Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, July 26, 1828, Image 4

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Miscellaneous. ji fragment. * Lovely Amelia, let met me press this hand—more beautiful than the new fallen snow. Oh, let me bend my knee wtir h never before bent in hum** bleness, to any but my God, in adora tion of tby virtues:—nay, do not blush, dearest girl, for, by my coun try’s hopes, I love thee \* The eye of Amelia beamed with unusual lustre, and a shade of crim son stole over her lovelv cheek. * Frederick arise. I would not be hold a warrior at my feet, when ho nor calls him to the post of danger. The noise of thy “country's battles bids thee to t!ie field of glory—the striped banner of thy hallowed land is floating on the breeze, and the murmur of the nation, who are deter mined to live, as freemen or to live no longer, is ascending to the throne of heaven. Go—fight against the inva ders of thy home, and when thou re turnest iu victory, and if Amelia's heart is worthy of a soldier's love, deserve and take it.’ Frederick arose from the earth, and strained her to bis bosom. In tin baste of the moment her white arm had encircled his neck, and he im printed a long kiss of pure affectioi upon her willing lip. llis noble liorst stood near, arrayed in the splendid trapping of war—be seemed to par take of liis master's enthusiasm-* bis eyes Hashed lire—his ears were erect cd, and be shook his snow white mam* in the air—he struck his hoofs on Ihc ground, his nec k was curved with graceful eleganc e and be pranced with impatience to bear bis master to bat tie. With a look of mingled anxiety and admiration, Amelia saw her lover vault into the saddle, cast on her a glanc e of affection, and a large tear gathered in his e \o —be struck bis spurs into his horse *8 side—the noble ai imal sprang forward as on the wings *f the wind, and bis feet Hash ed tire )-s be spurned (bo earth—A tin'lia uttered a faint scream—one mo ment sin* gazed on the Hpot that bad been hi.flowed with bis presence, and then bent down her bead and wept. .LV JiPrjIUTLkY. ’Twas night, gloomy night, when all nature was hushed in calm re pus*, when no sound was heard, save that of the chirking cricket, as I lay musing in my bed, my thoughts as sailed with gloom}’ apprehensions, and moping Somnus guarded the beds of mortals, but mine .done he had f>rsa. ken; me thought 1 had lost entirely his kind patronage, and, in the course of half an hour, had begged his as sistance three times, when dreadful to rilate, the door turned on its creak’ ing hinges, my heart turned in uiy body jjnd my bod}’ in my bed; 1 saw nothing; but heard the dreadful appa rition approaching towards me. My fancy painted his gristly heard and golden eye-balls shining against the walls with terror. It came to my bed, which I had already crept to the foot of—it pulled the clothes. 1 pronounced a small ejaculation and prepared to meet my fate. A long si- j lence ensued —then a shrill voice—an other pause—and at last I had the fortitude to put out my head; when to my eternal confusion, moriificatiuu and disgrace, 1 saw, a Cut . JONATHAN. Professional duties must be performed. An attorney, presenting a copy of a writ to an auctioneer at Brighton, not long since, apologized for his un friendly usit, and concluded with ho ping that the other would not be of fended, as he was merely performing an unpleasant duty in bis profession. Certainly not, said the auctioneer, you must attend to the duties of your profession, and so I must to miue, and instantly knocked him down. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court House in Warrenton, Warren coun ty, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro girl Maiinda, a bout eighteen years of age; Levied on as the property of Jesse D Green, to sati-fy two executions one in favor of Milton Anthony and the other in favor of Asa Holt v*. the said Jesse D Green, property pointed out bv the defendant. Two hundred and fifty Three acres of oak and hickory land, more or less, lying on the waters of Williams Creek, adjoining lands of Moses Alexan der and others, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of Mathew Moore to satisfy two executions issued out of a justices court in favor of Henry B. Thompson against the said Mathew Moore. One negro girl, by the name of Mary, about ten years of age; levied on as the property of B. S Harrison, to satisfy four executions in favor of Thorn as Persons arid one in favor of Charles 11. Porter, against P. S. Harrison, B. T. Harrison and Mordica Johnson security on the appeal, and Robert C. Parham, se runty on the stay of Execution, lev) made ami returned