The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, August 05, 1893, Image 1

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THE CORRESPONDENT ' COUNTY DIRECTORY. I Court convenes, spring term;,.third Monday •/ ’third ' in March fall term I Monday in October. I Judge "Superior Court—-C. D. Bart I I let. Solicitor General—W. H. Fel I ton, Jr. k Clerk Superior Court-—J. W. Jack. Ordinary—J7 N. Mathews. Tax Collector—W, J. Brown. Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher. -Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse. Treasurer—M. F. Perry. County'Surveyor—J. L. Parsons. Coroner—J. H. Jones. County Commissioners — B. F. Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C. Futrell. . County School Commissioner—H. F Sanders. • . ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. GA TITERED E£>R THE CORRE SPOyDENTS READERS. The Happenings of the Week Put in Short, Pointed Paragraphs— What Has Happened and Is Go¬ ing to Happen —Points Political , Personal and Social—Men and Thinas. * - We are prepared to make loans on improved real-estate at reasonable rates. Mathews & Blasingame. Charley Spillers is again on the joyful list. Another bouncing baby boy at his home. Witkowski, the live insurance man has been in town recently on business. Genial Charley Holleman has circulated extensively of late among his friends in this com¬ munity. Last Sunday was a day of negro fights in Knoxville. Knives, razors, pistols, biting, scratching, hairpuUing, crying and- loud “cussing,” all figured in the me¬ lees. Thanks for all kind expressions about the paper'. Your paid up subscrip;ion would be much more thankfully received. The Florida excursionists re¬ turned in some better shape than was.expected for them. Ras Hicks was last to get in, but appears to have been dealt with gently. Some of the ladies complained of damage to apparel. Willie Lowe’s voice was somewhat out of repair* It was clogged with dust or cor¬ roded by briny rust. Ray’s dam on the branch con¬ structed for the purpose of supply¬ ing his hydraulic ram with water was broken on Friday night. The world do move, but the ways of a Justice court are often beyond any kind of possibility of finding them out. . Gene Colbert and Lizzie Moore house were bound over under light bonds for their apperrance at th next Supreme court of the county by Justice Long on Mon¬ day. Irvine OastEji comes in every Monday to see his customers. He represents a good firm and is a ’ genial fellow also a good sales¬ man. On Sunday night last Charley Spilh-'-H took a deep ar.d sound nap. He could not be waked until his door was broken down and quite a umber iu his im medial community had cried fire until, i his profound slumbers, he fell it burning him. There was no (Ire. Pres Smith brought >in this week a hide of a rattlesnake, When killed it was about thirteen ROBERTA, GA., SATURDAY, AUGUST, 5,1893. years old and measured in length six feet. : RreS. Smith is an all over ; good farmer. The sample of cotton he showed us'Wednesday sized up thus: Ten grown bolls onf.a twig and one half inches in length. Mr. Reube Slappey’s little boy was bitten a few days ago by a ground rattlesnake. 'The little fellow is doing well.. Uncle Seabe Spillers is old. By reason of his age he is consulted on every hand in reference to people who lived here years ago. People come from Texas and al] other parts of the Union to con¬ sult with him, J. 'i IT. Nolan has returned home from Senoia where he has been visiting relatives. Lee Martin is down from At¬ lanta. Mr. and Mr% George Prevatt and their fine baby boy are up from Florida. Mr. E, W.. Finney’s little ohe was interred, on Wednesday last, in the Knoxville cemetery. The Lord in His infinite wisdom takes the little ones oftentimes to Him self. While it brings grief and sorrow to the parents, the restora¬ tion of these to the Heavenly pa¬ rent is best for them. Joe Wilburn came out from Macon this week. Bill Eubanks broke up Charley Spillers 1 Rip Van Winkle nap. Every dog has his dav. It is now dog days and nc dog is left out. Cotton is opening in the county. Fodder pulling is now in order. Mr. L. F. Anderson of Newnan, Ga., is in town. He is a life in¬ surance agent and represents a good company. Every stick of type set in this office has to toe paid dor aud „all who expect to have notices insert¬ ed free of charge will be disap¬ pointed free of charge, It takes system, money and business methods in the newspaper busi¬ ness. It is not childs play. John Sandefur has a fine crop on the old Rich Hill place. It has the right kind of man at the bel¬ lows. The Sheriff sold some land Tuesday for taxes. Tax receiver Hatcher has about completed the preparation of his tax digests for this year. The re¬ turns show a decrease of about $25,000. This is mostly under the head of notes, money and ac¬ counts. A fellow can be consider¬ ed better off without notes and accounts, W. E. Champion reports the sixth in O. K. shape. Mr. Y\L B. Spain is an indus¬ trious constable and a pedestrian that goes ahead of Ford too far to tell about. Some articles of clothing were stolen from W. I. Powell’s store Monday. The thief was arrested, tried and bound over for the com¬ ing Superior court. Messrs F. II. Wright, J. F. An¬ drews and Robt. A. Hatcher went to Atlanta Tuesday. Horse traders and drummers. Mrs. Mollie Sawyer, we learn, will have charge of the school here during the ensuing school year. Let the school and church build ing be completed. No eommuni ty is safe without schools or school, churGhes, or to say the very least, one church. Col .H. A. Mathews was in Knoxville Teusday on business. Col. W. P. Blasingume was in KnoxviUe several days this week. Why.not have a colt show in Roberta? f,Let those who are pos¬ sessed of stock in this line come together and exhibit them and encourage others to follow after their example. r - Common jails ami prisons are now for the helpless not- for the guilty; This age knows no shame. This paper goes on record as saying right liere> right now, once for always, (if that will do), that any Southern man who puts him¬ self before the public as an advo¬ cate of the unconditional repeal of the Sherman silver law either doesn’t know what he is doing or carries with him a spirit that barlors but little care for his peo¬ ple. Free schools ought to come and with them compulsory attend¬ ance. You can heap crime on liquor and the abuse thereof which is just as far as it goes: but igno¬ rance is the most to blame for crime and many other evils and drawbacks in our country. R. H, Oulverhouse is out of the county this week." He is a soon hummer on the fruit tree busi ns. Col. T. R, R. Cobb.of Atlanta - Ga., was in Knoxville Tuesday on legal business. The county coromisioners trans¬ acted considerable business at their meeting this week. Rev. J. W. Jordan left for home on Teusday morning. He is a good.mail and all of us areal ways glad to see him. Hamp Lucas was in town this week. He looks like a stall Jed fellow. Whatever may be said by preachers or others about Roberta people, whether it be derogatory or in their favor, The Correspgn dent is proud to say in their be¬ half that they are possessed of the jewel, consistency. There have been some able, earnest and prayerful sermons de lievred in the tent here by broth ersMcDaniel and Jordan, We trust they have done some good, but the irons they are trying to heat have been on ice so many years that it will take more than two bellows and more than two weeks work to get them even heated. The ministers can well shake their raiments and.depart, they have done their duty. That they have been disappointed is very evident. We thank them for complimenting the town upon its good behavior during the meeting, the kindness and gener osity of the people. A very ap propriate benediction to the last sermon nreached would be and now in conclusion, good Lord, hide thy face from this people, withokl thy hand, they care for neither. Let them quietly and peaceably go on to hell, die eter¬ nally and be damned. They the'reaeh m - are beyond of Thy word. Meat a nd lard will now come down in puce. Our people feel some better over it. Wm. Ford and Ligh Mathews have organized a peace warrant club. The Sunday School Oonyention. The annual session of th c\ Crawford County Sunday School Association was held in Knoxville on Wednesday Owing to the rainy weather ear¬ ly in the’morning and threaten¬ ing clouds, a smaller gathering was present than otherwise might have been. The assemblage how¬ ever, was a large one. and a pleas¬ ant and happy day was passed. Brother E. B. Trammell made the welcome address and was re¬ sponded to by Major Charlie Gray of Fort Valley. Brother Reppard of Savannah, a well known. Sunday-school worker was present, . and highly enter¬ tained the,, audience for about forty minutes. In- the, evening the same brother made another very interesting talk for the spec¬ ial benefit of the young. The different Sunday-school choirs in their .respective order dis¬ coursed music. Thdir renditions showed careful training. Georgia, Crawford CoUnty, To all whom it may concern: Isah Grant havfing in proper form applied tome for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on the estate of Elias Wright, late of said county deceased this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Elias Wright to be and appear at-my otlice within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can, why permanent administration should be granted to Dali'Grant on the of laid Elias Wright, Witness my hand and ofiicial sig¬ This 3rd of July 1S93. V J. N. Mathews, Ordinary. HOW’S THIS ! We offer One Hundred Dollars re¬ ward for any case of Catarrh that be cured by Hall’s Catarrh F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, (), We tlie undersigned have known F, J. Cheney-for the last 15 years, belike him perfectly ^honorable all business transactions and able to carry out any ob¬ made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, O. Walding, Rinnan & Mar¬ vin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter¬ nally, aotiug directly upon the blood mucous surface of the system. sent,free. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. SHERIFF'S SALES. GEORGIA, Crawford County Will be sold before eourt house door in (he town of Knoxville, said coun¬ ty, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September next, the following property to wit: Fifty acres, more or less of land, same be¬ ing the South-East quarter of lot No. 114, Levied the first district the property of said of c<^uty. H. A. on as Kelly by virtue of au execution issued from Justice’s coiii'l, 521st, Dist. G. M„ said county in lavor of S C. Muuk vs W. R. Kelly and S. A. Kelly. Aug. 3rd 1893. J. C. Culverhousb, Sheriff. (>>EORGIA, C it a w ford Cou nty W ill he sold before the courthouse door in the town of Knoxville said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September next the following property Jo wit: Lots No’s 1 and 2 in Block “K’’ also lots No’s 1 and 2 iu Block “J” in the town of Roberta said county said lots fronting 100 feet each on firsi street orj Public Road leading from Roberta to Knoxville and running back 210 feet each tq 2nd. Street. Said property-sold under a id by vir¬ tue of thirty-six tiia’s in favor vi Of fieers of eourt against Georgia Im¬ provement Company, as tho pro-pet¬ ty of said Ga. Iuipiovemont, Co. Tenn« Cash. Aug. 3rd. 1893. J. C. Cu Sheriff C. C. VOL. 2. NO. 53 GEORGIA, Crawford County :- B. H. Ray Crawford Superior vs Court March Term J. B. Wilson. ) 1893 and Rule 3ST1 Si to foreclose Mortgage. It appearing to the court by the petition of B. H. Ray that Jas. B. Wilson on the 17th day of Dec. 1892, executed and delivered to B. H. Ray a mortgage on a house and lot in,' the town of Roberta Crawford County Georgia, half (2 1-2 Containing two and one ) acres aud situated on,' the west side, of the A. a F. R. R. and on the south side of ‘ the 'public road leadiug from depot of x\. & F. R. R iu spid town of Roberta, to old Agency also ou one vacant lot No. 3, in Block S, fronting on Wright St. 23 1-2 feet and extending back east same width as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Alley. Also lots 1 and 2,in Block X,.situated in the N. E. corner of Crussel street and Duggar Avenue and frorfting to¬ gether 200 feet on east side of Dug gard street and extending back same Width as front to the l ight of way of the A. & F. R. R. being 163 feet on the north line and 153 feet on the south line on Crussel street for the purpose of securing the payment of five cer¬ tain promissory notes made by the said J. B. Wilson to B. H-. Ray and to save the said B. H. Ray harmless by reason of his endorsement on note due C. C. Elliott, amounting to the sum of twelve hundred aud sixty nine dollars and seventeen cents (11269.17®) besides eight (8) % interest and 10 % ott’ys fees which said notes the said Jas B. Wilson refused to 11 is therefore ordered that tliejsaid J. B. Wilson pay into this (fourt, on or before the first day of the next term thereof the principal interest and atty’s fees due on said notes and the costs of this suit ? or ih default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Aud it is ordered that this rule be published in the Crawford County Correspon DENT, a newspaper published in the Co. of Crawford, once a month for four (4) mouths previous to the next term of this court. O. JLr. Bartlett,J. 8. a R. V. IlARDEMAN-^^fPtrs Atty’s periorCourt.—I, Clerk’s Office, Crawford fcjp J. W. Jack, Clerk of said court, do certify that the above and forgoing rule is a true copy from the minutes of said court. Wit* ness my ofiicial signature fwith seal •of court attached. This March 27, 1893. J. W. Jack, Clerk £. C. GEORGIA, Crawford County A ll persons having Jas demands against the estate of A Avera late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demauds to the undersigned indebted according to law, and all persons to said estate are required to the make immediate day pay¬ ments. This 9th of May 1893. 5-13-6W Mrs. »SarahE Avera, Executrix, Jno R. SaNdSfur, Executor-; .* © CURES ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DI 5 EA 5 E 5 . *'rms .US and of 53 aaAjm.' oo.-r caret cl:i A oi a stages Primirv. Sescmd ary an id Tertlar SO 53 hi m IT III ri ?! Ft* o-e O- £i rs: msr, o r a ESSSP © Earn gw® m ’•I curlal Skin DUeases, Poison, Tetter Kczc cnu, L nronjc ptma L«r* r, Scald Head, etc,, etc, P. P, P. is a ■ ‘ r «d an appe iteer, - ■ ss igg - S3 rs i §1S ms iife •J f ■ ;■ m uiMing Ladies nj- the system rapTuiy. wheae systems are pci-on«d r.rS who’s blood is {a --irnr-^-A« Vltli ^ '' :l *** v ‘' c *°* ■ I ppr CURSS r.SXB&LAHIA ^^ecuiis.riy^JenieUted cleansing ties cf 1*. P. wonrit*r p., k rr*tonla Ash, 3ou Poka biocui- Root and Potassium. prefer Pritfkly ESBS«y^M r iV>WG ■ ''TV* _ __ MaailiM iffStSfisit. Boo*; on Blood Disoasos mailed £ro«.