The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, June 24, 1893, Image 1

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J . I-H JSl COUNTY DIRECTORY. Court convenes, spring term, third Monday in March; fall term, third Monday in October. Judf" Superior Court—C. L. Bart let, Solieitor General—W. H. Fel ton, Jr. ‘Clerk Superior Court—J. W. Jack. Ordinary—J. N. Mathews. Tax Collector—W. .T. Brown. Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher. Sheriff—John C. Cnlverhouse. Treasurer—M.-F, Perry. Oounty'Surveyor— J. L. Parsons. Coroner—J. H. Jones. County Commissioners — P>. F. Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C. Futrell. County School Commissioner—H. F Sanders. ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. GATHERED FOR THE CORRE¬ SPONDENTS READERS. The Happenings of the Week Put in Short, Pointed Paragraphs — What lias Happened and Is Go¬ ing to Happen—Points Political, Personal and Social—Men and Thinas. NV i are prepared to make loans on improved real-estate at reasonable rates. Mathews & Blasingame. Miss Clyde Lucas, of Taylor, is visiting relatives and friends in Roberta. Mr. Kingman Lowe has return¬ ed from a visit to Thomaston. Mr. Robt, Champion has re¬ covered from his recent sickness, and returned to school in Macon. Mr. LaVoisha Miller is at home on a visit. Chas. and Will Smith, (col.) engaged in a quarrell in Mr J. S. Sandefur’s field Wednesday while at work. Chas. says he gift after Will because he was too lazy to work. Will did not like it, and so proceeded to lash Chas. with Lis pocket knife. He delta pret¬ ty heavy blow and cut a big gash in Charlie’s hip. Dr. Kinpev seamstressed it. Mr. R. II. Gulverhouse is meet¬ ing with u nparalled success in his fruit business. He has a good nursery to represent and makes straight deals. Jamies M. Richardson has re r oeived a commission from the At¬ lanta National Building Associa¬ tion and is authorize 1 to establish a branch company of that associ¬ ation in this county. We are of opinion that such an organization w ll result in much good to the county in general. This is no mythical association. The Nation¬ al is one of the best institutions of its kind in existence. Those desiring information concerning the institution, apply at this office _ Willie Smith and J. M Rich¬ ardson went to Atlanta Monday I on business. While there we I strolled around to see just what I we could see, and stopped at a | I painters shop. He had a lemon picture painted on a fruit sign so I (r le to nature that AVill smacked I his lips and called for salt to pre I vent his teeth getting on edge i I a id the latter peramulator step ion a banana peel painted at the I top of the stair as he started I down. So realistic was it he slip Iped I and tumbled head-long down the sta ir steps. j I It is proposed Association that we form the a Building Loan for I benefit of the people of the coun¬ ity. Some of the best men in the ROBERTA, GA., ?, JUNE, 24 county are in favor ef this move¬ ment and it will very likely ma teralize in a shor time. Those who feel interested in the matter can obtain further in¬ formation by calling at this office. That such an institution properly conducted in this community would prove of incalculable bene¬ fit, there is no sort of doubt. Crawford county is entitled to send three students to the North Georgia Agricultural College free of tuition |fees. The Correspon¬ dent has the privilege of sending one. Any young lady or gentle¬ man who would like to attend this institute will be benefitted by confering- with us. This insti tution is a branch of the State University and is in every partic¬ ular, a first class high grade Col¬ lege, presided over by our best and most eminent educators. A pass examination in this institu¬ tion saves a student the burden of other examinations should he de¬ cide to teach. “Hew to the line” without fear and without favor, and “Let the chips fall where they max.” Mr. A. J. Johnson, of Robley, was in Roberta Tuesday. Col. R. D. Smith was in Fort Valley this week attending to p rofe ssi o n a i b u s i n e ss, We have heard that Mr. and Mrs. Clark will become residents of Roberta soon. Their home here is nearing completion. We wel¬ come them and are glad to have them. An. influential gentleman from the country told us last week he would move to Roberta and build a home, if the school facilities and the moral tone of the town was what it ought to be. THE FAMILY RECORD. The Picture is in beautiful coloring or Backgtound of Gold Size Bk\22. Open book on easel center in which to Register names and births of members of family. Scroll on left for marriages and deaths. All Surrounded by “God bless our family” in beautiful let¬ ters. Space underneath .for fathers and mother’s Photos, similar space all around, interspersed with roses, buds, leaves. Wanted—Every intelligent person in Crawford county to subscribe for “Tile Correspon¬ dent,” It and the “Family Rec¬ ord,” together, worth $2.50, for $1.25. Every Christian home de¬ sires the “Family Record.” Miss Leila Webb is visiting Miss Lillie Blashigame, of Yates* ville. The A & F. track lias been con¬ siderably improved lately Mr. Collier is proving himself Ja dili¬ gent and