Newspaper Page Text
The Happenings of the Week Put
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs—
What Has Happened and Is Go¬
ing to Happen—Points Political ,
; Personal and Social—Men and
CounAIonday week.
Rev. J. F. Sykes was in town
ah business Tuesday.
There was considerable busi¬
ness befoi^ the court of Ordinary
Several went to Macon to Ray’s
cotton procession despite the in¬
clement weather.
■ 4Dol.E.D.Smith is in attendance
upon Taylor court this week.
• A number of firstclacs jobs
went out from this office since our
last issue.
The gale was a liite tardy, but
but cainG along with extra force.
Major General, Lewis T. Lee,
of Lee Pope' was in town Tues
day by a big majority.
Crawford county weather has
bgen on a general spree this
I week. It is Supposable that some
I of our neighboring ; ‘dry counties”
caught a whiff of its breath and
got in almost the same fix.
Bol Culvefhouse got lost on
Betty branch Monday and was
out in some of the big rain that
night as a consequence.
Coroner Jones and Judge Ooch
tan will furnish the paper with
poetry for. publication in a
few days. '
The miserably low price of cot
ton and .the recent damage to it
[ from wind and ram-make a heavy
blow to to the farmer.
Legal blanks will to^s««^ited
.rtAiiollitewitoi! ed at low
-i- Advertise, -frnr"nai H " iirniipurinr business and be
in the forefront'of the siraggjer. Contes t.
You can’t afford'to be a
This paper is. with you when you
in anywise deserve it.
Unele Franfe Perry says hkpo
tatoes have passed the licensed
line. They are higher up in the
air thaii his rights^go and he ob
jects to a iurther growth.
James Griffith moved to Rev-
3 no|ds this week. We want gen
erai,-local and ubiquitous and
lunanimous success to accompany
|him in this life. Go thy way,
[you lold boy, and be just as happy as
|ty | We have a fine Board of Coan
lin Commissioners as any county
the state can boast of, no mat
|hev >his have so but cheerfully because endorsed they cle*
userve it at our hands. They 4re
an honor to Crawford.
Wo furnished Sheriff ' ;* Culver
. n , ,
ment. .
Liimr-prl i The Macon County Citizen h ‘
nvpr thp umirthousa Al
U bon. It Tf puts f a fellow +' P ii mv away nn up in in
he pictures tocome in right on
the home stretch.
It B. Chapman offers yon goods,
nseraent lowest prices. this ^ Ke^his adve, He is
la 1SSW N
io»e with carloads of goods and
lere to stay.
Jim Hicks and Rod Horn car¬
ried a fine drove of beef cattle*
from here to Macon this.week..
Last Saturday was a big day
for Roberta. Hundreds of bales
of cotton were sold and the town
was on a general boom.
The highest colored thing of the
season :The darkey campmeeting
on last Sunday. All of them were
on hand.
Our colored friends boast of
good behavior on the part of the
immense crowd that attended
Camp meeting. This p^per is
proud for them.
One kind of stale stuff is sent
in to us every week. Some fel¬
low that scarcely knows how to
count sends jn a few sugges¬
tions about the plans we ought to
adopt in conducting ike paper.
Such people take pains to be
A host of pretty little girls
came in a few days ago and wit¬
nessed with astonishment the
running of our job press. Come
again little ladies on some Thurs¬
day evening and see how we
print the taper. It will delight
you. *■
This very extraordinary session
of Cungress seems to travel with
business at an extraordinarily
slow rate of speed.
With gloves off the New York
World attacks the appointment
of J. Van Allen as ambassador to
Italy. , rn Ihere , must , be sensation
after sensation to keep on a big
move-in tins JStaoy Hanks age.
Cotton dropped off last week
but Roberta went up higher.
One of liye merchants p|^
sented to Hie Edifor-in-Ohief on
The Corbet ?aNpBSfT’s staff a pipe
this week; He is not- like the
good deacon. We all smoke.
To and have ^n he as has mans- Oof. years 0. Rk
come go as v/
vH.oWaTd is tlie youngest
this continent.
W. T. Wade, Lee Pope, has T75
pounds choice water melon seed
otOdlb Geln and Price variety,
These are select seed. ; ' •
The Correspondent desires spe
dally to call the attentioiiTof the
boys of of this and adjacent coun
ties,, who desire to fit themelves
tor hoiiotable and profitable posi
Rons-? in the business world, to
the card of the Ga. Ala. Bus.
