The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, April 01, 1893, Image 2

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physical fatigue Dmi It Iiiereaaa thci Susceptibility %o CeistAfflojis Diseases? It hrs long; been accepted that physical susceptibility fatigue greatly increaae* tho to infectious dia oaeee. Two branch physician* have recently’been endeavoring by means of experiments to confirm this view. They subjected a num¬ ber of white rats to severe exer¬ cise (running in a rotating cage) for four consecutive days, for seven hours each day. Eight of these tired out animals were in¬ oculated with attenuated anthrax virus, four animals in a normal condition of health being inocula¬ ted with th8 same virus at the ?aina stai^pird time, in order to serve as a of comparison. Tho ro eult was, that seven of tho eight animals belonging to the brat series succumbed, while all tho animals of the second series eur vivod. Tho authors thus explain the curious tendency of epidemics to break out among soldiers dur¬ ing great and manoeuvres they that and on cam¬ paign, Boldiar is rendered urge many a a disease by auscepitiol® would have tq fatigue who otherwise escaped. Wfey Women Ara Not Humorous. . A writer in the open letter de¬ partment why of the literature current "‘Century” aska in there are no lady humorists. He then goee on to answer hia question by explain¬ ing that from childhood man finds the sawdust dropping out of everything, and soon discovers the worthlessness of much that passes for valuable. Therefore ho isarus to smile and a ay: "‘is it not ab¬ surd ?” instead of allowing his pas¬ sion ride hie for growing something desire to adore over for truth, But, on the other hand, a woman’s idols are go much a part of ,.»r life that when they are broken He cannot snap her fingors, nor bet’s mirth as an avenue of escape. Women may possibly grow satiri¬ cal, but satire is only a form at humor. When life ceases to be in some way holy, or at any raw ideal, then woman's creative fac¬ ulty ceases says the writer. “Sne ends where man’s talent ms a hu¬ morist begins.” Yivary one a Fact Maine hits wild land worth $20, 000,000 &t a low estimate. The marriages of minora ara six per cent, of the whole number. Italy produces more wine than any other country in Europe. Mr. Gladstone earns on an aver¬ age $15,000 a year by hia pen alone. It is said that 82,000 varieties of goods are manufactured from wood. Thera are more than 2,000 varie¬ ties States. of apples raised in the United The the State of TVashingfcon is one of heaviest consumers of con¬ densed milk in the country. All sorts of lace became fash¬ ionable under Louis III. and was worn in extravagant quantities. Tho SRoe ou the Other Foot. Jones (calling on Smith in tbs evening)-—I thought I would find you at home. You don't go out night now? Smith—No. I’ve given up my clubs and societies. T should be glad to navy you come ud and fsp«na an evening with mo occa¬ sionally. Jones;—But your rrifo might think m* lu tire way. Smith—Oh, she’rt never home at night till late. To-night Ladieu’ sh« ia a meeting Supplying of tho for Thunbles to Destitute Poof. To-morrow eh a goes llifrht to the Queen’s DaughWa, of COX'D Tir to .j-i© soci&bio th-S u Koysu Worn SB, ?,“U , BO on, every .G-vS-ri- Y>y r-.rui l-o ‘‘jt i-'iil , ‘ ,a ‘ a H awful - louoiy be married, , J It'S J to J .■j 0a " a r&i A.n«! A fourtasu-year-old “Giftlvedtoa boy, ’tribune, writing for ths draws thin parailai betvresji a cb.g Knd a boy: “You have heard it scid that the more will you whip a dog Tins the beitef ha like you. ia a mi» bYe. He only pretends to lik® you so that you will not bant him 1 , 0 y more. Boys never like a par¬ ent who bsata and b*in$;3 them, ’I tiiough they m,».y dval of pretend in to. hero in a good » ooy n dog. ” Stan >iei Aft*r DUswsrsrs. Thera i* an unwritiniu iuw Rmou[{ .Astronomer* that w.V.*n new bo die* ar® discovered in tin# iie&vftns thi»y are hoi to reOeiv® t»a iarn®s of the fin dorr, nor of ft ay oihar person. Wither’t <-x oeption fch® mlwttid!, Inara * net! *tur« in t®Jc«a from Gie^k aad IWiaisa a«rt-hclcgy, m • vv.: v-: wm ONLY 50* & YEAR m 7 - JET'” (PP Sl OME (< s VW j| ^jBy Logarg las fsrTxJj'Zz is juot full and running Ovkn with good things* l JLn4 ond Siariaa far sroRig aU th« n r*at r t M y t ” <n %. tt« 5 PjL - family, fa'atn the •• « n » t a t ", to lk« "Cmni-HH#.