The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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•o *— *PPF TT>. ir^Ttu. J— S 1 1 *“■•—•;• t- af u ,a f '<>. I IN !%! s a .. y ;i y J g XV j -xV „ h •i O J' JS_</-'- • . *" -**- "=► „V>_ »» VOLUME XL i arn s tLi representing the ^mhES» ACME STEAM *'4 , 4 T T Rv T F\ 7 LnUiMiK J Lj w jSi rail at customers' homers on each Jftonday For Their Laundry pltor* .025 c Shirts plain. Lie LfN 5c pr. Shirts Fancy*. 124<* gusts cleaned ;and pressed $1.00 leaves Taesda^, Retarn-s Friday. fc. C. GOODIN, Agent, “ROBERTA and KNOX VILLE. GA. )CAi PARAGRAPHS. **■» nVIIICH THOSE YVIfO COME A vt- 3 ’, 0 , AHS MENTIONED. tisonal ami Society New s~IIappen- s Tut :» Brief Notes. BASTIONS FIRE IN KNOXVILLE. I Last JVednesdar night J. H. Bolt and J. N. Collier each lost a Igideiice building in Knoxville ■ nri\ Mr. Holt recently vaca- Bdbis .louse, moving into the ■Mill!."me home. The Collier ■science also had but recently rn vacated, Mr.Collier moving I Pouch Ha. Tae fire was diseovered by lit- ItZ. T. Harris about four o’clock Wednesday a. m, he giving the .Ml. ^>oon a great crowd was [the ground hut too late to littte save ■ bnikungs. There was a prance but so little as 10 bo kUy v. complete loss. Build- b adjacent were saved by the p who came to the fire. farcaiSHT OF COUNTY n'sn. Craviord county Georgia from *'!. J ' 1901 to Jan. 1st 1902. r A' ount Received from R. A. ptche; l 0. i'cC’rary ex-Trtasurer 2,731.01 T. C. 2,615.23 r'fty Commissioners 1,132.46 W4 from all saurces $6,478.70 lr - Amr. paid on vouches 6,387.55 :d county Bank 604.53 Jehaage Bank Ft. Valley 400,Op $6,392.08 *1. on hand J :n. 1st 1902 $86.62 I her -I 7 certify that above is a “’fact statement Treasurer ac- Qt I' • year 1901. 3. A. CHILDS, C. T. M • * rV. vy S&Sfit [• •- -S, H ■! Tb . SlCh HCA9ACN&, , ' i it CONSTIPATION,! jj- c py viiscas ■>.. -* Isfi 1 -om in-l j*i ' 7< \ •'* slvv r.y-j ip ourh'.v vi-tox!ni your| " *•' -■ jst r“t 'O *.2't* • ? A3 A ij R.*3 \ v. iserE: ■^1 KNOXVILLE, OA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 1902 ROBERTA POINTERS - As Reported by Ocr CofrsspDiKLnL “I know not what the truth may be, 1 tell ft to yon as 'twnn told tc me” Happenings ofThe Week in al We desire a correspondent from every locality in the county send us the news. Any nonedeplume can be used but name of writer must be known by us. Misses Rosa and Winnie Mc¬ Gee visaed relatives in Macon this week. W. B. Gouitney O. Z. Dent Bentloy ami Chas. Bond left for Juniata Ala. this They went there to seek their re- speetive fortune. Four good young men whom we delight to honor. Mr. E. F. Harris of Denmark was here Monday. Mr. J. I. Champion spent sev¬ eral days this week in Atlanta. Mrs. G. L. and J. L. Dent and (J-apt. VV. J. Dent visited Macon this week. Mr. J, W. Dent ef Roberta is in city tranfeiring business.- (Macon Telegragh) We are glad *0 rotice tho inter¬ est the Southern Ry. Co is in foresty At every station it si transplanting shade trees about its property. Capt G W. of the gouthern K, K. Co. played exqusite taste in tne rangemant of trees at our station. would be well if onr would follow tiiir example of the Rail Road. Speak just a wood to your neighbor on this work, lalk does not cost anything unless 11 «e your tongue in the wrong place but to the contrary it leads to great profit, if you use it rightly. Messrs Vv T R. Blasingame and . J. S. Sullivan.two progressive f«r- of Musclla were here Thurs- day. CVAKAIt 7FC J - S7T UNDER A >5! $5-00 0 GEPQ5f it' «•-» if 5"'-.' {?. R. FURS PAD % Hi.': ft T V/ri:. .0 j {Sususes .ce;o.aag, vie j : G * \:Vi\ ‘C '{*♦(> 3 ’ •ssoiprv p.