The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, November 28, 1890, Image 7

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• oldest Dwelling » The U. S. ,-tone house, m Guilford, Conn., Th ablr the oldest dwelling house in Wd^dStites. nl Since the date of its th 1040, to the present time, it ■ ff^en h as ? L „ used as few a dwelling, instances with in colonial the ex- Jhen „ ceptl ° Q it did duty as a fort, and times- " of refuge for the set- raL “ ,'a their families when phillip was on the war-path. The built for Henry Whitfield, the was settlement, who was minis, V ,f the a Krthe K‘ e\vho church called of England, non-conformists. and one As of were settlements, his h L .lwith those early belief. The stone wo .e of his '' built was quar¬ T h the house was ts w ledge about a mile CL from a site, and the records the hand-barrows, which gay was carted on piece of work. bo inconsiderable building the walls is The mortar used in With h rdnow as the stone itself. . T execution of the roof, the j stands ‘ today just as Erst'marriage w t he builders 250 years ago. UnSin in Guilford was sol- fihewedding this house, and history tells us f -hat the ntuuiii feast on and the occasion h it. insisted of boiled pork peas, born i jrcene ITalleck, the poet, was in a bouse that stood a short distance from ike •■old stone house.” Collins. She Felt Sorry. i voune Texas lady of a violent tern- er * Wt •! 1 about ‘ to be married, ’ was found » > veefungbva “Why do <• -< iveep. • „ 1 an y. „ v >’° u kind- future husband is one o. the most iearted men in the world. •1 know it; but I cant help feeling ;orry for the poor man. 1 have such a jind heart that it makes me cry to think iow I’ll boss him around. The poor nan has no idea how he is going to uifer at my hands,” and once more the lT es of the kind-hearted woman filled nth brine.— Texas Siftings. ■—as Iff HEN YOU VISIT ATLANTA, Don’t Fail to Stop at BLUE’S JEW- ttl. KY STORE, 73 Whitehall Street. I Vr /,,irgest Stock and Lowest Prices in the City. Society Emblems a Specialty. [Send me SI-GO and get a Solid Gold Pin of Lny Order you belong to. ELEGBfiPHY AND SHORTHAND ! I LEADING SC HOOL SOUTH. Catalogue free. COUCH A LLGKNUKEL. Seuoia, Gn. I thorougniy taught by MAIL. Circulars free. I mini’s College, 457 Mam SL. Buffalo. N. Y. ■ tar^v A 1 RELIEVES INSTANTLY. ELY BROTHERS, 06 Warrea St., New York. Price GO cts. NEW LAW CLAIMS. A s lr Milo B. Stress Attorneys, 1413 F Ht., Washingten, 1>. C. Bra nch Offices, tle velacd, Detroit.Cbirago. PENSIONS Is oTSf. Passed &nd PENSION Fathei** ■ Ssldien, Wldoni.Mstt- lk«ir Bill -t „ fAi 3 era are e*- Ii«ia . mwu* 1 piSO'S REMEDY FOR FATARItH.—Best. Easiest to Use. Cold Cheapest. in lleatl Relief it has is equal. im mediate. A cure is certain. For tne no „ CA T A RR H It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price, 00c. Sold by druggists or sent bv mail. Address, E. T. Hazkltine, Warren, Pa. % t 111 1 / I 'X 8 S' HIS OWN /a DOCTOR 'xm By J. Hamilton Ayers, A. M., M. D. Thio is a most Valuable Honk for tbo Household, teaching as It dees the easily- \\ distinguished Symptoms of different Dis- eases, the Causes and Means of Prevent- " C SE*n tng such Diseases, and the Simples* 11 cm- TO for THE DOCTOR WHEN YOU HAVE THIS BOOK. which will alleviate or cure. edies V * ** The Book is written in plain, every-day English, P" u Ji free from the tectinical terms wliich render most Doctor Books so valueless to L u ’ generality of readers. This Book is intended to he of Service in the Family, an r corded as to be readily understood by all. ONLY 60 CENTS POSTPAID. 'The low price only being made possible by the immense edition printed.) onl J does this Book contain so much Information relative to Disease, but very properly gives a Complete Analysis of everything pertaining to ' 0 VSTSHIP, MARRIAGE AND THE PRODUCTION AND REARING OP WEALTHY FAMILIES; TOGETHER WITH VALUABLE RECIPES AKI > PRESCRIPTIONS, EX PL ANA TI0N OF BOTANICAL PRACTICE, CORRECT USE OF ORDINARY HERBS. * E * edition, revised and enlarged with complete index. ' 1 this Book in the house there is no excuse for not knowing what to do in jr^gency. Ut * at on Don’t for this wait valuable until you volume. hare illness in your family before you order, ce 0 NLT go gkm T s POSTPAID. Send postal 2-cent postage stamps. notes er ATLANTA PUBLISHING HOUSE, 114-118 LOYD ST.. ATLANTA. GA. I u. t okkii On! ubi\ \n il_: (Sri t /-• V Z ; . ir 1 % S3 m 0. 