The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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THE CORRESPONDENT. VOL. XI. -0 The Bystrom Gasoline Lamps. Safe ! Reliable ! Economical ! Their use will not increase your fire insurance rate. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Unequalled for design, finisli, mechan¬ ical construction and operation. The Bystrom Arc Lamp. The only successful Under Generator Pressure Lamp on the market A brillant 750 candle power light at an expense of one third cent per [hour or at one fourth tlue cost of kerosene of the same candle power Surpasses all recently invented lights in power and is invaluable for all places where a large volume of light is desired at a small cost. The Bystrom Gravity Lamps. With The Improved Bystrom Burner. A burner without an equal on which you can rely, We are fur- nishing a great many Burners with which to equip fixtures of other manufacture where the burners have proven worthless. If you have a lamp that is not giving good results buy one of our Burners and you will have a satisfactory light. The Bystrom Gas Lamp Co., 89-91 Kinzie Street CHICAGO, ILL. J. W. Dennington, Agent, Yatesvilq, Ga. LIust Blame Yourself. If you are not getting the worth of your money in buying Jewelry, Musical Instr««— Watches, Clocks, & Etc aFFUOVAL BECAUSE I GUARANTEE MY GOODS. Is Only Possible Where You Have a Really Good Instrument. I Sell Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, and Banjos that make music Possible. All That Glitters Is Not Genuine. Watches that we sell you are cf pure quality and we | promise you satisfaction in its ownership. Repair Excellence. Watches, Clocks, Sewing Machines. Guns, and Pis¬ tols, the Repair has our guarantee and you shall ha\ >_ your money’s werth. Piano Tuning I make a specialty of Piano Tuning at prices that lets you live and me too. I am not a wandering Piano Tuner but I Guarantee m\ uork. AARON H. CLARK, ROBERTA, GA. S2. .WASHINGTON Everythin* which the He sees all there 1s to ——:-~ /i " - * 1 transient visitor to « , —- requires to « Washington nod , , Washington It his .ee—or thinks de¬ duty to see—Is scribed in the manner characteristic i** tandsome 11 a.yjuaintFHi with ihe >7 of one thoroughly famil- city and it* — tor with the subject. —New York Tribune. ■~-»ew York Times. Senators Hoar, Hanna, Foraker, Burnham and .>» did ^5-00 checks immediately receipt 01 ^ rC) |U n< it,^n ^ it j s0 Congressmen upon Olmsted, Connell, I a P Runoert Bel- Grosvenor, McDermott, Smith, , ^-Hey, .’ , Spark- mont, Long, Nevin, Powers, ’ man, Wright Otjen, although not obligated 'y y d The and < merits of The book speak for itself- For sale by all boo* , d dealers a | ers or or sen t Postpaid to any part of the world on receipt ot „ Cloth, $2.oa Half Morocco, $3-00- Full Morocco, THE NUTSHELL PUB. CO., 78 Fifth Avenue, New York. of pictures and caricature* of mea The most vnlrmble feature of the hook is its series Prcmirect Y. Mall and Express. » in national life to-day.—N. often brought vividly That wlthin^us with dry aaylns*. 1® which does not arouse enthusiasm is the adept use of pen and befert- us an! like « streek of UghtntnR awakens <* >r 1 which is not only very ln- of the o , tu ^ hell by a gifted artist, and such is '-he merit york Staats Zeitung. hi ghest <5e*re«-_ ^ -Ha* and amusir*. bvi instructive in the 'ytft ^ The Correspondent’s Watchword:—“ Knowledge is Power, is Limit.” KNOXVILLE. GA., FRIDAY. JUNE 5. 1903. Cream of Brief Summary of Most Important Events of Each "Day. —Qecrgia Ann Hill, an aged neg- rcss, who lives near Americus, Ga., is turning white. —Dupree Holmes, said to have been killed in Jefferson county, came home uninjured —Savannah ministers, tin. Sunday sermons comdemned prize lighting following the death of George Feely in the Forest City ring. Near Williamson, Ga., at a church row Sunday Sandy Dickerson, a ally wounded another. —A great mass meeting was held in Richmond, Va., Sunday in which Christiana and Jews joined In de¬ nouncing the Russian massacre. —News of the floods at Topeka and other points in west continue to be ap¬ palling and the list of fatalities is in¬ creasing. —Sunday was a quiet day at Jack- son, Ky. Jett’s cell was examined to see if prisoner had implements by which he could escape. —Two negroes and one white per¬ son killed in a riot at Pittsburg, Pa., Sunday. The whites attempted to break up crap game when fight opened. —Rios, fanatical Filipino leader, has been convicted of murder and sen¬ tenced to death. —Irish nationalists made a demon¬ stration at Liverpool Sunday. Thirty thousand Irishmen were in line. —The official repurw\f. acj, placed the numoer oi nehd at 860. —Hon. Dupont Guerry. who has been elected president of Wesleyan Female college, has accepted the position. —Leroy Gibbons, the negro said to have been lynched in Jefferson coun¬ ty, Ga.. surrendered to the sheriff of that county. —Many miners are still idle in the east Tennessee coal district. —Judge Niles, of the Mississippi federal court, dissolved the injunction restraining the railroads from increas¬ ing the lumber rate. —Jackson Giles, the Alabama negro, wilt again te 3 t the state's sufferage laws in the United States Supreme court. —Thousands of people in Kansas art' being rendered homeless by floods. The situation at Topeka is desperate. —Irregularities in regard to salaries in the postofflee department have been found by Postmaster General Payne. —The situation at Jackson, Ky., is critical, The town is under martrial law, as an attack by the feudists Is feared. —President Samuel Spencer an- announces that tiw Southern railway will be doubled tracked from Washmg- to Atlanta. _The Northern Presbyterian gen¬ eral assembly has adopted resolutions demanding the expulsion of Reed Smoot, the Mormon, from the United States senate. —Advices from Bogota indicate that the canal treaty is sure to be rejected by the Colombian congress. _For alleged combination to fix rates in Austin, fifty-nine fire insurance companies are to be barred from Texas. _Two engineers and a fireman were killed Tuesday in two wrecks, one the Southern and ore on the Chesa¬ peake and Ohio. —The supreme court of North Caro- lina is now considering the second ap- peal of James Wilcox, convicted of .he murder of Nelli* Cropst>. —Lieutenant Javier commanding a force of constabulary, defeated 200 fan- atics on the island of Cebu, Phi.ip- pines, killing sixty-eight. —The United States government is investigating the charge that negroes are held in peonage in Alabama. _Many persons were killed and in- jured by tornadoes which swept por- tions of Nebraska and Iowa Tuesday, _Lieutenant Davi 1 McCoach, an ar- air officer under charges at Fort Mon- roe, Va., broke his parole and skipped. NO. 132. - ■ ■ m rmmm -'mMMm - . m ■" ;■ V-.a, % - if &. - sr dcssap m B. / Kv,. 4^. WiA: . •1.^0 .*.* t.* A mmm j jg | M Sii «■ W.Y \ .a, if#. US v, . %*■ ■V -'U ■ ic; V's ROBERTA PUBLIC SCHOOLS. LOCATED AT Roberta Crawford County Georgia. A School of High Grade. Special Attention given to those Stud¬ ies which go to fit the youth of our land for spheres of usefulness and Independence in Life. Board for $6.00 to 10.00 per Month. Five Months Tuition Free by the State and Town. Roberta’s Health Record is not Excelled by any School Locality and is the Best in Middle Georgia. A FULL CORPS OF TEACHERS ON HAND. (Joseph ] H. D. M’Crary, Johnson, Secretary. Chairman. Board of Commissioners.-' 1 J..C. Bond, Treasurer. . r> r t~\ . - * CRIDER AGENTS WANTED on-) in each town to ride and exhibit a sample 1902 model bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAM MAKE 910 TO $60 A WEEK besides having a wheel to $9 ridefor yourself. $15 m i 1902 Models SEES to f 1900 and 1901 Models WAee/s^, m b akes $7 *0 $11 V/ 500 Second Hand ft cO m taken makes In and trade models, by our good Chicago new................. retail stores, all tjlal HU Iff as We ship any bicyclo OK APPROVAL to any¬ one without a cent deposit in advance and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. S no risk in ordering from us, as you do not nee to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. DO MOT BUY FACTORY PRiC^ES & FREfTf RIAL OFFEfiL J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, III. PURITY. 7 YEAR OLD a KENTUCKY RYE WiADE AT OUR KENTUCKY DISTILLERY FOR 43 YEARS. and praised by thousands of consumers as the best whiskey in the world for the least money. Off QOU3BOM 4 full quarts. 7 year old . .SI.98 4 “ 10 “ “ . . 2.49 4 “ 12 “ “ 2.93 4 “ 14 “ “ 3.93 W’ Save You ONE DOLLAR on each galioa, and prove that m\\ WE ARC THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. m SOftSUMERS OSSTiLM COMPANY, »V1 Tt ltl.ig • (HCOHeOR.TEO. LOUISVILLE, KY. 242 to 250 Seventh St., German Insurance Bank, Eradstreet.'or any Express Co. Refexences : We know the above company to be reliable.— Y'' THE LAWN BEST AGENTS WANTED j 1 . SWING Lawn Swings and Settees, Hammock *9 MADE /i Chairs, Camp Chairs and Stools, ironing Tables, Wash Benches, Etc. Agents easily make $5 to $10 Per Day. 1 Will furnish samples at re¬ duced prices to those desiring \ agency, Exclusive territory / wM given. Address, Clearfield Wcod? r rWar8 Co., — -y*- YJ ClEMFiaC, PA