The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, May 20, 1893, Image 1

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. THE CORRESPONDENT COUNTY DIRECTORY. brt convenes, spring term, third lay in March; fall term, third lav in October. fge Superior Court—C. L. Bart icitor General—W. H. Fel Irk A r. Superior Court—J. W. Jack, pinary—J. t N. Mathews, Collector—W. J. Brown. I x xeceiver—M. C. Hatcher. |,eiff—John [•(.(surer—M. C. Culverhouse. [unfeyJSurveyor—J. F. Perry. L, Parsons. Iroher —J. H. Jones, juuty Iker, Coumissioners and — B. L. C. F. W. E. Champion ■ell. mnty School Commissioner—H. landers. m OF LOCAL NEWS. \TIIERED FOR THE CORRE¬ SPONDENT'S READERS. I Happenings of the Week Put I . Short, . Pointed Paragraphs — Vhat Hats Happened and Is Go mt to Happen—Points Political, f ersonal and Social—Men and f Ivinas. Fair Notice. kll sheriff sales must be paid | [l in advance, and all citations legal notices emulating from | Ordinary’s office must be paid in advance, or satisfactory ar bgements made for the pay be e the work is done. Ye are prepared to make loans on proved real-estate at reasonable !S. Mathews & Blasingame. Itfrs. Blue, who has been visit k Mrs. Holleman, left for At Idia Tuesday. ■Messrs Claud Hutchinson and win Castlin, of Atlanta, the two Iverest drummers on the A. & iRoad, wore down doing this |£i1bn the first of the week. ■Sir. Jesse Dent is suffering Im a bruised side caused by a li-awny team drawing a wagon l-oss him. |Mr. lesday, L. L. Byyaht was in town and had his name placed I our subscription list. The [rrespoxdent’s circulation is badily increasing. It will not long before the paper will be larged, and we propose to put { as good weekly as there is in e state. We can do it with roper co-operation and we will it. Madam Professor Ida Grubb, he pleasant and accomplished Idw&s^istaiit of the Knoxville Riool, spent Saturday and Sun¬ ny with her parents in Thomas I We are in receipt of an in vita ion to attend the annual eom nencement exerctses of the louthern Female College located It Birmingham A'abuma T1 1 « listitution has a faculty of the [est k educators in the South,* and one of our leading instmtions [f learning. I J. W. Jack has sold his interest n the plaining-mill in Roberta o J. T. Mathews. It lin¬ ker the firm name of Mathews & Rpillers. | Our Drive. Monday evening it was our bleasure to take a drive with Mr. West Dent out to his farm home, ieHiud George, the cream pony belonging to Dr. Kinney. This is the horse so popular with thp young ladies and the one which they love to drive so well. It was ROBERTA, GA, SATURDAY, MAY, 20,1893. not long after leaving Roberta the cream, known as old George pulled us up in front of the large and magnificent old homestead and country J. W. Dent, now deceased. This place had become very much di¬ lapidated, but as soon as West purchased it, just a short while ago, the magic hand of in¬ dustry assiduously applied itself to restoring its former beauty, at¬ tractions and usefulness. The home has been repaired the fence placed back and the land is being Under the supervision of Mr. Hancock, here is one of the. most promising outlooks for an abundant crop to be seen any¬ where in the county. When Mr. Dents plans have been carried out then it will be a pleasure to us to write up a model form of Craw¬ ford county. Mr. Geo. Bray, who was taken to the asylum from this county a week or two ago, died last week His remains were brought back and interred in Providence cem. eterv. CERES. Cool and bracing weather. Fine season for cleaning out the young cotton. There is a great deal of com¬ plaint about bud-worms injuring and, in some instances, necessi¬ tating the replanting of corn. The present cool weather is very favorable to the continuance of their destructive work. Cotton, generally, has a very health} 7 appearance, though the weather of the last few days has somewhat retarded the of the plant, while it has been busy sending out roots. So the weather becomes warm, may be expected to grow very especially where it is and well worked. The oat crop is pretty fair, es¬ pecially fall sown oats. I have been a life long observer and I do not believe that it pavs e to sow oats after the middle of January, unless it be in a low, moist and rich place, or either highly ferti¬ lized. The gardens are booming and all kinds of “sass” are in supera¬ bundance, but there is one thing to mar the blissful dreams of the clod-hopper, and that, is, meat has gone up out of his reach and he has to eat his bread and vege¬ tables with “short-seasoning.” Mr. John and Lee Martin spent Sunday evening here with friends. Mr. J. L. Harrison and M. J. to Macon, Wednes¬ day, on business. Mrs. J. J. 