Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, July 05, 1828, Image 3

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timers grew up to man’s estate, and married at the early age of twenty, an interesting woman, by whom he an only son— the hero of this humble tale. Edward, the father, by a success full course of industry, had obtained a considerable competency, with which he educated his son, and at the opening of the war between our coun try anil Great Britain, in compliance with the wishes ol Edmund, then at the earlv age of nineteen, he obtained for him a subalterns commission, and he entered the regular army, of the northwestern frontier. It is not our purpose to enter into details ol the battles which were so bravely fought, so gloriously contested, on our northwestern borders, and in several of which our young hero shone con spi ‘uously. His youthful ardor often Jed hi in into the thickest of the fight, and his honorable deportment Won the admiration of his commander and brother officers, as well as the esteem of the soldiery. He was several times wounded, though not danger misty, and at the close of the war. re turned home, covered with glory, when he soon afterward married El l ui Crawford, a young I idy of ble character, and respectable family, to whom he had been affianced wliil hr was yet a school hoy, immediate!} previous to his entering the army. The retirement of the country bui ill agreed with the active habits and disposition of Edmund, and through the assistance of some friends, he d termined to remove to a distant par of the country, and embark into the mercantile profession, to which hi” education and talents seemed better suited. With this view, he s ttled in anew and flourishing village in tin Western part of his native state, with hrl extensive sto< k in trade, and every probability of ultimate success. Soon after Edmund had settled per mauently* one captain B, a brother officer, located in the same village and engaged in the same profession. This was entirely unexpected to Edmund, end afforded him much happiness* thus to meet with a friend whom lie had not seen since the regiment, to which they had both belonged, was disbanded. Edmund give him a cor dial welcome to little village so*, ciety, and offered him the opportunity of hoarding in his family, which was accepted. They soon became as in timate friends, as they had been dur ihg their intercourse in the army of their country. Prosperity dawned alike upon their efforts. In two or three years active business, each had amassed a consi derable property, when Edmund was suddenly attacked With the billious fever of the Climate, which carried him off in the short space of ten days, leaving a disconsolate Widow and one child, to deplore their early and irre pai able loss. Wretched, indeed, was the disconsolate Ellen. Nurtured in pride and affluence, scarcely yet in her sixteenth year, she had never be fore known misfortune. Captain B. stepped forward and offered his services, in settling her affairs, and at her earnest solicitation, received the legal appointment of administrator on the estate of her late husband. Artful and insinuat ing, he soon acquired an entire con trol over her feelings, and with her concurrence, the estate was placed entirely in his hands, and used by him, to promote his own artful pur poses. The Widow, at his urgent re quest, became an inmate of his fami ly, then under the direction of a mai den sister, whose amiable deportment and high respectability, she deemed a sufficient guarantee for sustaining the respectability of her character. But who can guard against the wily serpent, that lurks beneath the tuft of grass under our feet. The base B. laid and executed a snare which was to destroy the bloom of in noce and virtue. Trained in the sehool of vice, he knew but too well the tender flower of virtue, nur tured by generous confiding woman, bends before the guise of friendship, and yields to the power of confidence, under the firmest pledges of honora ble address and intended marriage, he obtained the in istcry over her feel ings, and finally seduced her from the path of innocence. A suspicion of Undue familiarity, arose in the mind of the sister, and at ablate hour one night, she discovered the guilty pair in a private bed room, in an extreme part of the house. Soaine and con irision could not appease her feelings, and they were obliged, immediately, to leave the house. The guilty para mour conducted the wretched Widow to an adjoining town, where she re mained for a considerable time. The base seducer, pressed by his unfortunate victim, finally refused the only reparation in his power, the fui fitment of his plighted oaths. A dn