1 I •* ‘ lorrn tvNT. 1890f J. j A Poverty-stricken Millionaire! J This paradox, but it is seems a ex- plained by one of New York’s richest men. “ I don’t count my wealth in dollars,” he said. “What are all my possessions to me, since I am a victim of consumption? but My months doctor tells live, me : that I have » few to for * he disease » incurable. Iampoor- er than that beggar yonder.” “But,” j n terupted the friend to whom he spoke, “consumption can be cured. If taken j n time, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will eradicate every vestige of the disease from your system.” “I’ll try it,” said the millionaire, and he did; ail d to-day there be is not a anywhere. healthier, happier man to fouuu The “Discovery” strikes at the seat of the complaint. Consumption is a dis- ease of the blood—is nothing more nor ] ess ]ung-serofula — and it must and (j oes yield Medical to this wonderful remedy. is not “Golden Discovery” j only an acknowledged fatal remedy taken for that in terribly and given malady, trial, when but also for time a fair all forms of Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases, as White Swellings, Salt-rheum, Fever- sores, Hip-joint Eczema, Boils, Disease, Carbuncles, Ery¬ Tetter, sipelas and kindred ailments. XING COTTON Buy or sell your Cotton onJTQJfES JL - 5-Ton Cotton Seale, NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. For terms address JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON. N. Y. BAGGY KNEES POSITIVELY REMEDIED Greeiy Pant Stretcner Ad' ptert by students hi Harvard, Amherst and other Colleges, a iso by professional and business men every¬ where. If not for s ue in your tow i send Boston. 25c. to B. J. GREELY. 715 Washington Street, B dorse 1 prescribe Big fi and the folly only en. as -“SSjSv 1 TO Onre>in b daYS.^ 'SEjg of specific this disease. fortheeortaiucure d ■r Sfecirenteed uo< «« G. H. IN'I RAH AM, M. D., s~> f s wStrtM uw. Amsterdam, N. Y. Jtraotij by the We have sold Big G for cn CMmm flA 09.__ many years, and It has L-i yen the best of oatis- - wpPe SSk C»iiejE3!ttl,tMgPB faction. D. It. DYCHB & CO.. Ohio. W Chicago, HI. Yride^wJ3J®*3urk*Sf.OO. Sold by Druggiais. A. A. U. . Forty-eight, 189U Culinary Helps. Apple Fritters. —One cupful of sweet milk, a little salt, two eggs, one teaspoonful of baking powder, and flour to make a batter thick enough to drop nicely from a spoon; chop two apples fine and mix with the batter. powdered Fry in hot lard. Serve with sugar or syrup. Hominy. —Wash one cupful of hominy in two waters. Pour into it four tea- cupluls of boiling water, half gradually stir¬ ring steadily. Add a teaspoonful of salt; boil from three-quarters to a whole hour. May be served at any meal with meat of any kind, or it may be eaten hot or cold with milk. Smothered Cr ab Apples.— Pour two cupfuls of boiling water over half a box of gelatine, add a spoonful When of cool, vauilla and one cupful of sugar. beat in the whites of three eggs beaten stiff. In a deep glass dish have a quantity of pre¬ served crab apples placed, and pour the gelatine custard over. Place on ice until ready to serve. Whipped Cream. —Place the cream in an ice chest or where it will be very cold before you begin to whip it. Whip one pint of cream, and as the top thickens, skim it off into another dish, until it is all firm and thick: sweeten to taste with powdered sugar and add teaspoonfuls of vanilla. If it is too rich, or there is not enough cream after it is whipped, add the well-beaten whites of three eggs. Serve in small glasses or custard cups. Short Cake.