College at'Macon. This institu
Ron has recently had as students
froin Crawford Co., many of h#
brightest and most ambitious
boy*.an>on K those ,no»- recalled
L “ as ’ Eugene
W €y ’- 0Jimlnie
ie '\ S a,U 0rter 1 0re *
the land 15 lyore deserving of pat
f0,1 ^ e ’ or offers such unrivaled
^cilitites small for commercial educa- Jtl
tttm also an expensex
ls a favonte Wlth Crawford Co.
bo vs as they are with the college,
tnr» s wheels ,,, thi 8 section
^ gm lip, cotton ai H modern cheats appliances anybody
can— e
fixtures, They will give you
m0(r yf 4 f or Qotton Seed- than anv J
er n0 mate fe r what his off
. Bond & Blastngame. , •
day. floods Call .at coming I he New tn every lork
Store. B, Chapman.
Death of a Good Man.
Mr. Jno, A. Miller died on the
night sf the 4t,h inst. at 9 o’clock
P. M. He was emphatically a
good and true man. He was, and
thanks for the alleviation, a suf-,
ferer but a short time. For, the
departed there is swe6t rest.
This kind is a heritage of our de¬
parted friend. His remains are
interred at Elim Church, this
county. Never did this earth, in
allot' its space, furnish a grave
for a better man. Wo will write
full particulars next week.
Mrs* Leila Mabbett who has
been visiting Miss Belle Gibsou
of our town left for her pleasant
home in Anniston, Ala. on Mon¬
day last. The many friends that
she added to her already long list
while here regretted very much
to have to witness her departure.
She was accomplished and enter¬
taining and aided much in bur
young people’s entertainments,
musical and other kinds, while
in Roberta. We trust her life in
the future will De in pleasantness,
commensurate with the opinion
our good people formed of her.
The prettiest line of Dry Goods
ever offered in Roberta. At the
New York Store.
Bond & Blasingame make a
new offer this week. They offer
the best bagging and ties suffici¬
ent for packing a bale of cotton
for fifty five cents. Guaranteed.
Bond and Biasing**. put in a
new ad . Thu issue c[mie8 )t .
ConsultJr(rarintoresti , tryttem.
Read, the advertisement from
Jones & LeSueur in our paper
Today. 5 Don’t forget it.
We give the best advertising
rhtes in the best advertising me
^ium in this section. All corn
bined make a go.
Wes DbntV alarm clock made
John ,S. Sandefur get an electric
on film'a few nights ago.
His neighbor Dent had fixed it to
w-akffJofmiu ofder that he might
^epare for the Ray cotton concluded pro
obssion. John says he
thj^fc the A'. & F. traiq had jump
ed the track and was scooping up
under the floor# *
Come forward and setJh? your
accounts. We need it and ipust
have it. Jones & LeSueur
The return of Mr. Robt. E.
Champion, be|fing with him his
diploxi^, as : ap-aduato of tlie Ga.
Ala. ^us. College .at Mlcon, is
hailed with unfeigned pleasure
by his many friends in this sec
tion. Th» excellent citation
reckphs among its students a
“uitiberof Crawford-Co. boy.s,.«^
of vhom Prof ‘ ^utm declares
ing- young gentlemen. The
Crawford Co. boys are among the
best m the land, aiid we are glad
to learn that many others are pre
paring for business to educa#^ themselves
lislmd. Good water, ^.yards'
fromdapot. Bossession given 3rd
of Nov. »ext. Address McQrary
& Walker, Roberta, Ga.'
r, ,
ny to far from the track. Don’t
allow yourselves to becoifte too
io ^ ffiustlivein stronf;
hope , The Kdministrafion is g0 .
mg on its way and it will disap
point all opposition.
The excursion to Atlanta Fri¬
day was a notable one. It went
off in the right way; toward At¬
lanta, U came back in the right
way (though in an opposite di¬
rection) toward Roberta.— the
biggest, places that Conductor
Woodall calls out on his daily
trips. It was on the tiptop notch
of the excellence. Nothing too
good could be said in this connec¬
tion for its management—either
as to J. J. Williams and Will
Woodall. We add that the hu¬
man freight qompositioa come m
as praiseworthy to a letter.
Some people try to injure Jno.
C. Culverhouse as sheriff but this
kind of thing is among the im¬
possibilities. A few nights since
one of his prisoners made an at¬
tempt to break jail but he made
an “axetual” failure. John was
on hand and added his veto and
put him in an inaccessible cell.
