The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, September 01, 1893, Image 1

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HtH tu O O sd tn co o y.i Q m COJJNTY DIRECTORY. Court convenes, spring term, third Monday in March? fall term third Mondav in October. Judge Superior Court—C. L. Bart let. Solicitor General—W. H. Fel ton, Jr. Clerk Superior Court-'-J. W. Jsaek» Ordinary—J. N. Mathews. Tax Collector—W, J. Brown. . Tax Receiver—M. C. Hatcher. Sheriff—John C. Culverhouse. Treasurer—M. F. Perry. County.Surveyor—J. L. Parsons. Coroner—J. H. Jones. County Commissioners — B. F. Walker, W. E. Champion and L. C. Futrell. County School Commissioner—H. F Sanders. ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. gathered for the corre¬ spondents READERS. The Happenings of the Week Put in Short, Pointed Paragraphs— What Has Happened and Is Go¬ ing to Happen—Points Political , Personal and Social—Men and Thinas. We are prepared to make loans on improved real-estate at reasonable rates. Mathews & Blastngame. Miss Lizzie Jones returned to Macon the first of the week. Paul Jones is off to Macon tor a pleasant visit and a nice time all tSie way round. Crawford Pierce is off on the road this week He was nearly well ot the yellow fever scare when he lett. The Correspondent is indeed glad to note that those who have been very sick in Knoxville recently are very much improved at this writing. Tip Marshall says that he has the very best cotton gin in the county, but is not able to pay any one to allow him to run it. Tip guarantees good lint for some Pay- His head is clo e to ’thelev el. Some of our farmers appear to be apprehensive that we will have no market for cotton this fall. Anything that is a necessity like cotton that costs the time, labor and expense that it does in being produced and marketed will cer¬ tainly find sale. Put it in ’good shape for market and hold on to as much of it as you possibly can. Your day will come in Ps sea son. Mr. Trammell, the fat and safe man was in town this week as jovial as ever. Wesley Mathews has moved to the J. B. Wilson house. Mr. William Dickey and family came up a few days ago from low er Georgia on a visit to friends and relatives in this county. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Lowe went down in the Sandy Point neigh¬ borhood this week on a visit. Mr. H. Cohen, of Macon, will open up business at John Mal pass’ old stand in a short . time. He will deal principally ill dry good?. Sheriff Culverhouse took a busi¬ ness trip to Macon this week. Building the bridge at Moran’s mill was certainly a speedy job. The mechanical work consumed but little over a weeks Akimlof premature Septem¬ ber gale- has been with us of late. Mrs. Jane Trammell, Gene * ' ' ROBERTA, GA.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 11893. Trammell’s mother, came over from Shiloh Saturday to see him. Mr and Mrs. M, H. Carnes went to Taylor a few days- ago on a visit. Believing that money- matters will soon be easier, already a number of our young men preparing to take a Business course; and as the Georgia Bus¬ iness College of Macon, Ga., the most famous and successful in the South, guarantees to give a more practical training, in short¬ er time and at less expense than any other institution, we would suggest that it will pay any young man to write for full par¬ ticulars before making other ar¬ rangements. Jas. C. Bond and Homer McGee went to Macon on business this week. Mr. Leake and'two other agents are selling fruit trees in this comi¬ ty at present for Pomona Hill miseries. Deafness Cannot be Cared by local applications, as they can¬ not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wav to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu¬ tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condit ion of the irius cous lining of the Euslactiiau Tube. When thi's'tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely clos¬ ed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, whielris nothing but an inflamed condition of the muscous surface. y. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that canuot, be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir¬ culars, fres. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. |p^*Sold by Druggists, 75c. Mr. R. H. Raines of Upson County was in town Tuesday on business. - Sheriff OulYorhouse bagged a negro boy, Bob W alker, this week. He was wanted in Upson on some charge. Col. R. D. Smith went up the A.g& F. on a business trip this Week. Justice court to-day for this district. Next Monday is the day for the regular term of ordinary’s court. There will be a codsiderable amount of business before the c >urt. The recent storm has done some damage in the state, but no ma¬ terial injury resulted here to life or property. The paper will be enlarged in the near future and then our readers will get full value for every cent they may see lit to in¬ vest with us. Mr. F. H Wright went to Ma¬ con this week. We learn