The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, March 18, 1893, Image 2

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PHYSICAL FATiG'JF. Pact It Ir.crpasc tfce Snsc^ptibiifty v CG::t^sr : oa» Disease# It has lon^ been accepted tan physical fatigue greatly infc* s crease* <ii« the susic: Dtibiiitv to uon.. eares. Two French endeavoring physiciau* bv have recently been means of experiments 'insy subjected to connrm this view, a nnui ber of white rats to severe exor¬ cise (running in a rotating cages for lour consecutive each day. days, for seven hours ui these tired out animals were in¬ oculated with attenuated anthrax virus, four animals in a normal condition of health being inocula¬ ted with the same virus at the same time, in order to servo a3 a standard of comparison. The re¬ sult was, that seven of the eight first animals belonging to the series succumbed, while all the animals of the second series sur rived. The authors thus epidemics explain the curious tendency of to break out among soldiers dur ing great manoeuvres ana on oam paign, and they ui'gc that many a a soldier i3 rendered suscepitib.* would to disease by fatigue wlv> have otherwise escaped. Why Women Are Not Humorous. A writer in the open letter de¬ partment of the current ’‘Century" asks whv in literature tkora are no lady humorists. He then goes on to answer his question iy explsiu- finds ing that from childhooc man the sawdust dropping out of everything, and soon dscovers the worthlessness of mucl that pass .a for valuable. Therobre ho learns to smile and sav: "ii it not «o surd r instead of allowing his pas¬ sion for something b adore over¬ ride his growintr dearo for trui i. But, on the other haid, a woman’s idols are so much a part of b> life that when they re broken 1 1 e cannot snap her lin ers, nor see x mirth as an avenie of escap-. Women may possiby grow form satiri¬ ot cal, but satire is oiy a humor. When life leases to be in some way woman’ holy, o creative at any rate fac¬ ideal, then ulty ceases," says t: writer. “Sue ends where man’s tleut as a hu¬ morist begins." Every one a act. Maine has wild Ijm worth $‘}0, - 000,000 at a low c^mure. x no marriages ominora are six per cent, of fcno wlie number. Italy produces lrre wme than any other country \ Europe. Mr. Gladstone earn on an avor age Z 1 j,0v)0 a year b his pen alone. It i3 said that 32,00 varieties of goods are maaufetured from wood. Thera are more tivn 2,000 varie¬ ties of apples raisedm the Umwu State.-!. The State of Washi/gton cons^«ra is one of the heaviest of con¬ densed milk in the obuntry. AU sorts of la©©* became fash¬ ionable n»der Loui4 III. and wtid ----- m extravagatjt i --------._u_. quantities. —- . The Shoe on thu Otter Foot Jone3 (calling on S:ni*h tho evening)—I taou^nt Yo*u I would (in l you at home. don’t go out night now? Smith—No. Fvo given up r;'J my clubs and societies. I shou. i be glad to havo you come uo and sionally. spend an evening with me occa Jones—But your wife might think me in the way. Smith—Oh, she’s never home at night till late. To-night Ladies’ she is at h for meeting of the Society Destitute Supplying Uror. Thimbles to th6 To-morrow night e ,. 0i ' n )l©Xt . T i mglit n ; .Li to .l. kiwi SO.l 5 . 3.0 of t,l>J Itoval Women, and SO on. eve^V ' nignt. ■ \ , Como up ana , fellow. , n see a It’S U SHYV.U awful 1 lonoiv wiiJiV to to bo nnrrim! nu.i.ul, J 1 ts»il you. A Parallel. A fourteen-year-old “Galveston boy, writing for tha Tribu te, ' draws this parallel between a dt jr and a boy: “You have heard it said that the more vou whip a dog the betmr he will like 3 *ou. Tins is a mis take. He oaiy pretends to like you so tnat you will not bent him any more. Boys never l:ko a par¬ ent who bests and bangs, though they rnuy pro tea 1 to. There ia a good deal of a bo/ iu u. tfog." Not ham-d After Dljc.™r?rs to •« unv.-ritton k» among astronomers taat when »• £.r, fliscovsred la :h, U»««a 0,1 ur. not 10 w,« * < j aam»m o- U*6 Hi. *> f s DL;* cf a v ota or [ eraoa. W . aoat «x O' IttOR til*' * • ' ! : v: mencleture . * i s-A NLY 5Q% & YEAR rs ■jref m 7 <p Hzii C ¥ r Lga ag. IS JUST Full and Runnino over with Goo* Tmikob. 