The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, November 28, 1890, Image 3

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:JCTS FOB THE SICK! .otter from an Eminent Di- i Flcgard to the Best vine in World. Medicine in the Read. l kAToii cioi'fiTl Cnics. ATLANTA, Ga., January 2, 1890. months ago, at the request of a SB who was interested in the sale of [end Royal Germetuer, I made a writ- I jug's Ledfromlhe of the benefits I had re- use of that medicine la statement I expressed the belief tha! at ” jd me entirely of catarrh, u cure months I have 'thin the last two re- Ll letters from for every further quarter mforma- of the ! . ca ning on me health. It has been ; n regard a to my write privately to possible f 0 r me to «h person who has made this request, fi lam therefore ' under the necessity cf [ k j n g another public statement, am free from catarrh. I believe that buld get a certificate to this effect from (competent physician. I have used medicine within the iast six months e nt King's Royal Germetuer. My jjjj ; s better than it has been in thirty r3 i a m in possession of information : f k warrants me in saving that the re- whick I have experienced from certain the of the medicine is not more Lght -JligA tijnii that of which in it Geor- has tnd to hundreds persons other States, (feel (effects it to of be this my remedy duty to upon say, also, my wife that L f been even more signal and life-long wonder- in- She has been almost a | ( ] from Nervous In Headache, period Neuralgia of thirty Rheumatism. had a day’s k she has scarcely been a using exemp- i from pain. She has Ger- eur about two months. A more com- c transformation I have never wit- ed. Every symptom of disease has ppearod. She appears to be twenty s younger, and is us happy and plav- s a healthy child. We have persua- [many of our friends to take the ined- k anil the testimony of all of them is it is a great remedy. ,T. B. Hawthobne. Pastor First Baptist Church, byal Germeteur builds up from the [dose, bonding the and patient health-giving quickly feeling influence, its [creases the complexion, the appetite, regulates aids digestion, the liver, rs eys. etc., and speedily brings bloom ie to cheek, strength to the body and the heart. For weak and debili- J females it is without a rival or a you are suffering with disease and if a cure, send stamp for printed er. certificates, etc. f r sale by the King’s Royal Genne- [Company, 14 N. Broad street, At- >. Ga., and by druggists. Price () per concentrated bottle, which bs one gallon of medicine as per di- pns accompanying each bottle. Can nt by express C. O. D. if your drug- cannot supply you. iy >RTUNES FOR MANY. en, the blacksmith, is now a mil- ire through replying to an advertise- of unclaimed estates, &c., &c .— *• London, March l#f, 1888. your ancestors came from the old try, write to Tiie European Claims v, 50 Pearl street and 24 Stone | My, New and York learn city, if inclosing 25 heir cents to K unclaimed you are an estates there, worth I than half a billion dollars, that I.' belong, chiefly, to American de- |ants Tea of Europeans who came to years ago. If your ancestors over more than fifty years ago, lime. is a probability that you are heir to fit GEORGIA ALLIANCE RECORD [* pee : lr novs. ge 8-page agriculture, weekly horticulture, devoted to raising, literary and general news. a sample copy. Address ALLIANCE RECORD. Montezuma, Ga. J dealer in— RY GOODS, Toceries and Hardware. ' l ‘ll line of HARDWARE ant KhRY. Quality of all Goods in toed aml Prices ag low thc low 1 ’‘'so us sell the famous HOWE AND LOVE SEWING from MACHINES. u 'c, and thus ’ save tht 'J frl? c JJ”imous 0 an commission. herc within Will de .y w ten mile* e - You can have ample time ' Sj Uf ! faction guaranteed or n e. 'I L AND SEE ME. w. BLASINGAME itn i Oxvili 0 , Oa. CHEAP MONEY. I am desire. Money can be repaid at any time R- D. Smith. alliance directory. COUNTY ALLIANCE. Rev. G. TV. White, president. Ii. II. ( mvcrhouse, vice-president. S. B. Causey, secretary. L. C. Futrell, treasurer. Jeff D. McGee, lecturer. Frank Danielly, assistant lecturer. J. \V r . Hammock, sentinel. Meets first Thursday in January, April July and October. 1 ’ KNOXVILLE ALLIANCE. R. H. Culverhouse, president. M. F. Perry, vice-president. B. F. Causey, secretary. J. S. Sandifer, treasurer. J. D. McGee, lecturer. C. G. Power, assistant lecturer. Jeff Wright, sentinel. G. S. Bryant, assistant sentinel. Meets first and third Saturdays in each month. tf NOTICE. Copartnership. We have formed a copartnership un¬ der the name of the George W. Greene Company, for the purpose of carrying on a retail dry goods business in Triangular block, Macon, Georgia. J. H. Timhehlakr. Geoage W. Greene, Homer N. Wright, I) ax Coffey, George AY. Coates. 