Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 2.
The Happenings of the Week Put
in Short , Pointed Paragraphs —
What Has Happened and Is Go¬
ing to Happen—Points Political ,
Personal and Social—Men and
Superior Court in session this
Every district in the county is
represented in court this week.
The days drag slowly by but a
fine head of steam gives some im¬
Gapt. Wms. Rutherford is at¬
tending court in Kuoxviiie this
Col. C. B. Howard in the face
of the long list of years behind
him is still on the list among the
An army of good people were
in town this week. A large ma¬
jority of them speak up for us
and our paper.
Once more the jail is clear. To
put things in that kind of sRapo
costs courts and jail occupants
some money.
We have been b/essed with,
two or three fine frosts. This
part of the world moves up in
good shape.
From constant blowing round
about here recently it may be in¬
ferred that the wind in these
parts listetfi.
Miss Laura Grubb, of The
Rock, is visiting her sister, Miss
Ida, and the family of Dr. J. W.
Jones in Knoxville.
Don’t be afraid to meet the
man who has extended to you
credit. An honest showing of
your hand will never injure you
in business transactioms.
Judge Bartlett is among the
very best timber in this good old
state out of which we can choose
a Judge for the Supreme court.
He knows the law and he is in
shape in every other particu
Everybody with any beard, at
all, needed a barber in Knoxville
this week,M. e., all that were in
that town in that shape cuurt
week should have a barber shop.
Mr. Henry Saylor spent S.atur-,
day and Sunday in Roberta, and
went to see his Crawford county
girl Sunday and reports a nice
Rev. A. L. Moncrief preached
two most excellent sermons at
the Buptist church in Knoxville
Sunday to large and apprecia¬
tive congregations.
Our associate was treated to a
nobby hat since our last issue
and now he is a little inclined to
be stuffed with an idea that
straw hats under proclamation
should be called in from wear
and take a back seat on some old
out-of-the way rack. We suggest
that some fellow possibly is en¬
titled to a week more to get out
the straw hat ring, and we agree
to indulge to that extent by per¬
mission of the august chairman
of the board of health. In this
connection it is certainly admis¬
sible to go a little furthe and tell
the owners and holders of dusters
and something denominated
“mother hubbard” garment that
they should consult with the
aforesaid sanitary board.
ReadJ. G. Wilbourn’s adver
„ tisementin this issue
/ ••• •
“Jim” Hammett likes to read
“Good News.” ’ -
Pleas of guilt do not entitle
any man to clemency.
Ground peas and suger cane on
the streets at low prices.
Ohas. McGee, of the Plymouth
Rock Pants Co., of Macon, is on a
visit to Knoxville.
Bob Rutherford is shaking
hands with his many friends in
town this week.
All the court officers have toed
the mark this week and they
have done excellent service all
the way through.
But a few idlers have been
about court this week. Vagrants
hunt different pastures on this
especial week.
We have been reliably inform¬
ed that the court house will be
furnished with fire proof
Wilson Wright, of Macon, is
spending a day or two in Knox¬
ville. Wilson is a very popular
salesman in the store of J. H.
Compliments for the Corre¬
spondent have come in this week
and the end is not yet. It will
go in advance of the most sangu
me expectations next week,
Will Powell, wide-awake mer¬
chant and proprietor of the Rey¬
nolds Hustler, was in town last
Miss Susan Glover of Taylar
county is spending this week with
the family of Mr. B. A. Hartley.
Col. E. B. Trammell is visiting
home folks at Shiloh, Ga.
This paper is still in the ring.
Both editors fight men and things
that get on the wrong side.
Miss Hattie Sharp, of Ceres
is visiting the family of H. F.
Sheriff Culverouse on a big run
growing out of a sanitary injunc¬
tion has hurt his big toe. Then
he stepped on a nail. The nail
on account of superior hardness
stuck into his foot. He is on the
Bob Avera is now in the mer
cantile business at the old stand
so long occupied by his father.
Bob is a good boy. He aims to
have a good store and this paper
bespeaks for him liberal patron¬
age at the hands of our appreci¬
ative people.
When a party loses a case in
court a kind of bad feeling crawls
over him. Allow this statement:
He is in just about as good a fix
as the man who gets it on record
and into his head that he has
gained something. Many judg¬
ments exist; few are enforc
All patrons must be lenieut this
week and excuse all short com¬
ings that can in any way whatev¬
er be charged to the paper. The
paper still runs and goes with
good weight. Our associate leads
in the van. What is lost in this
office is gained in court and will
be answered for in the future
and to the paper’s credit.
