The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, December 06, 1901, Image 1

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\ » ti r CORRESPONDENT. i I X. ST' L • *. B - a *i if L t " .* - ‘i, : ..a *■> *■»&,^ i Only UU*/ High ° at 25c f* in the a £ £ r < \ roar O****** *0 <A# ' Pc#*. inv P^' ? a 1* 1 Mick irtmsst *<- (y4 by " e®« vrfcc lu.«r, ” * I b*r » »io* <*f in^ciuny ; ntwUl-®***- i iU &C *) !« r AlWdfl. Addrtts £*\i€j iJ r f i jwi Evft, C v 1 \j i .. S»v* *. O. , . t. Cs*^ .A. l. >^t 4^',. - <■ v-'.-v- V 3 ACME STEAM LAUNDRY will call at customers’ homers on each Monday.; For Their Laundry liar* .02$c Shirts plain. o ills. 5c pr. Shirts Fancy. Su'sts cleaned and pressed $1.00 . ;eafes ^aesday, RetarnsJFrida^.;} b. C. GOODIN, Agent, ROBERTA and KNOXVILLE. GA. PARAGRAPHS. 1HIUH THOSE WHO COME jI>0O, ARE MENTIONED. aland Society News—Hapt'- ^ Put iu Brief Notes. I D /. Jones left for Macon Usdav. I st J. P. Hanna and J. N. *“n ; f North Carolina spent k in Knoxville delivering tits,- p*. Ray and Crimm were iti | ty eek. hokiug N after Insurance it> Ns are out annnuceing the of MU* Bertha sawyer Smith nt the Baptist on the I8,in f. mam 1« arc zn-su-ni •oo mo«w am aotf ipm to *ut) pm , p *»on*iB|i^ »N*»* to* 9*W**8 to) pm paaagy tmn$ gp WSffiBUtS si wzva v gtiwai LSEkS OF fva Aonn4*«to*o«j K &-; E„';v. : -iSss%S* S’™” 1 ?® ft v - .*. »r H B. 8 B McILHEN Cold Medal • VWH Ue« oTb: SIM nmoTiiog) M 33SiV wr™; 1 “A ** ia pal eft I b332 idesi way be *-Qr«i by oar aid. Audreys, FATEM RECOHO, r.wa. KNOXVILLE, OA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 ipoi. T ***UT£: ">’x. ‘ A---.*.*/- I'V-.h.. !, £ -hy. ,m i>% o/ v*T ;<- r Lr«-V*V. *' r>Y lV?~< f. 1 ’ g ,V^<- 's h.i .VcUC.y. Tt,- fab jpr*! T;.«« C". «-».•> iC’H. v - C > ft. M-y-U * 4, r.-a-av^.** i* c c I'**.* 1 •' 44 . T ? <• 0«-w 4 ♦ vtCf?. Th* j* 1 '. tt-i TTfc <4, u -. .1 V A ><■ Do W:u» It, l ti .**rk^ ^ <* i* ••• .M.) T : ► !>>.rv of thk Vr v.^ 4 x .. . 1 , . . W. r« i* ROBERTA POINTERS. As Reported by Our Correspeedeat. “I know not what the truth may be. ✓ I tell It to you m ’twas told to me” fF^ppcningB of The Week In nl H. H. Mathews of Macon i« at the “House of Seven Gables” this week. Mr. and Mrp, J. C, Bond visit¬ ed Mr. H. C. Bond of Macon Sun¬ day. J, J, Gauitney went to Macon Saturday. Mr. J. O. Holmes of Culloden was in our town Monday. NOTICE/ Is hereby given that a bill will be introduced at the present ses¬ sion of the Legislature of the State of Georgia to establish a Dispeusary in the town of Rober¬ ta, -Crawford county Ga. the prof¬ its of which are to go to the maintanauce of the Public Schools and providing suitable school buil¬ dings for and in the town of Ro¬ berta, Ga. This the 28th day of October 1901. J\N JjtffjEST. I am now located at Roberta. I will do brick work and ^guarantee it. Price in accordance with the ; tight times. Homer R. Powell. This signature 1* on erory box of tb# genuine Laxative Bromo-QuiGine Tablet* Cay j Uw remedy tb*t oon* u owirt ta «m I Tha C r. ) Day Cola Lu j. Ccn4 tn hv*o dM«l *o*v cured c - r uiotl’s Choo talcs «s cw B * tlh ftiircc cry ;x>r Uietii. Air. Jos. Wilburn of Atlanta, Co]. R, V. Hardeman and M, G. Bayne of Macon spent Thanks- giving day hunting with their Ro¬ berta friends. Miss Mamie Champion has just returned from Moultrie after an extended visit to her brother Mr. K. E. Champion. Mr. M. G. Phelan spent Sun¬ day in Atlanta. Prof. J. O. Martin has been elected to teach a / school near Oxford next year. “AROUND THE PAN.” The most profusely illustrated book of its kind ever pnbllshed, is a las- timrsouvenir ior these whe did, and n splendid deseription for those who did not visit the Pan-Ameeiean Ex¬ position, the latter class will find it a mostrdiiable substitute for the trip It is as amuing to the young as it is tntensly intsrrestiug to the adult, and should be read illy noeepted into every household for the edification < f the young and old. Agents outtit free upon receipt of fifteen (lb) cents 1 i postage. THE NUT SHELL PUB. Co. New York Mf. J. B. Wilson is spending a few days with his father. Mrs. Anuie E. Ivey left for Macon Monday. Miss Claudia Webb returned home Monday alter a few days visit toher sister Mrs. Fintcher. H ave you ever raad any of Swed - bergs works? If not, will you send mu your address enclosing a stamp or two and I will mail you one ~ tif his books FREE. State whether you want it in English or in Ger- mon. ADOLPH ROEDER, 8o Cieveland Street, Orange N. J Mr. W. B. and Miss, Alice Gauitney attended pan¬ handle Sunday. M'ss Mary Walker returned from an all tiay vHit to Ceres Fri¬ day. R. H. Shields Dentitt from Atlanta will be in Ro §■ berta Office in Bank Bldg, from the 15th. to the 20th. of each month. Will stay longer if business author¬ izes it. Miss Mary Wright retuned from Macon Friday morning she has been visiting rel¬ atives. Mr. R. M. McFarllnand wife of Yatesville visited the family of Dr. J. L. Johnson this week Mr. M- A. Shoup and wife of Taplor county is the guest of J. J. Gaultney’s family. Mrs. R. E. Charopiou i6 the guest of the family of J. 1. Cham¬ pion this week. EASY MONEY. for anyone man or woman boy or girl, who has a few spare rneroeuta We pay liberal cash commission give valuable premiums for new subscriptions. Send two-cent stamp for cash otfer, premium list, and sam¬ ple.copy to SPORTSMAN, THE NATIONAL 03 kiiby Tt.; Boston, Mass. Wbat A Tal© it Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched sallow complexion a jaun diced look moth patches and hlot- on the skin it’si liver trouble; but Dr. Kir.g's New Life Pill* uiate the liver purify the blood, give clear skin rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 2dc at R. J. LcSueur 6c Sou. Drug i-tore. NOW OPEN! i! THE I RON WAREHOUSE. UiiuLlght rd It was s ROBERTA, GA. proper ha nr 1 "' “'it the GARDNER L DENT . WAREHOUSEMAN WILL WEIGH, STORE AND INSURE YOUR COTTON AT REASONABLE RATES. HE ASKS FOR A LIBERAL SHARE OF THE FAR¬ MERS PATRONAGE. FULL QUARTS 8 SEft" PURE RYE I EXPRESS PREPAID. In pfaln package*, no marks to InrLcatd con¬ tent*. A °ffer a pure eight-year-old whiskey of superb quality* *®/ ^ distilled in Kentucky upon the old fashioned plan, m V which has never been improved npon. The grain is care- ■ ■ single fully oelected and mashed by hand in small tube; we and double in copper stills, over slow open fires. i, m>. Tlv result is quality, not quantity. The whiskey is then stored in Rteam-heaWjd Government warehouses, where it remains In bond for eight yearn before being offered for sale tV 'h OirXECT ^0 CflNSUKER. We out c*it of jobber and retailor, and itimire vour get* tfng ft pure ihwv” Ipulaled whiekey for family and uiudiuijiAl Use, v Test It; ifydu are n«t satisfied, return at our