The Crawford County herald. (Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga.) 1890-189?, December 19, 1890, Image 7

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SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. Siam is to hare * $400,000 electrio railway thirty miles long. j[ r Villfird will spend $1,600,000 . io transforming the street-car lines in Milwaukee, Wis., sd they can run by electricity. which will bo inter¬ An exhibition, national so far as hygieneani electric- ity are concerned, i3 to be held in Lyons, France, in 1892. Our Indiana inventive genius has gently patented a voting-booth thal g&n be folded up into the smallest pos¬ sible space for transportation. A new stenographic machine in use by the Italian Parliament is capable of iceording 250 words a mimPe, and ea» be readily manipulated by a blind person. in cremation is A new departure re¬ ported. A patent has been taken out ta France for an electric furnace for ttiQ rapid incineration of human re¬ mains. The popular belief that great speed k atlended with great danger is not confirmed by the experience on Eng¬ lish railways. In 1887, 700,000,000 passengers were carried aud only one fatal accident occurred. The newest cure for sleeplessness is simply a pint of hot water, sipped ilowly before retiring to bed. Its ef¬ fects are immediate, and those people who make use of it declare that as a redative it is unrivalled. A lasting machine that enables ono operator to last S000 pairs of shoes a week is one of the latest things in labor-saving machinery. It tackles anything from light feminine foot¬ gear to the heaviest brogans, and tho product is superior to hand work. Ship railway projectors have been figuring on a route from Lake Huron to Lake Ontario, which if operated would cut out 428 miles of lake navi¬ gation and twenty-eight miles of canal between Chicago and Montreal. The railway would be 69 miles long and the estimated cost $12,000,000. Water is somewhat purified, or rather cleansed, in freezing, but hard, clear ice contains visible, suspended impurities, aud more that arc invisible. Snow ice is very apt to be unclean, aud the only safe way is to keep food and water away from direct contact with ice, unless it be artificially made from distilled water, a recent process that promises to become very popular- In photographing projectiles in mo¬ tion no results of any importance are obtained till the velocity of the shot exceeds that of sound. But at higher speeds a wave of compression is found preceding the bullet in its flight. The shape of this wave is a hyperboloid of revolution, with the apex some distance in front of the shot. Behind (he pro¬ jectile there is a conical wave formed, the angle of which is less tue greater the velocity. Professor Tyndall, writing of Ihe “formative influences” of bis early life at a German University, tells how he kept himself in trim for working, without weariness for sixteen hours a day. llis thirty-six cent dinners con¬ sisted of several courses, but lie 6ays, “I usual y limited myself to one, using even it in moderation, being al¬ ready convinced that eating too much was quite as sinful, and almost as ruin¬ ous, as drinking too much.” The stoppage of travel in the vicinity of fires caused by the lines of fire hose crossing di e street has long been a source of complaint, and it has been wondered that no practical means of running hose across a roadway so as *>ot to interfere with the passage of vehicles has been devised. Such a de¬ vice has been brought out by an archi¬ tect ot Chicago. It consists of a tempo- hiry bridge upon which the hose can bo earned over ihe street at a height per- ffiitiingihe passage of street cars and general travel. It is said to havo worked well both iu Sau Francisco a ud Denver. The Holy Carpet la Quarantine. “The Holy Carpe which is now brought back :o Caiio, where it Will have to submit to the indignity of quarantine for fifteen days, is one of those which a;c periodically taken to ^°oca, there to be sanctified, and is tnade of a thick sort of silk, emb oid- ^f’d with ielters of gold, each letter two feet in ienyth ami two broad. It covers what is known *® toe i’eat-All di or inner sanctuary of Uie temple.