that Mr. Perk Wil¬ liamson has rented a store room in Roberta and will go into busi here in the near future. The Knoxville Sunday school expected to go to Atlanta this week and have a picnic at Grant’s park, but for the reason that some could not possibly go at the time appointed, they have decided to go next Wednesday. All ar¬ rangements have been made pre¬ paratory to going and every one kooked for the trip anticipates an occasion of real enjoyment; Salutatory. With this weeks issue til undersigned, assumes the editorial and business control of the Cor¬ respondent. It is not by and means, work of a kind in which he is inexperienced nor Upon which he is afraid to enter. Of course the regulations and rules that govern the weekly papers of the state will be observed by this one, in so far as the same run strictly in accord with the right. In all matters social, political and material, it will adhere with¬ out reserve to the course deemed best for our section and its peo¬ ple. No enterprise of any kind whatever can prosper without patronage and consequently we ask your co-operation, your undi¬ vided aid in this undertaking, promising you in return therefor the right kind of a paper. In this connection allow us to extend thanks for all favors shown the former editor and the paper. 0. P. Wright. Let’s try to look on the bright side and believe that a better day is near at hand. Crawford county boasts of a fine corn crop and hogs to supply the meat. There will be provid¬ ed a way to get a little something to wear. With food and raiment be content. , It is {probably the better plan not to think so much about to-morrow and what may possibly come along with it. Come up and subscribe tor the paper. It is only one dollar a year and you can give that much toward keeping up vouj county paper. If you navri’t the -■mb0e$ > ;’ bring its equivelant in Something else, and the paper will be cheer¬ fully sent to you. t John Wilder is speaking of go¬ ing into the restaurant business near this office. Of course this kind of business will be appreci¬ ated. Cotton is rapidly opening and you may rest assured that buyers will be on fund whe#* receipts authorize it. ,. Roberta ought to organize a brass band. We need something to dispel monotony these long, sultry, dull days. G. G. Toole came out Snnday from Macon looking for a bicy¬ cle which his brother lost on tne night of the 21st. inst. Sheriff Culverhouse had found it for him in possession of R. J. Burnett. Toole had a warrant issued for Burnett charging him with larce* ny and the sheriff arrested and carried him to Macqn. We trust he can show himself innocent on the hearing of the case. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Crawford County:— Will be sold before the courthouse door iu Knoxville Ga., within the le¬ gal hours of saleon the first Tuesday iu October next, the following prop¬ erty to-wit: Lot of Hind No. 106, containing two hundre($ two and one half (202 1-2) acres, and thirty-seven and one half (37 1-2) acres, iu the southwest corner of laud lot *numher seventy-seven [77] In tub shapfe of rectangle, bounded on.the north oy lands 4 \vned and possessed by ( J. S. Lee; east and south bf lands gowned and possessed by E. S* Lee, and wes by lands owned and possessed by ’B. F. Lee: Containing la the aggregate two hundred and forty (240) acres, iu the Seventh district of said county Levied on as the property of Benj.F. Lee to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior eosurt of Upson county, Georgia, in favor of the Equitable Mortgage Company vs. Benjamin F. Lee. Teuant in pos¬ session notified. This August 31 ; 1893. Ji C. CULVERHOUSE. Sheriff. Col. R. D. Smith Went to Tay¬ lor on professional business a few days ago. GEORGIA* Crawford County— To all whom it may concern Isaiah Grant administrator ot Mrs. Elias Wright deceased, has in due form applied to the undesigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the es¬ tate of said deceased and said appli* cation will be heard on the first Monday in October next this Sept. 1st. 1893. J. N. Mathews. Ordinary. State of Georgia, 1 ) Whereas M. F. Jordan, Crawford County, Administra tor represents to the court in his pe¬ tition duly filed and entered of rec¬ ord, that he haspully administered the estate of E. T Jordan. This is therefore to cjte all persons concern¬ ed, heirs and creditors, to show cause if they can, why said administrator should not be dtscharged from his administration and receive ;letter of dismission on the first Monday in December next. This 25t.h day of August 1893. J. N. Mathews, Ordinary. Georgia, CXawfobd County:— Notice is hereby given that on the day of , S. J. Rains, late of said county, departed this life intes¬ tate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said S. J. Rains in said state That ad ministration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person after the publication of this citation, unless valid objection is made to this ap¬ pointment. Given under my hand