The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, May 30, 1902, Image 1

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HE CORRESPONDENT. iHJME XI. acme steam LAUNDRY will call at customers* homers on each Monday For Their Laundry r? .021c 8hirts plain. * 5c pr* Shirts Fancy. ' f Busts cleaned £and pressed $1.00 eaves tesday, R?etarns Friday. ; h. C. GOODIN, Agent," 11 ROBERTA andJKNOX VILLE. GA. it PARAGRAPHS. HICB THOSB WHO OOMR >1 ) go, AitB NKNTK^D. it And Society V(*wr^H»ppwi. m Put In Brier XijCew. [.Will Jordan of Gunter in parents here this week. Henry Mathews of Macon . with home folk* last week. i. L. S * Barrett ami sister for Macon Wednesday. rs Laura Harris is with re)* isia Rome this week. - •(jeor?*i jfcCarty of Zenith [with friend* hsre Sunday Liaelln . is [Charlie Wynye of Ith friends here Sunday . Iiw Susie M«-Oa.rty of Zenith Ith ALissl&ltelyn Hatcher t hie- [a greater power of digesting [assimilating food. For them |l>i»)g*B New Life PilU work de re. They tone and regulate digestive organs jrantly expel jwUon* blood improve appe- njafc* healthy flesh Only 2fic 1. J. Le-Suer and son Roberta. tas Lucy Barret, a charming ft* lady of Washington, visit Ur. L. $ Barret and sister this ik. (issCarrie Lomas who has been h Misses Barret returned to [home in Macon Wednesday. iliss Mildred Stroud who has n teaching music at Lizslla, dth home folk* for awhile. ktwees your children and the lures of itching and burping ema scaldhead or othOvskin >«se How? why bv using Buck- ,8 Arnica Salve, earth,* great** healer. Quickest cure for U lors vea Sores. Salt Rheum, Cuts, •rns or Bruises, fnfailibio for Iep , 25c at R. J, Le-Suer sm» & Roberta Georgia. Mias Annie Cannon of Ameicus 10 has been visiting Miss Daisy Pfris returned home ’Jhursday i^ht. I Mis. Z. T. Harris and daughter |i 's s s relatives Eloise who have fe*en returned visit¬ in TeXos °0ie Sunday. Miss Maude Stroud who has ^ e n teaching school in Laureus o.reiurened home last week. KNOXVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 30 1 fro? Mr. CRAWFORD ELLIOT DEAD. Mr. Crawford Elliot died at 4 a. m. Friday at his home. The burial will most probably occur t >-uiorr«w. He was a citizeu of credit among hie neighbors. Wa* a member of Mt. Parian church. He lived up to his obligations. PEACH TREES SOU AT ROBERTA. A nurseryman was in our town Inst week and took orders for 60.000 trees for fall delivery. This will set 600 acres in peaches. Tins in a tadiusof four miles of Roberta. 60.000 trees w||l. aver, age 3 crates to the tree which will' be 180000 crates and at fifty cents a crate will be #00.000, on the 3rd year. This is the finest opportu- nity for a young man to get rich, lhe future of Crawford county is assured. The Northern men who buy our fruit tell u* that our rol¬ ling lauds are better suited to peach production than are Hat lands. The drainage is our for** tune coupled with the fine flavor of the peach. There are mineral properties in our soil which give the fruit the most exquieitjvecol- onng. Avery prominent young man of our quiet little town hied away Ian Sunday to pay court to his ady love. He carried the Keys to the larder with him. It happens that these special JGys hold the reins over the gastromic wants of many a hungry boarder Mob- 1 tw hut been declared and hs will be compelled t o lelinquish the sweat privilige of listenig to the silvery ripple of that gentle voite or else leave the Key* of the lar- der at home, Mob-law once de- clared never can be revoked or laid aside. We regret this necssi- ty but the edict of Judge Lync i ha* gone forth and there is no ot¬ her alternative. As his friend would dare defend him but dont cafe to jeopardise our life. La XATIV* Caocolatef Constipation and Liver Pleasant to totlo. Purely Hugrauleeu by R. J. Le-fcueur & Son. If You Suffer From Kidney Use Smith’s mire KMny Cure. thing Ijke it for diseased 50 cents R. J. Lt»9ucur A Bou. PROGRAMME FOR NEXT MEETING OF THE CLUB. Piano Solo Miss Adel Fincher Recitation Miss Moneta fctewart Select Reading Mr. R. F. Hix Piano Solo Miss Florence Music Miss Mattie .Iordan Duet Misses Wright Recitation Miss Mattie McCrary Select Reading Mr. W. H, Wil¬ liamson “Love’s Pleading” Mias Eddie Bond Music Miss Lncile Lucas Humorous Recitation Miss Ada Andrews . Ten Minutes Talk Mr. J, W. Denniogton “f have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain** Cough Remedy to ell who are suffer¬ ing from coughs or colds”, says Cha* M. Cramer, E@q., a well known watch maker, of Colombo Ceylon. “It has been someftwo yean since the City Dispensary Art ea’led my attention to (Ids valuable medicine and I have repeatedly ased it and It lias always beneficial, It has eared me of all chests cold*. It is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than oue bottle to cure them of ho- uranees. I have persuaded many to try rids valuable medicine, and they are ail ae well please# as mysslf ever the results.