nxpenbe and w« will refund $3.15. Itefemncee: j?onrth National Bank of Atlanta, or any Ks.oto«> Company, bend money by post-office or exptetfi money order. ^ Atoms all actor* t« ti toa tii a rn Statrlbatlag Warehou**. ATLANTA. GA. DISTILLERS. WA .V T Alt*# & Vonteper Lit** pttr issue, and must be nrrmpoaM trith nosh. WANTED. WANTED -Capable, reliable per¬ son In every county to represent lar¬ ge company of solid financial reput¬ ation; $936 salary per year, payable -»e**alv; $3 per duy absolutely bona-fide sure i/id all expenses; straight sal¬ lefinite notary, no eommissiom; and ary paid each Saturday expense STAN¬ monev advanced each week. DARD HOUSE, 384 Dearborns Street Chicago. WANTED—-An agent ip you county for our novelty showcard* signs. Agnnttf are making $4 to $7 a day, But one agent appoin ted in a county Bend 15cent« for sample terms and catalogue. THE ECHO NOVELTY CO. NEW YORK. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O, K. here is an opportunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. THE ft. T. NORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE CINCINNATI,OHIO- Illustrated catalogue 4 ets stams.p WANTED^SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHARACTER. and good reputation in each state (one in this county raquiredj to rep¬ reset old establifchen wealthy busiiir ess of snlidfinanoial standing, Sal¬ ary $18.00 weekly with expenses ad¬ ditional,all pavable in cash each Wednesday direct frnn head office Horse aud carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self sddres.^ed stamped envelope, yiauager, &16Caxton Building, Chicago. GOOD POSITION. tranted—Young ladies and gen- i tlenien in every cou.ity for office work, clerkship etc- Must muka j small dsdosit or give security. Previous experience not necees- ary. Good eaieiy. Addreee “yr; n';*‘ IV>x 425.Nxafcville, NUMBER 6i VrONDKHS VT ORKBD IN ONK WBEh For ten ceat* we will remove all freckles from your face and hands. Fxplain your case stating whether blonde ao brunette, ina;« of female. This is the most won¬ derful scientific preperation of of the age. DIXIE MEDICINE Co. Brown«vtlle, T«*m. Billiouanes* is a condition oharae- terised by a disturbance of tfie digse. tlve organs. The stomach is deblUa- ted, the livor torpid, thebowa’s cons- tibated. There is * bathing of food pains in the bowels, dizzlncM.coated tongue an* votneting, first of the un¬ digested or partly digested food aud then of bile. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets allay tbs disturb¬ ances of the stomach aud oreaU a healthy appetit*. They also ioue up the liver to a healthy action and reg¬ ulate the tow els. Try them aud you are certain to bo much pleased with be result. For sale by all Dealers. One thousand matches at Mil¬ lers for 5cent8 Astounded The Editor. Editor S, A. Brown of Benuett.s* ville, S. C. was once immensely sur¬ prised, “Through long su^ering from Dyspepsia” he writes ray wife vra§ greatly run down. She had Uo strength or vigor and fufferetj gaeat /distress from her stomach, but she tried Eletric Bitter.*, which helped her at ouce and after using four bottles she is entirely well pan eat anything. It’s a grand tonic and its gentle locative qualities are splendid for torpid liver.’ ’ for Indi¬ gestion, Doss of appetite, Stomech and Liver ^roubles it’s a positive, guaranteed cure, Gniv 50c at K. I* LeS’ cuts,