appointment, so serious, preying upon her mind, produced a lingering dis ease, winch, in a few months, termi nated her life. She died a broken hearted maniac, in indigence and wretchedness—refused, even at the last hour, a servant, from the numer ous establishment, to minister to her wants; while her unprincipled seducer yet lives in affluence, embezzled from ler property, tun it is to be hoped, la ooriug under the harrowing sting of •• the worm that never dies.” EUGENIO. > Siieriff’s Suie. l/tpll be sold on the first Tuesday ** iti August next, at the Court .louse in Warren ton, Warren coun y, between the usual Hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negfo girl Malinda, a bdut eighteen years of age: Levied on as the property of Jesse I) tire* n, to satisfy two executions one in favor of .VMton Antlioiiy and the other in favor of Asa Holt vs. the said Jes,e D. Green, property pointed ou> by the defendant. Two hundred and fifty Three acres of oak aod hickory laud, more or less, lying on the waters of Williams Creek, adjoining lands of >toscs Alexan der and others, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of VI ithew Moore t > satisfy two executions issued out of a justices court in favor of Henry B. ftio npson against the said Mathew Moore. One negro girl, by tiie name of Mary, about ten years of ag*; levied on as th j property of 13. S Harrison, to satisfy four executions in favor of Thom as Persons and one in favor of Charles H. Porter, against B. S. Harrison, 13. T. Harrison and Mordica Johnson secuiity on the appeal, and Robert C. Parham, se curity on tiie stay of Execution, levy made and returned to me by a constab e. The undivided interest of Hickeraon 0. Cosby, in two negroes, a votnan by the name of Hany, about forty-four years of age ami her child Washington three yeais old, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of the said Cosby, to sans fy an execution in favor of Abner, Rogers vs. the said Hiokerson D. Cosby. I One negro woman by the name of Jenny, age not known, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of Jesse Darden dec. to three executions in favor ot Alan D ioa vent, vs Henry Gibson executor ot Jesse ! Darden, dec. One huudred acres of pine land, more or less, on the wateis of j Reedy Creek, adj uning lands of Johu Williams and others—Also one hun dred acres of pine land, more or leas, on the waters of Reedy creek, adjoining lands of Briton Carroll and others, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of John Kent, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Thomas Westbay against the gaid John Kent. Two negroes—Bob about ‘fifty and Cate about forty five, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of the Administrators of John D’Yampart a gainst Jesse Bull and Adam Jones Exec utors of Benjamin property pointed ou t*v Robert Walton. LEONARD PRATT, Shf, July 5, 1828. COMMENCEMENT. Franklin College , University 1 of Georgia, 23d June, 1828. j The final Examination of the pres ent Senior Class in this Institu tion, will take place on Monday the 7th July. The Examination of the Freshman Class, on Wednesday the 30th, and of the Sophomore Class, on Thursday the 31st of the same month. On Friday the Ist day of August, the Junior Class will be ex amined, and on Saturday the 2nd, tiie Caudidates for admission tutu College. On Sabbath, the third, a Commencement Sermon will be deliv ered in the Presbyterian Church in Aibens; on Monday the Board of Trustees will meet; on Tuesday, the sth, a part of the members of the Junior Class attached to the two Societies in College will deliver Ora tious of their own composition; ami Wednesday the tkh day of August, will be the annual commencement. During the occasion, an Oration will !be delivered by Judge Clayton, and also, by Judge Berrien, as Represen ‘tativesHif the Deiuostlieuun and Pm i < Kappa Societies. ASBUUY HULL, I Secretary of the University of Georgia. List us Letters remaining in the tost iff I fee , Warrenton , Ceo. Ist. July, tb-I'3. fA. Jusepu Leuuard Aiuaißn, sd, iVu Kain Abbot, Jr. Moses Alexander 2, Capt. f. AarOti Adkins 2, Jesse Aimley. B. David N. Bai kiialier 2, Andrew Busii, Sen. Richmond Burnley, William C. Brooks. C. Yonck Chace, Michael Cody 3,j Miss Lucinda Culpepper, Gerrard Camp. Mrs.F ranees Culpepper, William Cason, I Justices of tne Interior Court, Clerk of the ijderior Court. i D. Cealy Dye, Jethro Darden, Johu B. D •zt;r, Joshua Draper, William <>uu avvay, Mrs. Mai tna Duberry, Moses Da vis, Dr. i'hoinaS N. Duncan. E. Wnliam Edmonson 2. I G. Stephen Guzzle, William Grace, Edgar barlick. li. Ri hard Heeth, Samuel Hall, Jno. Hancock, Daniel Hutchinson, Wm. B. rluudiey 2, Widow unieuu liagood, Am bros