in the plain of Ono. They are. by their nervous constitution or by their lack of faith in God, always in the n-'native. Will you help to build a church? On, no! enterprise? Will you start Oh, oul nol in some new Christian Do you think tho world is getting any bet¬ ter? Oh, no! They lie down in the path ol all good movements, sanitary, political and religious. They harness their horses with no traces to pull ahead, but only breeching straps to hold back. For all Christian work I would not give for a thousand of them the price of a clipped ten cent piece. Lord They multi¬ are in the plain of Oh, no! May the anything ply the numbers of those who w-hen good is undertaken are found to live in the plain of Oh, yes! Will you support this now charity? Oh, yes! Do you think that this victim of evil habit can be reformed? Oh, yes! whether Are obscure you willing resounding, to do for anything, the wel¬ or fare of the church and the salvation of a world? Oh. yes! But, l am sorry to say that the most populous plain in all the earth to-day is the plain of Ono. Here now we come where stood the fields Into which Samson fired the foxes. The foxes are no rarity in this land. I counted at one time twenty or thirty of them in one group, and the cry all along the line was *‘Foxes 1 Look at the foxes! ’ and at night they sometimes bark until all attempts and to sleep are an absurdity. Thoso I saw heard in Palestine might have been descend¬ ants of the very foxes that Samson The employed wealth for an appalling incendiarism. of that land was in the harvests, and it Three was harvest time and the caught straw and was tied dry. in couples hundred foxes are which by some wire or incombustible cord the flames cannot divide, and firebrands are fastened to those couples of foxes, and the affrighted creatures are let loose and run every whither among the harvests, and in the awful blazo down go the corn shocks, and the vineyards, aud the olives, and all through the the valleys and over the hills and among villages is heard the cry of “Fire!” And in the burnt pathway walk hunger aud want and desolation. theologians All this for spite. And some learn one thing and some another. But I learn from it that a great piece man of may business, some times stoop to a very mean much and that if men would use as ingenu- Itv in trying to bless as they do in trying to destroy, the world all the way down would be in better condition. Yet tbo fire of the foxes kindled that night in Palestine has not gone out, but has leaped the seas, aud the sly foxes, the human foxes, are now still run¬ ning everv whither, kindling political of hate, fires, fires of religious controversy, fires world wide fires and the whole harvest of righteousness perish. It took the hard work of multitudes on these plains of Palestine for months and months to rear the vine aCnd raise the com, but it took only three hundred worthless foxes one night to blaza all into ashes. that Brace up your nerves now, you may look while I point them out. Yonder is Kir- jath-Jearim, where the ark of God staid un¬ til David took it to Jerusalem. Yonder John the Baptist was born. Yonder is Ernmaus, at where Christ walked with his disciples only eventide. Here are men plowing, the one of handle to the plow, showing plow accuracy in America Christ’s allusion. When we or England there are two hands on two handles, but in Palestine only one handle. And so Christ used the singular saying, “>io man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom.” The ox is urged on by a wooden stick pointe i with sharp iron, and the ox knows enough not tc kick, for he would only hurt himself instead of breaking the goad, And the Bible refers to that when it says to Saul, “It is har J for thee to kick agaiust the goads.” Ajalon, famous for Here is the valley of thi Joshua’s pursuit of the five kings and lunar arrest. And in imagination I see thi moon in daytime halt. Who has not s une- times seen the moon dispute the throne with the sun? But when the king of day and th« queen of night, who never before Joshua’s time nor since then stopped a moment in their march, halted at Joshua's command it was a scene, enough to make tho univers* shiver: “Moon, stand thou still in the vallej of Ajalon *" At another time we will see thi sun stop above Gibeon.but now we have only to do with the moon, and you must remem Itor ir. was more of an orb than it is now. II 13 a nurnt out world now, a dead world now. an extinct