Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 2.
items of local news.
The Happenings of the Week Rut
in Short,' Pointed Paragraphs -
What Das Happened and Is Go¬
ing to Happen—Points Politico!,
Personal and Social Men and,
Slushy, this week.
Schools on the increase.
Some hog-killing going on this
Mules yet offered for sale in
Some cotton seed still being
brought to town.
Very little cotton now in the
Robert Champion is now clerk¬
ing for B. H. Ray.
The tough weather this week is
best for the 1894 fruit crop.
At this wrffing Mrs. Lowe is
very unwell..
Mr. W. B. Spain is now engag¬
ed in painting the drug store
Ascertain your own caliber lie
fore you undertake to size up oth¬
er people.
J. W. Malpass has. ordered two
mce new buggies for his livery
buffi n tv s at this place.
YV. 1. Powell has on hand a full
and complete line of school sup¬
plies, stal ornery etc.
First-class seats and desks have
been ordered for the school here.
Thomas Atwater is a Nancy
Hanks talker, and the steam nev¬
er exhausts.
W. P. Blasingame, Esq., has
been up through several days
Horn Fort Valley on business.
It was reported to us two weeks
ago that plum tress were begiu
zfning; to put on a blooming dress.
Attention is called to the “ad.”
of the Union Sewing Machine.
You can get one cheap by apply¬
ing at this office.
Guano is being hauled out from
the depot bv wholesale. Such
will fail to make any kind lovely
On account of advertising mat¬
ter having been sent in very late
last week for publication, the pa¬
per was a little delayed in the
Don’t say anything at all about
not getting your paper this .week
and afterward unless you have
payed for it. The price is $1.00
per annum in advance.
If yon don’t get this issue 0
the paper don’t plant too much
blarne on this office. You
fair notice iii our last issue.
Mr. L. O. Futrell sells Geo. W.
Scott & Go's, guanos. They are
of the very highest grades and
suited to all kinds of crops.
Jim Dent and Will Seagler had
a rat-killing time Tuesday. Sev¬
eral of tiie abominable rodents
were extermina ted.
Work will commence on church
and school building as soon as the
lumber gets here, it; has been
ordered. John IIaye, 3S will su—
perintend the work.
This is the last of the season far
a reckoning. If the hindmost
man could pay up, . very other
would be emn>v. > ..msome j
kind of moy; tow; rd d 4b pa
a ko U f e;L,
] A. E. Harris visited Fort Valley
last Sunday.
Miss M. A. Shannon, who has
been visiting her sister. Mrs. Z, T.
Harris, has returned to her home
tu Thomaston.
Wreck of freight train ar.d run
off of passenger on the A. & F. R.
R. this week. Mails all delayed,
and this will delay the paper
again. Things out of gear gener¬
The Mayor and Marshall of the
town were temporarily locked in
one day this week. We do not
mean that they were put in the
lock-up at the town boose.
Revs. Dr. Jones, of Macon, and
Carter, of Fort, Valley, were in
Roberta Saturday, Sunday and
Monday last. Dr. Jones preached
here at 11 o’clock Sunday.
John W. Malpass is now in
charge cf the livery business at
this place. John is one of ‘the
very best of fellows and we be¬
speak for him his deserved share
of patronage.
Thos. Atwater, manager in
charge, Dick Lockhart and Henry
Burnett engaged in a lively dig
mission last Monday J II Irby
was umpire, and Sam Long acted
as short-stop, We are not pre¬
pared to tell where it stopped.
Rev. Mr. Carter now has a reg
uiar monffiiy appointment to
preach at the church m this place,
lire Sunday for preaching lias not
been definitely decided tip ill
When it shall have been, notice
will be given to that effect.
The ladies, as usual, are anx¬
ious to get into a big ra e on gar¬
dening. Each and everyone is
doing their very utmost to get
ahead. Weather and ground both
cold at this time. Don’t hurry
too much.
More than one man is known to
this paper that would be one hun¬
dred per cent belter off", provided
such acquaintances would be as
attentive to their own affairs as
they seem to be in looking after
the business of other people
Dr J. W. Jones went to Macon
Monday to attend the funeral of
his sister. Miss Lizzie Jones. Mrs.
Jones and Master l J aul accompa¬
nied the Doctor. Miss Lizzie was
a most estimable Christian lady.
She died after an illness of only a
few hours.