55s J.n4 StoH— for oU DU " rtMr-tfp*” <t* Ds# family, from tho •• moo-tot* N "Gr*m4- JWb«.** THERE ARE TALKS f ABOUT THE OINING-ROOftS; I ABOUT WH IT TO AND |fOW TO MAKS IT,* »* ABOUT £•■:' i ety ; about books; roOUT PLANTS AND FLOWER^. ABOUT HOME CABINET; aboW good form; ABOUT house beautiful; grttb •boroains aitvd FUeavea c:i all aorta •> by •ac bast i paints** %s. Logan’s REniHUCEIKES OP W/JSlfifHTOH Lire WILL SOON APPEAR. AMOMO OUH MANY CONTRIBUTORS ARC : Mmit j BU**rrrt. •miiiiit hit. iuMD, WUA CANLST0H. Qi»M*" A 14.1 IT 0 Wife. ,*»t* B*r«*. tarn MoatjnaTVN Mimk. faj fit* Beef Writers to tht Country C v r,tribit* t* vur Ctlomns. The Prodix FusiiSHiriQ Co., ft / 9 CKMTB WASHINGTON. D. C. WAHTSD. m n' m <& m ril PROTECT YOUR HOMES! MARLIN DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. •A. 0-0033 Thee revolver! are an exact REVOLVER dajlicate of tha celebrated SMITH k WESSOI. a c longer costa L .38 Caliber, ueing Fortune ^ Centre-Fire a Cartridges. Self-Cccklnjf, s •■a. Automati® w. g | W’ Ejec ting , .VW PULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. i VrUl Willi* I -*T> XQT4X !X HIST BrSPSCT TO TXM i HMXTXX «to WXBffionr. For a&le by IlArdwars tud Gun Dealers overyvrhero. f 30 tvrtd by THE LAEUET fX SS ASH 8 00 ., New 0 *a». _ EESTSN THE WORLD! SOlHIjINT Magazine Rjfie. r*T lv ( . .r lull tu>., .11 ilm. Th* *tr.. r Mi ikMllif rl<« w .i* r.rfMl pNtalul, Hi th. <mly iWaW/ uf< rid. on Ik. javlrt '4 IDEAL WILL SAVE ONE-HALF RELOADING THE COST AMMUNITION. TOOLS Esxplt, 5ftf Whltl.rK»nI r a /.*. lYr*if7? nr. °i: *’ ^‘“Chester, ,eh * re wibi MaUarC, UT fatevenf Of the Ri-mlafioi! foiionim is§ ? W mu»«y.i.ean*uy, bm.tu W«»»ou ; al*u tor *11 e»u»>» and suaie* of .■ *K0T SU3I SHELLS, PAPER AKD by 5iS i? 1 Cheaper .nil better ISAS5. :a*i:, & than any othar. Send for Price Lftt of thee* tools to Id# * 1 m*»antaoturliiB r* Coeaparay, 50". m Box 10S4 G. fzr,i Katsi,-. Cox». 11 How To Do Business,” OR the SECRET OP SUCCESS IS RETAIL SEKCaiSSlSISfi, Sy GEO. UT. Mcx.8an.. Most aomprehemive, Practical andYalu.ibla Treatise on Business, and How to Successfully Do It, Ever PubHahed. ter -4 few old a « o a MT) p ififTsssf-aAtii 8 e*5 d ssss; of ftssssarar r»re value that evsry ,u ons, t, “ no mat to n. ,o»o K no,i C , PurcxeSlng ^O3a.t0.1aa.»^2O^a-xja Btock.Faetonof 3a Snccew^wtR .d.«ie> o«. tlao andJTow_of S^To>ct«: i —Ciwili Ad ven»*lnR-Kmpioyina aud Cr«>d:t Combined—Cause Ciorks S*lltne Onotls-Exclusive Cs*sh SHles-Sellinn Goods on of Success m loiuurp—Prompt Settlenu-nt— I>epreciaiion J n Blisjl ‘"' ,ss . wnlch O cur to the K.-n )iaut- F*{>ense*i aud ACCOU 1 . 1 S—Co-pari Its Advantage*—Business and social Intercourse—Proper Investment of Prulits— Insolvency, Kx Its and PreveBtiou-qiiaiiflc .tions Necessary to Insure less—Seen.* »'‘»e'«»-Kxp**ns‘‘« die Confidence "f Holni; Business- y CMh tl sry of Business T erms Preparation Silort lor Hu«l. of Customers—Valuable Hints, Comprising * Chapters and •Paragraphs on Business Methods. Systems. Kutes. wrp. Postpaid On Receipt of fta.on. SPE" r A L OFFER — will send you, prepaid, this book —as Mjfaperi 7 written fur yo>T buaim ss—for $1.50. for sale at this o ffice. >■ *-v "A> /4 o.:i '■ - 'APT': m *4t v '07 . .0 V > A "S \ * ■V, i BOIERSilL GftLESS 2 * 9 Bilifim DNMSITI, \ LEXiNGTON, KF.MTUCKY. : oU*?wito!. U r s!J»t f::!?. ^ "V ' %a:n ,r TM, 'i Ic r« eim.ioycd'. ggW < of r i±SS •«* and rooir* and emu taken alf ia or wuh t!;c Bu»iQe«« SP&XtZ f «» r rf f ^|P2 r/ r* 0 i!l/ budy Principal p.ocuF ount* »a« eil-..,^*. VfAo ar emiuoiv*.. eddr*is, No charge f„i v Ii yfw,! F.-.Ut ran* r*»r ar.-nlsn SViLItUM Jti. ^J3 MTmu, Jdimimr * - /£*• THE CRAWFORD COUNTY CORRESPONDED WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ONE YEAR FOR d ADVANCE. WE WILL HAVE A RELIABLE COURT I AT EVERY BOSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTY. SUSSCSIBB -S.T 02 TCS. IF YOU HAVE ANY SEWS PLEASE SEND IT TO [s i L2TTJ1 ob j Promptly doieat tliis < )fficc for every kind of mercantile such as NOTE HEADS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CARDS. TAGS, POSTERS. HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, TICKETS, ETC. ?3Z23SrJD "CTS "STO’CJS