—TParis Galignaui. Hominy and Rice. Here is the recipe for hominy: On"! cold heaping teaspoon ul of ? alt in a quart of wa er. To this add three gills of pearl grits, wash in one water. Place saucepan on a slow fire, and boil twenty minutes, stirring frequently to prevent lurnp^ and scorching. When done n will oe soft,not watery,aud of a jelly-like con¬ sistency. Eaten hot, with butter, it is xcelleut. We always have with it meat, eggs or fish. If hominy waffles are desired, you have only to beat two eggs and a large pinch of salt into one pint of milk. Add to this two tablespoonfuls of hot hominy. M ke into a stiff batter with flour into which baking powder has b< en sprinkled. Beat briskly for five m nutes. Bake on hot iron well greased with ham fat. There is no dish that needs more care in its preparation than rice. To be healthful and nutritious it is absolutely necessary to have it thoroughly cooked, and yet hardly five cooks out of ten give a single thought to this importtnt ele¬ ment of rice food. The quickest way, with them, is the best way to prepare it. la South Carolina, however, the good housekeeper follows this recipe: Pick every speck from a pint of best whole rice. Wash in two waters, rubbing the graiu well betweeg the hands. Have ready a saucepan contain¬ ing two quarts of cold water, well salted, i urn in the washed rice, a d put on a quick, hot fire. Get teady adishpan and a colander. When boiling begins watch carefully. As soon as the grains in the are quite soft, excepting a tiny speck ten middle—which will be in about miuutes after it came to a boil— place the colander in the dishpan, pouring into it the contents of the saucepan. Raise the colander by the handies, and let it drain until the liquor- drops come one at a time. Turn again into the saucepan, which pi ice, uncovered, on the back of the stove to temain twelve minutes. Run fork around the edge aud through the middle, turning this the bottom giains on top. Repeat spoonful of twice. Now take a desert cold water and drop along the edges, reserving about five drops for the middle. Cover tightly and remove from the stove. When served the grains shoul be large, white and dry. With vegetables, gravies, it is not to be despis¬ ed. The liquor is excellent for thicken¬ ing soups, stews and gravies, aud it makes a go* d substitute for starch. By the additiou of white sugar, a few drops of essence or a tablespoontul of port wine, aud grated nutmeg, one will have a deli¬ cate and nourishing gruel for an in¬ valid. Are Yon in Meed? Are you in need of good advice? Do you suffer 'from palpitation of the heart; havo you spells of dizziness; do you feel list less, and do you frequently get tired without cause or ex¬ ertion? Do you suffer from rheumatism, neuralgia, and other mysterious and unac¬ countable backaches and pains in limbs und joints and bones? Do you feel nervous; are you sleepless at night, and do your tlreame disturb you? Are you excitable and does your heart beat unevenly, sometimes hardly like beat¬ ing at all and at other times thumping things? Are an engine? Do you worry over little your kidneys disordered and your liver inac¬ tive? Are you troubled with indigestion and constipation? Are you annoyed be cured by any of all urinary such difficulty? Do you want to Bull weakening ailments? Then use Dr. John s Sarsaparilla, it will make you strong ana perfect in every part. Why is a debt like coffee? Because the soon¬ er it is settled the less grounds there are tor complaint._____ Ladies needing a tonic, or children who want building up, should take Brown’s non Bitters. It is i leasant to ta -e, cures Malaria, Indigestion,Biliousness ami Liver Complaints* makes the Blood rich and pure. The great secret of popu arity is to make everyone satisfied with hunself first, and af¬ terwards satisfied with you. I suffered from nervous aches and pains, and was sleepless at night. My disease was undermining my constitution. Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla restored me to health and 1 now enjoy sound and dreamless sleep, and my aches and pains and lassdude trouble me no more -—Wultam Burton, it heel Ing, rr. va. A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.__ How a Girl Made Motley. Mr. Editor—I am tempted to give 1 my $a ex¬ to perience tor the benefit of others. sent H. F. Delno & Co., Columbus, O., and received -a fine mnehin • for plating with gold, silver and JLrw nickel The plating is done SO nice every P^and iv .nt, unrt don' 1 pet till the knives, Jewelrv rcan plate. I nvtdo $*» $10 $20 day pSS. Belling plates. My’ brother Any makes to much jier by writing to the above one can do c Lucy V. Babbit. I'rie ltailwav. JSlbiSSJltiSn".consisting Eastern Line is running solid llw Sa of beautiful day coaches, sleeping and dining York cars. an.1 between Chicago, Xew Poston All trains run via Lake Chautauqua holding seison and passengers off this through tickcts-.ic privileged to stop at world -ii’fv.c.i resort Be sure your tickets read N. Y.. L E. A- ^ l{ - via . _ Timber Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches Timber. - * „ s qvxas and Arkansas, lought and sold. Tyler* Co.. Kansas City, Mo. fits FITS ctniiTH-il stopped free i |T by Dif. Kf.ixEs Iria.A r h E "' ii No Fits nfter and ,- irst S- 5 day’s trill Maivtd ln^ ous res. Treatise P«- vse. U tth Dr- Kline. 131 Arel. St.. Philo.. Life Is Misery .nds of people who havetho taint of ecrontn To thou* mies caused by the dre.dful The ag di-ease n"' 1 “tber m snifest.tion* of this ZZ ninninRSor** There is ..orem-dy^uV to .ndd«o iption. rheum a..d every u A- Si.*, anil , for Serohi 1. »‘ l blood d.sea-e We k ow th .t it h t- ca«d »• for l i,e oti; a. who g »e .t a f dr severest case., and it wi sent free. A hook cooUiniuk statement <v* cure 1 . N B 1 7r~ hvve decl .ke -d to bur other. H >o 1’* Ssrsapa- ril„ do not be .nduce I to t any Hood’s Sarsaparilla Eotd all druxwb**. *l;..*for»i Prep^-doaly Dy CO„ Lowell, ilasA by C. C MOOLI A I oo Ono Dollar Sale of Washington Relics. The sale in Philadelphia of the Wash- . relics, belonging , , . to . the Lewi. , ™gton realized $ ,4,- tate, the total amount was 689, which-argely exceeded the expecta¬ tions of the executors of the Lewis es¬ tate. The ladies of the Mount Vernon Association were spirited bidders, und the made many purchases, and Martha were Wash- observed of all observers. ingt. n’s Bible, which has had 300 copper plates, engraved by John Stuart, inserted, was won alter a lively fight by Mitchell, a New York bookseller, for $760. The book, which was printed signature-* at Oxford, Martha in 1789, contains two of Washington, in addition to the family record of the Lewises. A letter from General Washington to Lewis was bought for $310, alter spirited bidding. Some purchaser book paid Washing¬ $700 for the last memora dum of ton, which the general wrote in up to Decemb r 8d, 1799, a few days before his death. The letter from Washington advocating the abolition of slavery brought $380. A smaller $400. private tickets mem¬ orandum book brought Six of the Delaware lottery, purchased bearing i>y Washington, and a memorandum their numbers in Washington’s hand¬ writing, brought $200. A picture of Betty Washington, the existence, only portrait brought of her known to be in $365. The fruit knife aud fork bi ought $15. Pearl buttons from Washington’s coat $11 each, and other articles offered brought similar prices. llow’s This ¥ We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anveaseof catarrn tnat c nnot be cured b>- taking Hall's t atairh Cure. F. J. Oil en ey & Co., Prop Toledo, O. Cheney We, t e the undei signed, 15 have known F. J, tor last years, and believe hi u perfectly and bon<*ra»le financially in able all ou-iness transac¬ tions, ligaii made by firm. to cairy out any oo- ns their West & ’Iuuax, Wholesale Druggists, To e- do, O. Kinkan Marvin, Waldinq. & Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. is Ha IT* v aiarrh *. ure taken internally, act¬ ing »l rectly upon the b o d and muci u - sur¬ face of the sy stem, 'lestiinonials sent free. Price 76c. per Lottie, old by ail druggists. Do Yon Ever Speculate ¥ Any person sending us their name and ad¬ dress will receive informnt.on that will lead to a fortune. Benj. Lewis <fc Co., Security Building, Kansas City, Mo. Lee Wa’s Chinese Headache Cure. Harm¬ less in effect, quick and positive in action. Sent prepaid on receipt st.,KansasCity,Mo of $1 per lottle Adeler&( o.,522Wyandotte Ladies, If troubled with any Female Complaint, write me. State ease. Cure c rfain and quick. Tertfislow. Particulars and proofs of cures by mail sealed. Book on Female Diseases cix cents postage. Mrs. Dr. Mary A. Brannon, 15 Wi shington St., Atlanta, Ga. Stop tliat Chronic Cough Now; For lr you do not it may become con- jsumpti'e. » General Debility For Consumption, and Wasting Scrofula, Diseases, j there is nothing like 'i i SCOTT’S i r r MULSION ; '-.v ^ r -\ • ( Of Pm’© Coil Liver Oil and ( HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Xjiuio and Soda. It Is almost as palatable as milk. Far j better than other so-called Emulsions, : A wonderful flesh producer. : i ; ; ; sett s Emin j There are poor Imitations. Get the genuine .j VASELINE a ONE-DOl.L All BI l.l. sent n* by m*n i we wl (j Ti t re( . 0 alt charges, to any po *on la the u uit j state*, alt of the following article*, co-re- fully packe : On<-two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline, - - lOotA One two-oil bottle of Vaseline Pomade, 15 “ ce • 15“ One Jar of Vas line Cold Cream, - - “ One ke of Viisetl e Com hor Ice, - - 10 One Cake of Vaseline ,-onp, unscent”*. 10 “ - One Ca -ceof Vaseline Soap, exquisitely seen ted,25 “ One two-ounce bolt e of White Vaseline, - - 25 Or for postal* stamps any single article at jrrtee named On no account be persuaded to aocept from ^ 1 _ p Wk FO*; A A rM THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS. 50 Warren 6U New York. PriceSOcts. SEVEN SEVENTEEN m SEVENTY CURE Biliousness * J it* > L Sick Headache, 4 Malaria. Thie Picture, Panel 6ize, mailed for 4 cents. J. F. SS^ITH & CO •i BILE BEANS. Makers of “Bile Beans,’’ &• 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. A XMAS HEALTH GIFT (txei ciser Complete $5) Is Best of All. Circular Frbr. Rooks: For “An Ideal Complexion & 1 omplete l’hvsical Development,’' jo Ills wet*. Culture.” “Health Ills & Strength in * Flie-dcal so so ct*. Chart 0 30 Ills for Dumb Bells & Pulleys, sc ct*. #\ gw Ad INO E DOWDS Vocd & Physical jL Culture school, 116 Monroe St. CtliCSiHl .-J T't Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. 25 Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the CTS taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. I An Immense Farm. In the extreme southwest corner of Louisiana lie* the largest producing farm in the world, measuring 100 miles north and south, aud twenty-live miles east and west. It is owned and opeiated by a syndicate of northern capitalists. The in 1,500,000 1883 from a* res of the ract were purchased and the State’ of Louisiana from the United States government. A t that time it was a vast grazing land for the cat tie of the few dealers of the neighborhood, over 30,000 t head of balf- wiid horses and cattle b ing hereon. Now this immense tract is divided into conven ent pasture stations, or ranches, existing every six miles. The fencing alone cost in the neighborhood of $50- 0u0. The Southern Pacific railway runs for thirty-six miles through the farm. The company has three steamboats oper- a ing on the waters of th» ir estates, of They which there are over 300 miles navigable. have also an icehouse, a bank, a shipyard and a rice mill. A Pleuiig Mens* Of health and strength renewed and of ease and eomfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectu¬ ally cleanse the system when costive or bili¬ ous. For sale in 50o and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. There is an organ-grinder who is so suspici¬ ous that he compels his monkey to carry u bell-punch. Mart persons are broken down from over¬ work or household cares. Brown's Iron Bit¬ ters rebuilds tue system, aids digestion, re¬ moves excess of bile, an I cures malaria. A splendid tonic for women and children. The great art to love your enemy consists in never losing sight of man ii in him. Thousands of mothers bless the no me of Dr. John Bull for inventing i)is celebrated Dr. Bull’s Woim Destroyers. Children tease for them and they never fail to do good. It frequently turns out that the queen of diamonds is a knave of hearts. OklabomaUuide Book and Map-ant any where on receiut of 5.lets.Tyler & Co.,Ivansas ( THE 8REAT ENGLISH REMEDY, BEECHAM’S PILLS For Eilions anj Herrons Disorders. “Worth a Gnltiea a Box" but cold for 25 Cents, BY ALL DIM ««1STS. Cl ih 'HI V. £ iForCoughs^Colds * ■;-7 There is mo Medicine Hire • i. Eg DR. SCHENCK’S lis Ji« Q s A* PULMONIC r SYRUP. It it plraaant to thn fast* and 5 fie do-* opiumoranyihineInjnrioti*. not contain a panicle of It i* ilia Beat Cough Medicine ip the World. ForSalebjrall Druggists, rrlc*, *1.00 per bottle. Dr. Schenck'a Bonk on Conauuiption and it* Cur*, mail' a free. Address Dr. J.H. Bchenck & Son, Philadelphia. 1 or FUR NITUR E ' . ^ l^WinvalTd'' SViV WWS,J spa ! ill Col. JZ WHEEL i We uh •!e»ilr retell /arlnry at the prices,/K totem* -5j£fU-Jj ffTMgK d ***® * “ 1 7‘* ^ , FREE * e ( ae LBUUBG MFG. CO.. 14ft X. 8th sc. mu<n_ra. Read Law AT HOME, if you can’t attend Law College. The Sprague correspondence school of Liw is o'psu to you. Addres* lllock, WIU# Detroit* *SFR(4(iUEj 31icti. Li. I a* U . 9 Whitney BUGGY KNEES SSSS Ad- pted by students at Harvard. Amherst and othor Colleges also by professional and business men evciry- nh-re If not for sale in your tow \ send 25c. to B. J. OREELY. 716 Washington Street, Boston. SHORTHAND. if you mi . . ___TO LEARN Short and, .-emi to Crichton’* Shorthand School, get hi cats >>-ne an read it-it cost* yon nothing. Addr’s h.G. Crichton, Pri 4«>i Whitt ba I St., Atlanta, Ga. PENSIONS Great is ey's The Passed. und PENSION Fathers Soldiers, YHdows, arc Hotk¬ their Bill en- titled to CIS a mo. Fee*10 when you get Hull y our money. Bianka free. JOSkfll IL AUj. i»irt«a. I>. C. $ 1,000 REWARD! Theab-ive reward will be LINIMKRT paid for proof of ihe exirence of a better than S»^K'K a 5 ^c n h°^.."wSSS TABLETS. 'Sold everywnere. JOBS iiilUtiE, Sec’y, Merchant’* Gargling Oil Co., Lodrport, N. Y„ 0. A. The people at the World’s Dispensary of Buffalo, N. Y., have a stock-taking time once a year and what do you think they do? Count the number of bottles that’ve been re¬ turned by the men and women who say that Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery Prescrip¬ or Dr. Pierce’s Favorite said) tion didn’t do what they it would do. And how many do you think they have to count. One in ten ? Not one in fix* hundred / Here are two remedies-— one the Golden Medical covery, for regulating and ii^ vigorating the liver the and other, purify thfi| ing the blood; womanhoods hope of weakly sold for and they’ve been sold by the million bot 1 years, sold under positing. * ties; a in five/ guarantee , and not one hundred can say: “It was not the medicine for me!” And—is there any reason why you should be the one I And—supposing lose ? you Absolute are whafj do you nothing / AGENTS WANTED FOR TH8 GREAT WAB BTORf SlHt or— Eagle's Best I , —W— John tslen Cooks. Thi* ihr r.las ni.torlo story, which ha* been out tj print, anfl for which th.rj» hu been au<-h A great demand W bow i**ned a* if fRBSCKirrio A BOOK, wit • * i many m«trnl cent iilnatrft- i tion*. Tbereh«* novor been Ik more than populajr “Sr too * tUroughou the Southern State* WW - p***ed «ln«j otElolf' Swr” Many year* have the thriUlLW own herein recounted of th# deed* o. r*ioi of tho ^on.*d*raio Soldier, yW th intoreat, by thoao wh* fought with A-hhy. Btn»rt, Johnston. Beanregard. Jack*on and Ufa In (ho cause for which they *o de»p#r*l«ly and bravely ba'tled, will never grow lea*, Thba thrilling etory piciur** not»IoneJoy with *nd hUlori* •orroW, and a l«v# eweelly told, but 1*filled Incident* of the pro»t conteet between the Sonia and th# North. Here i* a hook for th# old KX; Confederate, to recall to him th# vivid *cene# of the great”*t Civil War ever known, to call back kit aicn campaign*, and tell him -1 th# might? Chiafiaina. dear to th# memory of every on# wh* *° r *Burry r find weloewi* of Engle’* Neat" will a In every 8 uithern home. That it may be withia the reach ot every oue, it la published at the low motor ti. though a r^nos hlndbomr vomjm*. muimruLLi uxuama-ntD akd xi-soahilv Bovuk. COLD ONwV BY SUBSCRIPTION. As Ih# demand for thia old favowt* sops nhieh hat been out of print to long, will bo large, all and applicaiiona for agrncieavery .hould write numerous, for term* wbedaxire to act aa Agents and quickly secur* choio* of territory » i Q, w. PIT.LINGHAM, Publishrr. r 33 Y/«St 23d St.. N«w York.’ rr rou wimm a <-> ..... . . .... - IIE *E R purchaee one of the cele¬ brated SMITH & WESSON irma. manufactured The fluent email and arms the O f( jf " N|K\ fX)3M ever ttrat choice of all expert*. V ; j Manufactured in caUbreK 32,and tt-uo. Sin- V”SP vie or double model*. action, Con>,trusted Safely Hammer!.-** entirely and I'arpet wro.islit ot keel qnn L tty and *t<H-k, e»»*ei, they ciirefufiy iiihpei-te<l for work- macRli p are unrivaled for lint- b, darnbilfiy imdnrciiracv, Donot bedecelved by ■ heap mnllenble cnef-i»on article knllaflos* whis-a a' * often sold for the genuine ano are no* onlv unreliable, bnt dauK'-roUB. all The SMITH * WESSON withfirm’e Revolver* are stamped niB-n the bar- rel* name, adore** an-1 dates of pat- nt* and ure gunraniml the Genuine jwrfect in . V#ry and detail. if Ia- aietupon lealer Paving article, address yon* cannot Biipply yon an order »--nt to below will reoeive prompt and careful attontlo*. Deecrptivecataloume an t orioea f-irnisho 1 upon ap ,iicatoa SMITH & WESSON, tWMention ttfis t>aper. Spriuglx-l.l, Ha#*, BORE WELLS! IMJVIAK Our Well Machines are the ramt MONEY! HK LIABLE. DUBABLB, SUC-CK»S»PL 1 They do MORE WORK and 7/ A* make GREATER PROFIT. tA They FI.NIStt Well* when- "-A* other* FAIL.! inche* Any elze, « Inches to 44 diameter. Cat LOOMIS & NYMAN, M atoguo TIFFIN, - OHIO. FREE! Hi If HEN YOU VISIT ATLANTA, JLLei.RY Don’t Fail to Mtop at BLUE’S JEW. NTOJtlO, 73 Whitehall ritreet. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in the City. PFSociety Emblems a Specialty. .Ad Send me $1-50 and get a Solid Gold Pin of any Order you belong to. ITSB S 2 R a afld Whiskey Habits I j & j l 3LM rlUwl ||g -j afe a fe ?ured at home w uu- jeUa Smm »n^BE ^■r — ■■ office B.M.-WOOLLEY,M.D. 104J4 Whitehall St AilanUk,<ja. IRON FENCE T I SIXTY STYLES FO* CEMETERY & LAWN CATALOGUE FREE J. W. RICE,ATLANTA, GA. ■ I nur nt'V 111, Bootc-ieepiag, Business Forms, L : . Penn.ausoip, Arjtumelic, soort-iianJ. e<«„ ■ ■ tuoruBguiy taugm by 11 A 1 I* Circular* >r*% Hriaai’i Cal ear. -137 kaia 6L. Butlaia. X. V. m I preocrib* and fully en. dorse Big CJ as the only Cur*, DaTS.^B in Ya specific for tbe certain cur* I fcnnam# TO 5 0 f this disease, bm u>« G. Ii. ING RAH AM. M D-. :‘c I #*#**8«ri*«r»- ■ Amsterdam, N. Y. ur« Ml? by th# We have sold Big a for L IfruACkemlaalCA CUjrfnaatl.E^pi 1 R. faction. ____ WJHRx/ Ohio. Vfl 1 D.H.DYCHK4LV., Chicago. Ill- Trad^R^^Pi^sHV BI.OO. Bold by Druggist*. N. U .......7.Fifty-oue. 1S9&