The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, July 11, 1902, Image 1

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’ 1 P hsmssd i 'J i t-4 a. 4 4 ^ paF-i&d' \> r 1 f C/4 i r i « 'k V— T - pfSW - VOLUME XL OUTHMAN STEAM LAUNDRY c £. (ioodtiiiwHl call at customers cii each Monday For Their Laundry Collars .m c Shifts plain. V—A- O Gulfs. 5o pr. 3Iiivts Lancy. IO -w:-i _ •’ Isusis cleaned ft&nd 1 pressed $LOO Laves; testfay, fMuni-s Friday. fc, C. GOODIN, Agent, ROBERTA and KNOXVTLUG GA. Phene No 27 . All work Guarantees. Pi WHICH THOWi WHO €03X13 AND GO. AKE AIUXTIONFO. personal arid Society Jfews-H^ppen- \ngs i*:i t In Brief MyoH. Miss P use Harris loft Thurs- Uvlora vAit to frienas at Thom- litHl:. ia a„ii Pearl Wright [ctiirnid home Wednesday from l- .-it t "ids in BarnesviHe. | Mfa, Mrs Visit ,F: \V ! her Blasirjgame, rather,; Mr. of 131 Mu- A. Raids, this week. DmutldsoiivUle, J ‘ r ' <1! 1 ] Returned pome W'-dr.esdny, alter a Visit to Mr. J. T. Wilkes and fatnilv .Mr, iVilkes i a O/iiwford. county toy. image iv b««n«s» in- hi* (own.. Mr. 13 ‘. A. Childs is visiting-feel- Hives at Musella this week; •Jr. J. D. Hen<Jriokson, of Phil- pmlnhia. purchaser of tlie ' dioher- | Peach.was here Wednesday; A MERRY FISHING PARTY. Un last Tuesday, the FlRit Riv- r Fishing Club, left Roberta fur hcklin’s Mill to spend a few days '< little an--l big Fatsalagee ireatn fishing and. se-iwing;- was he principal order of the ceca- Hn and never has the U*!ub on .,- . ‘Davub , ... 1 e tune. Iheue \v;ts q.Uite larga (j;uantity of Jlsh hdiight; 11 1 the ki;ul hospitality shown ne Club by thnt estimable gent e tun Mai, FickMn, will* ever bfrr©* iiembered and appreciated By ev r y one present. lhe parky consisted ef,, H-. 2# v hght^J.M. Andrew's^ J. K. Jor John Jwrdan, Thus. HoLdum K C. LeSceur, of Roberta; A. Joi.nscn and IN. W. T. 6si-itlu t.’h•-»?a of Clillo- and F. -vilanl', at l ly iiii *r.t that occurred A.v- ives mcn'iJion v.-**,s Mr. r ,;n er Wright, getting Ir** Pui'a- pi wet o: a* count of the depth of ae water, Which was- ikic anti -i-* cdal Ilomer ljg, tne MJ.'i>;uhy tlw enthrer Clirb- "NiMer. The parry returned " Il ' ; J find those citizens of oiir ■«•!.»**« nflt *n„-re S ted iit n r °Po;-t- oi tishferin u are man * tf] ur ti •en» ]v f bard to i tcii. A M»-trt her KNOXVILLE, GA.,RIDAY JULY 11 ?qo 2 Houston in Crawford. Houston County Baptist Union met June 2Sth and 29th*1903.with the people of Gunter, Just over in Crawford county There is no % church in this community only a few Baptist, they being members of the Byron church The tent was erected in a grove near the home of Bro Jeff son,.about one third of a mile Hardison’s store, • The Union Iyhs formally organ- ™ 11 k # «'««»»“'-V S. Hix^ chairman.; \ V . J. Moore. clerk. Bro J M Bnttan of Fort Valley prnaatceCu 1 A a, At-2 ]), m, Bro i’ort’ell of FowylU the devotional services, after which missions tv as* discussed by. Brothers Powell, Dix, Pendleton aiKl fcfchfe rs* A most ex.cel.lent ror- moil was preached at 4 p. in ; by Rev. W. H, Aorton, At $ p, tn. the f»P*« , » «»y ««f ■..