world now, a corpse laid out in state in the heavens, waiting for the judg- ment day to bury it. But' on the day of which I speak the moon was probably a liv- ing world, yet it halted at the wave of Josh- ua’s inch finger, “Stand thou still!” Do not budge an until Joshua finishes those five kings, who i are there tumbling over the rocks,sword of sky man pelting slashing them, hailstones out of tho them. And there is the cavern of Makkedah, where they fled for safety, and where they were afterward locked in and from which they were taken out to be slain, and in which they were afterward buried, and you do well to examine that cavern, for within a few hours it became three things which no other cave ever was—fortress, prison, sepulcher. .Now we pass the place where once lived _ one of tho greatest robbers of the country, Abou Gosh by name. From this point you see he could look over the surrounding coun- him try, and the plan long before the travelers came up to for taking of their money or their life, or both, was consumated. He one day found a company of monks who would not pay, and he smothered them to death in a hot oven. In his last days he lived here like an oriental prince, and had attendants and admirers to whom he told his stories of brigandage and assassination. So late as when our eminent and beloved American, William C. Prime, passed through, Abou Gosh, the scoundrelly Bedouin, sat at his doorway livein this smoking village, his pipe. His descendants honest than their distinguished and probably ancestor, are no mor but marauding ana murder are not as safe a business now as when all this route to Jerusalem was subjected to outrages pan- demoniac. ' Here we pass the village of Latrun, home of the penitent thief, the village, a few strag- gling houses on steep hills, rising from the valley earlier of days Ajalon. the thief Up these carried steep hills the in spoils his had of arson and burglary, and down them he had born the heavier burden of a hills guilty he mouuted heart. But after higher had than repented, these from the he transfixed posture on the cross to the bosom of a forgiving God. Now we come to the brook Elah, from which little David took the smooth stones with which he prostrated Goliath. There is a bridge spanning the ravine, but at the sea- son we crossed there is not a drop of water in the brook. We went down into the ravine and walked amid the pebbles that had been washed smooth, very smooth, by the rush of the waters through all' the ages. There is whore David armed himself. He walked around ana picked up five of these polished pebbles. He got them of just the right size. that He prepared himself for five volleys, so if the giant escaped the first he will not es¬ cape the whole five. The topography of the place so corresponds with the Bible story that I could see the memorable fight go on. It is the only fight I ever did watch. Pugilism 1 abhor; but here were two cham¬ pions—the one God appointed, the other Satan appointed, and deciding the destiny of a nation, the destiny of a world. It was a Marathon, an Arbela, a Waterloo, a Blen¬ ri"ht heim. a Sedan, concentrated into two arms. Here are two ridges of mountains 500 feet high, the Philistines on one ridge, the Is¬ raelites on the other ridge. The fight is in the valley between, at that season shaded and sweet with terebinth and acacia, David the champion for the Israelites, Goliath the champion for the Philistines, David under¬ sized and almost effeminate, only a mouth¬ ful for Goliath, who was nearly ten feet high. They advance to meet each other, but the Bible says that David made the first step forward. Nearer and nearer they come, but I do not think David will wait until he comes within reach of Goliath’s sword, for that would be fata), and David has a weapon with which he can fight at long range. Closer and closer they come, but David ad¬ vances tho more rapidly. “Come to me,” said the giant, “and I will give the thy.flesh beasts unto the fowls of tho air and to of the field.” You see Goliath going to give David for a banauet to the vulture and jackal. He, the mountain of flesh, will fall over on that little hillock. I hear him laugh through the mouthpiece of his hel¬ met. He will toast tho little whiffet on the top of his long sword. He will call all the crows for a breakfast. “Come to me, you contemptible little fellow, and I will make quick work with you. The idea that a five- tooter should daro to come out against