Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, August 09, 1828, Image 4

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M isceilaneous. SAiUuiMY NIUHI. The wepk is past! its latest ray h vanished wiih the closing day; And ’(is as tar beyond our grasp, Its now departed hours to clasp, A to iecll that moment bright, When first creation sprung to light. r J h’ wc k is p .si! and has it brought S’ up to amsot'sweetand soothing thought? And has it left some memory dear Ol heavenly raptures tasted here? It has not winged its flight in vain, A’ li ‘ugn it ne’er return again. And who would sigh for i>s return? “We are but pilgrims, horn to mourn; And in.urn t>(t> as (hey onward flew, Cu short the thread of human woe, Anil bung us nearer to the scenes Where sorrows end, aod heaven begins, —mmmm m ii i 11 From tlic Boston l.iterary Gazette. PERHAPS. Perhaps there never was a duller time lor news than at. the present mo nent. Perhaps there is no situate o more nneoinforlabie than an editor's, when he has nothing particular to prattle about. Perhaps the morning’s papers or the mornitg’s mail will bring us something of great moment to oflVr our readers. Perhaps noi! Perhaps the editor of tins p per is a musing himself with rati lung horn poof. Perhaps tlo* pouts havo laid hold upon him. P< i h ps we shah linve anew hook tomorrow from those out< rprising gentlemen tin j\l >hi's. . Perhaps the weath er will ne w arm, perhaps cold, pi r Imps middling, jn liiajis wet, probably dry.— It may be a dull day, a bright day nr a cloudy day, probably Sat urday—Perhaps Somebody w ill break his neck, lie never has been guilt} of sin Ii a thi ig. lint lie may. We must not always draw tom ‘fusions for the i‘utore IVoiu the events that have gone by. Perhaps our delinquent subscribers will pay their hills. Per haps w- slii'll obtain twenty new ones. P coops every thing sublunary de pt nds upoii mini, genres. Perhaps somebody will read this article. Per haps somebody will like it. Who knows? parti sriniT. Party spirit is tint egotism some what expanded. It narrows our con {options; it misleads our minds, cor rupts (lie sentiments, and substitutes interest instead of virtue; it engen dr’s discord, breaks socialities, and brings even misfortune upon individ uals, by driving frtrni their hearts all moderation and kindness—without vhit'll neither real wisdom nor true happiness can exist. Segur's Four Ages . Some German journals predict the approach of a comet, which will de stroy our world in the year 183-2. A like < atasfrophe, it may be reinem breed, was threatened in a comintini cation to the Fruit It Academy of S* i en-rs, in M-*y, 1773, by M. Ul - landc, when people died of fear, and the clergy sold places in Paradise at a large profit. T wo friends who had been separat ed a great while, meeting by chance, one asked the other how he did? He replied iliat he was very well, and ‘ll'us married since they had last met, ♦That is good news indeed.’ ‘Nay not so very good neither, fr I have married a shrew.* ‘That is bad too.’ —*Not, so bad neither, for I had two j thousond pounds with her.’ —That is well again.*—Notso well neither, for 1 laid it out in sheep, and they all died of the rot.-—That was hard in truth, —Not so hard neither, for 1 sold the skins for more than the sheep cost ne.’ — ‘Aye, that made you amends.* —‘Not so much amends neither, for 1 laid out my money in a house, and it was burned.’—‘That was a great loss indeed.’—*Not so great a loss neither, for my wife was burned in it .’ I A paper published in Paris, Ten nessee, contains, in a bona Jide adver tisement, the following very h meat annum iation of the legal ac quire ments, and special qualifications of an Attorney, for the due practice of the law: G. W. TERRILL, Attorney at Law. WITHOUT the benefit of age or experience; without the aid of theory or prat tice, offers his professional ser vices to the public. He will practit e —(if he can get any business) in tilt counties of Humphreys, Carroll and Henry; lie promises nothing but hons esty in his profession, and not over much of that. .New Goods!!! The subscriber is now receiving from JY Ell I H UK, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Seasonable Goods: Among them arc the following arti cles, nz : Para-oVand Umbrellas, Leghorn and S raw Bonnets, Vests and Pantaloons, (r ,:dy made.) Osnabiirghs and Russia Sheeting. S pirn t otton, Sugar, Coif e, &c. ALSO, A general ss rtment of BUY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD-WARE AND CROCK RY. All of which will bes .Id on accommo dating terms and at redured|prices. for cash. CHARLES A ELY. August 2. 