The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, June 26, 1903, Image 2

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ve To Morph in e From Doctor’s Orders. Habit Worse Than the Disease. Dr.Miles’ Nervine Cured Me. When the nervous system has been shat¬ tered by the use of deadly drugs thare iS nothing to equal Dr. Miles’ Nervine in restor¬ ing it to health and normal activity. “I feel so grateful for what Dr. Miles’ Re¬ storative Nervine has done for me that I must tell it for that part of humanity that suffers as I have. During the three years I suffered from nervous prostration I found no relief except when doctors gave morphine. ease, and now you, who point with scorn at morphine Using, how could you, when thing in such agony, knowing it about the only that would give relief, resist it? 1 knew it was a terrible habit and I knew of its deadly grasp, but I never fully realized its signifi- cance until I had used it a number of months. !i h bi(V™Vd and resolved I would never be a slave to anv such demon. About this time I happened to notice Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine adver- tised and ordered a bottle. After using five bottles I can truthfully sav I am ewed of using morphine. Now, however much per- sons may doubt it. God is my witness I am cured. This testimonial is unsolicited but t feel it my duty to give it for the benefit of the suffering.”—M attii;. PHiLZ.H's.I’VesooU, Ark. All druggists sell and guarantee first hot- tie Dr. Miles Remedies. Send for free book, on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. SURVIVING VETERANS LIVING IN CRAWFOD COUNTY. Dknmark, Ga. June, 22, 03. Mr. Editor: At your request I furnish you below the names of those who are now living that enlisted in the Confederate service during the war from 1861 to 1S65, also tho;-e who served in the State Militia in Crawford county. The are many living in other counties Stnt es that arc net included iu this list and there may h • a IVw who served that now live in the county whose names do not ap¬ pear in this list. If there G 1 would like for them to fonvar me also Tun OoRKKSPONUEjn’ then- names at Denmark, Ga. T. J. MARTIN. Sect, and Treas. U. C. V. Gamp No. 868, t’ompany E. tith Ga. Volunteers.. 1 J. J. M’Crary. • 11 J. N. Arnold. 2 K. F. Harris. 12 E. M. Kelts. 3 T. C. Arnold. 13 T. J. Martin. 4 U. li. Harris. 14 A. C. Arnold. 5 W. H. Hartman. 15 J. E. Harris. <» J. M. Sanders. 1C J. I,. Marshall. 7 K. C. Taylor. 17 Tims. Dunman. 8 H. P. White. IS J. P. Hartman. 9 J. W. Williams, 19 J. H. lrhy ? 10 H. N. Bowers. 20 W. B. Spain . Company C. 27th Regt. Ga. Vol. 1 L. C. Ku li ell. 0 Elbert Merritt. 2 An draw Avcritt. 7 (4. W. White. 3 J M. Hainmack. S t’. If. Marsha] 4 W. G. Hancock. 9 Rutus White. 5 B. F. Kennedy. 13 Allen Yawn. Company F. 57tn Regt. Ga. Vol. 1 W. It. Thame-. ... 10 J. tiji H. Joyner. 2 B. J. Becliam. 11 A. K Joyui-r. 3 R. B. Bcofield. 12 A. J. 8,-holle d. 4 U. L. Bryant. 13 D. W. Banders A John Bryant. 14 James Thy lor ii A. J. Burnett. 15 W. 1>. Vinson. 7 Wash Becham. HI W. B. Sanford 5 J. A.Brown., 17 Michael n \V.G. Ault man. Company K. 45th Reg*. Ga. Vol. I Wm. Rutherford 7 Isaah Grant 2 K. H. Kn J. F. 3 Augustus Adams. 9 J. S. Spiders 4 \V. J. Dent. 10 J. N. Smith 5 Ij. J/, George. 11 D. S. o Jonathan Wilder. 12 Rob Wilder 13 XV. B. Jordan, State Malitia. t Cieero Soillers. 9 Samuel tVifson. 2 John M’Gee. 7 J. i‘. Blasingame. :: Billie White. 8 Steplien My rick t Stephen Rigdon. 9. J L. Parsons -) S. H. Causey. The-o who went from Crawford county ami served in other command ran. 8 H. C. Merritt i m I i a 9 R. B. Mi- rr <•!.< .5. M : r ‘ i t Sheriff Sales For July GEORGIA Crawford County. Before the court House door of Crawford Couuty Georgia I will sell at public out cry between the legal j nouis of sale on the first Tueshay in June 1903 the following lar.d to wit: Lotof land number ninety two (92) in the Seventh [7th] District of Crawford < •ounfy Said property »old to satis¬ fy an execution issued by H. D. M’- Crary, Tax Collector for said county for state and county taxes for year 1902 against H. M. MTntosh defend¬ ant in said ti fa. Tenant iu posses¬ sion notified in writing, W. H. SEAGLER. Sheriff. GEORGIA Crawford County. Will he sold before tlie Court House door in the town of Knoxville. Ga., on the first Tuesday in August 1903. between Hie l<*gal hour, (h. f»llo»- ing described property to "’it: n Une n (1 . ) house a,ul „,..i i 1<)f f > 8!i,U 101 i n . .' l, e in<>■ ‘ * lofty five by sixty (45xG0) teet ill the ’ «j ,XtM Y rh rflthl ln>uu District \ of or Crawford 1 r ‘ l County Georgia. Saul lot having hM " 8 » | " ** «*•»» t,w fourth (4th) dav of June 1901 under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by _ R. M t lax Collector ,, ,, f for ft. rary, Crawford County Georgia against H, G. ,, Hardison ,, tor , his . . state . . and i County .. f ixes for tile year 1900 and prior The ’ same having , been . knocked . ,, off to . County Commissioners and tiie said house and lot not having been re- deemed according as the law directs. house and lot is hereby adyerti- fed in order to convert the proceeds Of the sale of said house and lot into county funds, Terras cash. This May 5th 1903. W, P. Carr, Clmimian. County Board of Commissioners. (AUg. 1) GEORGIA Crawford County Notice i u hereby given that W. D. Vinson Administrator of W. Walls has applied to me for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of A. W. Walls fyr the purpose ol distro- bntion. Said application will be he-mi at the regular term of the Court, of Ordinary for said County to be held on the first Monday in July. This 2nd. day of June 1903. J. W. JONES, Ordinary. H.n Hast Hope Realized. .. , (FrMuthe sentinel, g< bo,Mo,ti.) In tin first opening of Oklahoma to settlers m lKb9, the editor ^ ol tins .'.'ft'lrrmtom. w'i!* mlZ'lhl one fino day in Anril. During iiis traveling about and afterwards Iris camp ng upon his claim, heenccunt* ered much bad water, which, togeth¬ er with the severe heat, gave him a Very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost impossible to check, and al¬ ong in June the case became so tmd he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamberlain’s Col e, Chol- era and Diarrooea Remedy as a last hope. A pig dose was given him while lie was rolling about on tlie ground in great agony, and iu a few minutes the dose was repeated. Tire good effect of the medicine was 800 U noticed and within an hour the pati¬ j ent was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little bot- ' ! I tie worked a complete cure, and he i cannot help but feel grateful. The . I season for bowel disorders being at I , "«»1 >»-'««'« thi. ... Hem, For sale '“' 1 NOTICE. Gunter, Ga., June 1st. 1003. There wi.l be a bill introduced in the coming session of the Geor ! gia Legislature in June 1903 to in- Ben Hill School Distr ef which inciuJes Gunter, Ga.. an ; a portion of Crawford Co. bill to provide for District tess and other purp.»s?s as pro- vided for in Georgia School Dis¬ tricts. Fpr Sale!! For Sale!!! One 6o Saw Pratt Gin Feeder and Condenser, Jne bcnoiicla . -. , , p P0\ve» p ^ . and all necessary counter I t ii 5 0,« iv 5» 3* Al * \ (, \ SCOTT’S EMULSION won’t make a hump back straight, neither will it make a short leg long, but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is among the few genuine means of recovery in rickets and bone consumption. SCOTT Send for BOWNE, free sample. Chemists, & 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. joe. and $i,oo; all druggists. WALLACE GOODE. The Barber. 25 years experience. Satisfaction Guaranteed* Boot. Black Saturday and Sunday Morhing, In the rear of I, N. Andrews’ Pry Goods Emporium. That Throbbing Headache, Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thous¬ ands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Ner v.'us Headache . They make pure blood and build up sour health. 23c money hock if not cured. Sol 1 by LeSueur Bros’ Pharmacy, Roberta Ga. Death of MRS. LOWE, Mfs. Josephine Lowe, of Knox- ville, Ga., died this morning at 3 o'clock. She leaves five sens, K. P. Lowe, O. S. <J. of Crawford county; W. J. I*. Lowe, farmer and merchant ; J. II. Lowe, mer- chant; Walter Lowe, farmer; Burke Lowe, farmer, and one daughter. Miss Kizzie Lowe to mourn her death. She was a oon- secrated and devoted Christian, a member of the Methodist Episco¬ pal Church South at Knoxville. Her death was unexpected as she was sick only a few hours pre ceding this sad ending of life. OiJv late in the afternoon before she was in Iter garden gathering vegetables for next 6he had reached the declivity of life going flortU to tlie suose 1 Her task U ' k wie ‘ ,e fimctizwt h, ”* 1,ed in 80 r fllr ** we c» 1 ) see, in t hat her children passed tlie 21st mile post of \ i tfe> is g0 SVV(Jet to ], ve a ’ f(er V0U l *» ve vour <J'>»e «nd en- ! . joy it . but God in his own ^.reat and unerring knowledge saw tit to take her home that she may enjoy the full fruition of her life work tlmre. there. It is '81io s.wcei will here buKsweet-j er wait the home j comiiijg of her children there one , by they finish their w.rk one ns here. S-n-.-md daughter, live tly, life your mother lived, that may go to that beautiful of God’s unalterable Jove. The interment will be at the family grave yard tomorrow urday) afremoon. ! Driven to Deperation. Living at an out or tlie way place remote from civilization, a family i.s obeii driven to desperation in case of accident .resulting in Burns. Cutts Wounds, Ulcers etc., lay in a supply of Buckien's Aruica Salve. It’s tlie best on earth. 25c at Le.-Sueur Bros Pharmacy Roberta, Ga. A SINGING AT MT. CAR¬ MEL CHURCH THIRD SUNDAY IN JULY. _ An all day “sing” is the pro- gram and the usual attendant for the hungry man is the bil’o’fare flor all Vvho may attend, M* - .Carmel's record in matters hospitality and entertainment guarantee tlie above. i J rof. J. S. M Gee, Roberta’s own singer and leader of classes will be there which will be a guarantee for the singing feature of the day. Go ** ytiu want to pass u Jtiiy Jiy full to the brim ar.d runiilirg over. ^ / i* Worst of all Experiences Can anything be worse than to feel that every lnihlite « ill he your last? Such wa> the ekpei i *nce of Mrs. S.H. Newsotl Detv.i t u r Ala.' h\>r three years' she write*. 'lendur-d insufferable pain from mnlge tioh. -tomach and ! bowel trouble, Death seemed inevit* able when doctors and it I remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Hitters and the result Wa miraculous. I improve 1 at once and now I’m Complete y recovered. For Liver, Iiidney, .Stomach and Bow * doubles Electric Bkr* is the oti'y medice. Only 30c. f *s guaranteed by LeSueut Bros’ Pharmacy Roberta DENMARK NEWS. —Mrs. R. H. Blackburn, of Delta, G t , visit* d her sister Mr-. J. H. Felts iasl week. —Mrs. E. II. Luca, of Tampa, Fla., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs E. F. Harris. — Mrs. Martin Miller, who has been visiting lur -Gut, Mrs. F\ M. Felts, returned Wednesday to her home in Atlanta. — Prof. J. W. Denningion, M. G. Pliekn, K. II. Shields, Charlie Davison and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dent, of Roberta, were at*.ong the visitors here Sunday. —Miss Florence Bond, of Ro- b^rta, wiAthe guest of Miss DoJ- lie M irlfai Sunday. —Miss Carolyn Walker, cf Wnlnek, spent Sunday here with friends. — Mr. A B King, of Macon, is visiting Ins sister, Mrs. D. I. YVootlwa rd. — Miss Civile Taylor is visiting relatives at Goshen Valley. Cute, llmineH ami Hums Quickly Healcd Chamberlain’# ... . . Pain Balm is an an- l iseptie liniment, ami when applied . ' to cuts, bruises and bums causes them to heal without inatura* ion i a .d mucli more quickly than by t h | K,.r sale b, all dru« i ° MUaELLA ITEMS. Miss-es Pe; rl Harris Min- nie Lee Sandefur are visiting friends in Culloden this w»ek. t?.- rr it •'• a ScoUWIeU o ^ J „ ISro. W. “PPO'nt.nenc st ^ unda J'- Uev. Mr.Scott is an c Jen - vo,,r >^ nian and vve are . i\ways glad to have him vviih us. v- r °' , ^ Lulverhouse, a t,,K 0 ^ ^V>xville, were the guests of 1 Mh « v\vde Wallace Sunday. M Wallace, of Culloden . spent w. dnesday night with homefolks. Col. B. H.V a y was here a short while Tliursda. W.sXj Mrs. M. er( * ,s visiting relatives jn Atlai\. ' J Prof. J. F. Dicke\ g quite j]j also is Mr. J. S. Soil Nup j in Dr. W. Wednesday. f. Smith, of R^j e . was town I Mi^s Marv Lizzie Hnrri\ ! ’> is j visiting Iriends in Butler. Mr. E. \V. Sandefur has n sick, but we are glad to v I he is improving. \ Chambcrluin’s Colic, Cliolera and Diarrhoea Uemetly Is everyw here recognized as the one remedy thatcau always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take. It is especially valuable for summer di- arrhoea in children and is undoufct- ediy the means of saving the Jives of a irreat many children eaeli year. For sale bv nil diTnnrists. jc-u Oo«o Ct:.e. GUNTER NEWS, Mr. Editor : We are now blessed ti new churches, with f one as'the 1-2 mi] 111 J 0 here known Missionary -,. . Baptist Ohur-h, Dirdu dig somewhere aooui $1,000 1 other church is about, 1-4 nnle 0 * north of here and kti Jordan's Chapel just comply and painted at a cost of $8-00. These i, two churches door neighbors, as either IStj , can be in their pulpit P other and see ti at his church, as they only about 3-4 of mile « a api and in a very level country These churches tj on the line of Houston arecotuparativoi ford counties. Rev. ana Ctri Marshallville, W. L.Ottlj of is pastor of 1L disun Church, having serviti every day second Sunday and 8atuJ before. The community seej to be improving with l(ev. Cud advice once a month, which is lv delivered. a At Jordan’s Chapel the first - moil was delivered last Sunday Rev. George Methodist Church at Society H in Crawford county. Kev. CV.i* took his text from St. John, hi chapter and 37 th verse, in, which he delivered 3 most ni)! and influential sermon as to d should be king and who is ivn|]j king. •Many hearers benefit ted by this pl<u» v ]>i>xe scripture advice. I here were, aj least, two hundred people out ti hear the first sermon preached uj Jordan's Chapel. As this willbj a Methodist church and no pasta has been yet chosen, we ran im tell how often we will h ve servi ces at this church, hut the coni niunity is highly encouraged < the Baptists seem to turnout i full blast for the good cause u tended at the Chapel, laying i denominations aside the day -a vices are held. (jf coube w , Methodist get organize-d tU Wl ^ lake pieas'ire lit showing ll< Baptists tlie same good will. These I wo church, s »,e „ ,h border? of the ’’Old Bloody8ixtb' ol Craw lord county, who won he I self not ml.several ago whtn get ! ling drunk j.:h 1 tight', i.s at i country dogary was considered tlie bvst humanity for iiim-eltj family and country. But we J „ow „p line which ™ ] and truer thut will win « M m« .i u ,.,e a s we have three cl,well two schools, one black chord one black school, one white schi and two white oliurclies with one mile radius collecting 1 church days. Two hundred pe< p:e all abandonded the ‘•Itloixl Sixth” acts of .years except a whu we hope to conqiie 1 ' soon n»| will as iOoii as they read 8t I8lh chapter and 37tli vei-e eail fully, as quoted on the firstser®* preached at Jordan’s Chapel tM "ill then find out whisky i J ,l1 ^ king, NOTICE! The regular monthly meetinr) of ‘“The Woman’s Foreign siorary iSoc»etv,” of Knoxville Roberta churches will belaid al tile R lU-rta Methodi-t Church Thur-day. July 2nd at J 0 clock M. Every member of the b j guested to be present. ; .1 ' of both towns are CC i i ed to attend tlu^ meet* ag- j Maude St it ito, j j Reemding Sccictxfy ! • ^P\-Date Fan CV On eery S?w, iV. Mat (Y>*