a ten-rooter T Let the two armies David looking respond¬ down from the ridges watch me!” ed, “I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts!” Aha! that is the right kind of battle shout. “In the name of the Lord of Hosts!” How that cry Sumpt! Ho who lights in that spirit dwarf wins the day. The almost Israelitish en¬ larges into omnipotent proportions. The moment to strike has come. David takes his sling, with a ston 9 in it. aud whirls it round his head until he has put the weapon into sufficient momentum, and then, taking sure aim, hurls it. The giant throws up his hands and reels back and falls. The stone sank into his forehead. That was the only available point of attack. But bow about the helmet on his head? Did the stone that David flung crush through the helmet? No. An old rabbi says he thinks that when Go¬ liath scoffed at David the giant so suddenly and contemptuously jerked up his head that the helmet fell off. That is like enough. David saw the bare forehead, a foot the high, and aimed at the centre of it, and skull cracked and shook broke in like an eggshell, and the ground as this great oak of a mili¬ tary chieftain struck it. Huzza for David! But we must hasten on,for the dange now is that night will be upon us before we reach Jerusalem. Oh! we must see it before sun¬ down. We with are clifhbing the hills uplands which rising are terraced olive groves, above uplands, until we come to an immen¬ sity of 'barrenness, gray rocks leaf, above bush, gray rocks, where neither tree, nor nor nor grass blade can grow. The horses stum¬ ble, and slip and puil, till it seems the har¬ ness must break. Solemnity and awe take possession of us. Though a vivacious jocularity party, and during part of the day had reigned, now no one spoke a word except to say to the dragoman, “Tell us when you get the first glimpse of the city.” I never had such high expectation of seeing any place a3 of seeing Jerusalem. I think my feelings of may have been slightly akin to those the Christian just about to enter the heavenly Jeruslaem. My ideas of the earthly Jerusa¬ lem were bewildering. Had I not seen pic¬ tures of it? Oh, yes; but they only increased the bewilderment. They were taxen rrom a variety of standpoints. If twenty artists attempt to sketch Brook¬ lyn or New York or London or Jerusalem they will plant their cameras at different places and take as many different pictures, sacred but in a few minutes I shall see the city with my own eyes. Over another shoul¬ der of the hill we go,and nothing in sight but rocks and mountains and awful gulches be¬ tween them, which make the head swim if vou look down. On and up, on and up,until reined the lathered and smoking horses front, are and in. and the dragoman rises in points eastward, crying “Jerusalem!” It was mightier than an electric shock. We all rose. There it lay, the prize of nations, the terrmuus of famous pilgrimages, the object ot Roman and crusading wars, and for it Assyrians had fought and Egyptians had fought and the world had fought—the place where the Queen of Sheba visited and Richard Coeur de Lien had conquered. Borne of Solomon; home ol Ezekiel; home of Jeremiah; home of David’j Isaiah} home of Saladin. Mount Zion of heartbreak, and Mount Moriah, where the sacrifices smoked; Mount of Olives, where Jesus preached, and Gethsemane; where He agonized, and Golgotha, where He died, and the holy sepulcher where He was buried. O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Greatest city on earth, and type of the city celestial! After I have been teu thousand years in heaven the memory of that first view from the rocks on the afternoon of December 2 will be as vivid as now. An Arab on a horse that was like a whirlwind, bitted and sad- died and spurred, its mane and flanks jet as the night—and there are no such horsemen as Arab horsemen—had come far out to meet ns and invite us to his hotel inside the gates, But arrangements had been made for us to stay at a hotel outside the gates. In the dusk of evening we baited in front of the place and entered, nut I said: “No; thank you for your courteous reception. but I must slean to-nignt inside me gates of J erusaiem. t would rather have the poorest place inside the gates than the best place outside.” So we remounted our coach and moved on amid a ciamor of voices, and between camels grunting with great beams and timbers on their backs, brought in for building camel purposes —for it is amazing how