to me by a constable The undivided interest of Dickerson I>. Cosby, in two negroes, a Oman by the name of Heny, abou forty-four years of age and her chib Washington three yeats old, leviec on by a constable and returned to me a* ibe property of the said Cosby, to satis fv an execution in favor of Abne* Rogers vs. the said Hickerson I). Cosb\ One negro woman by the name of Jenny, age not known, levied o by a constable and returned to me as the properly of Jesse Darden dec. to satesG throe executions in favor of Man Durfh vent, vs Henry Gibson executor of Jcsat Darden, dec. One huudred acres of pine land, more or less, on the waters of ’<eedy Creek, adjoining lands of Job, Williams and others—Also one hun died acres of* pine land, more or les on the waters of Reedy creek, adjoining land* of Briton Carroll and others, levied on by a constable and returned to me a the property of John Kent, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Thoma* Westhay against the said Jnhp Kent. Two negroes—Bob about fifty and Cate about forty five, levied on to satisfy an execution in favnr of* the Administrators of John D’Yampart a gainst Jesse Bull and Adam Jones Exec iitor* of Benjamin Reese, property pointed out bv Robert Walton. LEONARD PRATT Stiff, July 5, 1838. Four thousand pounds of BACON. The subscriber will sell four thou sand pounds of Bacon cured in the bes manner, low for cash, or on a credit until the 25th day of December tnext, the purchaser giving smal notes with good security. Apply at the Post Office. JOHN MOORE. .lone 21. 4 f A Man Missing!!! I EFT the subscribers house, suddenly, A on the 2d Inst, a gentleman who said hi* name was tredrick Baldwin. He professes to be, or to have been, a Lawyer. Said Baldwin is about five feet eight or ten inches high; about forty years of age; red complected, red hair, which he wore long behind, ami bald on the back part of his head. I understand he has a family in Gwinnett or Franklin countv, Geo. and I presume they would be glad to hear where he is. Should he not be lost, I hereby notify all Tavern Keepers to be on their guard against his impositions, as he went off from this place in a hurry, without pay ing his bill, which I am informed is not the first act of the kind. j He is a man fond of talking, wears a small black hat, a blue frock coat, pretty much worn. WM. F. WILKINS. Columbia Court House, July 5,1828. List of Letters remaining in the Post Os. Jice, IVarrenton, Geo. Ist. July , 1828. A. Joseph Leonard Atm>deu,*2, Wil liam Abbot, Jr. Moses Alexander 2, Capt. Aaron Adkins 2, Jesse Ansley. B. David N. Barkhalter 2, Andrew Bush, Sen. Richmond Burnley, William C. Brooks. C. Yoriek Chace, Michael Cody 3, Miss Lucinda Culpepper, Cerrard Camp, Mrs. Frances Culpepper, William Cason, Justices of the Inferior Court, Clerk of the Inferior Court. D. Cealy Dye, Jethro Darden, John B. Dozier, Joshua Draper, William Dun away, Mrs. Martha Duberry, Moses Da vis, Dr. Thomas N. Duncan. E. William Edmonson 2. G. Stephen Grizzle, William Grace, Edgar Garlick. H. Richard Heeth, Samuel Hall, Jno. Hancock, Daniel Hutchinson, Win. B. Hundley 2, Widow Gideon Hagood, Am bros Heath, John Hyman, Theophclaus D. Heath, Edmond Harrison, Irwin Hat taway, Captain H. llurbert, William C. Hill, William Harral, Thomas Hand or Margaret Stanford. G. Guthrige Ivey. J. Archibald S. Justice, Joseph C. Jahnson, Stephen Jones, Allen VV. Jack -on. K. John Kitchens, Harriet King. L. Lunsford Low, John Littleton, Wm. Rf. Lucket, C-alep Lindsey, Jona than A. Lockhart, Osborn Locket, Solo mon Locket, Miss Lucy Loyless. M. John Mays, Septimus W. Myrirk, • ilitisha Martin, Willis Martin, W in. doat, Reuben M Gee. N. William S. Nichols, James Neal. P. Mr. Peyton, Alfred Poague. R* v G. Perryman, John Parker, Manus Po ey, James Pace, Abner Perry, Cornelius Perryman. R. Abner Rogers, Samuel Ransom. S. Robert Stanford, James Story, Daniel Shows, Johnson Springer, John VV. hurly 2, Nathan Shurly, Win. Slone 2, Samuel Stor v. T. M oaes Thomas, Septimus Tor rence, George Turner, Henry B. Thomp son or John Harris. N. Tobins Upton, Peter Ursery. VV. Edward Worthen, Dr* Charles H. Wilson, James Wilder, Isaac Wat -on for Sarah May, Nicholas Williams*, Thomas Watson. I-aac Watson, John W right, Hiram Wagner,Miss Jane Wat ker, Hugh Ward. |C7*Which will be sent to the General Post Oilice, first of October next, if not taken out. JOHN MOORE, P. M. NOTICE. THE law requires Executors, Admi nistrators and Guardians, to rendei in a correct statement, at least once a year, i.f the condition of their estates, and against all who fad, the Inferior Court (sitting for ordinary purposes) are requir ed to issue process, calling upon them to answer for such delinquency. The re turns may be made at any “time to the Clerk, whose duty it shall be to report the same to the next Court, of which all concerned will avail themselves. Z. FRANKLIN, Clk? c. o.w.c. June 7. 