4t CLAIMS II. cun General House Furnisher. 572 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, STOVES & RANGES- Every article warranted. Call and sec me. ATLANTA i FLORIDA R R. TIME TABLE. B UTH BOUND iXOBTB BOUND - NO. 5. so. 1. NO. 2. NO. 6. 8 00a 3 OOp Lv.. .Atlanta.. .Ar 10 20a 5 40p 12 27pj 5 03p .... Williamson ... 8 15 h 3 25p ......Topeka..... 6 55a il iia 3 12p 6 23p .....Culloden..... i .....Musella...... 10 37a lTpi 6 53p .... Knoxville..... 6 24iiT .....Gaillard..... 5 40p 7 30n Ar.Fort. Valley.Lv 5 45a 8 30a Trains No. 1 and 2 run daily. north Nos. 5 an 1 6 run tri-weekly. Going going oa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, nnd south on Mondays,” Wednesdays W. GARRETT, an! Fridays. T. GEo. Superintendent. y. Howard, M. H. Carnes, P. Agent. Agent Knoxville. F. and IT WILL PAY Every Man Woman and Child in Crawford and Adjoining Counties To Buy CLOTHING. HITS AND SHIRTS From the Live Clothing Store of 368 2ND STREET, Macon, Ga. lv You are in a Bad Fix But we will cure you if you will pay us. Men who arc weak, nervous and debilitated, suffering from nervous de¬ bility, seminal weakness, and all the effects of early evil habits, or later in¬ discretions, which lead to premature de¬ cay, consumption or insanity should send for and read the “Book of Life,” giving particulars of a home cure. Sent (sealed) free, by addressing Dr. Parker’s Medical and Surgical Institute, 151 North Spruce street, Nashville, Tenn. They guarantee a cure or no pay .—Tie Sunday Morning. i* NEWS AND NOTES FOR WOMEN. 1 lobes are all the rage. Lace flounces are greatly used. Dark myrtle green is very stylish. The owl turban is the correct thing. Turquoise blue is a fashionable color. Serpent bracelets are all the go in Paris. Picnic balls are now all the rage in France. The Jrincess of Wales wears nanibo six shoes. Just now there is a perfect mania fo t moonstones. Gold and silver brocades are excep¬ tionally rich. White grenadine with silver designs is very stylish. Turquois blue with black promises tc be the fai of the season. Chenille and fine silk cording combine exquisitely in borderwork for a robe. White satin with brocaded leaf bor¬ der on each side, is an exquisite fabric. Mrs. Dawson established the first club for women in Sidueft, New South Wales. The feather is taking a rest during the excitement of interest in popularity of the ruff. Shawls of every sort are made iuto dresses for exclusive wearers by private modistes. < It is not a “two-heeled,” but a low- heeled Piccadilly shoe, that is now in great favor. Marguerite, a light but vivid purple, will be one of the leading shades for the winter season. The clergy of Treves has denounced lawn tennis as an unbecoming game for German women. Torreador is the color that will be most affected by brunette, this season. It is a bright orange. . Note paper used by the ultra fashiona¬ ble class is not much larger in surface than a lady’s calling card. The Spanish Bolero hat is a great fa¬ vorite for general wear, in felt, with feather pompon trimmings. In London the ladies of the nobility are wearing bracelets and necklaces made of all the American gold coins. Mrs. Julia Grant’s eyesight is very poor, and her maid is writing her book of reminiscences from dictation. A splendid visiting jacket is of mode- colored broadcloth, with black plush vest and applique ornamentation. Earrings are not going out of fashion. They are gone, and the girl with a hole in her ear is using gum to fill it with. One of the largest storage warehouses in New York city is conducted and owned by a woman, Mrs. H. C. Hague. It is said that there are over 45,000 women and young girls engaged in the manufacture of artificial flowers in Paris. Two women hold positions as station agents at Rockford, Ill., and have won the good will of everybody thereabouts. For dressy occasions, the hair is now worn knotted high on the head, w ith a thin, waved fringe in front instead of a bang. An Oil City (Penn.) milliner has a very unique novelty in the shape of a broom made from the wings of the English sparrow. There is no club for women journalists in England, but they are admitted on equal terms with men to the Institute of Journalists. Owl’s heads, with wings in pale yel low or gray, or dyed in fancy colors, are set in front of the hat crown with wings close along its sides. A Massachusetts lady, who has recent¬ ly died, left a bequest of $50,000 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty tc Children in her State. Even young ladies have adopted the Goidon or Stanley sash of blue or red cloth, to wear w ith thin kilt skirts .and striped linen shirt-waists. A trio of blackb.rds appear upon many of the fashionable hats; alsa sea swal¬ lows in groups or havering singly on