A few days'a 2:0 Lish Harris kill
ed seven hogs that netted him
2015 pounds of fine pork. He is
a meat raiser and corn grower af¬
ter the right sort, and is not afraid
of “hard limes.”
Ve v y few people came to town
this week to tarry here any time
consequence. Those who were
in town were generally on busi
ue 8 {uul Iookc(1 af ter that and
then went home
Hon. J. J. McOants, of Taylor,
Co., was in town this week. Uncle
Jack is one of the cleverest men
in anybody’s county, and always
reVeives a warm welcome to our
little city.
Mr. J. II. Grant, who has been
assisting Mr. Hollingsworth m
the depot for some time, has left
for his home in Americas. Mr.
Grant made a good many friends
while here.
A few days since Henry Hardi¬
son killed a hog that netted 610
pounds of pork, turned out for
Mrs. Hardison about a barrel of
and for the family, back
p 0iieSi( p^re- r, bs and chi Be rime,
CO a-tx- long tif;
Boliver Ray has the finest
in this section. He says that she
will give seven gallons of milk a
'lay, butter accordingly, and once
a week a big bowl of ice
art extra. He prices her at $250.
John Spillers ban been taken in : o
co-partnership with Mr. Ray to
thoroughly advertise her. We
await results.
There was a big fun frolic
t-erelay over a rabit that chanced
to run into the streets. The little
fellow finally made its escape af¬
ter being chased for some time
by about twenty men and four or
five clogs. B. Chapman thought it
was a big rat that bad lost its tail.
Instead of so much uncalled for
jouring, so much unparalelled
stuff on the idiosyncrasy line, so
much gab so prolific in feeling,
and so many other things utterly
worthless, in any view taken of
them, wouldn’t it be better to
turn our attention to something
that would be of benefit to the
county. How would it do to de¬
vote such time as is thus lost to
building a bridge over Flint river
at the Agency ferry crossing?
That would be worth something.
Warrior News.
The Bibb chain-gang is still at
work in the Warrior. Fifty con
viots are on the gang, among them
two white persons, one man and
one woman.
Miss Minnie Meadows,
Twiggs county, is visiting rein
fives in the Warrior.
Gus and Mrs, Tidwell are •
from Macon on a visit to her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Garde).
Roads between Macon and
Knoxville are muddy and in bad
condition for travel over them.
Mr. H. D. Marshall now lias
charge of the Van Yalkenburg
mill and is engaged at present in
sawing some excellent lumber.
A valentine par'v at Mr. C. C.
Hamlin’s on the 14th prox.
George Tidwell will set up to an
entertainment in the near future
in tile shape of -< “party,” log-roll
ir.g and quilling.
Thu Warrior fine court
has pee a completed and is now
ready for use
The chain-gang has left the Go
lumbus road ml gone to work on
the old Federal road.
Nod tee.
We have placed our notes and
accounts in the i amis of Mr. R.
11. Culverhouse, who is our an
tnorized agent, with instructions
to close them out at once. We
are obliged to have money to pay
oar own debts and to pay for the
necessities of life. We must set-'
tie up our books.
January 24th 1804.
j jp, T!m IiUKl upon which my fa mi
j„ Crawford county is
I mine and business transactedjfor
the family is through and bv me.
All contracts made by me are
binding and i am responsible for
same. Jan. 25 1894.
Mrs. Laura Marshall.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is known
by its works. The experience ot
half a century proves that no oth
ei ' reparation of the l and dope
coughing and a 1 hus x F.- vj
the throat and or ■
By special arrangement with the
^iilo.-Hid B JllFcCiol~U
jponsbib uvioi
Vve are enabled to offer it.
our own, for ONE YEAR
$1.50, clubbing subscription to
sent to this office and
by cash.
Liberal Prize Offers.
Every subscriber to this remark¬
able, clubbing proposition is entitled
sending bis guesses for.the
©1,000 Cotton Crop Contest,
In which there are Four Prizes of¬
fered for ‘ he nearest estimates of the
size of the cotton crop of 1898-4. n u w
being marketed, and award to be
made as soon pis the New Orleans
Cottar tieiareVop Exchange figures. announces $400 Gold tire of
in for
nearest: guess to the crop, $200 prize
for second, $200 prize for third, $100
for fourt h, $100 for fifth.
Crops for recent years have been
as follows :
Jkjpar___| B ales i Year j Bales
1877. .... j4,485,423" j 1SS5 j" I
PCS 1879S ... S 4,811,265 i I8E5 6,550,215
5.078,581 i 1867 I 6,518,024
5,757,307 188S 17,017,707
6,580.829 1880
5.485,845 j 1890 !
i 84. 5.7if>,052 8.992,234 j j 1891 j
.. 1892 ' '*-700,865
In add it ten to the above every
clubbing sm'.-writer can cuter our
IjN/'tx P3gs n T*i p>
lau orcl
Supply the missing word in the
"ffu Prussia a ax concerning
compulsory education of neglect¬
ed, and
....children received the
sanction of the crown.”
-Osie-Fourth of the net: sub
script ion receipts o those enter¬
ing this contest will he divided
among those who supply the cor
lyct word in the blank m the
above sentence. Thus, if there
are $->,000, one-imirth would be
$1-250. If ten supply the correct
word eaefi would receive $125, if
100, each $.12.50, &c.
Both of the above contests free
and in addition to Two Papers
for the price of one.
Hu? Wee kly CoKstitntio yh
Sms t clrru a tior, of lod.OO'h u :
is the j‘eopie's P;:c. ; . Jj i'avo
Lin if Reform, a n Individual i in
■cun i'a>: am.l the Expansion
fiie CuinT'hcy to degree suffi
omul {e nnv.; i'.im leg. lima to 1. -. - i
ness heftu'.n.::- of the country.
J t covers ?!.•• news of the w< rid
every week, having news come
spondents . a all news centres
the world.
Take your home paper and the
TYsrc One .
Boils for $1.50.
—--------tras* <» -9^
Unlike most proprielarv medi
cities, the formulae of Dr. J. C.
h Samapai liutand other prep
arat5(ms are cheerfully sent to any
physician who applies for them.
Hence the. special favors accord
ed these well known standard
remedies by the World’s Fair
-ax r.--
r;* . *
NO. 7.9
This invaluable quality \ . ver
more apparent in man or 1 fan
than when shown in. Ins < her
choice of periodical reading ■ rat¬
ter. First in order'shouk! me
the local newspaper so that pace
I j may the busy be kept world. with It the should doings be of
| which paper like ^The Correspondent
gives all the latest home
news a si. well as all the general
news, political news and market
news, with seasonable editorials
on current local topics. No one
can get along with bis home pa¬
per. The newspaper should be
supplemented by some period"!
icle from which' will be '
derived amusement and instruc¬
tion during the evenings at homo
where every article is read and
digested. Such a paper to fill
every requirement should possess
these qualities.
First—It should be a clean, whole¬
some paper that can safely be ta¬
ken into the family. It should
be illustrated with timely engrav¬
Second—A paper that is enter¬
taining and instructive while of
sound principles. Its moral tone
should be beyond question.'
Third—A helpful paper,one
telk the housewife < " home . life,
thoughts and experiences,. and
fc eeD< 1 . or in touch with' social
Fourth—A t ^abounding _ ,
paper in
original character sketches* bright
unctuous humor , and
brilliflnt wit.
Fifth—It should eonta ; n good Mo¬
vies and pleasing matter 'for
young people, that the children
may always regard the paper as a
Sixth—Literary selections and
stories suitable for older people
should be given, for, they t'oo,
like to enjoy a leisure hoard -■*■
Seventh—In short, it should ‘be a
good all-round family journal, a
weekly visitor which shall bring
refreshment and pleasure to every
member of the household. (t
We offe to supply our readers
with just such a paper; one . of
national reputation and circula
Hon. It is the -famous
Detroit Free Press, .
Tlse Largest and Best Fam¬
ily Weekly in America
The Free Press has just. been
enhrgedto twelve large seven
column pages each week It is
j-stly famed for its great literary
merit and humorous, features; To
each yearly subscriber the pitb
!is ers nre ti)is year giving a c6py
if the Free Press Portofolio of
This.,artistic production com*
prises twenty photographic plates
8a 11 inches, iv:■ resentpg the
stramre people that were seen, bit
the Midway Plaisance. The faces
and fantastic dress will be easily
recognized by those who visited
the fair: others v?]] find in them
an interesting study.
The price of the Free Press is
one dollar tier year. We under¬
take to furnish the
I el lid i ng prem i u m, “Midway Types**
Less tiian three cents a week
will procure both of these most:
excellent papers and furnish
abundant reading matter for
every member of the family. You
can not invest $1 50 to a better
advantage. In no other way can
you get as much for so little mon
Subscribe now. Do not delay.
Bring or send ya v x:b?nr;p f mns
Mng. E . ;
t h