2 in.S’W GEORGIA, W arren county Whereas, Spivy Fuller (Administrator de bonis non and with the will annexed,) on the estate of Thomas Smith late of said county dec. applies for letters of Hissmis sion on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, the Kindred and Creditors, of said dec. to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if anv they have, why Said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office this 28th day of Mav 1828. Z. FRANKLIN, clk. c. o. May 31st m6n!^ BEMJJY'S SFJYTJIX. 1 Anew edition of beman’s SYNTAX will he issued from the press of the Advertiser next week. This work is so well known in Geor gia—has so long been the indispensa ble companion of Murray's Gram mar, and claims so distinguinhed a teacher as its author, that we cannot doubt but a third edition will com mand a ready sale. Price, S8 per 100—g4 50 per half hundred—l2§ cents single. All or ders, post paid, accompanied with the cash, will be punctually attended to. COMMENCEMENT. Franklin College , University ) of Georgia , 23d June , 1828. J HPlie final Examination of the pres ent Senior Class in this Institu tion. will take place on Monday the 7th July. The Examination of the Freshman Class, on Wednesday (lie 30th, and of the Sopiiemore Class, on Thursday the 31st of the same month. On Friday the Ist day of August, the Junior Class will be ex amined, and on Saturday the 2nd, the Candidates for admission into College. On Sabbath, (he third, a Commencement Sermon will be deliv ered in the Presbyterian Church in Athens; on Monday the Board of Trustees will meet; on Tuesday, the sth, a part of the members of the Junior Class attached to the two Societies in College will deliver Ora tions of their own composition; and Wednesday the 6th da) of August, will be the annual commencement. During the occasion, an Oration will be delivered by Judge Clayton, and also, by Judge Berrien, as Represen tatives of. the Demosthenian and Phi Kappa Sot ieties. A SB UR Y HULL, Secretary of the University of Georgia Regimen talOrders, 3rd July, 1828. THE Officers and Soldier* composing the 12th Regiment, Geo. Militia. (War ren county) will respect and obey the following SlatT appointment, viz. Elijah Jones, Adjutant to said Regiment, with ihe appropriate rack. It is deemed highly important that the companies should invariably be exercised in the first principles (rs Military Discipline, the ele ments of which cannot be completely es tablished, without joining theory to prac tice. Therefore, the Commanding Offi cers of Companies in this Regiment, will be more vigiler.t and attentive in diilling their respective Commands four times , at least, in every year; and they will adhere -tri tly to what the law requires of them, in organizing and enforcing a proper Pa trol throughout their Companies, respec tively.. that tijftjservice may be performed with uniformity and precision. AARON W. GRIER, Col. 12th Rig. Ga. Via. Attention !!! npBE Court of Enquiry, f.r the 1L county of Warren, held in War renton,on Monday the 18fli inst. no minated the undersigned a committee to examine and choose some suitable place for holding General and Regi mental Musters for said county; they therefore notify all persons wholes! disposed to furnish the ground, to in form someone of this committee, on or before the 2d. Saturday in August next, when they will meet by the hour of 9 o’clock, A. M. to make such se lection. Aaron Atkins, “) Nathan Junes, | Athelstan Andrews, 3 Benjamin Ivey, j sj Edmund Harris, J f* June 21, 1828. surviving Officers of the Rev- JL cdutionary Army, who received commutation certificates, and the surviving non-commissioned of ficers and soldiers of that army (nut on the pension list) who re ceived cirfifi-ates for the promis ed reward of eighty dollars for en | listing for the war, and continuing in the service until its termination, are jijft quested particularly to send their, names, and the names of toe places where their nearest Post Offices are kept, by letters addressed to Col. Aaron Ogden, at the <!ty ,jf Wash ington, who will be there ready to receive them. This will supersede the necessity of appointing agents, to transact the business at the Treasu ry Department, from whence by this means the proper papers will be sent, free from expense, to each individual, show ing his right to the benefit of the benefit of the act of Congress lately passed, in favor of the persons of the above description.