Noah Colbert was the bird. He
lied to a little girl on the outside
and told ner fo bring him an ax
to cut some wood to be used in
making a fire. She innocently
brought it. Noah made the ef¬
fort. The flood was not delayed
one hundred* and twenty years
nor one single night. Our effi¬
cient sheriff discovered the pro¬
ceeding and promptly broke it
into a removal of the axeuser to
a safer place. Noah is yet in jail.
The Roberta Correspondent is a
mighty lively sheet and whoops up
an exceedingly frisky town.—Atlan¬
ta Journal.
Ittakes lively people to make
a live town and we express
thanks. This little town may
not like to be termed frisky as
our worthy Mayor objects, yet
the Correspondent writes Atlan¬
ta down as the largest thing it
has ever passed around or through
and it is now on a swell.
Culloden should stand by the Cul
loden Journal, for it ha* certainly
started out to stand by Culloden, and
is one of the brightest and breeziest
of Georgia weeklies.—Atlanta Jour
Our esteemed contemporary is
right. This paper is with Cullo
den and her people,
W. I. Powell ayd J. C. Griffith
anticipate starting a newspaper
over at Reynolds in the near fu
ture. , It will be under good man
ageiiifcnt, in a good ,pi"* a w1
will enter the held ©
lent support. They expect its
circulation wi^i; to rojMJh such propor
tions a •short time that it
will in aE kgal probability be given
Taylor’s Jacli%twith acK ;
Mr. ils on our job
work. A job furnished his office
r0C enUy went to tite top and n e
Good Bedsteads, Spring Mat
tresses,Cloths Vorlpbles, fables
and ‘other good articles of fuj-ni,;
lure suited to nhv household, at
low prices, next thirty days. •
and loud talking, but later, when tl*
country has buen saved by carrying
out the principles of the democratic
platform, and prosperity smiles once
n on- upon, to land how small and
low they will sing and how they wijl
kick themselves for being so short
sights Truly the v aW , )8ta
hounds is gbing to be left in the
swamp. -Thomaston Times.
' warrior news.
Cape Lancaster died last Sat¬
urday morning. He was well
when he retired the night before;
He leaves a wife and five chil¬
Mrs. Eliza Parker, wife of John
Parker died on Friday morning
and was buried on Sunday mpm
ing fallowing. She leaves behind^
her* quite a number of family
relatives and connections. She
diqd in the 75th year of her age
and was an estimable old lady.
She had long been a member of *
the Primitive Baptist Church.
Trial of the negroes who mur¬
dered John Braswell has been
postponed until next week.
There were four inquests held
in Macon last week.
Preacher Ellis baptised four
new members at Hopewell church
this week.
Lewis Ranch.
Mr. Editor:
Our farmers should adopt a
wiser plan than raising all cot¬
ton. '
(They are doing that very
thing. Ed.)
Col. G. D. Dominick, now col¬
lecting for Mr. Bussey, was down
on the Ranch a short time back.
Now if you haven’t the money
you will have to get out of sight
or kind words of the Col will make
you steal a little for him.
Mr. J. N. Lewis will get about
seventy-five bales of cotton on
the Howard place (his year. Ow¬
ing to the many backward sea
sons and other things against him.
John has an excellent crop.
Everybody within the next ten
days should subscribe for the
Correspondent. What for? Be¬
cause it is so much improved that
it is now a first class paper. It
already has a fine circulation and
every bona fide subscriber will
be entitled to a premium, as soon
as the Fool Killer’s photograph
appears in its columns. N
F. K.
People that want so much
ought to do a little work.
October Term Crawford Superior
Court, 1898
E w Finney, WW Jordan,
Jno I. Harrison, w R Thames,
S F Harrison, Jno I Champion,
^ waYuUmS M ^lynok. RJ Hancock,
C A c Arnold. ’ /pBlMtoSS*.'
CElliott, RE Bankston,
ms ^y 1 Bankston, W J AValker^ Id
HD McCrary] licitrke?
js Sandefur. White,
D E Humph, M H McRlinurray.
. _
'.Drawn lor Oct. TonnHuur. Cou.-i
Felix Hammock,
L F Wellons.
H.£ ®^ f >T ick : ^ W r G i^ Gordon e j
% . ?
£ ra ^ “’- ECMat r °^ ‘ ie a ws, ° 4
T!lbs ” j^AFryir * r> * r '
^ DJBo*. c A rnod ’ ' J "^chran,
Joel ‘ £*:ZZ’ M
E Gasset, J C Kicks,
O J King, J £ Cloud*
NO. 62,