‘rwnve senttoa bv Bro, IrenaJetoni Pastor or tne By ton church, Sunday at 9:30 devotial and song servi¬ ces were led fey W. J. \loo.are after which the regular, proirram was dispensed with so as to have a sermon by Bra. Panel). Jico, A. S. Dix preached at 11 a, uii to- a large congregation, there being more present than could get under ths tentj liiany standing near on dutiide of tent After dinner sometime pleasantly spent in a song.service prion to having a sefnmu by B „ J N. Cime of By- The hieeting here Sdjtninied ?f- tfer e^.teniiing llianks to the good people at the section tor their kind hoepitality, t" meet with the oiwiroli a-h Henderson, the nth Sun¬ day in August and the Caturday before, A beautiful and godd dih- aev Was served on the grftunda both days, and the kind attention shewn amt keoitty whole-souled ' extended to the Union hospitality (Ju-nte and by the good psopie of r vicinity were greatly abpreci:tti A IV, -j. MoonF.GlerA ■— Fort Valley ButcrprRe; Div ,J M^Goftu\ Bead,. r Hr J M Cost in, a fothie r fciti f Crawford county., died in aen o Talboft cotiicsv Mo nilay ant? burred Wednesday in Rose Hi!! ‘ nwL-ieii ^ fto liiltrstht ] B ciiaulpidn, of ° ‘ ^. for the .. j ffi and he was ' v practicing » n«»beC« T‘UndS^et, * /• - yea r; l S bfo. h " ' ‘ “ Hr,- G P GoStiu, Of M iicoR er, diedaWiR twojretja ugL 1 Bis wtL Roirta Peaches, ( . - ISO 330 1 AA H TUtl'NOUllHUl .n Kaeh >ek the l ist Grows. A CVuttntl Canning Factory I I is >-»• Living Xa’.k^'tL To, pro\ that the peopk of" this section revise the profit and im¬ portance c the peachy business and to shu- thd many, of our best, citrons $jK,guly to grasp an op- portu int/ when ottered, below Mill pe fouj^ a U§t ofwames of. those mw, have placed their order, for peac?t t**., to ne planted rid- f * ai and ne^tspringi Wright A Alleu 4000 Trees J, 1 Ohanpion mo J? 4 Cicero iSpliers 15.00 77 M. N. Britt 1000 ■7 F. Daniely 2.500 j A. Hi CBrk 2000 PauljJoujss . 4000 J C Bond 12000 •’ . J. N. Andrews 2000 ” Waltlr Andrews 1000 R. A .1 Andrews 1000 >7 Me. lj. Barnes 1000 ’’ ^ T ^ - HI* ant 1500 •> 'f°hn Joulao 5000 j' Hi ruin Jordon 5000, »> u J] M’Gravy 3000, *» » W, J. Dent 3000. ” W. Iv. Wilson 1000 ’> J. B. IBvrd 1000 T. F, Mathews, i ooa ” L G, Futrell 2000 n iv. P, Lowe 1000 7 7 H ugh .Bankston 1000 7», F 1 *A] 10<ro. ?» ^ ent 1000 7 V Gu$ Spillers 1000 ' I R. L. Dickey QO00 n M. J. Moore 2000 n John Powell 1000 J. W. Jack 1000 7? . Mrs, M, E< Stroud 2000 M- B. Walker 3000 (? B, F. Walker iooo H. 0. M’Afee :r Johnathan Wilder loo A. E. Harris. .1000 7 > Lon Knight 2000 7 7 R. L. Math efts 1000 z B, O. Goodin 500 z J. K, L, Johnson 4000 ^ Bay >5 ‘ B. H. 15000. ) 7 77 2000 Pi oil. J9 J. G. Bond 1000 PeaCh 7,7 M. G- Phelan. 4000. 7 f» W. J; Wallace 3000 ” 7 ’ U. C. Borers &>00 77 ?> T. F. Mathews- 2000- 7 k 7> G. W. Causey 50.0 71 7*4 | W. J. Wa,ker 40,000; trees ” ■Total numbef of peach ight for fall delivery 1-34,350 tiff BtfNESVHU CHAUTAap. Prof. Kennedy and ye Editm atft nded the Tea^tlefa Institlate and Ch-atnu^ua at ilavnesVille last week. Profs. Frank Oliphanfc and E; E. Outerblck did sonic fine atid valuable work in- manta! training tiiat wi*U prove very pfof- itable to the Georgia schools, p.of. Uuterback is at 6h« Man- ua 1 Tratnittg Hfepartmeat hr tiie Atlanta Public Schools. Prof, Oliphailt *iid wsae vi ry fine work. He st an A 5 for rcs c elevation and puritv. t ‘on , k> e!c- tact with such men tu> Re vat rug. The Chataua.ila was the bes; the history of flaruesVillG ihe Czmmi tree aided by the whole towti eitdeavwe*! make the w*ek a pleasant tiki for the teticltets, editors l'elh»ps n-... «,.« «.*<• a*'?-’ pdite? Of ilo* eitor* 5 !tl sueeeeticd ib H*eif NOW OPEN! i #-fe» THE IRON WAREHOUSE. AT ROBERTA, GA. WAREHOUSEMAN STORK AND INSURE YOUR L rnTTOMl WH * « V V vPlfiH -«Mi *» - K^A^OrSAOLE RA _ \ ^ { HE ASKS FOR A LIBERAL SHARE OF THE FAR MERS l* AT RON AGE, •J. N. ANDREWS, ~t>KALER * t)r> Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Umbrellas, Notions, Gents Fui'nishingGoods, Trunks, autt a Fine Selec lion of Jewelry* My Prices are Consistent With The Hard Pressure of Fimtnci v Condition of OurCounty. Quality the best the Market Affords, Polite and Attentive Clerks Always In Waiting t,o Serve You. V ©*•-v- KespseifAiJiy, J. A. glNDUETO. Ij.VXATIVE Caocoimtes ctireseliroin Constipation and Liver 'Troubles, Pleasant to tafte. Purely Veritable (iaHtaaiet'd by R.J. Le-Bueiif A Soil; IfX«>n SuH»*' KiUn*‘>( TidiiIiIcm Use Smith’s sure Ktdny Cate no- thine: like it for diseased kidneys 50 Cents R, J, Le- 8 ueitr A Sou. DENMARK NEWS, It fains but tint heio, these red hills are almost c.oud burst of dust, dotted with Vn-diire of parcdied and cotton, That reminds us of the fact that wo will be short of hog :‘nd l.'otniny another year if it does not ram here soon. 4 Johnnie and liawson King, of ThbhlO'iton,,ar< visiting -he j* - sifi- Ver, Mrs }). J.. Wood.Ward. Miss Ltd 4 BoUs Poole, ruturilCd to i\Tauou Wvduvsriitjy after a vis¬ it to Mrs, A. 1 . .Johnson, Miss Pearl Felts is visiting rel-, atives at Clarks Miij this week. Utiles A. Martin, and sBter’i, at tended the Pour til o? July pie- nie at ehuftds in- Monjcfe county* lost Friday. !.' Mr. Thouias Pcdnkm.of feuitall spent Sunday here. , Mr. J. H. Hose and tjudleV Hose, arc spending this week with relatives'in Hou ton county. SoitorteMernr* (!riV, ‘ school opened ytondjy with fairly good attendance. ' KOBLEY NOTTiS. Misfire C. C. Graf; tick ar J A I Johnson went tip fO the G-'?ir,-';- '. \t!anta last Don m v/Bs Lfela yuLs- Pcfoie is *• frtkd Ma tit. n un a • ivjj jf» ^7-; : hr?b ! ? ♦ |5 C \? x *• \ w fi IfH. M?cis tdjye Ijch'rG. ht S • »• NUMBER returned to Roberta Thursday, at spending, awhile with Mih Graddick, The Singing at) MfcCarntel fiftli Smuliiy was ati iromence success About five hundred people wet* present. Misses Add id Jackson and Mat- tie Lou Wynn have returned t< Oul)cden > after visiting tclntlv*- here. Mr. T. J. Ray, of Macon j 1 - spendidg his vacation at Ihiibley Mi 89 Ida Fim her is visiting M- ahd Mrs. II. D. Fincher, tills week Mrs John Tyner and son, Mr Subers Tyner, <d MfirShaUviUe, visited Mr. Conrad Bryiu this w fcoK, Mr; Oliver CRVelolul iijatichii- dfe» spout Sithdnv lit Mawhalwillt Teachers Elected The Hoard of Commissioners ot Roberta Public fcjfclionls electee ^ lrs _ ^ n clerk for music* teach &r and Vjiss Kli^ebetb Brittc a* assistant last Monday ' evenLm '.Ve most e >ngra ulute these yen- tleigen, Dt. J. 4 k. L. Johnsbu. Cbairtriuh, II, D. McCrary Set:tv (4. L. Dent, J. C, Bond; Tie *- and ii. K. jofddn. id theii; selb* tion of these two tadlcs fo? the* py^titirts Mr.". Clark ; s a ie rt h er of fare rtecortiplishis^uts a? <* ttutsie ieatber. ^(is* Vri’b’ ^ finely feduoUteli fifed has b< feu SM - . eessftu as d tcadlief. \\ft irtist that bt'r r*e>Hr 11 fat ifee fijtJir? MlFce O’ M U»t il‘> jf t»* i iHettdj-.C vu.G ftrtd t»dd *h«f( If j 19 i Sijiiffttl f* t -|1 !fjj it 1 JbO ^ti * 1 tat < r fr *• i tft } tjf tb'to r* Aii n v f «