* THERE /IRE TALKS I f ABOUT THE DININQ-ROOM; ABOUT WHAT TO WEAR ARO HOW TO MAKE IT,* ABOUT SOCIETY; ABOUT books; ABOUT PLANTS AND FLOWERS; ABOUT HOME CABINET; about good fqr?s; About HOUSE beautiful; tijyts efcaosni&g Quot'd *>icv«j>ss «» ®u of s«&£BOts t By •or boat awec-S H|ps. Logan's REnnnscEnces WflSffifiQTON LIFE or WILL SOON APPEAR. AMONB OUB MANY CONTRIBUTOR* ARC No si or j. eossrm. RWISLSY b«*-s, Ah ms, WlU. OMUTM. • ion®* Vm-isMt, Alliwo Wire. Arli Bats*. Emily Hontiimiton M fit* foci Krrtors fa ths Country CssifihuU 4 * oar Cetetxm. The Urobix Fubuskihq CoT"\ * ri ^OENTB WANTED. WASHINGTON. D. C. ■ raM i PROTECT YOUR HOMES! MARLIN DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. .A. 0-0033 Theee revolver* are an exact REVOLVER A duplicate of the oelebrated SMITH fc WESSOI. no longer costs .83 Caliber, using fortune ffl Centre-Fire a lapF Cartridge*. %se w m 4 .y Bslf-Osekiag, i m Autcaati* NWr 3 f|||||||| looting, 1 m PULL NICKEL PLATED, itUBBER HANDLE. | wiixurn® BQtrix nr jstzbt bbsstbot to thsi aacxTis to* WBeaosf. *--- For sole by Ilardwaro and Gun Pooler* OTcryvrhero. Kmtfaotarod hj TEB MARIIlf FIRE AM8 00., Rev Savon, 0<m. 7*4 m BEST IN THE -• WORLD! r« U»i« Mil Sftagaxine Rifle. ®r IIM, ail ilut. Th* HwojMl riiwHat riS« B»*L T»ri*A wmry and tin o»ly tkiiliM; Mi. like n I'M autkit v J5AU.ARD OAIXrRT, SPORTTWO AWD TARO IT EimH. w»l i »i. gmi foe I!MnM C*I.I^m. MAJBUX 1TAWJS ARMS CO.. S*w H»YOn, Conn. IDEAL RELOADIHQ TOOLS WILL *AVS ONE-HALF THS C09T OF AMMUNITION. S Midi for *11 , t° ifsoi ll, of ('irtr'djro* Yw vrhloh *ra used ® alj!ir<3 Jn ony 3te X0nfl,^B*mtnstou, of too fonowlas U.« ^T) * g> K (i *' AH0*33!A8i. ’ OMptracd bettor 8H3T than BUM SHELLS, ether. Send PAPE3 for Price Liat of thaao tool* g® | ^ any to ?I1p X«Am»1 C!ee~zia.jpm.wi y, Bex 10C4. d. Kay t Hatm. Com. . H How To Do Business / 1 on THE SEfaET OF SUCCESS II RETAIL SBMHAIBISIIS, By CSCEO- jST. SXcXoan. Tho Moot flomprehenslTo, Practical and Valuable Treatizo oa Biwiaecs, and Bow to Successfully Do It, Ever Published. A text book of practical bints, rules and exsaples cf 3ucb rare value that at wry one, no mat ter how old and experienced, cannot but derive absolute aud positive value from its taachiBga— while to the young novice it ia a hand-book and treasure of indispensable value. l .TiM 29 OhcM.aadl Cikaptor.i on. tlxo X’ollCTWlja.e' Subject#': Flow to l)o Business—Choosing a Business or Profession-The Ebe and Flow of Business— Purchasing Stock, Factors of Success—How to Obtain Credit—Marking Goods-Advantare# of Advertising—Bmploylne -“Cash Credit Combined—Cause Clerks-Silling <if Suceeae Goods-Exclusive Failure—Prompt Cash Sales-Selling Settl**ment—Depreciation Goods on Credit ana or of Goods-1/.sses in Business, which Occur to the Merchant-Expenses and Accoui.,fi-Oo-part emhipand Insolvency, Its Its Advantages—Business and Prevention—Qnaliflcations and Social Intercourse—Proper Investment of Profits— Examples—Expense* c»uae of Doing Business—V' cabuiary of Necessary Business to Insure 8ucce«s—Merctntile ness—Becu.* Confidence lernis- Preparation for IlusU the of Customers—Valuable Hints, Comprising Short Chapters and Paragraphs on Businese Methods. Systems, Rules, Etc. Poatpaia Ob ELetcipt of $ 1 . 00 . SPECIAL OFFER—We will send you, prepaid, this book—tis vzlu&ble na if specially written for your business—for $1.50. for sale a# this ofBce. A> & O&c*. I ■di ' *o;< Ai/ ' . & u COBHiSAL ILLEGl OF IEKFOH OBBIfl, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Bcfn/^ind nna & ol4 L r*^ Elved at Wnrld ' t E*)iotition, tor System of Book General Buhocm Education. 1000 students , in attendance tho past year from SO State* WILBUR R. ft WITH, fv®#„ lamina -• JtW- THE r~r COUNTY ■ CORRESPONDENT WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ONE YEAR FOR $1 IN ADVANCE. WE WILL HAVE A RELIABLE CORRE¬ SPONDENT AT EVERY POSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTY. BUBSCSI3S J5JT 03^T03=J. IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS PLEASE SEND IT TO US’ vwm m D mam \h£ kpsss is® J C or ’romptly do le at this Office for every kind of mercantile Stationery , 1! ^l) SR NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, . CARDS. TAGS, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, TICKETS, ETC. b^intxd xtb “stoxj^ -sxr