The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, April 26, 1901, Image 1

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THE CORRESPONDENT. VOLUME X. peering Harvesting Machinery / hi! V. o. V i rr.r «w§ „ ' i L\ ill l / f l l 7, ' \ Ml. m do I TO .'i r ¥ l </ Thu. i^.«" 7/ ^ '•Pfmn,',,/ A 7iV; ^ ""'I/, riftS?**, *** ** •m ■=$5**** w* ir S*1e By ^L. MILLER,/^ T. ROBERTA. GA. 1 am still representing the CAPITAL LAUNDRY id will ca!! at customer** homers on each Monday For Their Laundry ‘olUr* Miirt* plain. 10c uffb. 5c pr. Shirts Fancy. V2$c Suets cleaned «nd pressed $1.50c Leaves -Taesday, Retarn-s Friday- E. C. GOODIN, Agent, ROBERTA axu KNOXVILLE. GA. wa! pointers. i Reported bj Our Correspoideat. know not whnt the truth may be. l «Il tt to you us 'twua told to rue" l>Pl*ulug4 af The Week In ill pCVH. Orimm representing | Aetna Life busings Insurance in thin Co., line ha* Finore fcisny ?geat ever worked up Kiwford county. M J. W. Wallace, representing b| l)»Crew and Co. isthe most lc cuful agent in his line that inited Crawforu county, a* • ties will show. ^1 We* Mathews refused four ,,{ fd tifiv liuliars ior one acre !| d in HoU‘ ta. This offer u **de u, Mi Mat-news a few . g°, uv - j -irty who had of »* .t .:;d would have **•1 ic nii,..v»v down os t-oon a? Mr. Mathawsre- •H^-heviug wlerta that Real estate i itfis not repelled ita -T FHC-. C. i. Sjev.r m represen- . k* being l Qr |M ijror j^ui Wednesday took uie position that 1 i» 1 c hfmtvr offence had been * KNOXVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 2<>, 1901 . conunited by parties in the town and during present administration that Mr. Sam Sandefur should go without a fine thereby showing that be thought two rungs made a right. Just before the last cold spall when so many ladies were out on the streets some one remarked that it wa* a sure sign for bad weather now the breakdown of the *pell of weather is broken let the ladies come out in pairs and perhaps we will miss the cold that is expected about the full moon, dont all come at once, but just venture out in pairs a* we have stated. I will be in Bobertr on Monday, A J ri t° ?’ ^ n ' \‘ZT °AH ’ S fl rs c sg W o r k can tb«u have an op- port uuity of having It done leaving the city. K«merober-d*dng begins April at.few days <i. W. k C > »• • ^ * 1 Mr. T. F. Hollman wiil 800,1 move lato his new residence beyoud Hartley heights. ^ Wheu and where doe* Roberta literary ciub meet. South oieorgia is hei ^ twa crops she thinks that Hgn will b« tlw b»*t •action of BOC rsasouiug* the ft0 4 thsir are good. Caue for sugar and ■_ syruy. Cassava for stasch. Mr. Turn Walker, a merry wight, ha* been visiting the land* of our town for more than two weeks. He i* very companionable lt.d« ed and ha* made many friend* since he came. It is not known how long lie will remain. Mr. Crowder of LaGrange wa« here Sunday visiting friend*. Mis* Minaie Wallaceof Atlauta wa* gueaf of Hotel last Friday, night and Saturday. She is with her friend Misa Annie Rellons of lioblev, Ga. Miss Wallace is a beautiful and accomplished young lady and made many friends here. His Lifln Wm Haved- Mr. J. K. Lilly a prominent citizen of Hannibut, Mo., It tely had a won¬ derful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling-f i". he say*: “I wa« taken with Typhoid Fever 1 that ran into Pneumonia. My lung* be¬ came hardened. I wa* *o weak I couldn’t ait up in bed. Nothing help¬ ed ms. i expected to soon die of Constipation, when I heard of Dr King'* Mew Discovery. One bottle gave me relief. I continued to use it and now am wetland strong, I can't *ay too much in It* praise." Tlii.- marvelous medecine is the*ure*tand quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Kegulai sixes M) cent*and $1.00. Trial bottles free ut all drugstores: every botd* guaranteed. The One Day Cold Cure. Co!4 in hni «a<i aorc throat cured by Kei mote. Chocolate* I^aatioe Quiaiac. lorthcw.” A, cm/ U tafea m candj. •‘CfMrvecvjr It i. with regrt that we leurn that Mr. Steve M. Wright* Editor prop i etor of the Knoxville Correspondent will leave Friday for New York where he will take for Ecuadore, where h* a s privaU eacetary to Col. n o. W. Dsnt a» extensive R. R. contracior ei that far away coun- try below the equator of that grand old planuei of oars. We are pained at giving up so go*I a nun as a* Sieve Wright. Steve j* one of natu»*a noble men, fail f the soi-.s that moke a man F ur ” ' n< ^ tr0 **' Jl ^* ve wa* able to perhaps, to abv*< e the iuteret of RobrrU. Re Kpent money, brain and energy for bis This Sptce For m. 5* CHEEK & WMCHT, V . Hatters and - Clothiers, 1 Furnishers V Cherry St., Macon, Oa. ' % *>.. _ When needing any thing in our line, come to see us. i i town and after him in apprecia¬ tion of this patrotic work, will go a woa'th of affection and good will that will make Steves old hart warm up with a Jove for • home and hi* clidhood friends ' who the home for parting coin js, ) many hearts will throb in unison j in a sweet and affectionate **fare- ( well'’ to the boy xveorn we all de- I I light th honor and love. He is a Master Meson. ’file indomitable Frank hnrdc- man and family came out from the city of Murom Wednesday an dare guest of Hotel Mathew*. Messers Wallace and Mathew* are of the opinion that Mr. C. H. ciimm it? a czar. H»* fines being rather high for the 0 ( 1 “' v. mmU- ted, are not only unjust and cruel but the mode adopted by this caar, as they call him. to collect these fine* is very harsh. Mr. Criium holds thut the*c two gen¬ tlemen must be more observant in the future and not violate the laws of the land. The penalty in pond was a warning in the fu- turs he will give the gentlemen the full of the law, und incarce¬ rate them without the privelidge of payine a tine "^uiriou , ivouK^Iiir!iiig«^jrT , r!*i. Thonip«on 4 a larg« importer of tine millinery ut 1U58Milwaukee Ave.Chi- eago. say*;!' Duliug the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold wh¬ ich kept me awake at night *ud made me unfit to atteud my work during the day Oueof my milliner* ww ta¬ king Dimmbi airin’* Cough Itemi-dy for h severe cold at that «sime, which seem to relieve hersoquiektv that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once I am now’ enFrely well and feel wed and feel very pleased tojaektiowlerl^e its merits.’' For sale by all dro^; ists. Mr. W. R. Blasingome ami wife was in town Wednesday sh oppinc The Bank building i6 wearing completion. The officsals are ~n xiously awaiting its as then they will have more for the transaction of business. C " urt "‘ i> l>ne ca ^ * / *'* • U ! doHartine it . beiug . , '>«*« a n.i case of noise and cluser. Mr. Jake Taylof of B -yno* in town for » f#W da v s re.iu-j J * ,,n ** Dr. Walltgr fiskiing in t. prepared tCreaarate broken <!• *,r worn molars. ^ ^ ^ (j ariie9 #re to his ^dninw eouaters and O. to . lllBlnat h Spring atnek of tatliln good ;n Roberta feat never bee:* Miss Lucile Locus who h*r i>een going to school at the S !n pesnale College at LnG: " NUMBER 20 . (la., is vr^irimr her sister Mrs. M. H. Carnes of tin* place. The cold wave passed off with¬ out destroying fruit or vegetables although they are damaged sorm. Mr. James E. Wright was in towti ^ Wednesday with a few stalk* of wheat headed hut. Mr. Wright gays lie hae several acre* a* tine a* the /ample he brought with him which wap very fine in¬ deed. lit speaking ef fences, I ju^p want to tell of uiis not many aiife% i way ipaC- i i In passing aloe** • ,-t»U ftlg i u * cn the liUsiac near would the tqwa walk ^ afongXfcte? new^home. ata^r It one way of tlie drainage of thiM|ij|£&L below this home, ho would curled, and wroped pieeeaof tim¬ ber, winch in its first stage of saw- ed life, resembled “p.iflings,” but now resembled old rough, worped hoop*. These specimen p’dkel* I was told, whs once oi? the fence of Mr. II. N. Wright, put there about two months ago. and were of “Swamp Guta.” They become tired of their “hansom” along the street leading to Roberta, ami began a struggle for their freedom frorn,thirc*pior*ltfc* *^r«iing"f to which they were flrmelv fasen- ed with steel spike*. This strug¬ gle has been in progress now for some 7 or S weeks, until) recently when some of ; them were “fretid” tn their efforts,, they would twist vorp, curl, erook, bend, crack, cat-lace, bow.,.and cut many oth- r capers from one side totheuth- •r. untiJI some of them id i tally secure their freedom from • t» mg «s *♦ gurads,” th.*y \ r mi in haWt of curling cook' : twm inland Jumping, u.itill rt. (1 r opu.i»g to the ground, roll ' *e <b»pe of a h< »j , a id jM*r” ( »ff to the button of • *reak eenk” speed the ;e« u< ^ of t!« pieces of timber *V f •f t of tl > t Jiouse. Hat*. Si r; w »*r leghorn *•: * ay <i at home, and made to t now. Fill a pail h I Si s I-— a tablet. • of 'list WaS .l"g PoW til r i t | • or >4 i Di I i*i a A % il r ; tt * r 0 V *w