and official day of August, SHK ..... Ex * J. N..Mathews, Ordinary, and of Clerk. Georgia, Crawford County, TO all whom it iimy coucern: |«ah. Gtaut having in proper form applied tome for permanent letters of ad¬ ministration on tiie estate of Elias Wright, late ot said county deceased this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Easts WTighf to be and appear at my office Within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they cm, why permanent administration should not be granted to I?ah Grant on the estate of said El jas Wright, Witness my hand and official sig¬ nature This 3rd of July 1893. J. N. Mathews, Ordinary. SHERIFF’8 SALES. GEORGI A, Crawford County Will be sold before court house door In the town of Knoxville, said coun¬ ty, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September next, the following property to wit: Fifty acres, more or less of laud, same be¬ ing the South-East quarter of lot No. 114, the first district of said county. Levied on as the property of S. A. Kelly by virtue of an execution issued from Justice’s court, 521st. Dist. G. M., said county in tavor of 8 C. Monk vs W. R. Kelly and S. A. Kelly Aug. 3rd 1893. J. C. Culverhouse, 8her:ff. GEORGIA, Crawford County Will be sold before the c#dr tiro use door in tfWfc town of Knoxville said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday iu September next the following property to %it: Lots No’s 1 and 2 in Block “K’’ also lots No’s l and 2 in Block “J’' in the town of Roberta said County said lots fronting 100 feet each on first street orj Public Road loading from Roberta to Knoxville and running back 210 feet each to 2nd. Street. Said property sold under and by vir¬ tue of thirty-six Ufa’s in favor of Of¬ ficers of court against Georgia Im¬ provement Company, as the propet tyof said Ga. Improvement, Co. Term# Cash. Aug. 3rd. 1893, J. C. Culverhouse. Sheriff C. C. VOL. 2. NO. 57 GEORGIA, CrawfordiCounty— To all whom it may concern, Jno. L. Sanders and V. E. Walton JAdminis trators of James M. Sanders deceas¬ ed has in due form applied to the un¬ designed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the esta te of said deceas¬ ed and said applications will be heard on the first Monday in October next. This 18th. day of Aug.1893. J. N. Mathews. GEORGIA, H. Crawford County:— B. Ray i Crawford Superior vs > Court March Term J. B.AVilson. ) 1893 foreclose and Rule Ni Si to Mortgage. It appearing to the court by the petition Wilson of B. the H. 17th Ray that Jas. B. executed on day of Dec. 1892, and delivered to B. H. Ray a mortgage on a house and lot in the town of Roberta Crawford County Georgia, containing two and one half (2 1-2; acres and situated on the west side of the A* & F. R. R. and on the south side of the public road leading from depot of A. & F. R. R in said town of Roberta, to old Agency also on one vacant lot No. 3, in Block S, and fronting extending on Wright back St. 23 1-2 feet east same width as front, 125 feet to a 20 foot Alley. Also lots 1 and 2 in Block X, situated in the N. E. corner of Crussel street and Duggar Avenue and fronting to¬ gether 200 feet on east side of Dug 1 gard street and extending back same width as front to the right of way of the A. & F. R. R. being 163 feet on the north line and 153 feet on the south line on Crussel street for the purpose of securing the payment of five cer¬ tain promissory notes made by the said J. B. Wilson to B. H. Ray and to save the said B. H. Ray harmless by reason C. of his endorsement on note due C. Elliott., amounting to the sum of twelve hundred and sixty nine dollars and seventeen cents {.$1269.17}*) besides eight (8) % interest and 10 % att’ys fees which said notes the said Jas B. Wilson refused to pay:- ordered It is therefore that thejsaid J. R. Wilson pav into this court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof the principal interest and atty’s fees due on said notes and the costs of this suit or f»—default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is ordered that this rule be published in the Crawford County Correspond dent, a newspaper published in the Co. of Crawford, once a month for four (4; months previous to the next term t-.f this court. R. V. Hardeman C. L. Bartlett, J. 8. Ci & Son, Ptrs Atty’s Clerk’s Office, Crawford Hv peihor Court.—I, J. W. Jack, Clerk tW of said court, do certify that above ana forgoingrule is a true copy from the minutes of said court. Wit¬ ness my official signature twith seal of court attached. This March 27, 1893. J. W. Jack, Clerk S. C. P.E CURES ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASE f»rm» Mj *Uw5th of gm« Primary. oflSl mg* SoonilOT «ad Twtlirr ma sit] efl l.,duUrT l«w Uwt fa.T. W elii^r'Ki.VumX mhud »U tot.tment, f ; i re^ C»t.rih. , ‘<>M' 1 C^2L total C CURES llllll 8 fil .aft dHfeiffih Mrtwhot, jmpi)igHUt,.»T9 WaoJ I is In CURES 'pmsIKrfy elMtHiDg '"SLUMS’ V'"“« f. t. Vta-wAl tSWSSFSKff aad PotMluni. KCfWttM of p.,ftk*ly Atb, .fek* Root 4] -i Book c se&ses v It**