The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, July 05, 1901, Image 1

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: f J 1 1 NT © VOLUME X. ctSl iife-Sr a MONTHLY!' *» Mofiihly, at 25c a Year, in the a World 000000a SirtteQ Pages. Four Columns to tbs Every page a Magazine in iteelf; each department edited by “one who knows bow; ” every number a mine of informe* tion and entertainment. Sample Cc?y lor ih* Asking. Address GOOD TIME3, Celumbus, O. I = I am sti 5 ! representing V-- m w S 7 1 tag & i LAUNDRY * • ana will call at customers’ homers on each Monday For Their Laundry Collars . 024 c Shirts plain. 10c Culls. 5 c pr. Shirts Fancy. 124 c S;h1s cleaned and pressed $1.00 (T r. F 7 Oil 1 h. C. GOODIN, Agent, ROBERTA and KNOXVILLE. GA. 1 PARAGRAPHS. JWttKH Til OSH WHO COMM AM) GO, AltK Mi:\TIONKl). anil Society News—Hitppen- l»i;s l‘u» in Brief Notes. Otawford county Institute <™»'t Iioubc in Knoxville June i m. •WnscalleatooCev by f’nir manner J. F. Hartley at 10 A.M. by Dr. f>. W. Rodgers. was elected Secetary acilamatiim. k. 6 . Dix outlined the dutv Gachevs fof the week in a If r .v SPi sihle manner. “Tnsttute ajourned from 12 to meeting called S - " r Mere lectured „„ Or- - tno b'aphy. foJoved with ad- ritte, ' pellins ovcr motion was madethit th<? days of tin I nstitute h» from 8 to : «-h rried tv mi tninousvote. H^jorneJ to 8 A. M. > ays seruon. Institvte call- to order by duurmen at 8 u* A. S. Dix lerture A. S. Dix °a methodc. IiM nii, de aid carried that ei M 08 iuterfuiod with hide \ 1 Annie Vt JJons, [, lrv j J ZZe j ^’ and e rr * s 'on J \y. ;tte e oj musie. 6 a 9 * ,0 *°ted as a u>m- ^ wai discussed by geileiulj., KNOXVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 5 1901. CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING GETAK.TM ENTS: One Short Story. Biographical Titf Bite. Popular Science. Amateur Photography. All the Comforts of Home. The Family Lawyer. Department of Heelth. The Editor's Half Holiday. The Qels Club (price question department.) The Old Cur* iosityShop. Sports,Qamce and Pastime*, Home Stndy. The Coming Generation. The First Thonaend, and What to Do With It, (practical success department.) The Story of the World. When the Day’s Work Is Done. ta w W. wr Bodpevs iy -v delmnd -j t 1 . lecture on “Orthse y’ . '• School teaching” was discussed by all the teachers. Institutb a ljourned at 12 :00. Wednesday session Institute call¬ ed t'> order at <S A. M. Prayer b- Dr. S. W. Rodgers Prof. Dix lec¬ tured on Arithmetic, Dr. Rod"* ers lectured on Geography, In- stitute adjourned at 12:00. ... ord , , d,0,r , . T I "* t,U . ' t ' *® * r ,V man. Prayer by Prof. Dix an< Dr. I™'""'H^orv rodgers lectured on Peumun- sbip. Frol. Dix lectured on memory training ane Buieding. lustituie adjouonen at 12:00 Friday sc*s7ion Institute called to order by chairman at 8 :00. Prayer by Dr. Rodgers lecture by Prof. Dix on rdadiug method of readi "-' b J' '«•* tareJ °" “ l, “ l u, “" a S cme " t ‘ e °- ture also l by Prof. Dix on school management, memoral the The following to legislature wa6 unanimously ad¬ opted by the Institute- see resoulutiou marked “A” “A” Wneras—The Superior Ceurt has sustained Treasurer Park thereby putting an end to a kiling and revealing thj true con¬ dition of finances and Whereas —It is manifest injustice t0 Georgia Teachers that they should wait for their wages or pay for work done in March 1901 till 1902 and wherea* It is mousleous that every other person who has a claim on the public corn crib (Treasurer) shall be paid prom- pfly and the t-acher* be fotvJ't wait. I Resolved—That we the