much a can carry—until we came to what is called the Joppa Gate of Jerusalem. It is about forty feet wide, twenty feet -deep and sixty feet high. There is a sharp turn just after you have entered, so planned as to make the en- trance of armed enemies the more difficult, On the structure of these gates the safety of Jerusalem depended, and all the Bible writers used them for illustrations. Within five minutes’ walk of the gate we entered David wrote, “Enter into your' thy heads, gates O with thanksgiving,” “Lift up ye gates!” •‘The Lord loveth the gates of Zion,” “Open to me the gates of righteousness.” through And Isaiah wrote. “Go through, go the gates.” And the captive of Patmos wrote. “The city had twelve gates.” Having passed the gate we went on throug h tho narrow streets, dimly lighted, and passed the to our baiting place, and sat down by window, from which we could see Mount Zion, and said: “Here we are at last, in the capital of the whole earth.” And thoughts of the past and the future rushed through my of soul in quick succession, and I thought that odd hymn, sung by so many ascending spirits: Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever clear to me! When shall my labors have an end, In joy and peace and thee? When shall these eyes thy heav'n built wails And pearly gates behold? Thy bulwarks with shining salvation gold? strong, And streets of And so with our hearts full all of the gratitude from to God for journeying mercies way Joppa anticipation to Jerusalem, of entrance and into with the shining bright our gate of the heavenly city when earthly Pales¬ journeys are over, my second day in tine is Turkeys Routed by Grasshoppers. Farmer James C. Fairchild, of the up¬ per Paupack region in Pennsylvania, grasshoppers as¬ serts that has never known to be as thick in that place as they have been during the past August. In a tliree- acre field of late rye the insects were so numerous that they ate all the blades off the stalks and sucked all the juice out of them before the crop was ripe. One day Farmer Fairchild left his white vest at the edge of the lot, and when he went to put it on at night he found that the grasshop¬ in it. pers had eaten hundreds of holes The grasshoppers seemed to increase sev¬ eral fold each day in that particular field, and it appeared to him as though they full came out of the ground nearly grown. As the put into the socn as rye was barn, he turned the turkeys into the stub¬ ble. A high stone wall surrounds the lot, and the turkeys drove the hordes of grasshoppers ahead of them and gobbled up what they wanted. millions One day of the tur¬ in¬ keys drove apparently the sects into a corner of the field. They couldn’t get over the wall or through it, and several bushels of the grasshoppers, turned Farmer Fairchild declared, upon his flock of turkeys and came within an ace of swamping them. The fowls were completely covered with grasshoppers, and the insects kept coming at them so thick and fast that the turkeys finally took to their legs and wings, and went squalling toward the centre of the lot a* though something had scared them half to death. After a little, one of the gobblers ral¬ lied the flock, and led them bark to the corner. He gobbled a number of times on the way, and the other tom turkeys marched abreast of him and gobbled de¬ fiantly at the grasshoppers, the hens bringing up the rear and talking saucily as they marched. Well up toward the corner of the field the flock spread out, and in a moment innumerable wings were buzzing toward the wall. Pretty soon the grasshoppers were as thick in the corner as they had been before. There wasn’t room for them all, and again they turned upon the turkeys aud the turkeys turned tail in an instant, skedaddled across the lot, and flew over the bars into the roadway. The fowls had plainly been badly scared by the Fairchild grasshoppers, and since then Farmer has been unable to get his turkeys to stay in the rye field for ten minutes at a time. Curiosity Did It. Book agents follow the motto, “When everything else fails, try curiosity,” and usually wins. Au old gentleman south of this city, who had thrown book agents over the fence, allowed his curiosity bi¬ to lead him down to the fence to see a cycle go by. Just as the young gentle¬ man came up to the gate something stopped went wrong with the wheel, and he to fix it. The old man kindly offered his aid, and the wily agent slipped till a book into the victim’s hand to hold the wheel was fixed. The conversation turned from the bicycle to the book, and the former was repaired about the time the farmer was ready to subscribe to well two of the latter. When the name was inscribed and the bicyclist out of hearing, the old man scratched his head in a i athci dazed way and said: “I’ll be hanged if that ain’t a book agent.”