The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, March 11, 1893, Image 2

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PHYSICAL FATIGUE Dw-.s It Increase the Susceptibility U ConLsglOUS r*i£9R»iiS? It h«3 long boea accepted that the physical susceotibility ratine greatly to infectious increases dis¬ eases, Two French physicians hare 'recently experiments been endeavoring by means of to confirm this of view. white They subjected a num¬ ber rata to severo exer¬ cise (running,- in a rotating cage) for four consecutive days, for seven hours each day. Eight- of these tired out animals were in¬ oculated with attenuated anthrax virus, four animals in a normal condition of health being inocula¬ ted with the same virus at the same time, in order to servo as a standard of comparison. The re¬ sult was, that seven of the eigtit animals belonging to the hirst aeries succumbed, while all the animals of the second series sur¬ vived. The authors thus explain the curious tendency of epidemics to break out among soldiers dar¬ ing great manoeuvres and on cam¬ paign, and they urge that many a a soldier is rendered suscepitibie to disease by fatigue who would have otherwise escaped. Why Women Are Not Humorous. A writer in the open letter da partment of the currant “Century” asks why in literature there arc :io lady humorists. Ha then goes on to answer his question by explain¬ finds ing that from childhood man the sawdust dropping out everything, and soon discovers the worthlessness of much that passes for valuable. Therefore he learns to smile and aay: “Is it not do surd?” instead of allowing his p sion for something desire to adore ov. r ride his growing for trut.i. But, on the other hand, a woman * idols are so much a part of h«-~ life that when they are broken the cannot snap her fingers, nor seel; mirth as an avenue of escape. Women may possibly grow satiri¬ cal, but satire is only a form ol humor. When life ceases to be in some way holy, or at any rats ideal, then woman's creative fac¬ ulty censes,” says the writer. “She ends where man’s talent as a hu¬ morist begins. ” Every one a Fact. Maine has wild land worth $20, 000,000 at a low estimate. The marriages of minors are six par cent, of the whole number. Italy produces more wine thru any other country in Europe. Mr. Gladstone earns on an aver age §15,000 a year by his pen alone. It is said that 32,000 varieties of goods are manufactured from Wood. There are mors than 2,000 varie¬ ties of apples raised m the United States. The State of Washington is one of the heaviest consumers of con densed milk in the country. All sorts of la,co became fash¬ ionable under Louis III. and was worn in extravagant quantities. Tim Shoe on tfe; Other Foot. Jonas (calling on Smith in the evening)—I thought I v/ould find you at home. You don’); go out night now? Smith—No. I’ve given up all my clubs and societies. I should bo glad to have you come up and spend an evening with mo occa¬ sionally. Jones—But wife might your think mo m the way. Smith—Oh, she’s never home at night till late. To uight^she is a meeting or tile Thimbles Italics OOClO^y for Supplying Ap...... Tomorrow to IlirAlt the i B f UNA A T/ b es© . trees to the ^ueen , S Daughters, nav nti—l t n n.giu :, K u t,o w.e jogi. o.o >i« nf j iiiA wu jioysil ”i Women, and SO on, evorv “ xagiit. ■ + /a wU,i.^ up auu ] see _ u a leiiuw. f.n Itb awfni liv»alv '■* to bo married. I Wii . ,, you._____ ” A Parallel. A four tern-year-old boy, Tribune,” writing for the “Galvftsson draws this parallel between a tb.g imd a boy: “You have hoard it said that tho it. ora will you whip a dog This the is better in- liko you. a mis v- '3. Ho only pi\;iiauda to him like y*.a so tuat vo j will not beat any more. Boys never like a par enr. who beats and bangs protend t.iern, though they good may deal of iv>y in to. There is a, a a dog.” Stars Hot Sum d A.f:«r ivsrersi Tn Lfi^l !.• • •• I unwritten ‘ ! V.V K'lTi-jnv F.'d itlJotnOM u-.ij Wi'vil 1 % fu • r '. *«li- Ul-iCG* -ieu it * m hit ■ ■... iiVitV .'Ml . V;*»V nra no. U> r>--t.v‘3 i... of ia* iWV* i o! of m uofdiou »•-« p'V itim;. ihe m u ii taken frqai U.v v.. and m ,-^SsESs m m % A YEAR mi . m i ■ ■ ■ . i a M ©ME . « m. f i .l<?djg y /fraJoKn/l. Logarj. is just Full and Running with good things.' OfiQ SJOI^S * JOF^I^S D XnS Stortso for a!I itie ^^ etair-et8}}* , ’ tit Siso family, from tk« « lezo-toV* to tto “©CWtd-Mfe#.** THERE /IRE T^LKS f ’ ABOUT THS DmiKG-ROOS<r, WEAR and how to mark it; ASOUT WHAT TO About society; about boors: ABOUT PLANTS AND FLOWERS; AooiiT ABOUT HOMS CADINCTJ GOOD form; ABOUT HQUSS beautiful; Atoorming Uiord Pi<rtst*@v c--. rut a ostia oojijssfce, toy ouv l>®s? wsord p&l&tMies. REfflmCENCBS OF VA 5 IENQT 0 N LIFE IVILL SOON APPEAR. A5SOHQ CUfl MANY COKTRiaUTGOO ARBI iic essv J. Bukocttc. Gk;klcv Ert-'.i, Rrfrsse, Vi ILL CMILSTOfJ. BlCMOP V1JK.EN-T, •Sos:r.n AiLitra Uv::nj. Auto E/ms. CetiLV MaK7ji*ar<ju find Ih* Bolt t&'fors io the Country Cor;!ribt/is to car Cottmit9» J I |S^. Gtglj The Broms Fublishihq CoUy ® WASaiNOTON. O. C. i PROTECT YQUB. HOMES! MARLIN DOUBLE AOTIOSa REVOLVER. .A. GOOD These revolvers are an exact KEYOLYER i duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & WESSOS. no longer cost3 .38 Caliber, using a Fortune Centre-Fire iTY Cartridges. mm ‘ . Seif-Cocking, j Autsmstia ! Ejecting, Wg j FULL KJCKEL PLA'i'^P, S-3ANDLE. i VTASnrjrTSI) EQUAL IX EVBET BESTEOT to the tsiYtscrrsc «Sa WSSISOK. « I For sale by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. Manufactured fry TEE KABLliT FIBB ASMS GO,, Few Haven, Conn. mmmtm BEST BN THE v WORLD! Far lKjfe tr cmkli r*me, all tlz«. The stroogert (isoting rifle undo. Ptrttci tmrKj cuttrantMd, end tfcs only absolntely eaf« riflo oa tho mnrkot ■ 7IAr,I,AIiD GALLERY, SPORTrTO AND TARGET KIFLVfl, r-orld rtnovrned. Sand for Cuneogu.. FIK33 ARMS CO.. ~N- o\v Itavea, Coen. IDEAL RELOADING TOO&S Made WILL for *11 SAVE rtzee of OME-HALF Cartridges which THE sre COST used OF in any AMMUNITION. of the follotrinE*fl I "Whltaey-Kemiedy, Rifles or Pistols: Marlin, Colt’.-), Wlneheatsr, Ballard, Stevens, makes Reininfftou, of | s? h Smith & Wesson; also for all gauges aud w I 0 Cheapsr and bettor SHOT than SHELLS, other. Bend PAPES for Trice AKS List BSASS. of there toole i li 1 any to £3 Llazin^natuieiiiig Cosapany, ¥ Box 1SC4 G, Nzw Hatkj. Coxit. “How To Do Business / 5 OR THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IS RETAIL IERCHAMSIIG, XSy 3-330. 2*T- 2^c3to©aax. Tbs Most Comprshenclve, Practical and Valuable Treatise on Business, and How to CucceEsfully Do It, Ever PubJislied. A text book of practical hints, rales and examples of such rare value that every one, bo rnut ter how old and experienced, cannot but derive absolute aud positive value from its teachings— wnlle to the young novice it is a hand-book and treasure of indispensable value. Contail10 23 ©-ra^ci. chapters oa tta» aFellcwlaaar Svt-Tojecto: Howto Do Busino3s-Cfcoosing a Business or Vrolesslon-The Ebe and Flow of Business¬ Purchasing Stock, Factors Clerks-Sailing of Success—How to Obtain Credit—Marking Goods—Advantage# of Advertising—Employing —Cash Credit Combined—Cause of Success Goods— Exclusive Failure—Prompt Cash Sales— Settlement—Depreciation Selling Goods on Credit ana or of Goods—Losses in Business, whicli Occur to the Merchant—Expenses and Accouios-Co-part nersbip insolvency, and Its Its cj*is Advantages—Business and Prevention—Qualifications aDd Social Intercourse—Proper Necessary Insure Investment Succe s—Mercantile of Prcflt.s— 8 to c Examples—Expenses ness—Secure ihe Confidence of Doing of Business—Vocabulary Customers—Valuable of Hints, Business Comprising Terms--Preparation 8hort Chapters for Bust. and Paragraphs on Business Methods, Systems, Rules, Etc. Postpaid On Receipt of $i.oo. SPECIAL OFFER — We will send you, prepaid, this book —ns valuable as if s pecially written for yovr business—for $ 1 . 50 . For sals at this office. A A I % . '-v* - ♦ ki COPyniOHTt';. If 2 KS» d$F tMHM COMMERKAL COLLEGE OF wm 0B1W, L-EZXIWOTOISS, KENTUCKY. trejit fT/{fheat nurt General El^nor Dusvnw ntul ftiucatOm. Gc-ltl 3t& 1C00 students received in ct ettumhmne Vmrl'Vn Zxponition, the for System of Bnnk and r; Foreign Uouutrkw. 10,000 Graduatn in buitaem. Ift Teachers empfovoG. paat yenr >VRtulneM from 81) Btfltcs (‘'onrst} cou»Ut»ol Brink Manvjarturina. kiitpinp, Jiuiit/a.i Arllhmftic, Pmmnnnhi-p, CrmnrrckU frio, UcxharuHtini), Hanking, Joint SiAdk, tsclurct, Hutinent I'rnr.tu-.e, Mercantile Corrrti<milenc.e, tie. ?^C^ttMSWaS5T3ffSSJSf^S2^S%srS^f&' , c.'nwref, lnchiuiiiy Tuition, Pbttionery end S&sms& JBunnl lu it nico , !5arte »■>**»<*>■■"* IW4BP* Xt. HXiVB, i*xIk: * -■ THE .CRAWFORD COUNTY COKRESPIMDEST ' 1 WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ONE YEAR FOR $1 IN ADVANCE. WE WILL HAVE A RELIABLE CORRE¬ SPONDENT AT EVERY POSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTY. STJBSOBIBB JS.T IF YOU IIAYE ANY NEWS PLEASE SEND IT TO US' tsn 5B5>Si \ |3B^3SB EiiaiS Promptly do ie at this Office for every kind of mercantile Stationery, sue.ii a s NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, •STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CARDS. TAGS, POSTERS, HANDBILLS* CIRCULARS, TICKETS, ETC. ©ElfTID ZTG TTOTTSS TSTOE^