The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, April 15, 1893, Image 2

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FHVfcIC AL FA THtUl Dees It IsdruH tha SaaeaptlbUlty te CesUgloas Diaasaaa? It hu long been aooepted that physical fatijpie greatly infectious increa s e s the susceptibility to dis¬ eases. Two £ ranch physicians have recently been endeavoring by means of experiments to oonnrm this bar of view. white They subjected a sum* rats to serere exer¬ cise (running in a rotating oasre) for four consecutire days, for seraa hours each day. Eaght of these tired out animals were in¬ oculated with attenuated anthrax ▼inis, four animals in a normal condition of health being inocula¬ ted with the same virus at the eame time, in order to serve as a standard of comparison. The re¬ sult was, that seven of the eight animals belonging to the met series suooum bed, while all the animals of ths second series sur¬ vived. The authors thus explain tile curious tendency of epidemioe to break out among soldiers dur¬ ing great and manoeuvres they that and on cam¬ paign, soldier rendered urge many e a is susoepitiole to dipeess by fatigue who would have otherwise eecaped. Why Woeaaa Are Rot Humorous. A writer in the open letter de¬ asks partment why of in the literature current there “Century” are no lady humorists. He then goee on to answer his question by explain* ttf that from childhood man finds the sawdust dropping out of everything, worthlessness sad soon discovers ths of much that passes for valuable, Therefore h*learns to smile end sey: “Is it not ab¬ surd?” instead of allowing his pas¬ sion for something to adore over¬ ride his growing desire for truth. idols But, on the other hand, a woman's are so much a part of her life that when they are broken ehe cannot snap bar fingers, nor seek mirth as an aveuus of escape. Women may possibly grow satiri¬ se!, but satire is only a form of humor. Whan lift ceases to be in ideal, some way then woman's holy, or creative at any rate fac¬ ends ulty oeaaes,” where man's says the talent writer. “She hu¬ ss e morist begins.” Every one e Tael Mains has wild land worth $90, #00,000 at a low estimate. Ths marriages of minors are six per cent. of the whole number. Italy other produces more in Europe. wine than any country Mr. Gladstone earns on an aver¬ age $15,000 a year by his pan alone. It is said that 83,000 varieties of goods are manufactured from wood. There are mere than 8,000 varie¬ ties of apples raised in the United titatee. The State of Washington is one of ths heaviest consumers of con¬ densed milk in the country. All sorts of lace became fash¬ ionable under Louis III. aud was worn in extravagant quantities. The Shoe oa the Other Foot evening)—I Jones (balling on Smith I would in find the thought You don't you at nome. go out Smith—No. night now? I're given all dubs and societies. I should up my glad hare and be to you oome up spend an evening with me eooa mooally. donee—But wife might think the your me in way. •*» Smith—Oh, she's never home at “* f* a meeting Of •OOLAtUee OOClety for D-titutafroor Supplying Thimbles To-morrow to nlgM the she goee to the Queen ■ Daughters, ®**t night to tue SOOlAtMS rt# OI U.. ute Bight. Ira awful Dome lonely up sad to be see married, a fellow. 1 ball won A Psrallak A fourteen-reax-old “Gmlraatou boy. Tribune, writing for the draws this parallel between a dog and “You a boy: have hoard it said that the more will vou whip a dog This the better he like you. is a mis¬ take. He only pretends to like you eo that *Boys vou will not beat him any more. nevsr like a par¬ ent who boot# Mid bangs them, though they may deal pretend to. There isa good of s boy im a dog.” ’ _ Stars Bet Mesial After Disoardrars. There- is an unwritten law asnoag astronomers that when u*w bodies are disoevered in the heavens they are finders net to tho Tinra^r of the nor ef any ether person. Without ex •motion Watt the oeleehsl hannaUture b fress Greek ONLY 50% A