The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, December 28, 1900, Image 1

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A ‘TT *1 & -*-'. H .y dtp* if E 1L.JK ■s A Ir ’VV VJ fi;f~';:_E_-—— ml“ 3 A; 't-* ----------— HER ? summons came. IN WHICH MRS. c GALLvJ , p REAQ * SIGN warrant. her death a {he Oisliolotli rr.;t After bf r ;„. r>l)< . Bal. ‘ ■ i j w*r«i:w Spent the ffcl a ‘ 'leUiuff Mr. f ti ,f> r.venir.K in ° OoatM n °" o,,. ThousUi He Cal!«!> Funeral. ‘ „» Itnn the [Copyright. Viioa, t)V C. B. Lewis. 1 Sir. (ittllup lighted his tin lantern *g started out to buy „ ftcr supi>cr and '.‘if pound of Bio coffee for break a postoliiee Mrs. Gai fast a 11( 1 call at the tnn was hi excellent spirits and had itef the dishes 32 minutes, ready for and washing, when ... vj . vas absent huddled bo arrived home he found her cp "in the big rucking and chair, the with camphor a pil )ov . behind her head bottle in her hand. She took three long s ,jiffs at the bottle and gave three long brawn sighs as lie entered, but it was labor thrown awa*. Mr. Callup blew* cut his lantern and hung it up behind , 1 „. crl’ar door. and. having deposited the coffee on a shelf in the pantry. Lm removed and inmg up his cent and bat. -at down and took off Ids shoes and «. „M« . t™ «. l>0* Ct uml putting on ins glasses with great deiilH’rat.on. began to mad. L w.n tt circular regarding n new d scov <-v in tin- cure of consumption, 'mid he l,a,] :)0 t yet finished with the first tes (imouial when Airs Gallup sobbed fonr times in swcossioii «ml faintly uskrd: voor'd,'in •‘Samuel Callup, da vou know tlmt wife is pr.'scnt in t!ir room?” lit* mailt* no roj)!y. Thnt testimonial from o:u* who had heett cured after liig coffin had been purchased made him hold his breath as he read. ' Yes: she is present." dolefully con tinurnJ Mrs. Callup after several sniffs v£_4:-a ,/^fei mkty Yr.-. i * im. i' TO J) | Lik,, I I \ ( si&Mw V; vSwipgJtto? -~ss HUDDLED UP IN THE r.IO DOCKING CUAIB at the bottle, “and sjie wants to hev a few last words with you. When you Grated over town, ( was siugin *Bar- 1 ■’*ra AHen’ and thinkiu my days might ie long in this land Not five intuits inter iln> summons come. I had just started to wasit the dishes, and 1 had that cracked bine platter iu my hand, but l hadn't gin it over two wipes when the dishcloth fell to the Moor with a great spat. Yon are heariu what 1 pay. ain't you. Rained?" Mr. Callup wasn't. He was devour¬ ing the second testimonial, which gave the ease of a woman who bad lieen given up by over 50 doctors, and yet two bottles, furnished her with a new lllI, p* ken that dishcloth fell. 1 knew •Iiat uiy time had come. That’s the '•ay Mrs. Grover and Mrs. Tailor "•eut. Their dishcloths fell, and in 24 tom-s they was in heaven. I shall be !rm! you lV m 11 }°'T he free r " r to nipfit stay - 8a,,,ne out all f; vgilt to hear the political news. I'd i cs duKi before you come back home. ’ ■■ wanted to talk with you a leotle a Hint the iur.erah Let's see. If 1 ,,le n,l "‘ f * ^ on ^ t ^ J *‘ funeral day aft • 'i.r , . Ul ,.r r ' V ’.'