The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, September 29, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. 2. ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. GATHERED for the COR RE SPONDENT'S READERS. The Happenings of the Week Put in Short, Pointed Paragraphs— What Has Happened and Is Go¬ ing to Happen—-Points Political , Personal and Social—Men and Thinas. Excursion to Atlanta to-day. Darkey campmeeting on hand, Mark Carnes went to Atlanta Wednesday. Col. R.D. Smith has been out on a hunt this week. At this writing our neighbor warehouse seems to be on a shut, Miss Alma Spillers is out on a visit to# relatives in Knoxville. M. H. Carnes has built an ad¬ dition to his stove and dining room. Sheriff Culverhouse went down the'R. R. on a business round this week. Will Smith has been seining the river this week. He came out feet in front. Crawford will be well repre¬ sented in Boliver Ray’s big cot¬ ton procession. Hogs are in demand. Cotton is not so much needed as some¬ thing to eat. Legal blanks will be printed at this office and furnished at low prices. Give us a trial. Business at one warehouse has been suspended and now the cot¬ ton goes to the iron house. Joel N. Mathews, our esteemed and efficient Ordinary, went over to Milledgeville this week. Dick Lockhart does not fancy a loaded cigar. Boliver Ray en • joys seeing him smoke one. Judge A. F. Williams went to Greene county this week. Mrs ' Williams went some days ago. Mrs. O. P. Wright was in At lanta Monday and Tuesday. She goes ahead of the excursion. Our trade issue is on a boom, Come in and give your aid. Don’t wait for the paper to do all. In many places most of the cot¬ ton is now open and this picking will leave but little of it in the fields. Will Wilson is a hustler in the lumber business. He has made a drive on some big trades this week. Some one said cotton brought eight cents per pound here this week. This beats our best state markets. Mr. W. E. Hicks, a prominent salesman at W. I. Powell’s says that the home girls are the best of all. Mrs. B. H. Ray, Miss Bessie Smith and Add Harris spent last Thursday down at the tur¬ pentine still. Atlanta pulls back but Roberta in the State of Crawford is going right along with a full grown smile as a headlight. Work for the town and do some of it every day. Ours is a fine county and this town ought to do four times as much business as it now does. Crawford would be certain to have a county fair this fall if every dollar at her command were not needed in a different direction , THE CORRESPONDENT ROBERTA, G A., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 29, 1893. EIGHTEEN LEW CASES. YELLOW FEVER STILL " _ Kagin g in Brunswick. Ne gro Policemen. Brunswick. Ga., Sept. 2. —From ind, cations at the noon moetin K yel ^nJ ££ maining in the city. Eighteen cases are reported, and it is thought that “iFkvorabta tor the spread of the disease. Twenty-five negroes were sworn m by the pouee department, and last n.ght were patrolling the city armed with Winchester rifles. This was d « ne to cl,eck ai W Rising of ne &loea ‘ ~ Advertise your business and be in ifou the forefront of the straggler! contest can t afford to be a This paper is with youwhenyon in any wise deserve it. Every day brings us in new advertisements, subscribers by the score and orders for job work more than we can fill. Don’t get on the track. Justice Long exercises his own discretion when it comes to af¬ fairs in his court, It is laudable in a man to have a mind and will of his own in all things. When you are in town call at this office tell us the news and be certain to subscribe for the paper if you have not already given in your name. It is not right to trouble your neighbor about borrowing his pa¬ per to read. It costs but a pit¬ tance and you can subscribe and pay for it and have one of your own in your own home. The people of our good town ought to open their eyes wider on the line of the right kind of advertising. The town would be helped ten fold more than you pay us for it. Will Smith is now on the oflice force. If the business of the pa per continues to increase for the next three weeks as it has during the three just passed, our readers will have a paper more than once a week. B. II. Ray now says in addition to what has already gone out to the public about his Gigantic and Elephantic cotton procession that he wjll be at every crook and turn in it. Hon John T. Boifeullet will be on hand and deliver the welcome address. Its success is assured and doubly because every feature in it comes up to modern strides in progress. Bart Dawson complains to the Mayor that he is molested in many ways. The Mayor cant give relief without there were before him a case in some shape. Bart is possibly out of shape. Don’t forget this: Crawford can and will be away ahead, if every one puts in his part of the work. Now is the time to make the stroke. We are pretty well up now but lets go to the top. Bond and Blasingame's gin¬ nery is the biggest thing that turns wheels in this section. They gin cotton cheap as anybody can—have all modern appliances and fixtures. They will give you more for Cotton Seed than any buyer, no matter what his offer is. Try them. Bond <fc Blaaingame. SHOT HIS YOUNG WIFE. A TRAGIC W OF A FAMILY ROW ___ a _ Charles Herring Makes a Desperate Effort at Murder and Suicide. —7 Atlaata Ga sept. 35 th.—Charles Setrln d 19 wenM0 his heme threatened to leave him. Fiudinj? her sitting on the veranda in company with Mrs. Wm. made apnirderous /s assault upon hi® n = first shot did not kill, jn reosed Ms (urJ . Seizing his by , he „ ail . he . to gged hor through the hallway o*f the house to a rear room where he#hot a second bullet into her. Then throwing the apparently lifeless body upon a bed, he put, a couple of shots into his own breast and fell on the bed beside his * Both were aiivewh^ physi t'onndswere sohJous that llt«« hope of the life of either is enter¬ tained. It seems that Herring’s wife was of a somewhat gay and frivolous dis position before her marriage to Her ring two years ago. Married life soon became a bore and there were frequent quarrels. This morning Herring put his wife’s things out in the hallway, she hav ing declared that she intended leav ing him. The husband realized the future life that awaited his young wife if she left his roof for that of her sister, and though he put her things out in the hall during the quarrel before he left for his day’s work lie. declared that before ho would consent to a separation he would kill his wife ancj- himself also. Matters did not mend duribg the day and when he saw his wife sitting with Mrs. Kelsey, whom he blamed with the separation that seemed- im minent betwen them, his rage over came him and he madly rushed onto her to carry out his tragic threat of the morning. Ill case you desire your com munications left out of print send them without giving as your tea! name. We can’t afford to violate our rules. Some, it is unknown whether they meant it or not come in wrong tins week. ^Some of our subscribers feel complimented that they have been asked to take the paper for the first time since it came into existence. We hereby say come one come all and give us join name. Agent Rolling 0 worth fell into a low case of much seriousness last Sunday. Monday morning he did not know North from South and could not tell whether Fort Valley was North or Atlanta South from Knoxville. Wes Dent has made eight him dred or a thousand bushels corn on a two-horse farm and peas to fatten one hundred head of hogSi co tton, but hog hominy in abundance. Jack cock says lie and Dent are on right line. ^While you are selling your ton and fixing.up for your mas nog, don’t forget to call pay up the little you owe the per. All these littles make a sum that would be i help now and enable us to you a better paper. Keep your eye on the tisem mts that go in this They mean something. in them is defunct. Papers the head run on strictly principles. Pin your faith to right kind of coat tail IS THE SIXTH -AGAIN. The People, The Crops and Other Matters of Interest. The senior editor of The Cor respondent has always liked the Sixth District, and were it possi , We for it t0 do tatk, eviry that it grows day'. The good people down there (all that we have seen) have sub scribed for The Corbespoxdext i^^ J,Le '™ e 0theK - ^ ‘° *° * n<1 d ° Crops are fine in that section. It really seems that cotton, corn and peas, cane and potatoes could be 1JQ better> . Lonnie Taylor has seventy acres m cotton and will get oil oi Ins crop fifty heavy bales. There are several other crops which will turn ont folly as well. Feo pie are not devoting any .time to grumbling. Mr. J. H. Joyner stands ahead of the average man whether he be a tamer or follows some other business. He has never paid any interest and pays the hard cash for all he buys. Does not bor ^ ^nt independent. . He 1 rj ls has met with misfortune, but has