The Crawford County correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-1892, November 26, 1892, Image 2

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Ihfc CUKKESlUNDEYf. j ! OFFICIAL ORGAN IfF CRAWFORD COUSTY. ' CBsCKteTIOX KATES. One year f h 2 Six mouths.. a 1’iic months SE No advertisement less than £5 gents. j I Funeral am * society meeting no tices free. Special rates on largo contracts. All advertising bills are payable monthly in advance, on presentation, jiuless otherwise agreed upon. Subscriptions must be paid in ad vanoe. Address all correspondence to i Tnj: Cokrsspondext, Roberta, Ga. . COUNTY DIRECTORY. Court convenes, spring term, third Monday in March; fall term, third Mondav In October. Judgefctiperioi Court—A. • ler. Solicitor General—W. It. PVl ton .Tr. Clerk Superior Court—H. M. Bur¬ nett. Ordinary—O. P. Wright. Tax Collector—John M. Sanders. Tax Receiver— R. H. Knight. Shcrilt Jo :i* uN ’ll c.l.-C Treasurer—M. !•’. Perry. County Surveyor — George AY. White. Coroner— T. J. llollcinan. County Commissioners — W. J. Dent, W. K. Champion and \V. B. Davis. County School Commissioner—H. Fj.Sandcrs. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor—A. J. Dnnl Uy. Aldermen—J. W. Muthews, M. H. Carnes, J. A. Miller and J. M . Mal pass. Clerk—F. paiiic’iy. Treasurer—J. It. Wilson. Marshal—K. E. Dent. , Gov. Northern and a special legis¬ lative cemmitte have been appoint ed to look after ficorttia’s represen¬ tation at the World’s Fair. The scythe of democracy lias mam an evil hearing plant to h vcl and periulcious root to extract before the gardt-u of our governmeutcan bloom and blosson w ith the golden sheave* of wholesome laws. Be patient, and like the mills of the gods, let us U'» slow, hut exceedingly sure. To THINK OWN IKU UKTIU K. From the Brunswick Times. Here is a wise and even divine injunction. It is true it is not found in a liolv book in I lie exact phrase in which it is .above quot¬ ed, but it is every command upon character, in every inspiration to nobleness, in every redeeming truth which unbinds human spirit and gives tha freedom, which il one has l.e i* free indeed. But how shall one be true self! He must tirst of all know himself. Alt, litre’s tl e rtd know one’s self. Guv education commences in lessons in refer cuce to the body. They tire practically and often forcibly tarn lit, but from infancy t<> age surprises come In strange discov¬ eries in regard to carnal weak¬ ness and strength, passion and impulse, life and death. In the lowest realm of being, where edu¬ cation is first commenced and B most persistent and practical, we never know ourselves. Where is the man or woman true U> carnal tiaturt. L or the physhal organ n | V\ ho is it can claim so Mich wisdom as to know how to K tim- truer In ignorance wc Biider with <)*ir Isxitcs, trainp ■H upon •litiiic k'« - • inj .ring ; ^r-. \t< :*heiiiti 2 for • - :p ’ .Mr'-!.: ■*th. lot- h;_h ..l.i i.ol* I: 1 •- ! • • Be.-I. iit viiin i : • : '■ ■■• ■■ ■ fc*<e are but hints of the l beauty cd this rich and rsical life which comes ng true to physical life. ■nrll be said of the Ligli vhkh is indeed real Bee cannot leant the Ht e in, its basement, i:* Hs ttoorw.iv-. wit’.-!-.' X furiii—hifig-. i.'.u <-.. & higher self wiio ta - ^■ouse? He If we cannot iu our house, ho* Hn to 'ivc the fret*, di I the spheres of God. K*s not know enough physical self to be tru a surprise of weakness! j viola . , and . abuse , the I ic e Fnr Clerk Saperior UoaH. Ii-pc fall, iwmc - f * c* ( ■ini.- f.o the ..ffic* of C -rk ‘.f to*.* .» n«r Court of Or* >f -r-i county, wt-j t the «Kmocratic n nt:nation.* and * I •?«* it nbl coni jtr.ti n and s tppo tae »o err of tti l county. * Keapo t.'uliy, i KAN K IlA.MI L!.. V-tr rauutjr Tr*-»«)»r. I Nre : .v announce nij wifn-ami - l-il.. t'irrr rierlioli u* the off ee ••• -.-iiuty Trvasnier, subject to Demo ratie primary. I| re— ,«*eierl I ca: it protri*e >>u to jH-rf. rni the dt» ,vm oiRce fttiihfitliy s nd honestly •-*«•:» -r*> • a *' ’**r past honors . yonr* Trniy. m. F. Persy. physical self, how can one face with hope and courage the prob¬ lem of being true to one's higher ! self? What swiftness has thought! Who can so guide it as to give it always the com -eof truth? Who knows the imagination, so as to prevent tis hanging any impure pictures upon the wills of the soul? Who knows the judgment ana can always hold it' concitis j ong j 0 ie^ and truth? Who knows love and can keep it ten . tier, true, cat!.one a::*: pure, Who knows conscience and can save it from being obtunded; W|)Q knmvs hig own £ot ,| > Who by introspection has so studied its powers, its possibilities, its high relationships to time anil eter¬ nity, to creature and Creator as to know how to be true to one’s soul self? Shall one despair? Having fallen shall one not hope to rise? Having sickened shall one in hopeless tnelancl.o’y look for death? Having harmed the 'Old it! ignorance—for even though it be willful it is from ignorance— shall hope depart ? Because we know not in our infancy, shall we despair of knowing in our matur ity? Can we never conic to free, inil, eternal and divine richness < f life, because of fuilii g and frailties, faults and failures, havl mg their Origin chiefly in our ig¬ norance ? Despair! Never! This life is but the beginning, where prelim¬ inaries are learned for the larger and eternal life beyond. In the absolute and ideal sense it ma not be possible, under the disa¬ bilities of hi- life, to be perfectly true to one’s self, but according to the knowledge we have and un d rli.e high inspir.ith nal help afforded by heaven, let everv one be tine to himself. If he fall, let him make it a fall upward. If he fail, let tim make the failure the basis from which he rises to suc¬ cess. If he discover frailly, let him turn the discovery to best ac¬ count by giving strength to his weak point. 5M!fi* of By mutual con-cut the Him \Vil on d: Slathows hat h iflvad. and -it . .VRilhows rctir- there¬ from. J. B. Wilson trill be solo prop i tor and ontinuo bit iucs*. Mr. Y.’ilsoit a* i.ines all ,‘nJt i ted ness of tin* firm, and n d - and accounts due the same. .1.15. Wilson, J. V. Mathews. Roberta. Ga. Nov. 2.5. AXXOrXCEMKNTS. For Clerk HitperiorCourt. t hereby respectfully Ch atinoBiiec of mvselfa taiudhlate for r the rid,*rlor court Democratic of C '.wford noinina- r.imh «ut>jtH*l to the Hon. and ask the s.inimrt of ad the i ' J. \V, Jack. For County Coiumis-ioner. Bv the solicitation of ruaiiy friends. It. Fre*>motii U alkcr ha* ••oii.-<*nti*«l to run for eonniiis-iom-r. mid If else fed tile ie*i>]ilc wilt hav»- an iiom-i man. Tiw« who kisow hint ln-^i honor him most. ! ItIKJKiS. For County CommUsioaer; I re an bounce iny^ef , c»r.di •; *:e l'ir lie lb e of County ( o.omkd<>n. i-r of Cm f'.-o co m y, *u->ject to i). sutKf.! e pUmiry, and atk the f.v«r « c ietauoa and -uppurtof sit tht jic .pit-. Iii-p c fu !v, i'stHnas. tf VY. E Pur ( eueiy 4i-mcsi>*i«aer. VY eathsr-se-t fo >ii *** O V. in. J. Debt as t DBIilttltstS fut !>•- . .iice of Coua y < omuu-sioaer nl • i *:.|.i *-. fu:y, ful.jitt to lk-«rtk '0 of t..-- ft. ia tr. c pr.o.ary, Mid to n ht» isT. r tli.- tup; ).i of xtl the voUi*. ti For County f wlirt — sr . Wr set .- lisco io »!.*,• u oe the >:4«ne >*f W. it. l)«»’» »« a cxud.dete lei -Vun ylfbm i—ionir of Crawlori coaa jr, *abj. c. 1 1 the u .mi- afioo of the D m s-ratic | arty, ai d to a-k the supp rt of hr- |»e*>|»U- ia hi—favor. tf 'he (flectd* of Joel X. 11—new* an • u cc his n as a candid ,te for O.d - art of Cr>«rf..rd county. Mibject i. D. in !cr»iic a -mins bn, here >y pied^iag h in-etre*. if be i* e eet«*i, thtt a I sri; m 4 >n- to g>ve ti- con.ty one of Uie > at iAci*h rite has had is s rss *er if t -art. s { FOil SALE. 1 offer for sale on easy terms the. E - Atwater plantation in ( rawforu county, five miles from Roberta. Apply to H. H. Ray, l<M-2in Macon, Ga. good la xd sole cm :a p .1 xj> OX lose, TIME. T have gtiO acres of land near Oak (trove church for sale on long time, ft lies nicely, is fertile, very pro¬ ductive and is a desirable section of the county. Gal! on or write to me ar once or you will miss :• great bar¬ gain. \Y. P. Ri.a -incam;:. (lb-1} a:§hs strat-.R'S ssit. pKOIUilA, Vj \V ;'•! i sold (.’UAwroun tile Cor xt v— e tirst Tuesday in !><■■•ember, before the court iiousi door in Knoxville, Crawford county Georgia, between tilt* icgul Ir.uiv *.. sale, for distribution, 15 1 acres of I... No. ITS, known as the old Dent place, residence c insisting of a good two-story and all necessary <>u; buildings. \V. J. Rent, 10-8-tf Administrator. Gkakoia, Crawford County:— At persona indented to the estate o! W iii:a Ji. Scott deceased are nut itied to route forward ;:t once and settle, and ail p- rsoas iiavim. . iai'iis gains, said estate .tv needed to present tie in in ti rni- : f ill-- ! , - .v. »N.c eiul« r i2ih, l b— \Y. Jack, Administrator. CiTLTlOri. GEOBU1 .V.{'RA«Koi:a(VrxTV:— To all whom this may concern: O. C. Cleveland, • •\.*cut-.r >.f the last wiil mid testament of Mrs A. M. Idle ciind. .Um is d, has applied to i*. .. ssion fr. in Itisexecutor¬ ship. l'his i-, therefore, lo cite ail parties at in ten- . in shoe cause he fore mo oil or before the first Mon¬ January next, if any they have,why such discharge should not i*e granted, or lctte.s disiiiissory will Ih> granted applicant as prayed for. Wltit. nn hand and signa¬ ture this the 3rd day of October, ISP.’. 10-8-if. O. I*. WRtuilT, Ordinary. GE<»I5<* i A, Cn vw e«ri> Cocstv:~ W. M. Komi has applied t<> me for exemption of p* rsonutty a* provided bv law, and 1 "ill o’clock pass upon 1 1 i~ it• li.c >— plication day at November icn a. in., oit 7tb of next at my oi oflcc. October 12 li. 1832. O. I*. Wbiuiit, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Bomi CKAWVunn l or si v:— Jn«. \Y. uas applied t-i me f-r exemption of.pei-otuCty will as provliicd his I i,:iss upon ap* pile at tea o’clock n. in., on the 7sii day of November next at my of ttec. - This Octoiler 12th, 1*92. x22 2<J O. I’. Wkiuiit, Ordinary. Gkokuia. CiiAv.ionn Cofxrv: Appraisers Mary K. Ada:* appointed to set apart to a a year,* support from the estate <>f llnweil Adams, Into of said county, deceased, have tiled with me their r turn. This is to cue all persons «t Jiiti-j c-t to show cause before moon the first Mondav why in Hcptember thsir next, sin i* any they bo’made can, return ubl not the judgement of the court of ordi¬ nary. Witnos* hand of.I ially, t’lis my July, 25th, O. 1892. P. Wrioiit, Ordinary. Oyukgia. CtiAwnmn I'pttiiTv: Tlie appraisers Elisha nnpoitiU-d ilarri-, cuardiuu t,» f<>I apart t<> J. for <b*ii. K. Miller, a yeat’s supjiori fro u the e-tiite of Jitmes F. Mliler, !«!<• of said oounty. dm a mhI, having tiled with ma ttu-ir return, ltd* i- o* Ole ail per-ou* at •oter- i h. -ho- cause hefon* me on Hi* dr-, M.. d yv I in why Foptcinber their is -»t, alioul.l if any tiicy made e.«n the judgement return of th_* cuui‘1 m.t i«; <if ordi¬ nary. Witness hand officially, this 88th day of my July. IsSeJ. O. P. tVRifatiT, Ordinary. ! Jteatl v*« Toui* nt t !»•* >YnrM. llt-iiitv's Rx-Mnyor Celebrated Daniel F. Realty, of Planus, Washington, Org'ius and has returned ho>i,e from New extended Jersey, an tear of the world. R.-ad hi* adver¬ tisement iu this paper and send for catalogue. 9*10 BEinrs miss tk, for catalogue. Daniel F. Beatty, Washingtuu, New J.-tv-.-y. DBITTl'V jl’T t V <i! Are tii« iiest. ”1.11 11 • * IL; J.i.lA Write !•)*■ e <t nloeui*. Addr.--- Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. > ol ief*. Ail pmiei iiidt-litc-d to us are re , questefl , to*-o.i:e forwaid and Mlb at o»icc,t>r inyy will find their paper iii liaml of.oKn-i-rs for collect ion. VVii.son & Mathews. For Sheriff. j he , , )T snm>QQn , rti | st . : ; for S—fit *.* Cr»»f-r l ■*.«*») . j r | j -ho D ta cr-t.c pr rne-y if. thesuppot ‘.i i ki :nv d:v ma k r r> . j. • pul, * tl vr. a I * rtvaism , r me ia h - fit ore. Rf*pfC *• I D *» i f here'.*- .on IH 8j4lt» f«“ f e ** **• f»‘ v-*r«»r. -nhiert ! •#tr in-irion. Tiie »f Tr - r will tie apt- • s* at 1. Rcspt A. ti - rsti.KKs. FOR SHERIFF. At t!t»’ is>- • of r - id* . . I hereby i.,r ’•mi .tilt*-*- Ins —-n- (lib didate lit— «>*?* -• ■ ■ ». [ret toi’te nomlmli.n t>| «5e- I irtoeraey of Cr.iwto I Jn i- nth s*>iielt *tfoH I re»|*-ilfolly of all the nd the - upt«»rt pelt'le. Rennet A. Hakti.kv. Tor Tax « elirctar. i i oy r*-»p- c iu. • u- ce . :«l- f.-r :u Co.iector ot Cr*w - rd *-uuly. -ubjrrt lo the action of the II i*Mn ic pritaorr, m» 1 -.*k ’be hT>n !>!•■ ew«*.V <' oa -a • support of all tht R*-»p-.ttfniljr. ti YV. J. Bsowa Friends and Patrons of Crawford and Adjoining Comi¬ ties : In thanking you for your past support and patronage and solic¬ iting a larger share in the future, we take this method of calling your attention to our large and varied line of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, embracing everything kept in a first-class city store. OUR SH03 LIMB Is complete for old and young. Consult your interests bv looking through it before purchasing elsewhere. Our novelties in dress &mm Are the latest styles in Shades and Fabrics. Don’t go to Macon, Atlanta or anywhere else until you have seen out stock and learned our prices. Our line of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, A -rf OTHING, CAPS, WOOLEN TOP SHIRTS -AND UNDERWEAR ’> the largest ever brought to this market, and at prices that will astonish yon Also a full line of FAMILY ilEB PABI€Y GttOCEBIES 1 Hard v.artq Qtieon ami Willowware at competition prices, V.';; reaped fully a-k you to call to see us and inspect our st ick. WV guarantee to please yon in both goods and prices. as an inducement to those who owe us, or to those who wish to a l ill with us, we will p »y from £c to {e per pound above price for cotton. WIL’ ON & MATHEWS ■r? —Trr fJTTpfT 1 7T -*«•»* eahkaW Bl« sib) MVV va W. W. JORDAN, -DEALER IX- - Dry Goods, Clothing, Notion*. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cap?, Furnishing Goods, and a complete line of General Merchandise. ^So*b3xtsa. BO LIVER H. RAY, COTTON Dealer in Groceries and Planters and Acid Phosphates. . 409 POPLAR STREET. MACON, GA., AUGUST 1, IS02. DEAR SIR: 1 take pleasure in annouicing toyoti that I am still at Ihe 'land of Colemau & Ray, 4il Poplar street, wiiere I am props red to promptly, at only 50 cents per hale, all Cotton entrusted to me. Captain R. W. Bonner, formerly with W. F. I’lieo, will be with me, will attend to the weights, and also the sale of Cotton. .A. B. Adams, formerly of A. IS. Adams & Son, will also he with tilts reason. Both captain Bonner and Mr. Aduii:* will he pleased to have all ;.i friends come to see them. Civemea trial—I guarantee to please you. Send me your orders B: -ging and Tlct, Very truly, * BOLIVER H. RAY. WILLIS F. I’RIC'5. JAKE HEARD. J. T. WILLIS F. PRICE & CO V LEiL'.CIlTG COTTON FACTORS, MAI ON, GA. Liberal advances made on cotton in store at - ZL action. O-uLsuxarLteed CliAItGE.—.»UfU PER BALE TO ONE AND ALL. X- !<• BMMl 'MVSELLA, CIA., —DEALER IN— DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS CADDIES CRACKERS f And, in fact, a line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. If you w«nt ; to get bargains call on DICKEY. He sells r.t prices that will surprise you. xi-4 CLOTHING AND NOTIONS. COFFEE SUGAR FLOUR TODACCO SNUFF MEAT . _ - 2 L.tleb 32 .tsi and. ZPlCxicLa ?j.lx©&d TIME TABLE NO. L—TAKING EFFECT SEPTEMBER 25, 1882, JrJ -BOUND. I NOUTII- 73 Local Daily Stations | Daiiy i Fright. No. I No 2 No. 0. A. M. Leave IP. M. I.v. A. M. Ar. !’. M. Arrive. 3 00 ......Atlanta..... 11 00 * 7 25 •5 13 .Atlanta Yard... 10-18 F...... ......Cornell...... F.......... ....4 10.. f ID 8 04 4 .. .Haasvillo..... 10 28 3 34 8 37 Ft 51 . ... Riverdale ... F 10 Pi 8 24 8 47 5<i ......Selina..... 10 07 2 52 •z>x 9 05 F 4'J5 .....Blalock...... F 9 58 1 42 9 30 l *- .Fayetteville... 2 2d 9 45 | .. 9 45 2 00 10 15 *• ......I liman....... **: 9 31 1 24 10 -!0 s- .....Wooisey..... Lowry 9 25 1 14 11 00 s* 47 ..... ...... re !t 10 12 W 11 17 Kalluiati Junction 9 07 12 -> 11 42 I 4-1 ... . Xetclla ..... ■*: 3 50 12 l.i P.M 11 52 ( 51 ..Williamson.. 8 4S H 501 cn ..... Zebulon...... 8 53 11 51 \ 12 25 pm ! Sil ... Meansville.... o 11 18 12 50 ..Piedmont. --. 1 K .Topeka .. .. 8 08 10 5. ! 28 C-.C-.rT! Junction. 7 58 10 25 1 50 A i Yateeville 7 43 9 33 - D . . ... 9 00 l ;; -l-lj .Ctilloden.... 7 80 8 14 F ......Musella..... ... 7 13 > 7 39 X .u F....... .....Knoxville .....Crawley’s.... .. ' . 8 7 07 32 \ 4 17 F 7 35 ...J lailiard’R.... U 27 5 55 XX 510 F F........ 7 4(i .....Lee .. .Payne’s.. Pope.... .. e 14 & 80 5 iu 8(4) ...Fort Valley... 1)00 5 eu P. M. Arrive P. M. Ar. a. M. hr. A. M.*Lv, No. 5 and ti will run daily except Sunday. F—Slop when flagged P—Stop for meals. . T. W. GARRETT, Receiver “ 3 v THE ORAWFOK S) COUNTY CORRESPONJ >EN r D MILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ONE YEAH FOR 41 IN ADVANCE. WE WILL HAVE A RELIABLE OOltRE Sl’ONDENT AT EVERY POSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTY. ■C73BSCI2X2323 -SLT 1 03STC2J. 1 IK vor HAVE NY NEWS PLEASE SEND IT TO PS Tola IZToxls. Promptly do :e at this Oflice for every kind of mercantile Stationery, such as NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, CKETS, ETC. SE2STJD XJS -STOISTOZEBK.