the back of sailor Rubens hats. Along carriage wiap is of black plush and black and brown matclasse, edged w ith black ostrich feathers and trimmed with brown passementerie. Fashion is to have a fetich this winter in the shape of a punehmello dressed in a piece of the favorite costume and trimmed with real silver bells. It has been pronounced an exquisite and artistic fashion to bind the hair with a fillet of gold and girdle the waist of a white or night dress with a silver chain. Carman Sylva, Queen of Roumaniu, is forty-seven and still beautiful, She and the Princess of Wales, who is also forty- seven, are two of the prettiest women in Europe. The New Y'ork Exchange for Wo¬ men’s Work began ten years ago with thirty articles for sale. Last year the returns in cakes and preserves alone was over $11,000. An ornament that has vanished from popularity is the earring. Only solitaries worth losing are worn any more, and then only by women who can afford de¬ tective service. There are indications that the untidy and altogether objectionable fashion of having street dresses touch the ground in the back will soon be out. It should never have come in. r. E. wright. W. Pt AJ.LKW. WRIGHT & ALLEN, DEALERS IN-- n ry Goods, Groceries 9 Hats, Shoes 9 HARDWARE AND PLANTATfON SUPPLIES. We can furnish you with High Grade Fertilizers, the best on the market. Try them. Best quality Corn, Hay, Oats, Bran. Our stock of Ladies’ Goods is complete, and we extend a cordial invitation to call and inspect Same, You will be pieused with what we have to show you. ROBERT COLEMAN. s. a. COLEMAN * RAY I MU Facte and emission totals. -DEALERS IN- roceries. Provisions. Planter^ Supplies and Fertilizers, MACON, GrEOllCS-ixk. Buggies, 4c., » We also carry a full line of Groceries, Bagging, Ties, Wagons, KNOXVIIjIjE, GEonaiA. which is h Mr. J. W. Jack will be in charge of our business at Knoxville, botat and courteous treatment, We solicit patronage for guarantee of fair, honest iy Macon and Knoxville. KNOXVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SPRING TERM. Opens January 1?, Closes ... June 27 FALL TERM. Opens September 1, Closes December 1 il. Rate of tuition for All Classes, $2 per month. A pro rata allowance will be made for Public Fund. Each pupil will be taught by the most modern methods. I cordially solicit your patronage. Fur- iher informatiou will be cheerfully fur- nished by C. C. POWER, Princiual. THE HARRIS HOUSE, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA. Always open to public patronage. We try to please our guests. Comfortable Room and good Fare. Free hack to and from Depot. Z, T. HARRIS, Proprietor. V. T. Shinholser & Ha; DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Groceries Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods, Sugar, Coffee, Poultry, Butter. Eggs, Ac. Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Beer, &c. We pay the highest price for Chickens, Eggs, Butter and Country Produce. Parties wishing to purchase family gro¬ ceries, produce, &c., will find we sell ul lowest prices. Call and see us at Nos. <>03 to <506 Fourth street, nearly opposite Brown House and Passenger Depot, MACON, GA. iy RIVIERE & AVANT Dealer's in all kinds of PINE LUMBER, &c. Our mills are now situate five mile g east of Knoxville, in the midst of the ▼,ry best heart pine. We offer our lumber at the very lowest jriees, and will deliver at the mills or at fpy point on the railroad. All Orders Filled Promptly. Try us. KNOXVILLE, GA. - MATHEWS & MALPASS, WARE HOU8E And Commission Merchants, KNOXVILLE, GA. Within 20 Yards of Depot. We arc prepared to handle COTTON at lowest prices, and guarantee highest prices to sellers. TRY XT33. S. S. DUNLAP, 11. M. WORTHAN, ; ' President. Vi< k-Phbsidbht. R. E. STEED. Secretary and Treasurer. ' IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, steel, Stoves and Tinware. Carriage Wagon and Material, Agricultural ImpH* ments, Mechanic’s Tools, &>c«, &c» Agents Howe’s Standard Scales, P. H. Starkes, Dixie Plows and Planet Jr. Cul¬ tivator. 150 and 152 Third St., 8iu Macon, Ga. MALPASS & BUSSEY, — DEALERS IN— FINE LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, SSoxla Water, Cigars• Tobacco and Candy. W« keep none but the best, and can supply you with anything from a drink of Soda Water to a gallon of Imported French Brandy. West Knoxville, Gift JoUr aath. IROQ lv PBOFESSIONAL CARDS R. D, Smith. W. P. Blasiugame. SMITH & 8LASINGAME, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Knoxville, Ca. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business entrusted to their care. MONEY CHEAP AND EASY. (op If yovt want CHEAP AND QUICK MONEY, on ea«y and liberal terms, you can get it by calling on W. P. BL A SING AMS, Attorney at law, Knoxville, Ga.