10-ts Warrenton, July 29, i823. The subscribers will practice Law in co-partnership. GRIGSBY E. THOM IS. OB AI)I A H C. GIBSON. Final Notice. A LL persons indebted t us are in /V formed that we will allow them the highest pn e for cotton, this fall, in payment., aid we Impe they will a vail themselves .f this noti e. ROBERTS & MADDUX. Jillv IP Ii 182 ft ft ? Four thousand pounds oi BACON. The subs ri ’ er will sell fur thou sand pounds of Bacon cured in the best maimer, low for rash, or on a credit until the 25’ h day of December next, the baser giving small notes with good security. Apply at the Post Office. JOHN MOORE. Warrenton, June 21. 4 ts Sheriff’s Sale. ILL be sold on the fiist Tuesday in September next, at the court house, in the town oi Warrenton. Warren coun ty, between the u,u.d hours of sale, the folio ving property, to wit: Four hundred acres of land, more or lees, adjoining I B*rryand others, on the waters of Little River, le vied on by Hardy Hitts, 1). Sheriff, and returm and to me, as the property of John A. M’Ginty, to-sati>fy an execution in fa vor of A .1. &. G. W. Huntington, against the said M‘Ginty. One negro woman by the name of Clue, about 45 50 or vears of ag->, evied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of Fiances M‘Crary o satisfy an execution in favor of Jere miah Butt against said Frances M’Crary. One hundred acres of pine land, more or less, adjoining lands belong ing to the estate of Nicholas Harbu k and others, on the waters of Goldwin* creek, whereon Charles W. M'Carty now lives, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of William Harbuck, to satisfy an execuion in favor of P. 0., Paris, holder, against Daniel M*Donald William Harbuck and Hackaliah M‘Math. One negro girl by the name of Poilli*, ab ut four yem a of age, levied on by a constable and returned to me as the property of Abner Hill, to satisfy thiee executions in favor of Henry B. Thompson, Admr on the estate, of Rich ard Bry dec. and sundry executions in tavi.r of John G. Winter and others a gainst the said Abner Hill. LEONARD PRATT, Shff. .Tidy 28 1828. M iCON B ALES OF THE RESERVE LANDS , THE Town lots and tiie B"0 D ”HT JL SID Ju4 o WILL commence on Wednesday the first day of n xt October, and will continue from day ! o day with the exception of the first Monday and Tues i]hy of that month. We shall then ex pose to sale in Macon, o the hghest bid der, in coofoimity with a late act of the General Assembly : All he town lots not heretofore dispos ed of; being upwards of in number; on the western side of the river; among .hern are twelve adjoining the l iver, and a few other choice lots for busine-p. The residue are in more re ined >ituations, and generally afford good building sites in a pleasant and growing part of the town. Forty two gardening lots of 10 and 20 acres each ; laid out from one to one and a half miles distant from the town in two ranges around the Western Common. Also, twenty eight lots on the Eastern side ; that is to say, four of twenty, eight of ten acres, and sixteen of one acre each. These last include the pla.e sometimes! known as Newtown ; and will be sold, subject to certain lea-e* from the United S.aies, to expire next January. The residue of the lands in the two reserves, are laid out. in tracts of 100 a* r< s. and frac'ional parts “f such tracts. Ol these, the uplands wid be next offer ed; the lowest number” first; beginning with those on the western side. On Wednesday the 22d of October nt xt. at 11 o’clock, A. M. will be offered at the place of the other sales, the Bridge at Macon, together with one acre of land on the east ern side of the Ocmulgee river, as one of the hutments ; and Mie privilege of using so much ol Fifth or B idge sheet on the western bank as may b? necessary for the other hutment of the Bridge. Go Thursday the 23d of October, we shall proceed to sell the Swamp & Bottom lands within the Reserves, those on the western side first: and continue from day to day until completed. The particular numbers that will be sold on each day cannot bo specified; bu* it is intended to put up the several kinds and descriptions in the order here men tioned. Ihe Reserves are generally wel* wa tered, and contain several good mill seats The area of the whole cannot be exactly known until the platting is com pleted; but twenty one thousand acres is the estimated quantity contained in both Reserves and the adjoining fractions, exclusive of the town suiveys. Perhaps