teaeher> ul C’lHwfimi county in lmtiitiie assemble, cal! upon the Georgia j Lcgislat.t - to remedy • hi»» comlit- 1 ion of affairs either by proved r cr ' funds lor months payments or y warrants that will be honored by tile lace values at any 1 aik. Resolve—That a copy of . hese resoluti .us be s *nt to one ■'cnato-and Representative and to the Macon TELGKAPH. The following resolution was uli¬ mensly adopted bv ihe Institute see Resolution marked “B” ' i i tf” We teachers having ;ts been assembled . teachers III— in a stitute in order to express OUT ap- preeiatlon and thanks adopt these reM /utt ( >m». be it resolved that we extend to our conductors Prof Dix amt Dr. Rodgers our since.e appreciation foa their honest ear- I nest efTorts in our behalf beletv- iug that theif laborsare invatn we with a tender rememberance of them we believe every thing done and said by them was lor the up¬ lifting of tlie education of the : Southern chidren. Be it further resolved that we .is teachers of this Institute ex¬ press to our county School (’oir.- mispinner llou.J. F. Hartley bv our heart felt gratitude to him for liis kindness and courtesy to us while with him in this Institute. Ami also he it resolved that to the citizens who luve royally . great us so we give our expressions of our gratiitude words are ei.t rely insurfleient to to ex press our feeling. Be it resolved that these r'so- iuttons be enrolled upon the min¬ utes of tlie Institute and that they be in the Knoxville COB RESPONDENT. Jjil ji (Jo wart ) *v Mlls M L .u„ r j».,„ Commit- . :u Mattie Miller j tee. Mr. A. G. Smith Jr. Bilhou».»,l.acommion terized by a disturbance of the diges¬ tive organa. The stomach is debllia- ie«l, the liver torpid, theboue's cons- tibated. There is a 1 * atliiug of food pains in the bowels, dizzlncss.coated tongue urn vometing, first of tlie un¬ digested or partiy digested food ami tlieuot bile, i 'hauiberhiln’s Stetuach and Li ver Tablets aliav the disturb- inees of the stomach and create a healthy Z nvlrV* appetite. They also tone up healthy act.....and re - ulate «he bowels. T.y li.em ami yon are certain to bv much pleased with lie resu t. For sale by all Dealers. NOTICE. I would like to have several crates of nice Peaches & Plums for a close by market. | Will give cood price spot cash for fancy fruit. Want nice fruit and am willing to pay more than average price for select stock. Respectfully Ellison C, Goodin. ROBERTA POINTERS. As Reported by Oar Correspondeat. “X know not wlmt the truth may he. I tell it to you as ’twai< told to me” Happenings ofTh<; Week in :il Mr. F. S. Hardeman and interes¬ ting family of Macon are at the Mathews Hotel for the summer. Frank will be among old and val¬ ued friends and when the heated dimmer is over and he returns to lis work in the city he will be filled with renewed energy and his bright .ittie children for the school room. This Space For CHEEK & WRIGHT, »i\ A' Clothiers, Hatters and - ?.v / Furnishers ft » i Cherry St., Macon, Ga. | When needing any thing in icur line, come to see u«. The social clue meets Friday evening next at the residence of Hon, W.J, Walkers on McCrary avenue An interesting bil‘ofare is prepared. GUARANTEED under a $5,000 DEPOSIT Sjiidi 200 R- Scholarship, Write R. FREE FARE quick PAID to offered. GA.