. )n t yo “' al - o'clock in Mi. Gafiup was listening tp a noise • lit* heard something to ie inead him of a hen trying to crow, and wcm.mHi ir it could he that so long ■ it.i dark. " ,f V( ' u B a day sooner, you ’ <;) hev it.” continued Mrs. Gallup auer sobs and gasps and sniffs at '.he bottle, “but you mils! look out or tho unybors will talk Better Itev it day afu ‘ r tomorrer. and l hoi**, for your s:lk "- h « onR ix- a rainy day. r ve sometimes thought I d like a big fu Lem) whoa I went, with over 40 wag ,,,;s iu tla> puives.sion and tlie churyb *>el! a ioliia a«d t!:e dogs a-bowlin. but ■ "*' Riven that up No. Samuel, you tieedii't make any spread over me. I'm oue of the kind that kin go to heaven 1 ^ffhotu -‘ere is any burrah ami fireworks. pini-.-ssion. If ten wagons i;j the ' sliaM be satisfies! Don’t think you ten ought to u- 'auff for a pei'»ru like awr L was*i*t n direct question, but had u been. Mr c gallup wonhl net bate ut,swer»xl He was devouring the ibird ■ • -cal making up bis miud _ KNOXVn.LE, 0,V., FMAY, ut't. are! the l»« j .'ls needu f toll uor outhin fist* happen If anybody is diggili tators or mnkiti soft soap or (.1 vein cari>ei rags. they needn't stop on U1 y act . ouul if 2"» people come to the bouse, that will be miff We ve got "Seven chairs altogether, cottutiu itiein with broken hacks, and Mrs Wallers will lend you the rest You'll hev our own preacher, of course, hut he ueedu’t go on for an hour ig two and tell how good I was and how mueli you’ll miss me. If he says that my foil is o'er, and titat vein won't never tit id a more savin wife, ihat’il be aliont unfit Shall you do any etyin at the funeral. SamuelV’’ No answer. “t'd do a leetle tut If l was you-jest a leotle. If- you don't, folks u*iil talk *l»oul li same as they did about Jim I lew'llt lie never cried at ail. and to lids day folks say he didn't use Hurt eer right. 1 don't ask you ;o break down and sob ami git up an excite¬ ment. but yon kin gasp n few times and wipe your eyes and blow your nose. I'm sorry you'll hev to take that ride to the graveyard, as you coaid be pinyirt checkers or winthlu. but I don’t see bow you are to git out of it. How¬ ever. you won’t never hev to go iff) | liere a S 1D * When you git ready to ^ ' n ^ ’ r ’ Mr. _ Cndnp didn't akin t hear m ur. In m the u c fourth rou n testimonial a man (.ocuirert that lie had been saved after cue whole lung and three-quarters of the oilier were gene. anr * It was a sketch to thrii! tl?? icadci clear down to his foes. "Ot oourw I don’t about no prraYostun for myst*if. snid Mis. lup ns she tried to wiper.wav liet tears ,he glass stopper ot the bottle, “ b,3t if voa ' lon ’ t ,>; | f om ‘ u ! ’ tlu ‘ u ; 1 ; v - burs will call ( ‘id . a ump you stingy c one. however. If you kin gff one fur RIO and trade a lot of carpet rags ip. 1 M a. It. I nml ... think 1 vnntrtl whole lot of read!n on my gravestun. but I've changed m.v mind. Jest P nf on Hint Susan (btUop expired in the forty-ninth year of her fige of giuerni disability and that she has found rest where asthma, boils, backaches an 1UU “V from ' troublin. You neednt say a wprd about , makin 4n yards of rag carpet and a bat i of soft soap last year while enjoyin sore eyea and a boil on my arm or that I alius kept catnip, smart weed and pepper mint herbs'in the house and was rtmrse to all the nayburs. No. Samuel. you uoedn't—say a word—about them tilings. Make It—n cheap—gravestun. and you needn’t—never go up there— and—and’’—. And when Mr. (JaJlr.p had finished the testimonials and fully determined to buy at least three bottles and hide them in the wood slu'd lit; rose up. yawned and stretched and looked around to find Mrs. Gallup asleep and the camphor wasted on the floor. M. Quad. THERE WASN’T ANY ROW. It Wat Simply n C ane of Spo;i«s«i»e 0051 Com bust tot 1 !. He was a very young man. almost to0 y oa ag to be out on the street at that time of the night. 