— Make like soda biscuit ; butter the size of an egg rubbed into a quart of flour, one cup of milk or water, one teaspoonful of 'soda, two of cream tartar, pinch of salt; roll rather thin and cut the size of your tin, butter a little, then nut on anther piece same size, bake, split open, butter, spread with berries, sprinkle with sugar, add the other crust, butter, cover with beriies and sugar, then pour rich sweet cream, or whpped cream over the top. Corn Meal Muffins. —Beat together, in order mentioned, two eggs, two ta¬ blespoonfuls of white sugar, H cups sweet milk, a half teaspoonful of salt, a cupful of Indian meal (white preferred), two cupfuls of flour sifted with two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder and one teaspoonful of melted burter. Bake in hot gem pans for twenty min¬ utes, in hot oven. Delicious. Water may be used instead of milk. Those left over may be reheated by steaming, or may be used for the foundation of pud¬ dings. Tomattoes With Ergs.— Peel the tomatoes and'set them close together in an earthen dish, which must first be buttered. Now scoop out a spoonful from the middle of each and chop it fine. Mince a small onion and fry brown in a spoonful of butter, add a cupful of bread crums and a sprig of minced pars¬ ley, with salt and pepper to taste. Mix with the tomato and fill the cavities with it. Sprinkle, bread crums over the whole, dot with bits of butter, and bake for half an hour in rather a quick oven. W hen brown, break over the top an egg for each person to be served, and return to the oven for five minutes. Creole Pancakes.— This is a delight¬ ful supper dish, and may be eaten with either butter or sugar. Some persons have called them “quire properly of paper” made, cakes, is as each cake, w hen as thin as a sheet of writing paper, Sift a pint and a half of flour; salt to taste. To a cupful of right sour milk put a half teaspoonful of soda, and beat till it foams. Pour into the flour, add four eggs, slightly beaten, and enough cold water to make a thin batter. All milk makes the cakes hard to turn. Grease the griddle well and cover it with a thin coating of butter. Turn quickly with a knife in each hand. Serve hot and cut like pie. Pilla Won’t Cure Dyspepsia. Dyspeptics are ever hopeless. They seek re¬ lief from their distress of stomach and of liver, and find it not. Indigestion, hear!burn, vertigo, extreme lassitude, loss of energy, peevishness, etc., is the bane of their exist¬ ence and mars the complacent feelings of others around the family fireside. Why won't dyspeptics come and be cured. It can be done. r, ’nere is one sure way of strengthening the digestive organs, and removing thereby. every symp¬ But tom of general debility caused pills and this cannot be done by the taking Such of treatment other cathartic mixtures. relief at first, while seeming to give temporary the disease and in¬ in the end aggravates it is like whipping creases the suffering, for a tired horse, it irritates and urges, but the strength to move at last gives out entirely. Thousands of former dyspeptics are now hap¬ py in health and strength or stomach brought about by the use of the finest of strengthening and healing tonic alteratives known ns Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, the condensed vir¬ tue of many excellent, herbs. It is the biggest and best Sarsaparilla sold. When a man has settled with the toll-gate he comes by it honestly enough. Dyspepsia troubed me for a number of years and I was nervous and weak. A friend got me to use Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla, and everything I now eat agrees with me. My stomach now gives me no pain and 1 enjoy my food. }{. T. Randolph, DesMoines. The boy who expects to be a great man must try to be a man first. Ladies needing a tonic, or children who want building up, should take Brown’s Iron Bitters. It is pleasant to ta^e, cures Malaria, Indigestionjhliousncss and Liver Complaints, makes the Blood rich and pure. I No voung man cares to keep his countenance after his girl has sent back his photograph. “Woman, her