The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, September 20, 1901, Image 1

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V i A :v H D ,T r .i i . w ,V a V a-- » -M.— ^ Ai SVt O OLUME X. * vJX M-J >5 ■ rv - i \ Only High Class itbly. ^ 25 c eAT. in the 0 f l 4 6000000 v ?omJ. Foar Colorant to the Vase. L m t 1 Magsrine lo itself; e*ch best edited by “one who knows r c'try number a mine of Informs- d entertainment. Iceoj lot the Aakln?. Address GOOD TIMERS, Cclumbue, O. arn still representing •.V T raa s. S: LAUNDRY Rill cal! at customers’ homers on each Monday For Their Laundry w .02^c Shirts cx lain. O 5c pr. Shirts u* alley. V Susfs cleaned and pre*oo'-l $l.oo :aves 'Tuesday, Returns Friday. b. C. GOODIN, Agent, ROBERTA and KNOXVILLE. GA. PARAGRAPHS. :H those who come ARE MEN TION HI). ind Sooty Sews-Happ«n* in llricf Niitcx. notice. r'lr Fji-rta, Cotton to J. N. C,a. J. S. McGee ft Correct weights and rices guaranteed. Four AT* this season at Ro- "isage ami Fresh Fish i|rf l«y. Yuur patronage Kespeetluily. \, I pir If? REE PATTERN ONEV LLS^ TO K.'“,. A - IS’ MACAZINE. Lv . nesiao. eta! S«V I™** Paper Patterns ALL B RMS j| Ik' 5 S' kiahet f-^vCALL L. U t< list H. CO.. ww row. f® 3 «» Com throat Cure. K i f s u*c er ga 4tnv, 1H.$ * KNOXVILLE, QA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 ' contains the FOLLOWING one short story, aiojrapbicai Tid Bits. ! Popular Science. Amateur Photography. ] 1 All the Comforts of Home. The Pamlly Lawyer. Department of Health. The < > loaityShop. (prise question department.) The Old Cor- \ \ sports, Gamer and Pastimco. The With First Thousand, and What to Do I it, (practical aucceoe department) c > The Story of the World. When the Day'e ' Work u Done. X ROBERTA POINTERS, As Reported hj OorC.MTcspoodest. "1 know not what the truth may Vx*. 1 toll it to you 'tv- ’twas tt>Ul to me’’ HappsBlnga of The Week in al Miss Emmie Harris of x i< guest of Hon, W. J. \V; The heavy rain this week i? having a distressing effect on far ming operation. J. G Bond and C. F, Watson were in Macon Tuesday. J L. Dent spent Saturday and Sunday in Macon, lie aitended a meeting o! tne Knights of Pvthas there. The citv farthers ha? had mow¬ ing machines at work on *ne streets. The malaria breeding weeds have been mown. WANTED—Several persons of char- .iOter and goodrcDtitatlon in each state (one in this county required) to represent and adverthe oldestablish- ment wealthy business house of sol¬ id financial standing. Salary $1S.00 weekly with expenses additional, a l payable in casii Wednesday di red from head olFices. Horse and car. riage furnished when neoessarv. Ke- .erences. Enclose «elf-add r cssed stamped envelope. Manager, 31b Caxton Building Chicago. Mr !i. C l.e.'ueur hns put i' an up-to-date Soda Fount in Dr. K J. LcSeiier> Drug store. Mi-8 Monet a Stewnrt is in Thumastcn this wvek with ive«. Mr. R. h. Mathew? went to At- Junta Thur-ii.»v to rr # loutish S O.k of LOuds. DENT & SAN 0 EFUR. Keep Beef & Sausage In a Refrgerator every day in the week. We want patronage. Mr. L. Miller was in Macon Saturday and Sunday. Prof. J, D. Smith of Yatpsville ^ i? hed hisold friedd M. H. Carnes Saturday. The Atlanta Constitution offers every boy OT girl in Georgia who will secure 100 subscribers to the Dail y and Sunday Constitution a years free tuation at anv education- , T Institute . Georgia and , $100 a * m towards the students expenses for the year. 2 A chance for some earnest boy. )f/c furnish the Parisian Dream City a $5.00 book of views from Paris Exposition for $1.50 to who pay up.their subsc.iption one year M-^fer Nathan HoJlnian is suf- f H om a fracture of the small bone in his right forearm. Mr. J. S. Bl.-. sin game has pur¬ chased the residence or C. Watson and will be«r* n his ow" paticy of if in November. Mr. unarlie V/. ycGce of Macon is with the Star Clothing Company September the first. We must congratulate the Star Clothing Company fur securing fne service? of «o good a m*n a« our ole friend Charlie, He is an old Crawford county boy and wii! be glad lor his old tiiends ta call on and fee him while ill Macon any time, a u d if ytushouU need clothing, he being with a good house/ will fit you up in prices that cannot ( be duplicate], nor material excelled. H. K. Saylor has purchaed the Telephone franchiw anil property and will soon move to loberta. With hi» vim and enterprise 'vo expect to f=ee Crawford county gridironed with tUephoni wires. Miss Hallie Johnson of Pine Level Ga. is now a stmjeG ut M. B. Walker Institute. Tlieir Secret i 30 ut. All Sadieville, Kv.. was curious to learn the cause of the vast iinpraye- me nt in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whitaker who ffad fora long time endured untold suffering from a chrouic bonchial tsoulJe. •Its all due to Dr. Kings Xew discovery, writes her husband “li completely cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of 1 severe attack of whooping cough.” It positively cur¬ es Coughs, Colds,LaGrtppe, Bon- chitis. all Throat aid Lung tioub- les. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $I.QO. Trialfxitties free at R. J. LeSueurs drug stose. Miss Lizzie Taylor loft Satur and Miss Bculali Ctiainpmn . day Tueftrl v for Lagrange Ga., when they go a- students to enter La- Gratae Female retnaj* colle-e. cuie^e Mi*>s Lora Burnett i* visiting the family ol .). S. Stephens this Week Q n j te a number of our people ;it- tendcil the Association at Saruis Sunday. CUAlAHfEED ^ ----- —~ CM PBS A -- 1 $ 6.000 DEPOSIT R. R. FAR£ M10 200 FR.EK Scholarships ofttrsc. Write ^nick »e .n s. ■ Off«*«• OOll.«C This Space For , 1 W N@N,yGbs* |C 4 CHEEK & WRIGHT, V 11 Clothiers, Hatters and I H In & Furnishers, m Cherry St., Macon, Ga. I l[Jkf(W£ When needing any thing iji our line, come to see us. K NOW OFENU! THE IRON WAREHOUSE. AT ROBERTA, GA. H WAREHOUSEMAN WILL WEIGH, STORE ANd inourc VOUR COTTON REASONABLE RATES. HE ASKS FOR A UBb,,,. SHARE ()F THE FAR PATRONAGE. FOR RENT. B. J. Champion Farm. Of 810 acres, in the 7th Dis¬ trict. Now rented to Wil- liam Parker. E. P. McKinney Farm. Of 848 acres, in the 7th Dis¬ trict. Now rented to Jer= py Harris and E. S.Cham- 0 T. Sanders Farm. O - . 405 acres, in the 7th Dis- trict. Now rented to W. L. Lowe. J. Bowman Fa.m. Of ioi-* 4 acre3, in the 7th District. Now rented to John Hortman. j. G. Braswell !-arrn. Or 269*^ acres, in i-BC 8tU Now rented to j aaTes 'W, Horn, Apply to- J. T. Hoileman, 8 West Alabama St Atlanta, Ga. W\NTED-SEVERALPERSONS CHARACTER. OF and good reputation in each state (oIltf itl t}l j^ county raqiiired) to rep- et Q jd »stab!ishen wealthy busm- re „ Sal of 8»»lidfi«*»ociAl stuuding. we « l -V with expenses ed- -‘O payable In cash ait tonal,ull ht»ad offi c« \v e ,j ue sday direct from Horse and carriage furnished, when liefer*' nces. HP Enclose self n add lessen stamped envelope. Manager, 3 l«Cuxtoti Buiiiiiug, etiicago. NUMB ;R 50 WONMSKS WOEKEDIXOSii - viKH. t*n cents we will mium »li fr««kk»s from,your face ond hands. FxpUiin your case stating whether blonde wo brunette, am « of female. TJiWii* the meet won-- derfui scientific preperation of of the.age. Dixii; MEincixsoi. Tenn, Hr-.iwnnvlUe, -------- .. .3T^~ Billiousness is* i oondition rharac. tcrized by a disturiwuioe of the ilig?**- tive organs. The stomach is debllio* ted, the liv^r torpid, thebowe's cmi#. tibated. fViicru is h 1 < Hilling of loud pains in the bowels, ili/.y.iHCB.,contr t tongue :tn>' vometing, wf tbe mi* digested or i»artiy dig.*^»*l food and tiled of bile, i 'hartberlain’ij Stemauti and Liver Tublota allav Ihe disturb¬ ances of the stomach any ereaU' u healthy appetite. They also lone up kUo liver to a honlthy net ion and re .- ulate the bowels. Try them and y^y aro certain !o be much jde ised with ue rvsu.t. Km sale !i> ab Dealers. One thousand matches at Mil¬ lers for ocenff Astound © fl T?ie Editor. KditorS. A. Brown of Beimetts* ville, S. C. was once immensely sur prised, “Through long suffering from DyspepsG” he w rites my wife was greatly riri down. .She had ho strength or vigor and fullered gaeat distress from her stomach, but she tried Eh trie Fkter which helped her at once end flej using tour bottles she is entirely well cap eat anything. It’s a grand tonic anu its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver.” for Indi¬ gestion. Doss of appetite. Sto mach and Liver JrouhIts it’s a positive, guaranteed cure. Only v>c at R, j, LeSueurs, Wbat A Tale it T?l)s. If that mirror of yours shows a wrenched sallow completion ;• jaun diced look moth paUdiCs and blot? elicsonthe skin it sliver trouble; but Dr. King 's New Lift- Fills it&* ulate the liyc-r purify ihv blood, give clear shin ro c y cheeks, itch e 010 p legion. (Jnlv 25 c 3 1 R. J. LcJSueur A Sou. l>r’ig 5 tope.