YEAR ,V1 ome (it 1 Q I Logan. it <«it nu s* nee OVKHSHYN aoo» TMiaea l pi«i stores \ V OUT ORIES Sw< Sta H oo far mti DU " stm l r SS* fo m Uy , frees S»« iw i «WWSU .e THERE ARE TALKS ABOUT THE OININa-nOOM; ABOUT WHAT TO WEAR AND H 0 W TO MARI IT, ABOUT SOCIETY; ABOUT ROOKS: *** ABOUT PLANTS AND FLOWERS; ABOUT HOME CASINCr; ABOtrr ROOD FORM; ABOUT house beautiful; WtSS I fetal H«i«h ssats. et se l| isSa Bp kMt «k*h4 H|ps. Logan’s REfllNUCENCU WASmHQTOH LITE OF WILL SOON AFPEAR. AMORS OVA MART CONTAISUTOMS ASK •nihut ant. nmaam, fi n w VtMCOT. e*T^. Uh( Muaa. jMfgk AMtMtoe Mtto Ctoati/ CMMueSnrMna The Drodix Publishing Co., ft /IQBMTS WANTCD. WASHINGTON. D. C. *£*■ PROTECT YOUR HOMES I MARLIN DOUBLK ACTION RBVOLVIR. JL 00033 Hum revolvers ere aa BEVOLYER dapUoete of the celebrated uerri * wxnoi. ae longer e o et s .M Oslfbec, using i Mdi Centre-Tire : ||F Cartridges. Mw lelf-Ctekiafc % 1 ^ A&tomstU J # 3 i Xjeotisf, FULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. wmunv Kmamn mnn n m SMXTX a waaeoir. WHHH Tw *als by Hardware and Oran Dsalca* svarywhsca. Emteml \j TEB KABLJ !BE ARM! 00 , In Eirta, 0 *aa, BEST IN THE AT tljIM Magazine Y W/. jwjtjl W , B%IW—ini Rifle. ^sz^isrs.'StsJS.-i mtssitr- — IDEAL RELOADIHO TOOLS EBgm&BB&m'SSS&SlS* WILL SAVI ONE-HALF THI COST OF AMMUNITION. 1 ’M I* ■rf E •HIT III IIELil, PAPEI All IKAI8. -E m 4 Setter Um nay ather. Bead for Price Liet of Uum toele te I » Soxieti «. XawKeTM.Cora. "How To Do Business” 1 ox TB IICUT If SUCCESS II UTAH IllClilllSIH, J&y O-XBO. or. KCcXoenn.. Tkf Haat ImnhiMlw, Practical as« Valaabl# Traatlaa am Baatsata, aad te Smaaaiafally Do it, Brer Pabhahed. A tsxt bask af practical Mata, ralaa aad example* of »ack rare valve that every am, aa mat SESS XtSSXgZSSZSX Ooatalaa aa eta&A CXaytaxa oa tha SPollcwlaa.*' SuhjMtat Haw ta Da Baataaaa—Cbooalaf a Bueinese or Profe*eloi»—The Kbe tad Flow of Bulaoaa— -Cub aad Credit Combined—Casas of Sureeae or Fallure—Prompt Settlement-DepreeJatioe af Oeeda-Loeses la BaalnaM, which Oeear aad to Social thr Merchant-Sxpoow*and Intrrcourao—Proper InTeatinrnt Aeeoai.<«-Co-put- of ProBta— a «nhlp»ad iu AdTantacea—Business • tM -Sae«r« tYo CaaSdoaoe af Coatoatora—Valuabla Hint*, Caaaprtainc Short Chapter* aad r*ra*r*ph» on Suataee* Method*. SyrteB*. Kale*. Kt«. Poatpald *a Receipt of |*.M. SPECIAL OFFER—We will tend you,prepaid, tbit book —at rtlutble ai iftptoitUy written for your butinett—for jl. 50 . For ule et ibis oMot. a *6*4 A 0 o * ^5 Wr»*MT«B. MMAL COLLEGE OF KENTDCEY USIVERSITY, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. niflutrt *nd Hftnmr al aad ff*M JFadfwl 1MB NMirad at WorW$ gapct O im, tor Syitam of Boot O m u r Btwtnm education. stadant* la attaadaaoa the peat year from *0 SUM* aad Foreign Ooantriw. 10,000 Orod ua lm in Mimm. 1» Toacber* amployad. MTSimIhm* Oawraa coaatat* of F oo l anufacfmrlma, kmi fii up, tutiu m Arithmetic, PmmimMp, O rna me nt al Lon, Mortkemditima, Mankind, One* Joint •/ Fall meet, M, Ledum, " 1 WWf B ue >■ II i ■ me i ■ im, e e ■ A Practice, Me rca ntile '■W» Oamefondmee, I M^rwwamw, to. w*. itinllv It. About boat *R0 MO. NNR* Bvutineaa M9hxnw>#ikMR^e^C urineee Caurmd, te RteosAwH?e*f$fsRjf Tmad-WriHenf r a a , loelading Including Taitioa, Taitioa. sn^n^E' Statioacry Statioacry and aad Board Board ia ia a a aloa aloe a ear MhmrtHm , and IWogroph* wit?tit* ma*n »r« Mmae i m l H$$ t tovint agcetAl ******* *ad rooma^tind mm t» Ukm aloom or Buaftaw Cow tm JftF THE CRAWFORD COUNTY CORRESPONDENT WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ONE YEAR FOR *1 IN ADYANCE. WE WILL HAY* A RELIABLE CORRE¬ SPONDENT AT EVERY POSTOFFICE IN THE COTTNTY. SX7SSCEEBB -SJX 1 03STCE- IF YOC HAVE ANY NEWS PLEASE SEND IT TO US T/-*vV> O O TTT^-wV Owa w SMH ■Whs done at this 0flee for STery kind of mercantile Stationery SR NOTE HEADS, LITTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, CARDS. TAGS POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, TICKETS, ETC. XJS ‘S-QXJJE5 TSr03B3Pf