H ail), John Hyinau, 1 heopm laus D. Heatn, Edmond fiarrisou, Irwin liat- Captain 11. Humbert, William C. ! Hill, VYilliain lijrral, Thomas Hand or Marga let Stanford. G. Guthrige ivey. J. Archibald 3. Justice, Joseph C. Jihuson, 3tepuen Jones, Allen W, Jack son. K. John Kitchens, Harriet King. L. Luis lord Low, John Littleton, V\ to. jKi. Lucket, Caiep Lindsey, Jona tuau A Lockhan, Osoorn Locket, Solo mon Locket, Misa Lucy Loyless. M. John Mays,.Septimus W. Myrick, Gilitis m Martin, Willis Martin, Wui. Moat, Reuben M Gee. N. William S. Nichols, Ja nes Neal. P. Mi. Peyton, Alfred Poague, Rev. E. Perryman, Joiin Parker, Marcus Po sey, Jmes Pace, Abner Perry, Cornelius Perry man. K. ,\bner Rogers, Samuel Ransom. S. Robert Stanford, James Story, Daniel Shows, Johnson Springer, John W . dhuily 2, Natnan Shurly, Win Stone 2, Sauiuef Story. T. M oses Thomas, Septimus Tor rence, George Turner, Henry B. Thomp son or John Harris. N. Tobias Upton, Peter Ursery. W. Edward vVortbeu, Dr* Charles H. Wilson, Jamet Wilder, Isaac Wat son for Sarah May, Nicholas Williams, Thomas Watson, l-aac Watson, John Wrig it, Hiram Wagner,Miss Jane Wai ker, Hugh Ward. Which will be sent to the General Post Office, first of October next, if nm taken out. JOHN MOORE, P. M. ’ NOTICE. THE law requires Executors, Admi nistrators and Guardians, to render ;iq a correct statement, at least once a year, of the condition of their estates, and against all who fail, the Inferior (sitting for ordinary purposes) are requir ed to iisue process, calling upon them to answer for such delinquency. The re turns nay be made at any time to the Clerk, whose duty it shall be to report the same to the next Court, of which ail concerned will avail themselves. Z. FRANKLIN, Cik. c. o. w.c. June 7. , PUBLIC SALE LOTS Within the Reserve and Town of COLUMBUS, At the Coweta Falls , on the Chattahoochie River. IN conformity to an act of the ture of this State, passed on the twen ty-fourth day of December, hi the ysar one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, to lay out a trading town, and dis puac %f nil hp lands reserved for *be Use of th<* State, near the Coweta Falls on the Chattahoochie river—-Will be sold in the town of Columbus, on Thursday, the 10th of July next, 614 Building Lots, of half an acre each, in the plan of said town ; Twenty-five Gardening Lots often a cres each, on th*- North. East and South of the square reserved for the town and otnmon, and adjoining the same. Twen ty Lots of twenty acres each—seventy eight lots Os one hundred acres ach, ana thirty one fractional parts of survey. The local advantages of this town—the rich and extensive back country it hag already at command, and the increasing importance it will derive from tlieccs ioq of the lands on the west of the Chatta hoochie river, will insure to it a degree of commercial importance not surpassed by any other town in Georgia. The town is situated on the east side of the river, iinm *dnucly below the falls, which admits of a safe and convenient navigation for steamboats from thence to Apdachi cola Bay. Terms will be one fifth of the pur chase money in cash or current bills of chartered Banks of this state—the bal ance in four equal annual instalments. The sale will commence on the day above mentioned and will be continued from day to day until all the lots are dis posed of. IGNATIUS A. FEW ‘j ELIAS BEALL, PHILIP HENRY ALSTON, > JAMES H ALL A VI, | E. L. DEG It AFFENR EID, J Commissioners for laying off the town of COLUMItUS. and the Reserve at the COWETA KILLS. Wanted, A lad between 14 and 16 leaps nf age, as an apprentice to the Saddle and Harness making business. One of steady industrious habits will meet with good encouragement by apply ing to E. IIALE. \Vimrntnn. .Time 91 4- + f NOTICE * All persons are cautioned airainG trad ing for a note of hand given by rmsel to William Wilder, about the lfithofJrfQ uary, 1827 for thirty dollars, made pa-- able som’ time in the same year, as I have paid >ai<l note off to said Wilder and (lout intend to pay the same again, unless compelled bv law. Joseph s. Waggoner. June 28th 18 1 -8. Attention !!! THE Court of Enquiry, for tht county of Warren, held in War renton, on Monday the 18th inst. no minated the undersigned a committee to examine and choose some suitable place fur holding General and Regi mental Musters for said county; they therefore notify all jiersons who feel disposed to furnish the ground, to in form someone of this committee, on or before the 2d. Saturday in August next, when they will meet by the hour of O o*c|i/ckj A* w. tcrmane such se lection. Aaron Atkins, g* Nathan J>*nes, j Athelstan Andrews, Benjamin Ivey, | |r Edmund Harris, J r. June 21, 1828.