diseases and their treatment.” A valuable illustrated book of seventy-two Daites free, on receipt of 10 cts. for cost of mail¬ ing, etc. Address P. O., Box 1066, 1’hila., Pa. Lee Wa’s Chinese Headache Cure, Harm- less in effect, quick and i<*itiye in atuoa Firs stopped free by Dr. Knnrg’s Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise an i trial bottle free. Dr. Klin e. 961 Arch SL, Phil s.. Pe. Timber. Mineral, t arm Laals and Ranches in Missouri. Kansas. Texas and Arkansas, bougni and sold. Tyle r A Co.. Kans as City. ilo. Bkecham's Pills act like magic on a Weak Stomach, Drifting Straws. Thp one beautiful thing about the special delivery stamp is, that it is never on sale at the hour you need it most ur¬ gently.— Puck. Tx Vermont a law has been passed for¬ bidding caricatures. This appears to be a blow at the amateur photographer. Out of thirty people who met in Kan¬ sas this summer to pray for rain, only one brought an umbrella. The rest prayed that it wouldn’t rain till they got safe home. When Thomas Nast made a tour of the country he complained that he did not receive big enough audiences. good house.— Any artist should draw a Boston Traveler. Did you ever notice that a man is . either better looking, or much worse looking, than his photograph; and that with a woman it either flatters like everything, or else don’t do her justice at all? — Light. A man who has practiced medicine for 10 years ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says: Toledo, Co.—Gentlemen:—I O.. Jan. 10,1887. have Messrs. F. J. the Cheney general & practice of medicine been in for most 10 years, and would say that in all my practice and experience prescribe h t ve never with seen a preparation that I could Hall’s Ca¬ an much confidence of success as I can tarrh Cure, manufactured by you Have pre¬ scribed it a great many times and its effeo is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that 1 have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they r would take it accord¬ ing to directions. Yours truly-, M. D„ L. L. Go its UCH, St. Office, 21 < Summit We will give $100 for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Props., Toledo, O. F. J. I heney & i o.. tW Sold by Druggists, 75c. An Austin lady boasts that her daughter can read “Latin, Greek and Transcript.” Many persons aTe broken down from over¬ work or household cares. Brown’s Iron Bit- ters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, re¬ moves excess of bile, and cures malaria. A splendid tonic for women and children. When a lazy’ man breathed his last his wife sobbed forth : “Another idle vanished!” You make no mistake if you occasionally give your children Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroy- ers. It is a nice candy and while it never does harm sometimes does a world of good. Ruffs for the throat are fashionable, is generally for the throat that a rough goes. ———— -;- f Do You Ever Speculate Any person sending us their name and ad- dress will receive inf ® r 'nation that wiL lead to a fortune. Beni. Lewis <» Uo., Security Building, Kansas City, Mo. Oklahoma Guide Book and Map sent any where on receipt of 50cts.Tyier & Co.* Kausaa City, Mo. ----- If afflicted with sore eves use Dr. 25c Isaac Thonip- bottle. ion’s Druggists sell at per That Tickling throat arises from catarrh In your catarrh, and as is a coi stitutlonal disease the ordinary cough medi¬ cine? all fall to hit the spot. What you need Is a constitutional remedy like Iiood’s Sarsaparilla, which, by building Up the general health, and ex¬ pelling the scrofulous taint which Is the cause o’ catarrh and consumption has restored to perfect health many persons on whom thes • d so ise seemed to h ve a firm told. Many unsolicited testimonials I rove U yond question that catarrh Is cur, d by Hcocfs ^arStApdr C* ^3i S*c* ^ S«i e i I 1 la #31 Sold by ail druggists. $1; six for 85. Prepared only bv C. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass, tOO Doses One CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH, RED , THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The Diamond only fare, Brand Sure, Red »n<l reliable Gold Pill metallic for sale, \y Lfidlei, iwk Druggist for Chichester * English in and ’teaied with blue ribbon. Take no other kind* Refuse Substitutions and Imitation*. v / Ju ills in pwteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dongeroui counterfelta. At Druggiata.orfeiid o* bCi vie. - P for particulars, testimonials, and “Relief for Ladle*,” in letter, by return Mall* in wtamps CHEMICAL CO., MndUon Mqiiare, 10,OIM) Testimofliaia. Same Paper. CHICHESTER RHILAOEU^UIA* FA. »<*ld by all Local DmgcUu. The Companion Calendar For 1891. ■TT Hi i « V I \f4 * jr/ Monday for Health, V Tueadrv for Wealth, Wednesday the Best Day of All; Thursday for Losses, i/JL Friday for Crosses, ./W Saturday No Luck at All, Sunday the Day that ia Blest With Heavenly Peace and Rest. 0 ! and Unique Calendar called <# The Thlfc Beaatifal and Announcement is Book of Days.” It has Fourteen Pages finely printed in Colors, the design being selected from nearly Two Thousand received in the Prize Competition. It is considered the most novel and attractive Calendar of the year. Mailed on receipt of ten ceoti. Offer to New Subscribers. i- This Calendar will be aent to each New Subscriber who WILL CUT OFT and aend un this advertisement, with SI.73 for a year’s subscription. The Youth’s Companion will be mailed from the time that the subscription Is received to January, 1S91, FUEL, nndiiivr a fail year from that ustc. So other weekly patter gives so large a variety of entertaining reading at so law a price. Double Holiday Numbers—Illustrated Weekly Supplement*. The Youth’s Companion, Boston, Mass. 45 Send Check, Postcjtce Order or Registered Letter. Sv^pp-fFTc * tU ./H m. JU OOT® ENJOYS Both the method and results when and Syrup refreshing of Figs is taken; it is pleasant to the taste, and acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, on the Kidneys, cleanses the sys¬ aches tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ and fevers and cures habitual constipation. only remedy of Syrup its kind of Figs is the ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable its to the stomach, prompt in action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most its healthy and agreeable substances, many excellent qualities com¬ mend it to all and have made it the Syrup most popular Figs remedy ki nown. of is for sale in 50 o and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ wishes cure it promptly it. for Do any one who to try not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO L SAN FRANCISCO, CAL tmSVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N Y. m ™ ”” _____ — FOR A oNE-DOLLAR BILL sentun by m»« wo will deliver, free or all chargee, to any person la the Unit d State*, all of the following articles, c fully packej; One two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline, - - - 10 eta. One two-ounce bottle of Vaseline Pomade, - 15“ One jar of Vaseline Cold Cream, - 15 “ - - ^ Sw,' - 10 “ - 10 “ one Cake of Vaseline Soap, exquisitely sreuted.25 “ oifb two-ounce bott.e of Wnite Vaseline, - - 25“ - or for postage stamp* any single article at the pries named. On no account be persuaded to accept from your druggist any Vaseline or preparation therefrom (HU unless labelled with our name, because you i oe r- K For Coughs^ Colds ay There is no Medicine like P9 Sell is 1 S ■ 1 7 : DR. SCHENCK'S - 5 if PULMONIC Ins on r 01 c/tfs n SYRUP. Id 1 does It is not pleasant contain to the a particle taste and of a 1 opiumorsnythlng is the Best Cough Medicinein injurious. the It World. ForSalobyall Schenck’s Druggists, Book * Price, £1.00 per bottle. Dr. on Consumption and fie Cure, inniled free. Address Dr. J. H. Bcbenck & Son, Philadelphia. ADIIIH^S^sr % H a* 1 Pfltim^ft^'senrrKKK. II r piIK L BKST LIFT for Mailed HK< HRISTMA* " u»K Awake, tbb illus. psgae. to BUT address, with holiday number, Babyhind, on re¬ ceipt of 20c. and this ailv. D. LoviiR Of Go., Boston.