—Indianapolis (Ind.) News. SUBSCRIBE NOM. ■TJ CO —H GO m C/> A Letter from an Eminent Di¬ vine in Regard to the Best Medicine in the World. Read. Wonclorful Cures. Atlanta, Ga., January 2, 1890. Six months ago, at the request of a friend who was interested in the sale of King’s Royal Germetuer, I made a writ¬ ten statement of the benefits I had re¬ ceived from the use of that medicine. In that statement I expressed the belief that it would cure me entirely of catarrh. Within the last two months I have re¬ ceived letters from every quarter of the nation calling on me for further informa¬ tion in regard to my health. It has been impossible for me to write privately to each person who has made this request, and I am therefore under the necessity cf making another public catarrh. statement. believe I am free from I that I could get a certificate to this effect from any competent physician. I have used no medicine within the last six months except King's Royal Germetuer. My health is better than it has been in thirty years. I am in possession saying of information that the which warrants me in re¬ lief which I have experienced from the use of the medicine is not more certain and radical than that which it has brought to hundreds of persons in Geor¬ gia and other States. I feel it to be my duty to say, also, that the effects of this remedy upon my wife have been even more signal and wonder¬ ful. She has been almost a life-long in¬ valid from Nervous Headache, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. In a period of thirty years she has scarcely had a day’s exemp¬ tion from pain. She has been using Ger- meteur about two months. A more com¬ plete transformation I have never wit¬ nessed. Every symptom of disease has disappeared. She appears to be twenty years younger, and is as happy and play¬ ful as a healthy child. We have persua¬ ded many of our friends to take the med¬ icine, and the testimony of all of them is that it is a great remedy. J. B. Hawthokne. Pastor First Baptist Church. Royal Germeteur builds up first dose, the patient quickly feeling its invigorating and health-giving influence. It increases the appetite, aids digestion, clears the complexion, regulates the liver, kidneys, etc., and speedily brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. For weak and debili¬ tated females it is without a rival or a peer. suffering with disease and If you are fail of a cure, send stamp for printed matter, certificates, etc. For sale by the King’s Royal Germe¬ teur Company, 14 N. Broad street, At¬ lanta, Ga., and by druggists. Price $1.50 per concentrated bottle, which makes one gallon of medicine as per di¬ rections accompanying each bottle. Can oe sent by express C. O. I). if your drug¬ gist cannot supply you. ly FORTUNES FOR MANY. Allen, the blacksmith, is now a mil¬ lionaire through replying to an advertise¬ ment of unclaimed estates. &c., «fcc.— Times , London , March 1st, '1888. If your ancestors came from the old country, write to The European Claims Agency, 59 Pearl street and 24 Stone street, New York city, inclosing 25 heir cent3 to for reply, and learn if you are an any of the unclaimed estates there, worth more thvm half a billion dollars,- that rightly belong, chiefly, to American de¬ scendants of Europeans who came to America years ago. If your ancestors came over more than fifty years ago, there is a probability that you are heir to a fortune. Gt THE GEORGIA ALLIANCE RECORD Is a large 8-page weekly devoted to Alliance news, agriculture, horticulture, stock raising, literary and general news. Send for a sample copy. Address ALLIANCE RECORD, 4t Montezuma, Ga. J. I. BLiSIlAIE, —DEALER IN— DRY GOODS. Groceries ana Hardware. V full line of HARDWARE auG CROCKERY. Quality of all Goods Guaranteed and Prices as low as the low¬ est. 1 also sell the famous NEW HOME AND LOVE SEWING MACHINES. Buy from me, and thus save the Aleuts’ enormous commission. IVill de¬ liver Machine anywhere within ten miles of Knoxville. You can have ample time to try me. Satisfaction guaranteed or nc pay- CALL ANI) SEE ME. J. W. BLASINGAME i Knoxville, G-a.