Judge Holleman is an expert
on mending broken vehicles.
Driving blind horses and splicing
shaftscome among his specialties.
“Mr. R. E. Hollingsworth, was
shaking hands with his many
friends and loved onef in Fayette¬
ville last Sunday.’’—Fayetteville
Our whole court wears an ex¬
cellent face.
Neighbor towns boa'st of what
they pay for cotton on 1 the mar-
ket from day to day. Let Rober¬
ta come to the front.
Mr. F. H. V/right went to At-,
lanta a few days -since and col¬
lected a nice sum from good men
in that city for the worthy and
highly esteemed minister, Rev.
A, L. Moncrief.
Our partner in the newspaper
occasionally meets with a little
set-back. A few days ago he
started off for Macon and was
held under quarantine on the
way for some time. They
thought he was a victim to yel¬
low fever and came near dump¬
ing him. This thing worried Em¬
mett and he is now an avowed
enemy to any such proceeding.
Sheriff Hewell ci Fayette
County was down to see our sher¬
iff this week. He had the buggy
and the negro who had stolen
same from Charley Hick,?. These
were in soak at Fayetteville.
Potatoes are fine hereabouts,
some weiah as much as five or
six pounds apiece. Ray says
that bench-legged lice dogs bay
them in the patch, not knowing
what monstrously large affairs
they have run across in their
Don’t stand in your own light.
Subscribe for the paper.
Among visitors appear some
genial fellows ard ones that can
be set down among the very best
in the land. After this order
come Bob Rutherford, Capt.
Wms. Rutherford,v r Dr. J. N,
Smith, James Taylor and in short
a whole thousand additional
whose names can’t be given be¬
cause our time exhausted.
Cool 4 weather helps in some
particulars. Cool judgement is
now in great demand. Be clear
and cool about the head and let
the coolness godn the lead.
Sheriff Hewell from Fayette, is
the right kind of material. He
brings in offenders and is modest
enough to never run a thnbbled
cornered future arrangement.
New goods coming in every
day. Call at The New York
Store. B. Chapman.
The prettiest line of Dry Goods
ever offered in Roberta. At the
New York Store.
The young ladies and gentle¬
men of Knoxville and Roberta
and vicinity are cordially invited
to attend a soiree at the Harris
Hotel on Friday r.ight the 27th of
this month.
Come forward and settle your
accounts. We need it and must
have it. Jones <fc LeSueur
Bond & Blasingame make a
new offer this week. They offer
the best bagging and ties suffici¬
ent for packing a bale of cotton
for fifty five cents. Guaranteed.
Come in and pay your dues to
the paper. If your subscription
has expired, give us $1.50 and get
the Weekly Constitution and the
Correspondent one year.
* -
Bond,and Blasingame’s gin¬
nery is the biggest thing that
turng wheels in this section.
They gin cotton cheap as anybody
can—have all modern appliances
and fixtures. They will give you
more for Cotton Seed than any
buyer* no matter what his offer
is. Try them.
Bond &
£; j-ti t SUPERIOR
Superior court at this writing
is jn session. Court week is a
big one for Crawford and Zack
Harris always lends something
on the occasion to the lasting
commemoration thereof. Judge
Bartlett was on hand Monday at
the appointed hour with his
right bower, Will H. Felton.
The mill began its turn
promptly and the initiatory grist
was a grand jury of good, honor
able, honest, fair minded men.
These names show who they were
Hon. S. R. Harrison,foreman.
E W Finney, W W Jordan,
Jno L Harnson, W R Thames,
R J Hancock, Jno I Champion,
Jno J Britt, Sr W G Hancock,
WGAultman, H C White.
A C Arnold, J P Blasingame,
C C Elliott, R E Bankston,
Joel Bankston, W J Walker,
JnoN Powell, J F Hartley,
L A McCarty, Jno L Marshall,
J M Hancock, J B Clarke,
To this body our efficient Judge
delivered an able charge—well
directed and to the point. .This
kind, and this only, could come
from the source that gave it.
The traverse jury is in the
court house and in the box when
put in that kind depository. And
when it receives them its contents
in general make up amounts
to a dozen batch at each time of
good material. This is the com¬
position :
J J Williams, W 3 King,
Chas Aultman, A P Spillers,
Robt M Lockhart, Monroe Newberry
W E Champion, W J Brown,
C B Spillers, Felix Hammock,
Jack Hancock, L T Wellons,
W E Myrick, W G Gordon,
M C Mathews, L T Lee.
