The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, December 12, 1890, Image 3

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Ly right. w. rr ai.len. WRIGHT & ALLEN, --DEALERS IN- 7 Goods, Groceries «rv ^ Hats, Shoes ? : j, qware and plantation supplies. l/Ve can furnish you with High Grade best on the market. Try fl,. Best quality Corn, Hay, Oats, Bran. r stock of Ladies’ Goods is complete, and tend a cordial invitation to call and inspect You will be pieused with what we have ow you. \v cuLEMAN. B. H. K&T COLEMAN «c RAY, -DEALERS IN lies Provisions, Planters’ Supplies and Fertilizers, MAC03ST, GSORGIA. Isacfirrv a lu i Ime oi Groceries, Buguing, Ties, Wagons, Buggies, &c., a [j. i£isro3s:vii.*ijE, G-EOIIGIAL. [r. W. Jack will be iu cha ge nf our business at Knoxville, which is h inte of fair h nest and courteous treatment. We solicit patronage for botat tr» n 1 f\ n o \- v 1 1 ". ly (NOXVILLE HSCHOOL SPUING TERM. January 13 ... June 27 FAIL TERM. ............. .September 1. !..............December 19. juition fur AH allowance oidccoe, 9 a p P j pro rata will be fiblic will Fund. taught the n\ be by most solicit your patronage. Fur- will be cheerfully fur- C. G. POWER, Principal. HOUSE, VILLE, GEORGIA. ipen to public patronage. We use our guests, Comfortable good Fare. Free hack to and Z, T. HARRIS, Proprietor. Mote & Bay DEALERS IN md Domestic Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Sugar, Coffee, Poultry, (utter, Eggs, Ac. Brandies, Wines, Beer, Ac. the highest price for Chickens, 3 er and Country Produce. Filling fucc, to purchase family gro- ■ 11. &c., will find we sell at t]? at *^ os ‘ p° ur th Pi a arlv opposite Brown House M M Passenger Depot, GA. V’ I : C AVANT , i 'falors in all kinds of LUMBER, &c. F ar *- now situate five mile a kville, in the midst of the pine. oul lumber at the very lowest w iJ deliver at the mills or at 11 the railroad. er 8 Filled Promptly. ,E, GA. „.*«■c*- MATHEWS & MALPASS, WARE HOUSE And Commission Merchants, KNOXVILLE, GA. Within 20 Yards of Depot We are prepared to handle COTTON at lowest prices, and guarantee highest prices to sellers. TR,Y IJB. S. S. DUNLAP, H. M. WORTHAN, President. Vice-President. R. E. STEED, Secretary and Treasurer. nur liii co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Stoves and Tinware. Carriage and Wagon Material, Agricultural Impli* ments, Mechanic’s Tools, &c., &c. Agents Howe’s Standard Scales, P. H. Starkes, Dixie Plows and Planet Jr. Cul¬ tivator. 150 and 152 Third St., 8m Macon, Ga. MALPASS 4 BUSSEY, — DEALERS IN— FINE LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, Sodn Water, Cigars Tobacco and Candy , ? We keep none but the best, and can supply you with anything from a drink of Soda Water to a gallon of Imported Frem h Brandy. Otx West Knoxvillo» __JuJx aath. tsoo ,________ PBOFESSIONAL CARDS._________ R. D. Smith. W. P. Blasingame, SMITH & BLASINGAME, ftjTORKEYS AT LAW, Knoxville, Ga. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business entrusted to their care. MONEY CHEAP AND E&ST. —(o)-- If you want CHEAP AND quick MONEY, on ea«y and Ubend terms, you can get it by calling on W. P. BLASINGAME, Attorney at Law, Knoxville, Ga. NEWS AND NOTES FOR WOMEN • Plush is out of date. Lady Londonderry has given up her projected visit to America. Anderson Agnes Huntington is called the Mary of the lyric stage. Queen Victoria has a large hand and takes a seven and a half glove. Women arc exclusively employed in the hand weaving of Turkish carpets. A soft cashmere with a brocade of ir¬ regular spots is new, but somewhat stiff. All the colors of the rainbow' radiate from seemingly white glassware importa¬ tions. Shawls of every sort are made into dresses for exclusive wearers by private modistes. Sirs. Mary E. Bryan, of New York Oity, writes a novei by contract every three months. An exquisite satan duehessec, with large floral embellishments in silver gray, is the very acme of elegance. Buckskin vests and trimmings arc an expensive caprice which will only be adopted by women of wealth. The Amazon cloths appear with a new face, for beside the plum colors and the speckled surfaces they are checked. Black and white is a favorite combina¬ tion in new hats. Black felts are trimmed with white feathers, and vice versa. A well-dressed woman always takes care to be well shod and well gloved, if her dresss and bonnet are not in the very latest fashion. A late novelty in silks is a black fig¬ ure on a tinted or colored ground. The newest of these is figured in a flowing ribbon design. The girl dude is now haunting the fashionable tailor, who is fashioning all sorts of manish top coats, jackets, waist¬ coats and habit shirts. Windmill decanter sets of brass work and red Bohemian glass are ornamental in the highest degree. Those harp de¬ canters vie with horn in design. There’s a vast difference between the woman who puts things on and she who is dressed. A few woman have the knack of always appearing well dressed. Light colored felts will be more in vogue this winter than the black or dark colored ones. They will be trimmed with velvet ribbon or flowers of another color. Tiuv bouquets in charming colois sprinkled over lust?oU3 satan ground sug¬ gest recollect' ~ * r «£lie cherished bro¬ cades by wide \0,mammas set such store. Aur Christn^i Brider- \ * very small. vened vi! il. B lluwa.'d, wit? al ttKS with aic'day. >i to prot | T Bias/ A?, Helen Uu(L. e ,, ^ on Cheyenne Mountain, is now marked by a heap of stones, every visitor to it casting two stones upon it in accordanco with the wish of the A clever Buffalo N Y.) woman went to England, travel*! all around London, saw everything wo»h seeing, was gone from home only tvs* mouths, and spent only $200 during R- entire trip. Mrs. E. H. Butieyer is one of the most accomplished hletes in New York City. She walks trty miles at an out¬ ing, makes long jirueys on a bycicle, and can lift 025 poids of iron when at her best. According to a rently published cen- sus of Vassar Coila graduates it ap¬ pears that of 867 yog ladies whose ca- reer after leaving e institution had been learned, 315, a little more than thirty-six per cent., d married. Mrs. Thomas Edisis a beautiful and accomplished whose youngmnan of twenty- four, odg of gtest difficulties in life is making her abs-minded husband realize the necessity sating when he is hungry and resting Hr he is tired. Dr. Julia Bick is t irst woman to be honored by the Brit -Medical Society/ Miss Bick has coatrild some valuable papers to the cause Oedicine, and the i-'iC iety recently votcc allow her $100 to pay for the public! of 0 f a pamphlet on “The Nutrition Muscles.” It is not unusual f'tVew York wo- man to have three four different schemes on hand for tviuter, beside her social membership undertakinj Fencing, Del- sarte and current liter¬ ature class have been ^ed out for the mornings by one youuurried lady of fashion. One of the last fret»f the women who ought to know b i 3 to inject perfumes into their aousing a hypo¬ dermic syringe for thpose. Skin poisoning and abscess* a few of the evils likely to ensue, here is small danger of the senselesstice becom¬ ing common. A Mohammedan y woman has •Just closed her medical> s i n Odessa, Russia, with a bnllxamination. Her name is Kutiojariffm. She is the first Mohammedan^ who haa received an M. D.’s ( a , and the State has granted her permission to practice her professit Ahome for women te^gg opened last fall, at Dresden,any^ R, a building of its own. Pr& Q f any nation can stay at the imporarilj for forty or fifty centi an d enjoy the benefit of a local t* associa¬ tion Retired German^ can jj ve herewith $175 one room for lirithtwo, for a year. SAVORS l CO. DEAlIjEITS IW DRY GOODS NOTIONS, GROCER¬ IES, HARDWARE, CORNFLOUR, HAY, OATS, BKAN AND PLAN- tation supplies WE HAVE A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF Ladies’ Dress Goods, Hosery and IViillinery, Agr icultural Implements,&c We extend a cordial inyitation to all, and the Ladles especially, to call and examine our stock. 10 TROUBLE TO SHOW 00003. Our Prices wiil C impete with Macon & Atlanta. GA. IY FINE MILLINERY. My Stock of FALL MILLINERY is now beautiful, and will soon be complete. I have a nice line of NOTIONS at the low st prices. My Stock of , GLASSWARK, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY Are remarkably cheap, and if you see them, you wiil be compelled to buy. DRESS-MAKING A SPECIALTY, some And all of pains my customers, taken, and I will every have effort full made l >t to of give MILLINERY, satisfaction. NOTIONS, For convenience &c., a* of a the depot by the 15th. I cordially invite all the ladies to cail and see my Stock. Li in MRS. M. 3. PIERCE. J.H. NOLAN & BRO. Have On Hand the Largest and Most Select Stock of FURN IT U R E EVER BROUGHT to umoywillc. Comprising a Complete Line of Choice Goods: Bed Room Sets, Parlor Sets. Chairs, Rockers, &c. You enu find goods ia rCPIAR OAK m WALNUT. Springs, lounges, wardrobe’, dining room safes, cupboards, etc. We also keep on hand a full line of handsome coffins, burial cases and undertakers goods. Call and examine our stock before you purchase elsewhere. iy MILTON J. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE Patent Medicines, Notions, Etc. I am prepared to sell Corn, Oats, Meat, Bran and all kinds of Family and Plan¬ tation Supplies. I have on hand the largest and complet st stock of Dress Goods, Clothing, B >ots Shoes, Hats, China and Glassware ever seen in this market. FaiiPi Iltsosils, Carts, Baisies, Wagons, Etc. I make a specialty of the celebrated Barnesville buggies, which I sell at fee* tory prices. I defy competition either in quality or price. CERES. - - CEORGIA.__ Subscribe for This Paper I Brtmfai mf a«narta« «wtW>4j Jfow ttis niai* this 18 TftE (W(w* *••■* wad u* ftrmr IT WILL PAY YOU!