> . ' OOP SS55I P -25 i « MR, RAINS'S ACCIDENTLY SHOT. MU* CHARMS HAINES WHILE uroxtVG near hickory qko- VK VAS AOti LF.NTLY SHOT liY ills COUSIN, i t F. MAY NOT RE¬ COVER. Mr. Charlie Raines, the 23year Id son of tiie late Bob Raines, Has accidentally shot and serious- y wounded by Robert Raines, last Thursday morning, near Hickory Grove. In company with severol men from Thomaston, the young men were hunting birds and ir some way the gunof young Raines was discharged, the whole load striking Mr. Raines, who was stan¬ ding about twenty feet m advance, above the knee. The wound was dressed by Dr. W. T. Sraitn, who states that if biood poison does not arise, Mr. Raines may recoves. ROBERTA ORANGES. We had the pleasure of seeing a beautifuly developed orange that wa? grown m Roberta by Mifc. IvL ii. Walker, It was a beautuui golden lustre ont rival¬ ing the fabled golden fruit of Hesperuls. It was only a revil- ation of the possibilities of our section. Our friend W. J. W a teen was called to the bed-side of his die- ng fater last Thursday in Upson county. His father passed away at 8 o’clock and Sunday evening Jan. 19 at a ripe old age. He was universally beloved and respected by his neighbors. We esteen bis son W. J. as one of our best cit ixens who still live? to honor his father’s memory. NOTICE. T have the vouches for the Indi¬ gent aud Inxalid Confederate sol¬ dier? and Widows of Confederate Soldiers, Come iu as soon as pos¬ sible and make your affidavidts. J. W. Jones Ordinary. A Petition is being circulated among the Masonss for the pur¬ pose of organizing a Royal Arb 1 Ohapser. A Master Masons Lodge Royal Arch Chapter and Wood¬ men of thv World Camp! Our town is getting to be a fraternity town. Plane nre on foot now to organize a K. P. I/idgj also. President Roosevelt has recog¬ nized the Woodmen of the World oy pressing the button that ‘‘lit’ up the great theatre of spokane Washington, which was dedicated by a great meeting of the W. 0 . W. riis telegram of congratu¬ lations was purely fraternal. A NEW POST-OFFICE. Ligema, is the name of the new post-office established in thiscoua ty. It is situated at Rickerson <v Walker’s store, between Grove and Lamar’s Mill and was christened for Misses Lizzie anu Lugenm v\ ?. .ce;, o. Senator W. J.Walkor Tin. telephone line is soon to be extended from Bobleyto the Ligcnia will bar * tolphonc connection With \tt MludlO Georgia towns. NOW OPEN! i! The IRON WAREHOUSE. AT ROBERTA. GA. WAREHOUSEMAN WILL WEIGH, STORE AND INSURE YOUR COTTON AT REASONABLE RATES. HE ASKS FOR A LIBERAL SHARE OF THE FAR¬ MERS PATRONAGE. AROUND THE PAN! Uncle Hank, his trip through the Exposition. With 450 Illus¬ tration*. “The author shows that he is a good artist in the s dt*uoe of deiight- fully graceful marginal drawing.’ —Mail and Express. For sale by all booksellers, or by mat! on receipt of price: iz.oo. NUT SHELL FU3-CO I0SS THIRD AM -» l- P. H. If requested within 10 da vs as copy ol this unique work will be sent express prepaui, ou approval, to re- pousible professional or Lusiness men. •♦AROUND THE FAN.” The most profusely illustrated book of its kind ever published, is a las¬ ting souvenir lor these who dir!, and 11 splendid description for th03o who did not visit the Pan-Ameeicau Ex¬ position, the latter class will iintl it a mostrrlilable substitute for the trip It is at wnuing to tlie young