no body of land of the same extent can be found, that embraces a greater variety in its surface, soil and timber. Situated just in that region where the pine of the lower country changes to the oak and hickory of the upper; it includes both hese growths and soils in most of their varieties; in some portions entire, in oth ers interspersed or blended. Tracts of very hilly land, or that which is quite lev el, or gently undulating, may be had of almost every quality; either of oak and hickory, or pine, or river lands; and sev eral of these kinds occasionally united in tracts of 100 acres, and fractions of va rious sizes, adapted to most of the pur poses for which land is wanted. From the pressure of the times, and more especially from the quantity of lands and town lots that have been lately in the market, these must unavoidably sell low. And, lying at the head of naviga tion, immediately around the third town of the state in population and trade, there is every reasonable prospect of their soon rising in value. I Purchasers have now an opportunity, ‘and apparently the last that will soon of | fer, of obtaining on cheap and very indul gent terms of payment, choice situations tor residence, for trade or fur farming. TERMS OF SALE. Perchasers of lands and lots are to pay the Commissioners on the day of tha purchase, one fifth part of the purchase money in cash or current bills of char tered B. nks of this State, and the residue in four equal annual instalments.—A*o se curity will be required. 1 ne bridge w II be sold on the same term-/ exc> pt that the purchaser will be , required to give bond with two or more i approved -ueties for the payment of the lour subsequent annual instalments. W N HARMON, ) C. B. STRONG, L Comm’s O. H. PRINCE, J Macon July 5, iO2B 9—9 t. Editors of the Charleston City Gazette the Tuscaloosa M rror, and oj the seveial public Gazettes, in this State will publish the foregoing weekly, nine weeks in their respective papers, and for ward their accounts to M ARM A DUKE. J SLADE, Esq. Clerk of the Commis sioners, in such time as to reach him by the Ist of November. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House, in Warren county, the real estate of John Turner, dec. ot said county, consisting of 150 acres of land (the wdows dower ex cepted ) The legatees are hereby notifi ed, that the widow intends claiming her dowre of said land, if any of the hens to said estate, has any lawful objection, they aie requested to come forward and let it be known. JAMES TURNER, Adm-r. July 7, 1828. 7-60d AF TER the expiration of the time re q tired by law, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of the county of Warren, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell 10G acres of land, lying on long creek, adjoining Richard Heath and John Harrell. A part of the real esta*e of Elizabeth King, t ec> J A VIES T. DIC KEN, Err, July 12ih. 1828. 7 4m rUUIi ui-auton alter (late, nppioauon will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary p irposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Drury P.,te, dec. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm‘r. Jnlv 12th, 1828. 7-4 m tOUli month after date, application will be made, to the Honorable Inferior I Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seli the real estate, and the negroes not di posed of bv the will, of John M‘Corrnick, dec. SARAH Vi‘COR MU K, Ex‘rx. B MINE IT CODY, Ex‘r. July 12. 7-4 m FOL K months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, ot Warren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to self Lot No 376, in the 12th district of Irwin, it being part of the real estate of Robert Palmer, dec. WINF.FRED PALMER, Ex‘rx. July 12. 1828. 7.4 m ALL p. raoos having demands against tha estate of Elizabeth King, late of War ren county, deceased, are requested to present them as the law directs; and those tindebted, to make immediate payment. James t. dicken, Ext. ! July 12: 7 40<1 ’ - ... ’ - - ALL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Palmer, late of Warren countv, deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment; and those having de mands against said estate, are desired to present them as the law directs. WINEFRED PALMER, Ex‘rx. Jnlv F2. 7-40d | ALL persons indebted to the estate, of John M*Cormick. late of Warren county, deceased, are desired to make immediate .payment ; and those having demands a gaiust said estate, are requested to pre sent them as the law directs. SARAH M‘CORjMK K, Ex‘rx. barnett cody, Ex r. July 12. 7-40d