** THE? F. O. MILi.BR CHAPTER. F. O. Miller Ghapter No. 83 e- !ecf< d offleet* Tuesday : evening resulting as follows J. W. Dennington... High Priest Ool. K. C. Le-Sueur ____King. Dr. W. T. Smith____ Scribe. Dr. L. J. Le-i:ueur,Capt. of Host. •f. N. Andrews__Prin Sojourner. M, ii. Phelan_______Master Overseer. Hoy Dent, Senior Overseer. Williamson Junior ” \V H Veil. J. C. Bond Master 1st H . J. McCrary _________Secretary. J, 1. Champion_._ _ Trasurer. E. C. Goodin_____ __Tyler. IfYim Can’t HLUKP At Night usa 'Smith’s Nerve Restorer It is a true Nerve tonic will cure any case of Nervous Frostrwatiou docs not contain opium in anr form. Sold bv X. l f he-sueur & sou. Drs, |L. I. Le Sueur, R. F. Shields, J. K L Johnson and Ed- If <r attended the commencement sermon exeroiss at Yatesville 1 1 st Sunday. Tilt- day was a very pie- •nt ope to each of us. The eeem- ‘’Extensive Preparation, Gre¬ on, Ideal and Divine at Unselfish of the nio-t Guidance” was heard. one It repl- important we was eta with argument and eloquence which are two rare accomplish- ment* is a public «peaktng today. Mess. Long and S^epheid two gallants of Ft. Valley were here Sunday. Their presence produce* ajmarked disquiet on some of our home boys. ft «l urin — tw* aoorKB*wsgUsMnr*. ik2iSr >®«i»*» »c. C |°» , iM r Sac*j», •* NOW OPEN'i! THE IRON WAREHOUSE. AT ROBERTA. GA. GARDNER L DENT. WAREHOUSEMAN WILL WEIGH, STORE AND INSURE YOUR COTTON F AT REASONABLE RATES. HE ASKS FOR A LIBERAL SHARE OF THE FAR¬ MERS PATRONAGE. \ . ANDREWS, J. N. —DEALER IN— Dry Goods, Hats, Caps. Shoes, Umbrellas, Not font-, Gents FurnishingGoods, Trunks, auJ a Fine Selec¬ tion of Jewelry. My Prices are Consistent With The Hard Pressure of Finance/ 1 Condition of OurConnty. Duality the best the Market Affords. t • y Waiting Polite and Attentive Glerks Always in * to Serve You. Very Baipaotfully, J. K ANDREWS. CRAWFORD COUN¬ TY PEACHES. VVe are pleased to direct the at¬ tention of our people to the great and active interest being taken in the pea.-h industry, Since our last iteio on peaches a telegram cafne to our townsmen, Wright dr Allen containing an offer of $800 for the peach product on their 28 acre farm. They were offered $500 for the same a few days pre¬ viously. Some days later they sold the same for $1000,00. Blood\ We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich orppor.. There is nothing else to live on or by. strength is. full’and When spirits high, we are being and brain, re¬ freshed, bone muscle in body and mind, with con¬ tinual now of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in.low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep; is blood not sleep, we are starved ; our is poor; there is little nutri- ment in it. .(Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again—man woman and child. If you have net tried it. send far free sample, Ns agreeable taste wilt surprise r°* SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists nHC Nad Street, New Yosfc. 30 c. and f t oo; all drnggUt*- NUMBER 821 TO OUR HEADERS Horae Stories is the title oi a new family pnnibd story paper that is being at Liberty Tenm which h rapidly becoming the leading family paper of the South. Its paiO are full of biigh inter¬ esting reading and it gives its re¬ ader s more and better liteaturt for their money tnan any other paper printed. The price 50 cents per Jesrs, but to Introduce it qu¬ ickly itotfera a full year, euhciip- tion to eveiy person who will send the name and address of ten of their friends and ten cent* in silv'T within the next thirty pays. For fifty cents we will send the paper one year and also mi ele¬ gant and servicablc fountain per. send silver* No stamp. Address HOME STORIES, Liqerty T«nn. ‘‘At the end to the campagne., writes Champ Clark Missouri,s brilliant congressman, from over¬ work, nervous tension loss of sleep and constant speaking I hud about utterly collapsed. It seined that all the organs in my body were out of order but three bot- , tol of Electric Bitters made me '■ all right. It,s the best all around medicine over sold over a druggist counter - ,, Over worked run down men and weak, sickly wo¬ men gam spleuded health and vi- I froiT1 Electric Bitters. Try j Only fOc.Guaranteed by K- J. Le-Sure and 6®n of Roberta. 1 This atgnstp** to —erv bos of tbs gonuina Laxati /6 Bromo-QulniDe ****• tba rsass d y that so ws a mM Sb t <%0<UXlf7Ll/ GUASAHfFfcD A C8CI E & $8,006 DEPOSIT *.*. FARC PAID 200 r*E£ SrtM4sr«*W* OT'rrcvw V ri»* t»W*. OS .U.A gyitMMt . 4.ACC,