The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, January 28, 1893, Image 1
THE CORRESPONDENT COUNTY DIRECTORY. Court convenes, spring term, third Jon day in March; fall term, third Jonday in Oqtober.% Judge Superior Court—A. L. Mil er. Solicitor General—W. H. Fel¬ on, Jr. N > plerk Superior Court—H. M. Bur¬ kett. [ Ordinary—O. P. Wright. /Tax Collector—John M. Sanders. ( Tax Receiver—R. H. Knight. Sheriff-»-John C. Cnlverhouse. | Treasurer—M. F. Perry,. I County . urveyor—George W. tVh^te. Coroner—T. J. Holloman. County Commissioners — W. J. Dent, W. E. Champion and W. B ; Davis. County School Commissioner—H. F Sanders. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor—A. J. Danielly. Aldermen—J. W. Mathews, M. H. Carnes, J. A. Miller and J. W. Xal hass. f , Clerk—F. Danielly. I Treasurer—J. B. Wilson. Marshal—E. E. Dent. ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. 'GATHERED FOR THE CORRE¬ SPONDENT'S READERS. I The Happenings of the Week Put ; in' Short, Pointed Paragraphs— What Has Happened and Is Go I ing to Happen—Points Political, Personal and Social—Men and Thinas. I Mr. L. C. Futrell wasfin Rober I ta Tuesday. Prof. Charlie McGee spent Sun [day Iville. with hi's parents in. Knox * * Miss Mattie Miller went on a I rustic trip to visit friends in tb e I Country, last week. She [has re I turned home. Mr. Olias. Rickerson, after a Ipleasant visit to kindred in this [Vjace I has left for his hornet He will probably spend a great por I tion of his time this year with us. [iVould Rickerson be glad to have him. Mr. is a polite and gentlemanly young man. The Roberta school has already surpassed its expectations in number. When the weather be¬ comes pleasant it will increase in number. There are now 87 stu¬ dents. Misses-Clyde Lucas, of Taylor county, Corimie Dent and Minnie Hicks, [were the guest of Mr. Mark Carnes, the first of the week. Col. O. P. Wright has purchas¬ ed an elegant safe and placed it in his office at the court-house. He intends to keep his papers ; and money secure from fire and eyery other thing. . Sheriff J. C. Culverhouse has purchased a handsome folding desk and placed it in his office. It is a very beautiful piece of fur¬ niture and contains every imag¬ inable convenience for storing away books papers etc. s6 they can be easily found when need ed. It was rumored last week in some of our near towns, that the new school I • % led on. Some'person with more glib than brain was doubtless the originator. ■ Owing to extreme cold and wa | ter leaking down in our type box I es and freezing our type together, | we ask subscribers to excuse our | i^pn appeareneo la A week. * C. Bond and John i ROBERTA, GA, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 2gth, 1893 Lewis were i.i Macon last week attending to business. We call attention to the ser¬ mon in this issue, delivered in Knoxville by Rev. Moncrief and shorthanded by our reported ' Supt. Sanders has a notice in this issue of importance to all patrons of schools. The Snow, the Snow, the beau¬ tiful Snow. I’ll be glad when from this earth [it shall melt and go. The .Snow, the Snpw, the beautiful Sndwq that falls on the hill-tops so high, and down injfee valleys so low, spreading its white carpet everywhere. 1 trust you i’ll never again from your Arctic home, thitherward blow, Go, oh Snow, beautiful Snow, and with thy crystal sleet, drop, in the Frigid Zone seek thy lair. We’ll ne’r feel lone, and remember you too, if you ’ill remain forever there. We heard a darkey, the other day, ask W. W. Jordan for credit to run his farm on this year. He pleaded for quite a while to get assistance, but was repeatedly re¬ fused. During the conversation, the darkey was asked what land he was going to cultivate. He replied, and Mr. Jordan said, f am going to plant some adjoining that in watermelons. Where¬ upon the darkey remarked, dats all right den, Mr. Jordan, if u’s gwine plant watermillions elose to dare, I don’t need no credic. I can make out wicLout credic. Santa Claus, in his last rounds, paused to present a gift at the home of Mr. Kingman Lowe which has added materially to his domestic bliss. It was " a sweat young rural maid, and the firstborn. Long may she live, and in coming years, with roseate cheek lend additional beauty and grace to the sylvan scenes among which she moves. Dr. Kinney went to Fort Val¬ ley last week on business, but be¬ fore returning, he combined pleasure with his trip. Doctor has a happy faculty of combining pleasure and business at all times, but most especially, when he goes southward, and travels over that elevated Nancy Hank’s log track behind a snail-gait en¬ gine that pulls out of Fort Val? ley. It takes his pard, however, to get there on the “Wnillie Leaunx Track.” He caivmove up and rattle his hocks with such surprising speed that all things else look miles behind before they are ever reached. ■----- i --- Gailliard Dust. The young people here spent Christmas very pleasant by hav¬ ing social gatherings. At the residence, of Mr. Highly, of Everetts Station, a party was given last Wednesday night which is said to have been the best of the season. Mr. W. R. Howard, of Willard, was in Gailliard Sunday. Mr. J. E. Wynn, of Burkett, was in Gailliard Sunday shaking hands with friends. Mr. L. A. McCarty, who has been on a business trip to Taylor county, has returned. • Mir'G. W. McCarty went o Macon last Thursday on busi¬ ness, We are glad to leafn that Mr. Banxton and family, of Thomas ton, have moved to this commun¬ ity and joined hands with us as neighbors. Mr. W. L.^ Wynn and family, who have been residing her j for about two years, have moved to Bibb county. Book. Wavrlor News. George Hollomoa is going to move to Florida. Misses Ella and Minnie Hollo mon were married on 10th mst. Miss Ella was married to Mr. Jim Stokes and Miss Minnie was mar¬ ried to Mr. Will Brfce. Mr. William Kennedy and Miss Annie Burkner were married Sunday msrning. The old lady Tidwell is getting no better. The old Bethel church pastor Rev. Nash died on Thursday and was burned on Frie*y. Monday night the wind and rain was very heavy the Warrior district. There were two little children burned to.death, in the citv of Macon, last week. 1’here have beeirfive little chil¬ dren burned to death in the Dranborn family. The Warrior school has 98 pu¬ pils.' Mr. Chas. Nelson took preacher Elks over to the Howard Dist. •and there he married Miss Min¬ nie Taylor, the daughter of Jerry Taylor. The Baptist preacher, (Ellis,) has moved from Tolbart county to the Warrior, and is preaching at Bethel church. Dr. Holley is very busy night nd day. The diseases are principally cold. The gait of a snail is one mile in four-teen days. And the gait of a catapdler is two miles in twenty days. John Tidwell came to see his mother, aunt Nancw Tidwell, and she was not able to talk to him. He lives in McOougry Co., and has not been to see her in fifteen years. She is 92 years old .and has been in bed for over two years. Ira. Notice to Creditor:} und Dobters. ‘All parties having claims the estate of John T. Andrews late of Crawford comity, are hereby noti tied to present the same at once, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the under signed. W. A. AnDrews. Annie W. Andrews. Administrators. By virtue of an order from the Board of Education of Crawford Up. the following extracts from sections’ 86 and 52 of the Common School Laws are printed iuffh'e Correspon DENT. Section St S* “That admission to all Common schools of this State shall ha gratuitous tb allohildren be¬ tween the age of wix and oighteeu years, residing in the sub-districts in which the school is located.” Section 52. “Provided that noth¬ ing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any common school scholar from entering said school as pupil, if the parent or guardian of said pupil shall elect to enter him or her for the period of the public term, and upon the merits of the common school fuud only. The State 7 chcol ommissioner lux- n.Ied that a parent or guardian of a pupil who does not expect to pay anything morn to a teacher what they recieve from the public fund shall notify the teacher at the beginning of the school that they tened to enter the pupils upon merits of the common school fund only. H. F. Sanders, CVS. C. SanU^KPIge K?ws. Mr. Editor:— We have had the biggest snow we have ever seen in this county and in consideration will say the coldest winter up to the present time. Old uncle Lewis, a negro man 'iving on the premises of Mr. Wade Seaglar, died very sudden¬ ly one uight- last week. He was quite old and well thought of by all who knew him. Chunks of ice were seen float¬ ing down fimt River this week as as dwelling houses. It is quite deplorable to see so wagons hauling fionr, ba¬ and corn, so soon in the sea of the year. Mr. Lee Spillers missed his horse one night last week and it supposed to have been stolen. I feel proud to have the privi¬ through your columns, to my conscience from bottom of my heart, in letting the people know the sentiment I in behalf of rny county the C. 0. C. Wo have our being, while we and the very great pleasure secure for ourselves onr rights. why not cherish those hob'es belong to us and devote minds to objects that, are fit our consideration and action. Our comprehensions should *• broad as the things for which we act. We should render cheerful¬ ly our conceptions tb the magni¬ tude and the import a net < u the* duties that devolve upon us with absolute disregard of any person a! consequences. And now in conclusion will say, the people of Crawford bounty have- long felt the want of a good newspaper and often so many efforts have been made, they have at last succeed¬ ed through the auspicies c f the Correspondent published by Mr. J. M. Richardson, a gentleman of intellect and well capacitated to carry out the business he has undertaken. Reis not only a graduate in. Eng]i ; sl^ () Latip.,. etc., but Ims all the ample facilities of a short hand reporter. Ft this means he has the many advan Liges over others heretofore, in reporting speeches and sermons through hfs columns by short hand dictation. So with such a pt.por as the O. 0. C. is, and the beneficent support of the people generally, it ought to be a beacon light to guide us as enlighten people on the road of success and prosperity, and ought to be the means of advancing social life and constructing and building up new enterprises. We as common sense people ought to throw our prejedices aside, if any we haye," and sacrifice our differences for the good of our county and its pa¬ per. If ignorance is bliss, why not act folly by taking your own county paper and become wise. Fool Killer. GEORGIA, Crawford County :— All persons Mathews, having late demamli-figainst of said county, Elisha now deceased, are hereby notified and required to present such claims, nroporiy Within H.ttostod, designated to fchte unclorsifynGd, /the time by law. All persons indebted to said deceas¬ ed are hereby required to make im ThS jiuf ! [Sh‘7e9S Jeff 1> Mathews, ) Exir. and Mr.?. Matti k Matub\v«, ) Exto Ul 1 1 i ei ea>ttC ’ VOL. 1. NO. 28. GEORGIA, Crawford County Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Knoxville, said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash. On the first Tuesday in January to-wit: next, the following property 2000 lbs of seed cotton, more or less, 150 bushels of eornin the shuck, more or less, 2000 lbs ol'Todder, more or less, 100 bushels of 0Gttou seed, more or less and two bushels ot peas. Said property levied upon and sold as the property of debt, under and by Vir¬ tue of a distress worrant issued from Justice’s pourt 573rd Dist., G. M. said county in favor of W. K. Eu¬ banks vs Hepry Jennings. Said dis¬ trict, warrant returnable lo the Superior court of said county Wit¬ ness my band officially. J. ; C. CtTLvfekirousE, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. On GEORGIA, CrAWFOD County : ;the first Tuesday in February, next, I will sell before the court house door in the town of Knoxville, said county within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, and lot to-wit. One store house on which same is located in the said town of Knoxville. Said lot measuring 40x60 feet ‘and fronting on public square due north, bounded east and south by lands of Mrs. J W. Blasingame and west by lot boun¬ ded and occupied by J. H. Nolan. Said property levied on and sold un¬ der and by virtue, of-an execution is¬ sued from the superior court of Up¬ son county, said state, in favor of E. Barber vs Blasingame, as the property This of said J. W. Blasingame. Nov 7, 1892, J. C Culverhouse, Sheriff. GEORGIA, Crawford County:— All persons indebted to the estate of Jno. It. Wqrsham deceased, are noti¬ to come forward at once and the same and all persons hav¬ claims against said estate are notified to present them m terms of tne law. December 5th, 1892. „ W. A. Worsham Jno. R. Worsham Executors. ^GEORGIA, V- White, Crawford of said County, County:— ha T hied with me his application askin ? that permanent letters (with tht mill annexed) on estate of K. B. Murchison, deceased, be granted him; and I will pass on his applica¬ tion .on Monday in. January next. Witness toy hand officially this Nov 28th 1892. <>. P. Wir.GiiT, Ordinary. CITATION GE011GTA, s C ra w ford County:— To ^ all whom this may concern: O. C. Cleveland, executor uf the last will and testament of Mrs. A. M. Cleveland, deceased, has applied to me for dismission from his executor¬ ship. This is, therefore, to cite all parties at interest to show cause be¬ fore me on or before the first Mon¬ day in January next, if any they ho vci, why such discharge should not ; be granted, or letters disrnissory will be granted applicant as prayed for. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture this the 3rd day of October, 1892. O. P. Wright, Ordinary. 10-8-tf. GEORGIA, Oraweord County — Mrs. Annies M. Andrews and W. A. ~ Andrews have applied to me for permanent letters of Administration -in tiie estate of Jno. T. Andrews, kilo of said County, deceased; and this is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause before me, if any they have, at my office, on or before the first Monday in January granted next, why applicants. such letters should not be Witness my hand officially this Nov 28th, 1892.’ j O. P. Wright, Ordinary. * Will he sold ou the first tuesdav in door February next before the court house in . lie town of Knoxville Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Dot in Block A. Lots 1 and 2 B. Lots 1 and 2 17 C. Lots 1 and 2 }> D. Lots 1 and 2 E. I Lots 8 and 4 1? F. 3 and 4 , ,, G. 3 and 4 , „ H. 3 and 4 1* 1. 1 and 2 »! J. 3 ana 4 J C K. S-4-7-8 - L. 1-2-5-6 - M. • I S-4-7-8 ■ , *t N. 1-2-5-6 OJ • , 17-18-21-22-25-26-29-30. „ R. All of lots not sold in Block P, and allot lots not sold in Block Q, un dor and by virtue of 36 eXecutiohs is sued from the superior ' court of Said county in favor of officers pf vs All Georgia of said Improvement. property being Oompaavf in town of K -berta said countv, and known in sin; plan of said town by, lots and blocks as above stated iu the original survey of [paid iowuS Terms