as it is* tntensly tutsrrestiuir to tho adult, and should be read illy aceepteot into every household for the edification o the young and old. Agents outfit free upon receipt of fifteen (lb) cents in postage. TIIKXDf 4HELL i»U3 Co .Yew Yoa R. H. Shields Den tit t from Atlanta will be in Ro¬ berta Office in Dank Bldg, r > m the 15th. to the aoth of each month. Will stay longer if business author izes it. AIT ASBSSr I AT rtOS^iATA. This is to arrest your attention I am a Brick mason by profession AU kind of brick work done and guaranteed for workmanship, util¬ ity and piiees in accordance with the hard times and “hard pau.” Homkr R. Powell. We received a letter front Roblev this morning but too late for pub¬ lication. Messrs H. D. Fincher and J, d. Wei Ions, of Robley were here Thursday. J. Walker, was circu- , ating amon „ f r j e nds here Thurs- g ia y vvw\^wvvv.^wvvwwf if ^ y y, K v i( ™ {i- 1 } *.j (A » h • - ... . inTeDtlonior < I ■ 2 Send xiacdel,ok)LtCi tor ^totocf " r fmj br>0k, '~ < f ire * repo.. oo^siatc-rilaljiUtv. r - - rHcv v>8ec T» 1 Smo t { I aheirts tV ' t« ........... ’ - . 4; v a ■ s 11 • \Z. r. 1H ' 5 c i lljp; - J w: 1 fv ^ > kV'j'V-Vl - , , , I * I NUMBER C' k; KKMAHKEABIiK CUKE OF CVOLP A Lit it j Boys Life Saved. T have a few words to say receoin rnendiug Chamberlain’s Cough Keiu edy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that i cannot praisj it eat ough, 1 bought a bottle of it from A. E. Severe of Goodwin, S. I), ami wnen I got home witn it the poor baby could hardly breathe. 1 gave the medeeine ns directed every ten minutes until! he threw upami then I thought sure ho was going to choke to death We had to pull the Phlegm out of his mouth in long strings. I am positive that if I had not got the bottle of cough niedeciue ray boy would not be on ear-,h today—J uki/ Dbmirt, Inwood, Iowo, For sulcf by All Dealers. A Cure For hnmbftgu) ^ -v» • W. C. Williamson, of Ainhurst, Y’a says: “for more than a year I suf¬ fered from lumbago. I dually tried Cbamberlaiu’sPasn Balm and it gave me entire reliof. which all other ro- mad;ei had failed to do.” Bold by All Dealers, WANTED- SEVERAL PERSON# OP CHAilAOTEH. and good reputation in each state (one iu this county ra<juir<*<l) to rep¬ reset old establisihen wealthy busin¬ ess of eolidtinnneial standing. Hal- ary $18.00 weekly with expenses ad¬ ditional,all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head office. Horse aud carriage furnished, whrw necessary. References. Enclose seff addressed stamped envelope. Malinger, 316Caxtou Buildings Chicago. WOXDKKS WOItKEI) IYOYE WKKtt For ten cent* we will remove all freckles from your face »nd hands. Fxplain your case stating whether blonde ao brunette,taa c of female. This is the most won¬ derful scientific preperation of of the age. DIXIE 3:EI»ICIYE Co. Brownsvfllr, Tonn. A ltHia'ok' Renredy for BkwoI Ti'imljli*. Pev. J. }f Yii'gBnv, pa tor of Hie Bedford St. M. ifi. Ccuioh, Cumbe..- laml -ay?: “It affords n>e great plea «uire to reoeoniinemi Chanibeelain"s Colie, Cholera, arul Dirhoealt. rnedj 1 hrveuced itank know oth« rs \.-ii<> - { have never known it to lail’For --nj, ft 1 by All iJealoro. Wanted—I.tdies to work for U 3 at home; mailing circular?. ; »i 11 j plets, etc. Salary $5.00 p«-r week •. v. it.*i alt expenses paid. A 1 1 . with «lt ntnnped enrel. t . f,., full particulars, MACON WALL PA BLR < ' G. A. Wilbub. Manure: - Clt Js y, i /J tt j ar/rualur- if» on ererj' M-c of •»* , Laxstive KC Taolota t_e reraoay tfcav a m o,- j