overcome it and is now one of the most substantial men in Georgia. His-farm is selfsustain ing and lie has an elegant gener al store and a ginnery that takes good care of itself and makes him some money, - Bunt Johnson, as he is famil iarW known, has charge of the Taylor ginnery and is making things hum round about there, Bunt has a fine crop and is doing well. Now if you need any thing to eat—pork, beef or mutton or any thing else yon can get re right,a the feixtli. E. L. Aultman & Co. ran a good market and can sup. V* the most "' lth «*• ables. Jim Russian and Uncle John Harper and in fact, every one we any talk with, are doing the right way. They make plenty hnd en j 0 y it. — We are now prepared to put y 0lu . picture in the paper, also a rilce cut of your store, office or shop at low prices. If you desire a good send off in our trade issue come in and contribute a little toward it and you will be bene fifed five times the worth of your money. The young ladies and gentle¬ men of Knoxville spent a pleas ant hour one night last week at the Harris House. Among them were Miss Bessie Smith, Misses Scrap and Beulah Wright, Frof. J. D. Smith. E. B. Trammell and Judd Williams and wife. Next time invite the society editor of .Tee Correspondent and let him write up your entertainment. “A word to the wise is sufficient.’ Mr. B. Chapman, proprietor of the New York Bargain House, is in Roberta next dom to this office. He will open up immedi¬ ately. Goods here. Look out for his big advertisement in this paper next week. He knows ex¬ actly what he is doing else lie would not be with this paper in his first venture in this locality. For Sale.—A line milch-cow with young calf. Apply to J. E. Wright, Roberta, Ga, NO. 61. BOLIVER H. RAYS BIG 0OTTOI2 PROFESSION Farmers From Crawford Houston, Monroe, Bibb and Upson are invited to participate in it. Fine Barbecue—Nothing will be lacking—W. A. Davis & Co., Warehousemen Figure in it. Boliver Ray in his accustomed and wide awake way hits made every necessary arrangement for the big¬ gest cotron procession of years. • The farmers of Bibb, Crawford, Taylor, Monroe, Macon, Upson, Houston and other counties will be on hand with their cotton and join in the procession. It will be on Tuesday the 3rd day of October 1893. Be at Jim Hicks’ wagon yard with your cotton at 7 o'clock a. ra on that day to join the throng. Procession will be from that place to W. A. Davis & Co’s warehouse where the cotton will be weighed and sold or stored. It will be a profitable aud pleasant oecasiou. FREE BARBECUE. Barbecue in unparalleled profu¬ sion and abundance will be given free at 6 o’clock P. M. on that cay. Teams cared for at the same rate. Don’t forget the day—Oct. 3d. Come, bring your cotton and join in the procession.. You will never re gret it, The success that will eome of this undertaking is already assur¬ ed. Y ours with thanks for past patron¬ age. B. H. RAY. Potatoes are so plentiful here¬ abouts that the hogs are given full possession of the patches. Farmers are not selling all of their cotton seed by a long jump. This is noted with g-ieat pleasure. Some people contend that li¬ quor ruins a town when sold in it. These objectors ought to take notice of the extreme loneliness of Roberta’s calaboose and the little work done by her officials. If yon want your business writ¬ ten up and the town advertised and the whole county along with it-, pay us a little extra for our trade issue. Arrangements are being made for one which will be shaped up in the very best* style and two thousand copies will go out from this office to all parts of country. Just a little money ex¬ pended in this direction will be worth a great deal to you. On last Sunday night, between Miisella and Oulloden, some fiend thiew a rock or something of the kind into the first-class passenger coach on the A. & F. Railway. An entire window was broken out. On Tuesday night following at the same point on the road the train was rocked again. Such conduct results in damage to property and endan¬ gers life. Conductor Woodall saw the sable gentleman on Tuesday night when he threw; and, had the train not been run¬ ning at full speed the scoundrel would to-day, probably, be in a warmer country reaping his recompense of reward. This office has been crowded so much this week with job work that our patrons may be disposed to be n little petulant, but peo¬ ple seldom stop to notice a thing when there is nothing in it. That is consolation to us.