'Hilliard is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. W. Richard¬ son. Plow Boy. Mrs. Lowe after a pleasant week's visit to her sister, Mrs. Lowman,of Sandy Point, has re¬ turned home. W. I. Powell of Reynolds, was in Roberta yesterday. How’s This. We offer One Hundred Dollar Re¬ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo (). We the undersigned the last have known F J Cheney for 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and finan¬ cially able to carry out any obliga¬ tion made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists; Toledo Ohio. Walding, Kmnan & Marvin, Whole¬ sale Druggist, Toledo Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter¬ nally, actingdirectly upon the blood and nauseous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Testimonials free. Free Trip to Chicago. Separate W-O-R-L-D-S F-A-I-R and use the letters to spell as many words as you can by using the letters as many times as you wish, either backwards or forwards, but not use the same letter in making any word more times than it appeal s* Si ‘‘Worlds Fair.” It is said seventy-five J small jish words . can , be spelled n . „ collect ;1$ rom the ten letters contained in “World’s Fair,” Example:—Wad, waif, soar, idol, etc. If you are good at word-making you can secure a FREE trip to the World’s Fair and return, as The Bcott Seed Company will pay all expenses, including R R fare, hotel bills, admission to the Columbian Exposition, and $50.00 in cash for incidental expenses, to the first person able to make seventy words from the letters contained in “World’s Fair,” as above. They will also give a FREE TRIP to the World’s Fair and return with $25,00 for incidental expenses, to the first person sending sixty words as above. They will also give a FREE TRIP to the Worlds’s Fair and return (with¬ out cash for incidental expenses) to the first person sending fifty-five words. To the first person sending fifty words wiil be given $50.00 in cash towards paying expenses to the Worlds Fair, to the first person send¬ ing forty words will be given $25.00 in casii .towards paying {expenses to the World’s Fair, to each of the first five persons sending thirty-five words will be given $10.00 in cash and to each of the first ten sending thirty words will be given £2.00 in cash. Only one prize will be awarded to the same person. Write your name on list of words (numbered) and en¬ close the same postpaid with fifteen IJ. B. two-cent stamps for a large package of our Choice English tage Garden Flower Seeds. This combination includes the lat est and most popular English flowers of endless varieties (same as will be contained in the elaborate exhibit of English flowers at the World’s Fair.) This “World’s Fair” Contest will be carefully and conscientiously con¬ ducted solely for the purpose of in¬ troducing our business in the U. 8. You will receive the Biggest value in flower seeds ever offered, and if you are able to make a good list of words and answer promptly you will have a first-class opportunity to secure a free trip from your home to Chicago and return. We are spending a large amount ol‘ money to start our trade in the U. B. and want, your trial older. You will be more than gratified with the re¬ sult. Send to-day, and address THE BCOTT SEED COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. SHERIFF’S BALE, GEORGIA, Crawford County Will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in June next, tin*, following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 100 in the 2nd District of said county. Bounded on the north by lands of C. H. Smith, east and west by lands of V. B. Horn, south by lands of J. M. Sharpe. Levied on as the property of Jno. M. Sharpe to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court of said county in fa¬ vor of the American Freehold Land Mortgage Co vs J. M. Sharpe. Ten¬ ant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place, sixty seven (67) acres of south part lot No. 126, in the7th Dist. of said Bounded on the north by lands of Jones F. & Mathews, LeSueur, east by of T. J. Danielly and sooth by by lands of A. west lands of M. C. Mathews. Levied on to satisfy a fi-fa issued from the Su¬ perior court of said county in Elizabeth R. Comby vs Jacob G. Braswell. Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and house and lot in the town Kuoxille Ga., being one the acre, north qr less and bounded on public.road leading from B. to Macon, on east by George J. Spillers estate, on south by B. B. H. Ray and on the west by square. Levied on as the property Wright & Stombrldge issued by J. to M. satisfy execution Tax Collector of said county for state and county taxes for the 1892'. Tenant in notified. Also at tlie same time and place, lot of land No. 28 in the 3rd District of said countv. Levied on as the property of E. J. Hancock to satisfy an execution issued by J. M. Banders Tax Collector of said county for Isis state and county taxes for the year 1892- Tenant in possession notified. Also at the same time and place 67 acres of land of south part of lot No. 126 in the 7th'l)ist. of said coun¬ ty. Bounded on the north by lands of Jones & LeSueur, east by lauds of T. F. Mathews, south by lands of A. M. J . Danielly Mathews.- and west by lands of C. Levied on as the property of J. G. Braswell to satisfy an execution issued by J. M. Sanders Collector of said county for his state and county taxes for the year pjyg. Tenant in possession notified Also at the same time and place one Farquhar Boiler, power not known. Baid boiler being at Rober¬ ta and in possession of B. H. Ray. Levied on to satisfy an execution is sued by J. M. Banders Tav Collector of said county, to satisfy his state and county taxes for the year 1892, Property pointed out by J. M. Ban¬ ders T. O. Also at the same time and place 425 acres, more of less of land, being lots and parts of lots Nos 181, 182 and 183, in the lstDjst of said county. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Nancy M. Smith to satisfy for'state an execution issued against, her and county tax¬ es tor t he year of 1892. J. C. C ulverhouse Sheriff C.C. fan 0 1*1 =3 I5EA5E5. id prescribe; it w! tbUli satisfaction for i m dacd’-U? S * *1 * CUma »* !im * St : ro ^ u ’^* Ulcers and Fores, ° P n fjt T* . Catarrh, 1 S S m ® Q © iliSSBSEilife mm Ladici lThot.