W R Blasingame, J J Bowman,
Geo F Brown, E C Mathews,
Ed E Hancock, Z T Harris,
Thos L Arnold, Jno A Fryar,
Cicero Arnold, J T Cochran,
D J Ross, R H Hancock,
J F Chance, G M Andrews,
W M Bond, Jas E Bryant,
Joel E Gasset, .T C Hicks,
O J King, J E Cloud,
Some attorneys from other
counties are in attendance at this
term of our court. Among these
we note some:
From Macon, M. G. Bayne, L.
D. Moore, Clem Steed, J. L. Har¬
deman. and the quill driver on
the fast line, Emmett Barnes.
Cols. W. S. Wallace and Char¬
ley West are over from Butler;
Bob Merritt is here from Barnes
ville and from Forsyth we have
Judge W. D. Stone and «Jim
Fletcher. v •
Messrs H. A. Mathews and W.
P. Blasingame represent Fort
Valley. Judge A. S. Giles is with
us and with all this host, and the
local bar thrown in for good meas¬
ure, we are having a driving
The criminal docket was taken
up Wednesday and quite a num¬
ber of cases were disposed of.
Adam Shealey who stole W.
W. Wilsons mule was sentenced
Wednesday. He goes to the
penitentiary for ten years.
Charley May son who was ac¬
cused of stealing and entered a
plea of guilty to a felony was
sent up for five years.
Mrs. S. J. Raines lost two bales
of cotton in the recent fire atCul
loden. She is a widow and has a
large number of children.
We give the best advertising
rates in the best advertising me¬
dium in this section. All com¬
bined make a go,
NO. 04.
When it consnmes about two
days to dispose of a case that in¬
volves no more than twqntyfive or
thirty dollars at a cost of two or
three hundred dollars to the coun¬
ty, (and that about sizes the pict¬
ure of our present litiga'tion). we
almost conclude that no man of
sound judgment would under¬
take to oppose the institution of
some method to relieve our over¬
burdened tax payers. This can
be done by having a county court
of the right kind. It is needless
to say that the county should have
The petty criminal cases that
confront us right along on this
identical road, are more costly
than the little ones ©n the civil
side of the court.
Crawford boys will come to the
front we can always talk for them
and say bushels and barrels, and
even hogsheads of good things,
and tell the truth gll the way
through the entire statement
Lee Martin is a Crawford boy, is
now in Macon at No. 310 Second
St. in management of business
for the Plymouth Rock Pants Co.
We expect to tell more about it
in the paper in big letters, but
ask you now to see Lee when you
need nice and pretty fitting
ciothes. The Co. exercised splen¬
did judgment when it put him in
that place.
home life mmm,
Fire and Accident.
Now is the time to get this pa¬
per and the Constitution, both for
$1.50 a year.
On November 2nd next, an election
for Mayor of the town of Roberta,
Ga., to fill the unexpired term of A>
J. Danielly, resigned.
By order of the council.
A. J. DANIELLY, Mayor.
Oct. 4th, 1893.
To barter, sell or exchange for
goods iu the town of Roberta on the
Sabbath day is a violation of the
law of this State and town or to fol¬
low any other daily avocation to
make money. Therefore he that fol¬
lows it shall be fined as follows: $25.
for the first offense and $30. for the
second, &c.
Also any liquor dealer who keeps
open his place of business after the
hour of 10 o’clock p. m. violates the
law of this town and he or they does
so shall be fined as follows: for the
first offense he shall pay $10. and for
the second $20. and for the third of¬
fense his license shall be revoked,
unless party shows certificate from
physician. A By the council,
A. J. DANIELLY, Mayor.
Oct. 4th, 1893.
Good Bedsteads, Spring Mat¬
tresses, Cloths for Tables, Tables
and other good articles of furni¬
ture suited to any household, at
low prices, next thirty days.
E. E. Dent, Dent House.
In Roberta, the best town on
the A. & F. Road, a new Hotel, •
Twelve rooms. Business estab¬
lished. Good water. 20 yards
from depot. Possession given 3rd
of Nov. next. Address McCrarf
& Walker, Roberta, Ga.
Sow a full ctop of small grain.
Fatten your hogs and put in
the smokehouse your own meat.