The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, September 27, 1901, Image 1

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THE CORRESPONDED VOLUME X. r\ Mf The Only High Clues Monthly, " ht 25 c SL A ‘ a v year, - j -- Si*"^fages.FoarCoimmmitotU J Pox*. Every page akfagaaloe to itself i each levartment edited by "on# srfao knows how,” every cumber a mine of infer me Coot lor t*e ahm*. A44tt» GOOD TIMES, Columbus, O. « y'v I am still represciithig the > CAPITAL LAUNDRY and will call at customers* homers on each Monday For Their Laundry Collar* . 02 $c Shirts plain. o Cuffe. 6c pr. Shirts Faucy. Susts cleaned and pressed $ 1.00 taes Tuesday, Returns Friday. fc. C. GOODIN, Agent, ROBERTA and KNOXVILLE. GA. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. h (WHICH THOSE WHO COME AX1) CO. ARE MENTIONED. ional ami Sodetjr News—H»ppW>- Put in Brief Notes. I Ficklmg is vititing per sister F. H. Wright. I Mr. G. 0 . Harris and wife »pent Sunday in Cerese. I Mrs. F. M. Appelby who has leen visiting her farthers family Lgone on a visit to Athens and per points. L. C.Goodin has about com- |.et«d fable. a large handsome will Livery have Ellison says he P f,, e horses and vehicklee now N Ur the trade. M on Ellison when you-want a |i'e L new team. GUARANTEED I UNDER A $5.000 DEPOSIT R. R. FARE PAID m$r J ■ 200 FREE Scholarship, offer'd. ^•*U. _ ____ Write quick to BUSINESSCOLLZOE, Uacon.Ca. !Mrs. Cloude Youlroag and lit — ^^irl is visiting her uncle Mr. K'k Hancock. iMrg, {j. a. Harris and her Mghter Mi6s E.ouUespent Sun- Fl in Cerese. B atman *. OwS*™. vc» Tv?- wa* wbth9 Vntvwalty * mioim. Dinioma. enoiwH. nnter w»l, «• Coarm tn«. n-cwM> U 4 warnaw. Gradoatec i~YlL. R L 8 , M,T H. Loxlnjrton, Ky. KNOXVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 QCI. *! ; eowr ' 4 , i , iA H 4£Kif" rwc » ! o«« ahon stw,. Bi^i.phi^ rid bu. Popular Science. Aawtear Pbotography. » au «h» comfort, of Home. Tbe Family J’ Editor's Half Holiday. TLs Qoia Club < » (prt*.qne.Uondepertment) TheOidCnr- ^ io»ity8hop. 8portt,Oemea and Pastimes, o Home Study. The Coming Generation. ' J 1 ; •*“» what to Do With It, (practical eaccees department.) < i The Story of the World. When the Day's * Work Is Dona. ! Misses Leila and Pear! Wright returned home Sunday from u visit to their brotheif iu Savannah and Macon. £ / Mr. W. L. Waight and wjfe a visit to Knoxville Sun- day. MiseozClara and Clyde Wright is visiting in Zenith this week. ROBERTA POINTERS. As Reported by Onr Correspondent. “I know not what thu truth may tx>. I tell It to you ut ‘twM told to me" Happenings of The Week In al The monument erected by the Woodmen of the World to the memory of W. B. Brown is in place and will be inveiled by the Woodmen next Sundav. Among the visitors of eur town last Sunday was Messers J. H. and U. E. Watson of Thomaston. Mr. B. A. Hartley of Economy was in town Monday with cotton -ay3 he got a belter price for cot¬ ton than he could in his other home markets come again uncle Ben. Miss Rosa McGee visited frienas here Thursday. NOTICE. Garry your Cotton to J. N. Lewis, Roberta, Ga. J. 8. McGee Scales man Correct weight* and highest price* guaranteed, Four cotton buyers this season at Ro¬ berta. Beef, Sausage and Freeh Fish every Saturday. Your patronage solicited. Respectfully. J. N\ Lewie, "The Me Kiniey Monument committee of the Journal, the News and the Constitution” have requested the editor of the tesppndeNt to receive for ihem to be devoted to the erection in Atlanta on the site where the President McKinley 6 ave expression to the thought '' f congre r '' iV -T * ° s , ou .f J*. ‘ '° ' >D , ca e / erates e for ^ , ea(1 it doesof ( the hedral dead. McKinleywasaloveranddefen- der °I fc he right. It IS OUr wish that Georgia shall erect a shaft his .. in keeping With 10 memory that broadness of mind and hart »hat inspired that expression to the memory of the confenerate dead. Georgia pride and cnival- ry will not be found wadtmg when weighed in the balances. Me Kiniey of the North and Henry Grady of the South stand among Mie shades of the departed today witching the progress of that fia- t-rn wave ot patriotism that they set in motion one from the South and one from the north. MARBLE TEAM. A game of marbles between the Thomaston Team and Yatesville Team with an umpire was what the Editor witnessed at Yatesville last Saturday. The Yatesville Team carried off laurels. When the Thomaston Team arrived at the depo* in Thomaston they re¬ fused to take a hack for they said they had already been hacked. The Atlanta Constitution offers every boy or girl in Georgia who secure i oo subscribers to the Daily and Sunday Constitution a years free tuation at any education¬ al Institute in Georgia and $100 towards the students expenses for the year, A chance for earnest boy. Mrs, Rufus Kina:, Sandy Point, Ga. visitep the family of Mr. E. E. Dent, Thursday. Miss Emmie .Karris returned to Butler last Sunday. Mr. Hoy Dent* is unusu ally” cheerful this week. We furnish the Parisiau Dream City a $5.00 book of views from Paris Exposition for $1.50 to those who pay up their subscription for one year Mr. liolton II. Mathews of Macon, Ga. was a welcome gutst nt the “House of Seven Gables’" last Sunda.v. Mr. J.W. Mathews the land lord of the “House of Seven Gables” wa* in Macon Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Christian was guest of Mr*. Frank DanieJl) Thursday. Their Secret igOut. All Sadieville, Kv.. was curious to learn the cause of the vast improve¬ ment in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whitaker who qad for a long time endured untold suffesing from a chrouic bouchial tsouble. "Its all due to Dr. Kings New discovery, writes her husband ‘Ti completely cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of a severe attack of whooping cough.” It postively cur¬ es Coughs, Colds, LaGrtppe. Kcn- chitis. all Throat and Lung tJoub- les. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at R. J. LeSueurs drug stose. This Space For CHEEK & WRIGHT, ■» Y i Clothiers, Hatters and / Furnishers, Cherry St., Macon, Ga. V. \ needing thing in When any our line, come to see us. n -T : NOW OPEN’-n THE IRON WAREHOUSE. AT ROBERTA, GA. GARDNER L. DENT . WAREHOUSEMAN W |i L WEIGH, STORE AND INSURE YOUR COTTON AT REASONABLE RATES. HE ASKS FOR A LIBERAL SHARE OF THE FAR¬ MERS PATRONAGE. FOR RENT. B J. Champion Farm. Of 810 acres, in the 7th Dis¬ trict. Now rented to Wil¬ liam Parker. p. McKinney Farm. Of 848 acres, in the 7th Dis¬ trict. Now ranted to Jer¬ ry Harris and E. S. Cham¬ pion. O. T. Sanders Farm. Of 405 acres, in the 7th Dis¬ trict. Now rented to W. L. Lowe, J. J. Bowman Farm. Of 101-14 acres, in the 7th District. Now rented to John Hortman. , J. G. Braswell Farm. Of 269 - 1/2 peres, in the 8th District. Now rented to James W, Horn. Apply to- J. T. Hoileman, 8 West Alabama St M Atlanta, Ga. WAKTRD- SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHARACTER, and g >od reputation in each state (oiip in this cyur,ty required) to rep¬ reset old established wealthy busin¬ ess of solidfinsncial standing. Sal- nr) flB.00 weekly with expense* ad- do ioual,all parable iu cosh each Wednesday direct frem head offices Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self addresseu stamped envelope. Manager, UldCaxtou Building, Chicago. The Or»« Day Colo Cure. For cold In the bead and sore throat «ue Ker. aolts Chocolates La a alive yuiaiae, the "Os, Day Cold Core.” NUMBER si WON'OK KN WORKED IN ONE WEEK For ten cent* we will remove all freckles from your face and hands. Fxpluin your esse staling whether blonde ao brunette, mu *■ of female. This is the most w- 1 derful scientific preperutiou of of the age. I>1XIE MLUICIXK C«. llnm iiNVlilp, Tv . BiUioiisneHs is a condition charac¬ terized by u disturbance of tile digf**- tive organs. The stomach i*< debll '.i ted, the liver torpid, the boweb < <ms- tibated. There is a b athing of food pains in the bowels, dizziness,coaled tongue ane vometiug, first of the un¬ digested or partly digested food uu-1 then of bile, t 'haniberlainV Stein.ol, and Liver Tablets allav the ‘disturb¬ ances of the stomach aud create a healthy appetite. The,) ;;Uo lone no the liver tnu healthy action and r- - ulate the bowels. Trj them and yo:, are certain to be much pleased with he resit.t. For sale by all Dealer.-. One thousand matches at Mil¬ lers for Seems Astounded The Editor. Editor S. A. Brown of Bennett, ville, S. C. was once immensely sur prised, "Through long suffering from Dyspepsia” he writes my wife was greatly run down. She had ho strength or vigor and foffered gaeat distress from her stomach, but she tried Eietrie Bitter which helped her at ouce and after using four bottles she is entirely well c »i« eat anything. It’s a grand tonic and its gentle laxative qualities ate spiffed id for torpid liver.” for Iudi gestion. Do$s of appetite. Stomach and Liver ^roubles it’s a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at R. J. LeSueurs, Wliat A Tale it Tells. If that mirror of yours show*; a wretched sallow complexion a jaun diced look moth patches nnd blot- the . It . , «• liver trOULiO . . CuCB OR SKltl S ___ { but Dr. King’e New Life Pills leg- uiafce the liyer purify the blood, give clear skin rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Duly 26 c at R. LeSueur <fc Son. t