The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, May 09, 1902, Image 1

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HE CORRESPONDENT. OL ME XI. kcpae steam 1 AUNDRY nil call at customers’ homers cn each Monday For Their Laundry t- .02ic Shirts plain. 10c 5c pr. Shirts Fancy. 12£c Susts cleared fand pressed -1100 i y ^ 0 rdtb fra. j ) Returns Friday. Jb. C. GOODIN, Agent,'J i ROBERTA .and KNOXVILLE. GA. a rtf THOSE WHO COME fco, ARE MENTIONED. ad Soviet y News-Happen- Put In Brief Noted. Annie Car.nan and Iren ,j AmericuM ure tho guest Harris this week. Barreft and sister Miss Macon last k Hancock visited Ma- ranco and Atlanta last t.U. Wiight .mu Mis nscvisited relatives in Lnty Saturday and Sur.- rtv given by Mips Dai* 1 )' last Tuesday evening Inf Misses Mass al id pas a very enjoyable lalfney ol I‘ort \ a 1 ley * little town a visit la t • r vour children and the hf itohiuq; and burniry: Rftldhead or others skin •v? why bv using Buck- lea halve, earth,* great- I Quickest cure for Ulcrd r i. Salt Rlieuni, Cut?, praises. I R ihfaihblo for -1 J, Le-Suer anu r:a Gt-or<'ia. er power of digesting dating food. For them Life Rills work they tone and regulate live organs gently expel I s blood improve appe- I healthy Re.-li. Gnly 25c p-Suer and son Roberta. p°f ihe slightest hesitancy P'-Ild i Chamberlain’* P«dy to all who are nurfer- p'Jgha or colds’', says wa<ch Cha“ > a well known i'lloinbo Ceyh»n. “It has |two years since the City r firt ca led my attention liable medicine and I lia'e ’iseil it and it ha-* alwayr If has cured me of all c - It is espeeiaily effective h nud seldom takes more >tle to cure them o f lio- ve persuaueil many o c iiuHlicinc, and they T d pleased as myself ovei r i* on <-rerj- bov of the goruiut [ ! >romoHQuinine Tameu p m cold fa oae d»o KNOXVILLE, QA„ FRIDAY, MAY 9 1902 CHIEF EXECUTIVE m) IQ ATTEND APRIL 9TH J Will Visit Charleston Expo- sition and Enjoy Beau- ties of “Ivory City” April Oth bas been finally fixed as “President’s Day” at the South Car*- line Exposition and the good city of Charleston is preparing to do full hon- or to occasion. While there must ever ]j e regret for the cause of the postponement cf the original date, it is tar bettor that the president should make his visit now. The weather will be only such as Charleston can fur- nish in April; the flowers will bloom and blush their prettiest, the soft breezes will be blowing, the sun shin- Ing, the harbor waveletB will dance &n( j shake their Jeweled crowns and ^ e president will rejoice to be alive and an honored guest in such a land. Charleston, South Carolina and the south will do full honor to themselves by honoring the chief executive of this favored nation, and when Theodore Roosevelt, the man, has once tasted of the quality of Charleston hospitali¬ ty he will bo all the better president of the whole country. Every town and hamlet in the south should have its deputation at Charleston to help re ceive the president and to testify by their presence that he 4s the welcome and honored guest of the whole sec¬ tion. GEORGIA DAY AT EXPOSITION. Don’t Forget the Day—Tuesday, April 12 th. YOU CAN SEE IN CHARLISTON, S. C, The greatest Southern ExpoEiton, Three of the oldest churches in America. Two of the historic fortresses of tb* world. Moultrie and Sumter. Tha btfst harbor south of New York . ! on the Atlantic ccaat of the United States. Historic mansions which were old &t t h € Declaration of Independence. Streets paved and houses built with material brought from England. The site of the new United States naval station at Chicora Parle. The most beautiful cemetery in the United States. The only tea farm in America, where tea is grown for sale. The most beautiful magnolia and azalea garden in America Magnolia- on-the-Ashley. The handsomest government build¬ ing in the south, if not in America. (COMMUNICATION.) Mr. Editok :— It seems to be the idea of some people that in the pre&eui contest for Solicitor General that we a re to elec* a man for the full term of four years. This is a mistake in the present contest it is only to elect a man to till the unexpir- ed term of tne late Hope Polkill. Mr. Brunson has hilled the of- fice for t* snort while, acceptably under the appoinfmsut of the Govenor and it does seem that if Mr. Brunson is the equal of either of the other ospirates. (whijh 1.0 one denies) that he should be en¬ dorsed lor the pa lance of the U!l- expired term of Hope Polhill l'hi j has been the democratic rule from time immemorial. Democrat. ONE THOUSAND( 1000) DOLLARS Will be paid to any artist-penman, draw¬ ing u3 by the first of August a single line portrait of President Roosevelt, tbe eume being an improvement upon that drawn by Thomas Fleming of President McKinley, a photo-engraved copy of which cun be seen i t the hook “AROUND TIIF PAN,”(atall book stores or postpaid $ 2.CO) which is one of the most jropnlar books of the day, the only one giving an accurate account of the Pan American Exposition, where onr late President met liis death at the hand of an assasiu. NUTSHELL PUBLISHING CO. FOR A LIMITED TIME Wo will send free to any person enclosing u» ten cents in stamps a handsome thirty- four page booklet, containing twenty seven of the most striking pen ami ink sketches ever made of the present famous men in Congress and of Washington life, together with a credit pass of S1.U0 receivable in pan payment of any book we publi.