« lystemi are polionad sad when blow! is la nil Impart due to rotmtnul Inypilsrltiai. ara 0 aa ® a peculiarly bf-r.elitcd fry tuo wonderful‘ tonic An^’ u L1ooS M cleansing and Pot proper tie* of P. P. P., Prickly Aik, JPota Rook .Hfutr.. E3S> [». A LIP PEE A IT 33 SOS., Savannah, Ga. Book on Blood Diseases mailed free. Static ok Ohio, City ok Toledo, Lucas County. J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing nusiness in the City of Toledo, Coun¬ ty and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease Catarrh that cannot be cured by use of Hall's Catarkh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed my presence, this 6th day of De¬ A. I); 1886. :seai..‘ A* W-. GLEASON, Notary Public,. Hall’s Catarrh Curve in taken intern¬ ally and acts directly oh t he blood and mucous surface of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, O £gP“Sold by Druggists, 75c, Col. W. I\ Bias in game, the vet real estate agei t of Fort Valley was up on a visit to friends in this section Frdny. We congratulate him upon his re¬ cent success in that business. There is no man upon whom we had rather see prosperity fall. A group of yot ng ladies went fishing yesterday and buck a turtle. VOL. 1. NO. 42 B. GEORGIA, Crawford County : H. Ray ! Crawford Superior vs Court March Term J. B. Wilson. ) 1893 and Rule Ni Si to foreclose Mortgage. It appearing to the court by the petition of B. H. Ray that Jas. B. YV iison on tlie 17th day of Dec. 1892 executed and delivered to B. H, Rnv a mortgage on a house and lot in the town of Roberta Crawford Conn tv Georgia, containing two and one Half (2 1-2; acres and situated ou the west side of the A. & F. li. It. and on the south side of the public road leading from depot of A. & F. R. Rm said town of Roberta, to. old Agency also ou one vacant lot No .!!, in Blo«k' S, fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet and extending back east same width as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Alley Also lots 1 and 2 in Block X, situated in the N. E. corner of Cruasel street and Duggar Avenue and fronting to¬ gether 200 feet on east side of Dug gard street and extending back same width as front to the right of wav of the A.Lfc F. K. It. being 163 feet on the north lme and 155 feet on the south line ou Crussel street for the purpose of securing the payment of five cer¬ tain promissory notes made by the said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Ray and to save the said B. H. Ray harmless by reason of his endorsement on note cine C. Elliott amounting to the sum of twelve hundred and sixty nine dollars and seventeen cents b « si «es eight (8) % interest and 10 % att ys lees which said notes the said Ja3 B. Wiisou refused to pay:— 1 t i8 t 1 ?, erefore ordered that thejsaid J. T B. 1 , „ vv , iison pay into this or before the first day court, ' on of the next term thereof the principal interest, and atty’s fees due , on said notes and the costs of tills suit or in default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is ordered that this rule be published in the Crawford County Correspon¬ dent, a newspaper published in the Co. ol Crawford, once a month for four (4) months previous to the next term ef this court. V* L ‘ Babtmett, J. S. C. R. „ it \ Hardeman tt & Bon, Ft . is Atty’s. Clerk s Office, Crawford Su¬ of perior said Court.—I, do J. W. Jack, Clerk above court, certify that tH«' from the and forgoing rule Is a^rue copv minutes of said court. Wit¬ ness my official signature with seal of court attached. This March 27, 1<S93. J. W. Jack, Clerk 8. C. CITATION. Georgia, Crawford County:-— To all whom it may concern A J and It B Scofill executors ot the last will and testaineut of Philip Scofill de¬ ceased, have applied to me for dis¬ mission from said trust. This is , tocito all „ persons at interest to show cause before me on or before the first Monday have. in June next, if any they he Why (such discharge should not granted or letters of dismissory will be granted applicants as applied for Wittness my hand officially this March 6th 1893. ,J N. Mathews, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Crawford County :— H ons having demands against the estate of Jas A Avera late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in ttieir demands to the igned according to law, ami sons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay¬ ments. This the 9th day of May 1893. 5-13-6W ‘ Mrs. Sarah E Avera, Executrix, Jno R. Sandefur, Executor. SKIN CANCER CURED. Testimony Texa-. from the Mayor of Se¬ quin, Sequin, Texas, Jan. 14th., 1803. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Gentlemen:— I have tried your P. P. P., for a dis¬ ease of tiie skin usually known as Skin Cancer of thirty years standing and found great relief; it purifies the blood and removes all irritation from the seat of the disease, and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken five or six bo‘ties and feel confident that another Course will effect a cure. It has al«o relieved m° from indi¬ gestion and stomach trou de. Yours Truly, Capt. Yv. p»i«', Att , at Law i % 9 & & % NEW YORK C0ftRfcjjr c.4DF.NCE T i FOR HOMS 8TUDV Bwu w WB 843 BROADWAY N .V. FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE