The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, March 25, 1893, Image 2

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PHYSICAL FATIGUE Saeg It Xucrt&ee the Susceptibility U C&iitfigioua Dlseassa? It has long 1 been accepted that rl-'-.iiea! fatigue greatly auftceptibiiitr to infectious V-S. Two French o recently been endeavoring by • cm; of enpwrirrienti They subjected to coanrni c view. a num •er of white raU* to severe exor (running in a rotating- cage) ;>r . lour consecutive days, for ■'en hours each day. Eight of ■>f*86 tired out animals were in • ulated with attenuated anthrax nr us, four animals in a normal GJ idition of health being inocula -i with the same virus at the .me time, in order to serve aa ts udard of comparison. The re ■-h was, that seven of the eight .n-‘mills belonging to the liras Dies succumbed, while all the n' mshs of the second series sor¬ ed. The authors thus explain in; curious tendency of epidemics o breakout among soldiers dur ig great manoeuvres and on cam • aign, and they urge that many a soldier is rendorod ouscopitiole disease by' fatigue who would a re otherwise escaped. Why TVoEic.n Are Not Humorous. A writer in the open letter ds -•-cement of the current '‘Century” fcs why in literature there are no • toy humorists. He then goes on - 'answer his question by explain u that from childhood man finds •m sawdust dropping out * of • - <-vything, and soon discovers tha •■ <c: thle33n«S3 of much that passM >r valuable. Therefore ks ymile and gay: “Is it not To nl?" instead of allowing his pt3 ••>n for something to adore onc ie his growine desire for truth h, on the other hand, a womAiv’i ■ >ls are so much a part of I let ■ e that when they are broke n j.he • -anot snap her fingers, nor s&jx uia as an avenue of escape. .men may possibly grow satin but satire is only a form of ■ inor. When life ceases to be in me way holy, or at any rate , then woman’s creative / C8Haa8,” says the writer. “She is where man’s talent as a hu :gt begins.” Every one a Fact. ! sine h.'ws wild land worth ViO, - ■ - JO At a low estimate. The marriages of minors are six ■jfyV cent, of the whole number. duly produces more win© than • *r other country in Europs. >-I r. Gladstone sarns on an aver- 1 X 015,000 a year by his pan alone. : is said that 32,000 varieties of ■'da are manufactured from •- ' 0(1, here are mors than 2,000 varie -. of apples raised in the United : tft.i5SO. 3 State of W ashingfcon is one no heaviest oonsumprs of cou > ,aed milk iu the country, h i sorts of lace became fash bio under Louis HI. and was ■ a in extravagant quaatviiaa. Th» Suoo en tks Other Foot. , no? (calling on Smith in c—I thought I would fin i u ?,t home. You don’t go out :-a,at night now? .:ith—No. I’ve given up ?'.] hubs and societies. I should /had to have you coma up and i >’ id an evening with me occa h ■ ually. ■ cues—But your wife . k iru in tho way. caith — Oh, sho’a nororhome at ut till lat-s. To-night ah© ia at noting of the Lactlos’ ,« v.f Supplying Thimble V • • ituto Poor, rp • c oos to the ■ ' l- Come up and see a folios-v-. : wful lon ’ J -r ‘® be reetzM, 1 ■ * JOU. A Parallel r £ . the . ^ “GaTvsEtoiih^ribuu©,^ , ,, . . - vs this paralUl between a d. g ■ n- a boy: it You have heard said that the ^ill b vou whip a dog This the bettor i' hk© you. is a mis ' ' )• Hc only pretends to like yo‘j so that you trill not boat him v more. Boys never liko a p*r >, who beats and bangs thyrn, ho .gh they may pretend to. i re is a good deal of a boy in * v.?. »> . •• •« Kot KArattd After Diso'jverirs. J :r — .. -.■y’ion the Si celestial ’nomenclature re 1 * mm I r, is; ONLY 50% & YEAR ■Sl !S2 (< yC I ! l£ I'l-Bx/^r^JohTiyi.Lojqo, i Cl IS JUST 1 * 010 . AND RUNNiNS OWES WITH GOOD THINSS. 1 ST!!£^\3 to^s And S tor lot /W ait the tit (ho family, from the u fie the * THERE ML TALKS I ABOUT THE DINING-ROOM; about WHAT TO WEAiY AND HOV<# TO MAKE IT; about society; ABOUT books: ABOUT PLANTS AND FLOWERS! aboW ABOUT HOME CABINET; good form; ABOUT HOUSE beautiful; Blitb efcarasing uio rd PUtctvaa «r> sil se^*a eS im&£s«JSo, fey .eoi* few* «»*<*< —*------a—_ H3ps. Loasn’s kehuhscehces T/uititraTon op u?e WILL SOON APPEAR. AMONG OUR MANY CONTRIBUTORS AH C : Ronkrt J aenosme. Chidlcv Dj^k. AMtlft, Will C*«t.k.-rci*. VlNOtN-1. 4o wm Allots Vftra, Abls Darec. caiLV h»nt)n<st«n es•.s. l i: sl. .And Kt Bdst Kfe-Zlsrc in the Ceuntry Centn'bab) t» wtr CetmeiK, ' 4 THE DROBIX FUBLISHH1Q CO., rH 4SQRX7C WANTF-O. WASHINGTON. D. G. wM i 5s«a PRQTiai YQUB. HOMES I MARLEK OOUBLK ACTION REVOLVER. C3-OOX5 Tkeea revolvers are an exact REVOLVES duplicate of the celebrated SMITH h TO 801 . ne longer costs .33 Caliber, vising a Fortune Centre-Fir® Cartridges. mm Wm 'vi 'sHHy Sslf-Oflcklng, AutoaAtlo 1« Etfsoting, ■CTt P 53 FULL MICK.SL PLATED, flUBBES HANDLE. m woaaA3rra» kjvai nr mar wispxot to met ®3izacnr-xu: *&> wiaoaosr. For sale by IlaiUTraiv and Gun DseJsrs eT«rywkere. MftBafaatgred by TEE MA 1 IJH FIRE ARKS 00., Mev Emn, Csas. • BEST IK THE WOULD! i leva an!! b! Msgazfno ReHo a ** vr jmsw, 1 t^a. Tin ilooCe rlT tad * k * ^ * l KlsW/ «£» >lfl* c» tfce riaika> i reiwwaU. S*nii ?*r_ rw litnii, Conn. M IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS WILL 8AVJE ONE-HALF THS COST OF AfJMUNITIOK. Psgi 111 1 1 J lnii better than 88 ?f any SMELLS, oth*r. Send PAPLS for Price ARS Lint 3 RAS 8 . Sjfj <.au'd.Csii>-t ol thssa tools to ct?S C ' » 3X< r «.*-hi'irg Coot ".j^ae-aiyy Bax 1064 G. Kstt Hat ns. Casar. ^ £E= ^ How To Do Business, « OB TM8 SEOT OF SUCCESS II RETAIL MERCHAPISIIS, By GEO. IT. a^Cc 2 Lie*; 2 .. The Moat Comprebsnslrc, Practical and ValuaLla Treatise cn Us&insca, &n£t Eow • to BucceKafuUy Do it, Ever PuhMBhsd. OoxxXmSxLm 23 C 3 -r».E.ct C 5 xn.ytnx« oxx tU.e Pcllcvrlaff aiixToJcctaa ln.oiTeticr. Ta and FreTentUm-Qualmcllons 1 N-r-l-rlry to^naurn'suwwlM^eaDui. ^araetavhs on Bu»lne»s Methods, 8ystems, Rules, Etc. * ^ Postpaid On Receipt of |i.oo, SPECIAL OFFER — We will send yon , prepaid , this book—-tig valuable if specially written for your business-for $1.50. For sale at this office. a A ^s?< % OOPYRIQHTED. CGiBfflL ___ _ _______ GBLLEGB OF fflTOHY DHTfiRSiTT LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. J glH#P ; S : ss : S£= WJWVSt it. nrtiTM, Lm4*. • A«»> THE CRAWFORD COUNTY CORRESPONDED WILL BE SENT ’£0 ANY ADDRESS ONE YEAR FQ IN ADVANCE. ' WE WILL HAVE A RELIABLE OOI 3EONDENT AT EVERY POSTOFFIOE IN THE COUNTY. P4T‘Ttr^ *Si P *.*‘Se.j£ QrT*cr: i’Psair BifdMt w wr.U^ ! 7% sJbt.% r-y- ' > ui«s *1 GB&Xr u yT yv » **aa \ IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS PLEASE SEND IT TO \ ®Baa h ■? J O D OlC’J Promptly do ie at this Office for every kind of niercsntile-Statio such as NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS, ENVEI.OPHS, CARDS. TAGS, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, cmaULARS, TICKETS, ETC. SE 2 STXD TJS “STOTTS “tXTO: