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Uoiee, off CtzuuffobcL County Aince, 7927 f tflbo teJtuiny ^Dyion & ^Peoa/t Co. J
Thursday, June 20,2013
2 Sections, 12 Page
Member Lee Sanders ad
dressed the group about the
possibility of the students
having “ever-note” in the
classroom so there would be
more interaction between the
student and the teacher and
also with “ever-note”, the
student could do a search on
a subject that they would be
covering in class right away,
because the “ever-note”
would serve all notes to
which the student could have
access. Lee asked the Board
to consider this and it could
be discussed further.
There was a question from
Chairman Raymond Dickey
about the use of the funds
in the Equity Fund. It was
explained that if the funds
were not used the school
would not be able to access
these funds after a particular
date. Dickey then asked if
these funds could be trans
ferred to the Capital Fund to
be placed in that line item.
Everyone agreed about the
transfer and the motion was
Ricki Wood, left, and Sara Harris, seniors from Crawford
County, attended the Natural Resources Conservation
Workshop (NRCW) the week of June 9-13. This workshop
is available to Georgia’s rising 10th, 11th and 12 grad
ers. Camp takes place at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural
College in Tifton and focuses on the value, protection
and conservation of Georgia’s wildlife, forestry, soil and
water resources, including conservation in Georgia’s
mining industry.
Probate Judge Pam Busbee, right, swears in Crawford County’s Chief Magistrate, Rich
ard Spencer. He was sworn in Friday, June 14th which was also Flag Day.
Crawford County Now
Has A Chief Magistrate
By Victoria Simmons
The Georgia Post
Richard Spencer, who
moved to Crawford County
from upstate New York two
years ago, has been ap
pointed as Chief Magistrate.
He was sworn in June 14,
2013 by Probate Judge Pam
Spencer is originally from
Pensacola, Florida and was
in the Air Force from 1963
until he retired in 1985. He
then was with the Army
until he retired again in New
York. He served as Magis
trate Judge in New York for
18 years so is very familiar
with the position.
He and his wife, Lynne,
did not want to remain in
the cold and snow of New
York so began doing on-line
searches for houses. Though
they had looked everywhere
a house in Crawford County
came up and after seeing
pictures they decided to
move and begin remodeling
the house. He saw the notice
concerning appointment
of Chief Magistrate in The
Georgia Post and applied
and was subsequently ap
pointed. The notice stated
that the appointment should
be made no later than June
He and Lynne, have six
children between them and
14 grandchildren.
When not working Spen
cer likes to hunt, fish and
ride his motorcycle. They
attend Fellowship Commu
nity Church in Lizella and
like to see the sites and get
acquainted with people.
Though they were, at first,
a little hesitant about mov
ing here, Spencer says the
community has been very
good to them and they are
glad they moved. “We like
the area,” he said.
By Susan Garnto
The Georgia Post
Director of EMA (Emer
gency Management Agency)
Jake Watson was the main
agenda item at last week’s
meeting of the Crawford
County Board of Education.
Watson brought it to the
Board’s attention that there
was a possibility they needed
to increase the sirens in
multiple areas so that Craw
ford could be ready in an
emergency. He also said that
there were no issues with
Crawford County about their
Emergency System and that
the Warning System is the
key to having the time to
respond. Watson informed
the Board that they need to
be prepared to spend at least
$20,000 for extra sirens.
Watson said he would like
to see the siren expense be
taken out of the Recreation
budget. There will be a test of
the siren system at 10:00 a.m.
on Saturday he noted.
Board member Brad Cody
asked Watson if he thought
they needed to boost the cur
rent system or did he think
they needed a new one. They
both agreed they needed
more than just one single
system and that they needed
to have multiple sirens in
several locations. This will
be discussed further and pos
sibly be resolved at the next
Reynolds, GA - The wait
is over for residents living in
underserved technological
areas of Southern Crawford
County, Yatesville and
Culloden. Flint Cable TV
d/b/a Flint River
Communications announces
that the Stimulus Broadband
Initiatives Program which
began in 2010 for this area
was completed May 2013.
As part of their strategic
rebranding effort, Flint Cable
TV has officially changed
their name to Flint Cable TV
d/b/a Flint River
Communications. This has
provided residents located in
these areas with full access
to broadband and Triple Play
Services including high
speed internet, expanded
cable offerings and VoIP
phone services (Voice over
Internet Protocol).
James (Jim) L. Bond,
President of Flint River
Communications had this to
say, “We are very excited
about completing the con
struction phase of this project.
This is a great opportunity for
the customers in the Crawford,
Monroe and Upson County
Areas served by this project.
The customers in these areas
now have access to Broadband
Speeds comparable to some
of the most populous areas in
the state"
Flint River Commu
nications has worked contin
uously to give their valued
customers, access to a Hybrid
Fiber Coaxial (HFC) network
which provides advanced
broadband and cable TV HD
services. This new technolo
gy allows Flint River
Communications to provide
you with advanced video ser
vices, superior sound and
enhanced channel selections.
The new bundle packages
are competitively priced to
insure that customers have
an affordable opportunity to
purchase ah three services. If
you are interested in the
broadband services or you
wish to upgrade any of your
existing cable services, you
may do so by calling one of
the customer service repre
sentatives at (478) 847-4111
or visit online at www.
About Flint River
Flint River Commu
nications is a subsidiary of
Public Service Commu
nications which is headquar
tered in Reynolds, Georgia
and is a privately owned cor
poration that has provided
customers with telecommu
nication services for over
100 years. As a leading com
munications company, we
offer unlimited high speed
internet service, home tele
phone service, cable televi
sion and broadband internet
service to both residential
and commercial customers.
For more information
about Flint River Com
munications please contact
Beverly Dawson at (478)
847-6526 or email beverly.
dawson@pstel. com
Broadband Initiative Complete
With Expanded Service Areas
EMA Director Tells B0E
More Sirens Are Needed
Bubba Willis, at his pro
duce stand on Hwy. 341
displays a South Georgia
watermelon weighing in at
14 pounds. He has fresh
fruits and vegetables.
4-H’ers have been very busy this summer. Above, Britney Holloway, second from right,
helps them with a mosaic arts class. They broke the pieces and then fit them together
to make the mosaic plaque. More 4-H Summer Activities are scheduled for June 25 -
10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Bowling $8; July 23 - TBD - Movies $5. Ages 9 +. For more informa
tion please call the Crawford County 4-H Office 478-836-3121 and talk with Britney.