-h. NUTSHELL PUBLISHING CO., 105!) Third Ave., New York WE PAY R. R. FARE akd unokk $5,009 Pepoelt, OuuxtnwB ad/imnd/ *~*5S!rlTS^55?"" COLLXUK, MACON, SA¬ •USXWBSS The only city in the United States which has preserved its ancient beau¬ ties and peculiarities intact, and hav¬ ing a style of architecture peculiarly its own. The city which was in the past, and will he in tha future, the great port of entry 01 the South Atlantic coast. GEORGIA DAY AT EXPOSITION. Don't Forget the Duy—Tutsday, April 15th. “CAP" JOYNER AT TKR TION. Chief Joyner, of th® Atlc.ntx fire de- p*rtror-Dt, aoted the country over as a , n n S b K r. k« for “AUanta Day* at the Exposition. Atlanta is going to make a great day of 1t, and not only Charleston, but all the country along the route will be aware that Atlanta is o>U :or a tlme Mayor Mlm. ui bl. c««U. «!l thr af pollc#-. the soldiery, fcorac aad foot, a detachment of firemen, with the fa mous drmn corpa- and about 200 etti- ‘ zens wearing uniform h*, will pa- rade the street* of Chariescc-n to the Exposition grounds, where receptlrn ceremonies will be held la the Audito¬ rium. It goes without saying that At lanto and all Georgia will Le received with open arms by the Charlestonian*. Their hospitality is ever green and abounding and cow they arc on their mettle as never before. It is to be hoped that every citizen of who can do bo will join the happy band Georgia owe; something Charleston and Sou«h Carolica, and it is ^ good time t* at least pay the interest. NOW OPEN’!'-! THE IRON WAREHOUSE- AT ROBERTA. GA. GARDNERL. DENT . WAREHOUSEMAN WILL WEIGH, STORE AND INSURE YOUR COTTON AT REASONABLE RATES. HE ASKS FOR A LIBERAL SHARE OF THE FAR¬ MERS PATRONAGE. J. N. ANDREWS, —DEALER IN— Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Umbrellas, Notions, Gents FurnishingGoods, Irunks, aud a Fine Selec¬ tion of Jewelry. My Prices Consistent With The Hard iTessure of Finaneia are Condition of (JurCounty. St Market Affords. , Quality the best thi Polite and Attentive Clerks Always in Waiting t>0 S6rVG YOU. Very Fospectfully, J. N. ANDREWS. Laxative CaocolaTR? "»**2 roubles. Constipation .and Liver 1 Pleasant to tatie. Purely Vegitabie. Guaranteed by R.J. Le-Hu«ur A Son. If You Suflh-r From Kidney Trouble*. Use Smith’s sure Ktduy Cure. Nu- tiling like it for diseased kidneys. •» ««■«» a j !*-**» * *«. Let St Alone U Scott’s Emulsion is rot a good medicine for fat folks. We have never tried giving it to a real fat person. We don’t dare. You see Scott’s Emul¬ sion builds new flesh. Fat people don’t want it. Strong people don't need it. But if you are thin Scott’s Emulsion is the medicine for you. It doesn’t tire )’OU OUt. XLere IS DO Strain. The work is all natura) and €aS / y. You tClke the . and . mCfUClQe that S all there is to it. Xhe next thing yOU know OU feel better—VOU eat better ^ / j ; a quiet worker. Sund for free sample. SCOTT & ®OW'ne, Ckemiit*. «<*j Pe*r) s*., N. Y. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ^ 1 ^ Cj* ¥ Tradc marks ”*-V Jr (P f ’ Detsicns ■ ■ ___. : ^ , Copvrksmts Ac. ser.dlnp k nkoE**»t and tff*3orir»tion uuij •^r'.clily oEC^rtam ©** opinion free »L«?tLw eaj In volition ^ r 'DU-nt4hblOu C<»tnDi vinle** taken tttrou 2 h Mnrn it kAS reoelrc speeiju noii^ «r 4 boet car**, ir. the Sckittifk BoKikatt. A ' t ." n 4 fr rr nJi- W»«klT. Urrwtcjr. NUMBER'70 TO OUR' READERS Home Stories is the title oi a new family *torv paper that H being printed at Liberty lenn. which ip rapidly becoming the leading family paper ot ihe South. It^pa a are full of brig’ll inter estkng reading and it give-* its re¬ aders more ami beiter liteature for their money tnan anv other paper printed. 'I’he price 50 cei tv pf>r yours* but to Introduce it qu¬ ickly it offers a full year, subcri p tion 10 eveiy person who will send the name and address of ten of their friend* and ten cents in silver within the nett- thirty pa y - . For fifty cent-* we will 6end the paper one year and also an elo- gant and servicablc fountain I e ' • send silver* No stamp. Add re* 3 HOME STORIES, Liqerty Tern). At the * ml to the ca mpagno., fflitft Champ Glarl; Missouri, - brilliant congr^saoiau, trom ovtx* »'OI k, nervous ttnaicu sleep and com-tant t-ptuking I had about u'.t ’.ly collapsed, lt suued that . li the orgau* iu wy.- body we re out of older but three boi- tol of Electric Ritters nude nve a! j H,s the bc?t all arounit nie <l cine aver sold over a counter Over w orked 1 Ull „ |en aB j wiak , ..rklv wo S ‘ T Til 1< rn * , C p; * “ m. O'-h ,0c. Guarni ^ t< m! <y H J-D-Sure and *on-oFRobert*■ Lv^VWW^VW\AArv WVWYV1 5 We promptly ouiuMi V. 3. Foretgii PATENTS Ben<l modei, akeicii or photo ci luxeutlOB wr ( * f fgS&sHfRAPE-MARKS report on peter*tv. For free l*t»k 2 i I •B' / 1 J ^ <K|| Jl —------------