* usiness college, < ol. E. D. Brown, Mi** Annie Blcwster. of Fort Valley. Miss Lena Causey, Miss* Letter Grant Miss Fannie Grant Mr Wyle Grant Miss Mattie Burnet Mr. and Mis wateriaiize^nto G L Bi>a t ( that they will real dies such as the worthy receive aa R'pay lor their labors. The Blue Cross Subscriber. Did the blue cross miss you last week. If you did not perdaps it was our fault. We hope it was lay V ' ,ur the ra "|' blame ”" J «' »'»h we subscrib¬ could on every er ol the Correspondent. Prof. a. S. Dix moved away to Perry Wedi.e«day. If we lived in Perry we would rejeice. We do»t we have lost much in the departure of this good man ; tlie school room has lost mole The ministry and r, ' urch llaM a ‘ Jdt,d »nc«»eulebly to her of moral and ^Eiouo !,ta " s for the work r, R bt ^ Rev, « He A. like S. Dix the great man , rarher be right than to carry out somi scheme of his own. What more can wh Say? We wish for him that lie may be a giant iu will doing and that a crown of “weli done tbot good and faithful servant” may be the welcomed apploudit after every days work. VVAGONSI If in need of a Wagon, either a one or two-horse, call on H. N. WRIGHT, as he has a lot on hand. A startling incident, of which Mr John olivere of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as lollows “f was in a most deadful condition. My skin was uln-osi v«» 0 w eyes sun- eti, tongue coated. pain continual¬ ly in twek and sides, u » appetite - .rr.idiiiill/ growing weaker da/ !>/ da/ Tiitee pli/scisarih had given uie up. Foiiunal/ a friend advised tr/ing b/cctric Bitters and to in/ great )<>/ .ud surprise, the first bolt/, tua.le a ieeided improvement. I continued their Use for tt.ree weeks, acd r.ow I mi a w // man. I know the/ saved kiy !il’e, and robbed tlie grave of an- ■ •tiler victeiu. No «i»o shou/d fai/ \ t , try them. On// do cts., guaraniaeu jlII Di :»od Drug »tores.a 2 NUMBER 33 We furnish the Parisian Dream City a $5.00 book of views from Paris Exposition for $1.50 to those who pay up their subsc.iption ft r one year. Wait a jninute! Elhso Goodin is still with the Capita; City Laundry leaves evry Tuesday returns Friday. Laundry lie has been with this I for ninny years, and will be with | them he says for many more, the Laundry and Ellison gimtunlee satisfaction. When ever you want a dray, or nice team call uy Rhone 23 , when em you have Laundry call up the 8al,,a X<». and Ellison Goodin wiI1 come ,0 T wur home or * t(,re Laundry and return same eve Ellison snys the Laundry will Dye for you. Mr. L. Miller went to Macon Tuesday. Come around to my store every Saturday for fresh beef and you can be suited in price and quality. LEWIS. J. N. Mr. E. D. Stover of Pitlsburg Penn, is here for the fruit season as ‘‘peach buyer”, So we have a a peach indus¬ market at home. The try has come to stay. The peach like cotton, is a commodity of com¬ merce. WANTED—An agent you county for our novelty showcard? sign?. Agnnts are making $4 to $7 a day. But ono agent appoin- te( j j,, a CO uuty send loeents for sample terms and catalogue. THE ECHO NOVELTY CO. NEW YORK. Miss lessie Holmes a charming lady who has been a gue<r ol young Hotdl fur some time left the Mathews Monday. for her home inMaoou The Atlanta Constitution offers every ooy or girl in Georgia who will secure ioo subscribers to the Daily and Sunday C onstitution a ve: rs free tuation at anv educat,on * al - Institute in Georgia and $ioo towards the students expenses for thr the year. A chance for some- t b Miss Florence Hone left Wcdn«-«- for .iuuacita A 1 j. to visit her brub tr H. A. Bond. We saw a tetter frem Compt Gen. " r *?ht to H. D. Mc< t.ny l.»-t " t ^‘i-fnetory na me- hat iIr -'DiCrary had transacted the hiss.* * «o« ’» f T,lX collector cjosed tn their *<>rd* Idessive once attain to expre-s i my thanks for yourelever woi k as T. G. a ad to thank you foi accurate and prompt reports and remittances tj * the ei-Aie. r.