8:30 p. m.. and j,‘ is general appearance indicated cyclone that he had been picked up by a so , ne \vhore during his meandering*. IJo „- as nof utterly demoralized, but tbere vvas soiru-tlilng la his manner that v . ovUl | oat i t be close observer to 1 ioi) that all had uot been t!)0 cour j ns * ixb “ iu ‘ ; “OeJ" he exclaimed as he , spun 1 ,i ,i corner and went bump into aronn K , a policeman. that worthy, in- . -neilo,” ejaculated “wnat ■ stinctively grabbing at him; s tbp ron -v* -There wasn’t any.” responded the y °^y hai are you running Uko that ; j persisted the policeman. .. Pve hvM i,„.n up against a case o. g p on taneous combustion.” -You look hh> greeu to burn.’ ^ chuc kR . d t[u , lllut=co nt. gir! --jfc! on rm*. ju^t the same, My j Uvps arolin ,j j| it , t -oruer. and l went to I thought il was all’’— I e ...^' does"'ibe combustion couie here ‘ iut ,. Pra|) ie«l the officer. Conii out you moan.” corrected the i - . . " ' j h exclaimed tbe officer. • 0 P[y before 1 ••Toll me wbat tbe row is ‘ VQll •• trying to do.” ^ j .^veil ,’ that’s what I’m girl’s oid man , ‘ , |w £ OV -Tlie and j ^ ’ ,‘ | jon'K hnnminbte a little door bit. he tired ( >n , H . U(0 , a t tin* .-j,p>niy that 1 had vertigo D ' ^ J ‘ . (> F com ; ( ( | 0!i - t simultaneous call j j . what lhe dickens do you J’T) , ! ’ U .‘. apologized the po J v ^ !; t . SC use me.” and get "’ home ‘‘ n . V o U r0a along blue n!r trundle bed!” and the v VOX ' - * ' Worfnl IftKarnnef, Farmer—Nee iiere. you; You retuetn her putting two lightning ruda.on mv barn Inst spring:, don't you? Well, that bam was struck six weeks after and burned down Peddler—Struck by lightniu? **It was. - ’ '/ “In tin* daytime?’’ “No: at night” “Must ’a’ been u dark night, wasn't it?" “Yes: dark as pitch” “Lanterns himdti?” “What lanterns?” “Didn’t you run lanterns up 'em on dark nightsV “Never t ten til of anything like that.” “'Veil, if you don't know enough to keep your lightnin rods sliovvin you needn’t blame me. <J langl” — New York Weekly, Briahi l.tttle Sammy, Pamtny (w ho is never allowed to stay out ot school >-Howdie II uriburt didn t tome to school nil day .Mamma Why not. Sammy? Sammy—’Cause tus mother died, When you die, may I stay home all ^ny r Mamma-Yes. darlmg; you may stay a Rnr.imv (suspiciouslyi-Oh. 1 You mean to die in vacation.—Ilaricul Lift. The Conceited Peep. A certain conceited nobleman once 0 ^ s ^ r . v#;( j ( 0 Charles Townsend, “When j i )a L„ pj H . 0 to say a foolish thing. 1 ftl UM .............. . Ttttrn „. a) length gen ,] t »yed him curiously and at r enmrked in the most deliberate C{1J . .. A | 4> j ( . IiVV _ von ^om- huppiuess. for you must certainly live the merri ^ lJfe of auy man In Kurope.” --- “i niv llivitwl to a real old fllslllo ho*» tor sn W .-v, j alvavs has ligating islaud. This is ) a surfc teai.-Atehistei Globe. , _____--——- feniple |, of fame stands upon the Tl flallM , tha , burns upon its . ai{ars 1 Jj5 i-j n dk-d from .the ashes of ‘ dead men. ---- » nnM^^Tir _Jl_ JAR * ] D»nioKtic*With j TI e l>5tt3c which the , ivaeccdinsa Wer*- Eniivcacd. jj„,. ( ,* s n little dolly dialogue that ^ overheard in a ¥24 a month Cnpl fol bill mansion one evening Inst week: She- Why. oh. w!;.v. did i ever mdrry y (n ,v ! He—Because I was a good thing. i She—You are becoming positively I coarse. j jj, v —Association, 5 j ltv „y ou ,.,a V no attention whatever inv pttle wishes, He—What’s the use of chasing a car after you’ve caught it? fthe—I believe you have been drink¬ ing again. He—No such luck. She—I’m in rags. He-Well, we’ll do a sketch. So’m I. fche_I haven’t been to the theater for two weeks. He—Y’ours is a sad story. Bln'—Brute! Ife—Ours Is a peaceful home. She—Are you going down town to . j can swing yon for car fare, " | ^ave onlv ^ $3 In my piwse. ^ Hettv ( ; r( n t phe _ I ^ !iW IW !r of high heeled pat k . ath( , rs to0oy . rcduml to $8. that inll ^t and shad Iiavo. He—D’je see any men’s brogans j ♦ shaved? | d(M! - t yoU s ,. t jjt^—Y.'aiting for pay day. and j yon know the rent ^ V ill he due this pay day? I I'll cut out the shave. wis }j j had never left mamma, j S ° I < ^ ) II e others othe i-s! _j have a good notion to go right i tfJ her tl)Is minute. He—Have you got an umbrella? sbo _Qh. you —you — g-g-govemment j ! c-c-clerk! (Tears. Curtain.)—Washing ton Post. The ReKlccled Voice, ! The voice Is the most common and at t k r £a n:o time the most complex of hu- j man facu ities. When we listen to It. we realize nothing of the many infin eU0( ^. at v ,-r, r k in Its use. Vet it repre- ; senfs the character, the mood, the tein- J peranient and the health of the individ- : uaI w |, cn p.ft to run in its own way. ! j f , mr0 nirolled. It will tU-vdop much as ; a f p >vver garden will develop; the rank flJ , d vvfH .,; v nature will come to the front, and the tones of exquisite b«*au ty w .j } j is* obscured. Bad daily habits iQ „ Ke 0 f t ho vclce will give It many disagmttbie qnnlitlm If eon- 1 tru u,.,i the voice will keep Us wests In j tbe background and permit only Its j beauties to by; k w». If cultivated. the weeds w>U In* mUvu out and the IN 'Vi AN1) Gtw Personal and Sori. wM jugs l*ut in Hi. Mrs. M. E Stroud visited Central .City this week. | (’ 0 ] £ L Bryan of Fort Valley. I was here Tuesday or businenn. Col E B Trammell of Columbus was here this week on business. A vti-Krkon (lure Sublets, a real Laxative, ! Digestive 25c for Chronic Chills I and MaLiria. No cure, no pay. J-2J j J Mr M C Hatcher came out fretn Maeon Nun lay, . spending , tile , day , : with his family. ' Mr. W \j Wrig’it, of Macon, spent Thanksgiving day here with his lather. Mr Emmett Wallace of Culloden | »P«lt c »»«..»,» , here with • . . • , • ej\ Col W J W f al!^ce« 'J'heOni.v M<ii»k:;nHprino Kkmkuv. j ] )p Kr-skiu’s Cactus compound, , L axat i xe Tonic, rxpells : iiilioiist.ess , ' lloUM " !M ' clears thr the eomnleeiion completion, ' , trtttgkt; . .1 r»«r not, tf. - Fainter, I lie . little , solpof ... Mr. and i Mrs. Iv P Eou **, who lots been quite hKk • j f ^* several cial days (la vd is is l'llofOVinfr improving. Hev. ., J . M Bass filled ... ... Ins , last monthly a [.pot ntmenr fy" till® , at , , Methodist «. .. dime . ( ar, me Saturday and Sunday Miss Nellie Jones, t'ftej spend- 8(>me U|ne wit|l lhe Sumi \ y 0 f i> r . J M' Jones, returned to her |hoine in Macon Saturday Akti .Kkbon Tablets,> real Laxative, Digestive 25c. Guru) foa Chronic Cliills and Malaria. No cuoe, uo yay. Mr. D Iv. Walker, of Thoniaston, who has been visiting his daugh¬ ter. Mrs. K B