watchful servant of the road. Rev. Cargvle, a young minister of Macon, filled the appointment of Bro. Moncrief, at Knoxville Sunday. He made many .friends while here and his sermon receiv¬ ed the most favorable comment. Mrs. Ivey, daughter [of Mr. J. A. Miller, and her very interest¬ ing little daughter of Macon,have been visiting relatives in Roberta during the past week. Mr. AWE. Champion, of Taylor, one of the county commissioners, was in town Tuesday. Mr. A. J. Ellis, of Musella, was in Roberta Monday attending to business. Rev. I. Grant, of Sandy Point, was in Knoxville Tuesday, on business. Missis Lucy Wilson and Lillras Jack have returned from Mil ledgeville where they have Deen attending the Industrial Normal College. Col. W. P. Biasings me, of Fort Valley Mias spent the week in our midst. He sold two hundred acres of Houston land to a gentleman in Columbus Ohio, last week. We wish he w ould s%ll some of Craw¬ ford’s idle land to some industri ous person. If it belonged to us we would give away one half ot it so as to make the other half worth havng. Mr. and Mrs. Hardeman have returned from a visit to relatives in Macon. FOR SALE. A second-hand Estey Orgar., in splendid condition, cheap. Or will give it in exchange for a piano. Apply to, Mrs. M. L. Ellis. Mr. W. I* Powell, of Reynolds, was in Roberta Wednesday at¬ tending to business interests at this place. There is more Catarrh in this sec¬ tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be in¬ curable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease prescribed local remedies, and by constancy failing to cure with lo- 1 treatment, pronounced it incur¬ able. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment, Hail’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the only constitutional on market. If is taken intern¬ in doses from 10 drops to a tea It acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the sys¬ tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo C . jpiP”Sold by Druggists, 75. Warrior News. There was a heavy hailstorm in the Warrior last week. The hail tore up the crops from the Jen ning’p place to Tobasofky creek very bad. Mr, Jimmie Bryant had a half a bushel box out on the ground and if hailed it full, The wind blew down large trees, and watermelons are entirely destroy¬ ed through here. Mr. Bill Tuck¬ er had twenty acres in water¬ melons in Rutberland district t ha t was destroyed. Black-berries are getting ripe very fast. Mr. Jim Eubanks has |got wel of neuralgia. Mr. Sam Jones, of Monroe Co., has Dr. Holley of the Warrior tending him. Mr. Jones thinks Dr. Holley is going to make him a sound man. Some one entered Rev. Jordan's house one night last week taken a pistol and several sm< ill articles. A very heavy rain fell in the Warrior Sunday. IjGV. jus*sS in73»| if MS sfeSS&KfSSKS I\Apa®ptiiet of information and Sp » u./» sA Marks, iiidmsK Oopyrifrhis, iUUNN s«:. A & CO, X Broadway, sm'-x ; v Y ork. - j ^ It is said seventy-five small Eng¬ lish words can be spelled correctly rom the ten letters contained in “World’s Fair.’’ Example:—Wad, waif, soar, idol, etc. If you are good at word-making you can secure a FREE trip to the World’s Fair and return, as The-Scott Seed Company will pay all expenses, including R It fare, hotel bills, admission to the Columbian Exposition, and $50,00 in cash for incidental expenses, to the first person able to make seventy words from the letters contained in “ World’s Fair,” as above. They will also give a FREE TRIP to the World’s Fair and return with $25,00 for incidental expenses, to the first person sending sixty words as above, They will also give a FREE TRIP to the Worlds’s Fair ami return (with¬ out cash for incidental expenses) to the first person sending fifty-five words. To the first person sending fifty words will be given $50,00 in cash towards paying expenses to the Worlds Fair, to the first person send¬ ing forty words will be given $25.00 in cash towards paying expenses to the World’s Fair, to each of the first live persons sending thirty-five words will be given $10.00 in cash and to each of the first ten sending thirty words will be given $2.00 in cash. Only one prize will be awarded to the same person. Write your name on list of words (numbered) and en¬ close the same postpaid with fifteen U. S. two-eeut stamps for a large package of our Choice English Cot¬ tage Garden Flower Seeds. This combination includes the lat¬ est and most popular English flowers of endless varieties (same as will be contained in the elaborate exhibit oi English flowers at the World’s Fair.) This “World’s Fair” Contest will be carefully and conscientiously eon ducted solely for the purpose of in¬ troducing our business in the U. S. You will receive the Biggest value in flower seeds e^er offered, and if you are able to make a good list of words and answer promptly you will have a first-class opportunity to secure a free trip from your home to Chicago and return. We are spending a large amount o' money to start our trade in the U- S. and want your trial older. 1 You will be more than gratified with (he re¬ sult. Rend to-day, and address THE SCOTT SEED COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. FOR RENT—A good store¬ room in business portion of the town. Apply at this office. m m ® iH! © © If ,s8 § ? : j aombln. atlou, ftr.d prescribe It with great satisfaction for the cu re e of ail forma and sta p es of Pri mar y, Secondary and Tertiary EESP ms> sc ni l! DISEASES, —----- Ulcere Ola landulnr Sw ellinfs, RhejunaRsm, Scrofulous ami Ulc that have resisted Rheumatism, all Malaria, Catarrh, old Chronic ers treatment, ; © ]DlsoasQs^Kczeina"jenronic *and 'Female CompiauiU™ivie'S V. I\ P. In a powerful tonic, an c He fit BnpeJw, 98 m m A Sulidiug ladies «p theayTtenirapKily' poiroced and whoso whose systems nra b'ood ie la _ peculiarly benefited Dy tne wonderful tonic and bl< lood cleansing: properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash,, JPok# Root and Potassium. hpj rMm \ ■ || 9. bjmIbT IPP1IA1T BROS., Savannah, Ga. ppok on Blood Diseases JD.ailed free. VOL. v 1. NO. 47 GEORGIA, Crawford County:-~ B. H. Ray I Crawford Superior vs > Court. March Term J. B. Wilson. ) ,1893 and Rule Ni Si to foreclose Jiortgag'e. It appearing to the court by the petition of JR II. Ray that Jus. B. Wjlson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892, executed and delivered to B. H. Rav a mortgage on a house and lot in tire town of Roberta Crawford Countv Georgia, containing two and one half (2 1-2; acres and situated on the west side of the A. & F. R. R. and on the soutli side of the public* road leading from depot of A. A F. R. R in said town of Roberta, to old Agency also on one vacant lotNo, 3, in Block S> fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet and extending back east same width as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Aliev, Also Jots 1 and 2 in Block X, situated in the N. E. corner of Crussel street and Duggar Avenue and fronting to¬ gether 200 feet on east side of Dug gard street and extending baik same width as front to the right of way of the A. & F. R. R. being 163 feet on the north line and 153 feet on the south line on Crussel street for the purpose of securing the payment of five cer tain promissory notes made by the said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Ray and to save the said B. H. Ray harmless by reason of his endorsement on note due C. C. Elliott, amounting to the sum of twelve hundred and sixty nine dollars and seventeen cents ($1209.17,'') besides eight (8) % interest and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes the said Jas B. Wilson refused to pay it is therefore ordered that the>aid J. B. Wilson pay into this court," on or before the first day of the next term thereof the principal interest and a tty’s fees due on said notes and the costs of this suit or in default justice thereof, the court will proceed as to shall appertain. And it is ordered that this rule lie published in tlie Crawford Coxjnty Correspon¬ dent, a newspaper published in the Co. of Crawford, once a month for four (4) mouths previous to the next term of this court. < '• E. Bartlett, J. S- C, R. „ Tr V. Hardeman Tr & Son, Ptrs A tty’s Clerk’s Office, Crawford Bu of periorCourt.—I, said J. W. Jack, Clerk court, do certify that rim above and forgoing rule is a true copy from the minutes of said court. Wit¬ ness my official signature ; with seal of court attached. This March 27, 1893. J. W. Jack, Clerk S. C. CiTATiOR. Georgia, Crawford Cor xty To all whom it may concern A J and R B Heofill executors of the last will and testament of Philip Scofiil de¬ ceased, have applied to me for dis¬ mission from said trust. This is to cite ail persons at interest to show 'iiuse before me on or before the first Monday in June next, if any they dace. Why (such discharge should not be granted or letters of dismissorv will be granted applicants as applied >or Wittness my hand officially this-March 6th 1893. ST. Mathews, Ordinary, GEORGIA, Craw”ford County :— All persons having demands against the estate of Jas A Avera, late of said •ounty, deceased, are hereby notified to render in tneir demands to the •undersigned ill according to law, and persons indebted to said estate ire required This to make immediate pay¬ ments, the 9th day of May 1893. 5-13-tiw '•Iks. SarahE Avera, Executrix, JnoR. Sandefur, Executor. SHERIFF’S HALES. Georgia, Crawford County Will be sold before tiie court house door, in the town of Knoxville, said comity, to the highest bidder for cath, on the first 'Tuesday in July next, within, he legal hours of sale, the following described property to wit: Lots of land No. S 4 and 5, aggregating -105 acres, more or less, lying in the 7th district of said county. Said proper¬ ty levied on under and by vi tvm of four fi fas issued from J ustices court of tlv 57a district G. M. of saideoun ty. Three in favor of Coleman and aii.v, auu iiuH in fav-,r of 15. H-. Ray bearer, against M B. Mathews, as the property of said M. B. Math¬ ews, Levy made by W. H. Scagler, constable of sai l district, and (I fan turned over to me for advertisement and sale of property. Sale will be subject to lien created r.pon saiu property to secure the payment of a loan made to said Mathews by The. Georgia Loan & Trust Company. Witness my hand officially, this} Juno the 2nd 1893. J, C, Cnjvtirhouse, .Sheriff, Kf: sp §SSPw&"