The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, January 07, 1893, Image 2

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PHYSICAL FATIGUE Does It Increase tlie Susceptibility f* Contagious Diseases? It has long been accepted that physical the susceptibility fatigue greatly to infectious increases dis¬ eases. Two French physicians have recently been endeavoring by this means view. of experiments They subjected to confirm a num <ber of w%ite rats to severe exer¬ cise (running in a rotating cage) for ,four consecutive days, for seven hours each day. Eight of these tired out animals were in¬ oculated with attenuated anthrax virus, four animals in a normal condition of health being inocula¬ ted with the same virus at the same time, in order to ser v ve as a standard of comparison. The re¬ sult was, that seven of the eight animals belonging to the first series succumbed, while all the animals of the second series vived. The authors thus explain the curious tendency of' epidemics to break out among soldiers dur¬ ing great manoeuvres and on cam¬ paign, and they urge that many a a soldier is rendered suscepitible to disease by fatigue who would have otherwise escaped. Why Women Are Not Humorous. A writer in the open letter de¬ partment of the current “Century” asks why in literature there are no lady humorists. He then goes on to answer his question by explain¬ ing that from childhood mail* finds the sawdust dropping out of everything, worthlessness and soon discovers the of much that passes for valuable. Therefore he learns to smile and say: “is it not ab¬ surd ?” instead of allowing his p sion for something to adore over ride his growing desire fur truth. E>ut, on the other hand, a woma n’s idols are so milch a part of her life that when they are broken she mirth cannot snap her fingers, nor seetc as an avenue of escape. Women may possibly grow satiri¬ cal, but satire is only a form of humor. When life ceases to be in ideal, some way holy, or at any rate then woman’s creative fac¬ ulty ceases,” says the writer. “She ends where man’s talent as a hu¬ morist begins.” Every one a Fact. Maine has wild land worth $20,« 000,000 at a low estimate. The marriages of minors are six per cent, of the whole number, Italy produces more wine than any other country in Europe. Mr. Gladstone earns on an aver¬ age $15,00b a year by his pen alone. It is said that 32,000 varieties of goods are manufactured from wood. Thera are more than 2,000 varie¬ ties of apples raised in the United States. The State.of Washington is one of the heaviest consumers of con¬ densed milk in the country. All sorts of lace became fash¬ ionable under Louis III. and was worn in extravagant quantities. The Shoo on the Other Foot. Jones (calling on Smith in the evening)—i thought I would find you at home. You don’t go out much at night now P Smith—No. I’ve given up all ray clubs and societies. I should be.glad to have you come un U.I t spend an evening with me ocea /sionally. Jones—But wife your think me in the way. Smith—Oh, file’s never home at night till late. the To-night Ladies’ siie is at a meeting of (Society Destitute tor Supplying Poor. Thimbu* To-morrow to the nig'llt she goes to the Queen’s Daughters, next nigllt! to tlie sociable ot tile Roval x d *; W .Vv*. O’ n o n ’ and ' SO ° on ever* V 7 night. . Lome and , fellow, ; lip see a lt s awful lonely to bo married, J tell VOU. J - -- A Par all 81. A fourtean-year-old "Galveston boy, writing for the Tribune,” < [raws this parallel between ii dog and a- boy: “ Yoti have heard it said that tha more you whip a dog This tne better he will like you. is a mis¬ take. He oaiy pretends to like you so that you will not beat him .my more. beats Boys and never bangs like a par¬ ent who t ie n, though they may protend to. There is a good deal of a boy in a dog.”_____ fclars Not Named After Diaewerevs. Thera is au unwritten law among astronomers that when bodies discovered . the new are rn iieavens they are finders not to receive ,he names ot the nor of " unv A* otfier person. Without ex '•option rito the celestial Tinmmnlei-m'o nomead ax uie is taken from Greed and Komau mythology. ONLY 50 # A YEAH Cl * PME « 3 H 1 a l gfcyj&eclBu Lgaan. h* just full and running oven with good thins*. STOFj^S % « JLn4 SUrrUt fir all the “ rlrir-itepi ’> In tfm family, pram the “ we*-**" to «%c THERE /IRE TALKS f ABOUT THE DINING-ROOM; f [ ABOUT About society; WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO MARE IT; ABOUT books; v&* About PLANTS AND FLOWERS; ABO^T About HOME CABINET! GOOD FORM! about house beautiful; RtitSk ohnvtBifig GOord Pletar'ic on »u sorts o2 svtfcjoots, by our bant cue id p»lnv»*8. Ffyrs. Logan’s REnifflSCEHCtt urc OS’ WILL SOON APPEAR.-. AMONG CUR MANY CONTRIBUTORS ARE 'j Rmbrt J Bunorrr*. Shirlcy Amoco. Will Camlctcn. Bishop Vikccnt, Allcm-m wirr. Emily HuirriHOTc.'i limn, ,Atid the Bait Writers in the Country Contribute to our Coluvma. The Bro&ix Pcblishskq Co., it if CENTS WASI JISMGTON. D. G. WANTED. 9 usShb 1 PROTECT YOUB HOMES! MARLIN DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. JL GOOD These revolvers are an exact REVOLVER # duplicate SMITH of the & WESSON. celebrated ae longer costs jraMp| V j r , .33 Caliber, Centre-Fire using iortnne f"~ f Cartridges. mm .....' ", Autonaatio Ejecting, * ShH ® ' ig l •vmmsB FULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. 1 WJlBBASTTED EQUAL IS' EVSEY BBSPICT TO THE ’ N SMITH tfo WESSOW. * W For sale by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. , Manufactured by TEG HAS LET EffiE ASMS 00., Now Haven, Conn. - tegg agfig EB fffl ’ ..... rf BEST IN THE A WORLDS For large email Magazine Rifle. or game, *11 «lr«. The .trongert .hooting ride male, Perfect racy guaranteed, end the only ebaelntely safe rifie oa the market Ihne.rated „— .I4flA CaUlegne. RP GALL 5S^ MAKL1X IJ'ORiaNG FIRE AND TARGET RIFLES, world renowned. Send for ARMS CO.. Mew Raven, Conn.' ^KSS 5 IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS WILL SAVE ONE-HALF THE COST OF AMMUNITION. f ft *9 Cr.rtrldge^»: Loader. Cheaper Hiissipisasssisr-”-! and Zde«I better SHOT than 3 GUN flannfaotnving any SHELLS, other. Send PAPER for Price AKO Company, List BRASS. of these tools to L 8 Sag; * Box 1064 (». Kew Havbh. CoSTH i ( How To Do Business/' OB TOE mET OF SUCCESS IS RETAIL IERCIUNSII0, 2 Sy GEO. 2 T. XdEcXjeaacL. _ Gompreliensive, Practical and Valuable Treatise on Business, and Hov t0 Succe3SfuU y Do It, E ver Published. A text book of practical hints, rules and examples Of such rare value that every one, no mat * tS^*& a S&S?SS^?1?i. , TiSSa^SLKatSSSSS*“ ««««»- 3 Coaa.ta.5.:».s 2 S O-raa^a. Chapters on. t3xe UTollc-wioag- S'va.'foiecte: Advertising— n, Employing RrSMKigS'g Oierks-Selline -Aash and Cr(*dit Coinbined Goods—Exclusive Cash Sales-Selling Goods on Credit of Cause of Successor Failure—Prompt Settlement—Depreciation Ootids—Losses in Business, which Occur to the Merchant—Expenses and Accounts—Co-part iiersliipand 03 Advantages—Business and Social Intercourse—Proper Investment of Fronts— lyss-Secu.e Paragraphs on the Business Confidence Methods. of Customers—Valuable Systems, Rules, Etc. Hints, Comprising Short Chapters and r Postpaid On Receipt of $ 2 .on. SPECIAL OFFER—We will send you, prepaid, this book—ns valuable as if specially written for your business—for $1.50. For sale a t this office. id °c» ^oi< ^> 0 h te : -t COPYRIGHTED. m. m IT I LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Highest Honor and Gold Medal received at World's Exposition, for System of Book \<*^rse consists ot Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Penmanship, Commercial tU“Sd Ie “i PZSuSSi Law, Merchandising, 1 ®*“Special Department for Ladies. Lady Principal employed. No charge for n.ocur i u S situations. ’teWA'o Vt’O^Uon- Kn ter now. For Circulars address. wilbuh B. smith, Pres., /, >xinf ~ K* THE CRAWFOBD - . COUNTY corbebponbe: WILL BE SENT TO ANY APDRESS ONE YEAR F< IN ADVANCE, WE WILL HAVE A RELIABLE OCl SFONDENT AT EVERY POSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTY. SUBSCBIBZ JEJX Q1TC2 IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS PLEASE SEND IT T' 4 \ * \ ♦ Job 'Work i Promptly do xe at this Office for every kind of mercantile Statu such as * \ NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS,' BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, TAGS, POSTERS, v HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, TICKETS,. ETC, xjs "’stoxjbe ‘tstobs