Lowe, returned home Thursday. Mrs. J M Bass is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B W Sanford, at Everett's Station. theOxly Modebx Spking Rkukdy, Dr Erskin’sJCaetus Compound, a true Laxative Tonic, expel Is .Malaria, BiUiousuess, clears the eumpleetion, increases your weight; il not, no yay. The committee appointed by Hie last , t (; *jriua j j o urv iy to examine the books of the clilTerent ftflicers of tlie countv met and disposed of , i, .1: u au t i )(1 ' x ' boons were found in order properly kept. This committee wos composed GEORGIA,Crawford County: Notice is hereby given that W. A and J R Worsham have applied to the Ordinary of said oouuty for leave to sell the land belonging to the es¬ tate of J R Worsham f<»r the pay¬ ment of debts. Said application will be heard at I lie legulur term of the court of Ordinary for said county to oe held on tire first Monday In Jan¬ uary 1U01. J W. JONES, Ordinary. W. R. SMITH’S COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, KY„ > U Where rr . ar .\\ ynfcZ '< QO }. alter ‘ InveC.lti* Irom $6» to $<>o for been educator! tor position, as Hookltsejjp*. receffefrooi S*%n^raphers. SoorCt^St.S 00 Tekg- salary raphe/s, and *tow Oip!»aa per year Kentuck y! Oniv yrslty awarded hie graduates. EeposItlorA^fidrvlers to thousands McAs^t t*a j World’s n tw# che.s^.t^,-4 c^sfui Co«*t*TV.y\^ca«'en most InfliK-ntial advertisenfthl^pr out fer reference. Read partic- 1 users address only W. R. Smitij. UxingtCn, tty. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. Fill out the folhving Blank, enclose the proper amount, send it to us and get the correspondent and McCall’s Magazine for $ 1 ^. 20 , cr Correspondent and Atlanta Send VY eekly Journal for $1.50, or Correspondent and Atlanta Weekly Constitution for 51.50, cr Correspondent and Christian Herald for S1.S5, for one year. pxJSIKFSa MANAGER, CORRESPONDENT, ROBERTA, GA. DEAR blR: freeze find enilosed morey order for. Suffers , .. hr which send THE <‘ORHEsPON"DKNT. and for am yecr to the folio wing address: _ Name Post Cffice ... State ..... 1*1 11 is cel t :!«| •^■gg lie t ) know not afraid to pvte'ors ot iU-.V for Consumjdi avva.1 have given 1 trial bottles and of knowing it liar hopeless cases. As, atnl all ThroJWM _ Lung diseases are surely on all Druggists and get a trial bottle. Regular size 50e and $71 Every bottle guaranteed. In the District Court of the Lulled States for th“ Western Division ot th( Southern Dist rict of Georgia. j Notice of Application lor l)ik< Imigi m the matter of John F. Hartley, of I Taylor. CmwAotd County, B-orgi* T„ In B Bankruptcy. tnkrubley To tho Creditors of the above unm j ed Bankrupt: Yon are h«r3by uoti i fl e d that tho above named Bankrupt has filed h*,s application lot a <iis charge Irani all of the <l"b s provable ^ aK;II1) , ( tlw Ml{i John K b. iiaito.'. yfartlev The >< aid a, 1 pliea- 1 ri<>n will ho heard bv i Do Honorable Emory y Sped, Judg« , f t!f r) (St riet Court of the United .States for said District and Division at the United States Court House in Macon, (la. on tho lltii day pf December J900 at 10 oM »ok A. M. All creditors of said Bankrupt -ire noli tied to appear at the time and place stated and show cause. if auy they can, why the said prayer in the said application should not I» granted. Novcm Pao-dat Macon, Ga. this her 3-SI li A, D. J000. L M. ERWIN, Deputy ('lei k.