Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, August 23, 1828, Image 3

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NEW COTTON Ei.qM square bale3 of cotton, of the present years growth* and ol excel lent quality* were rec eived yesterday, at the Ware- House of Messrs, Heard & Cook, in this city, from the Plan tatiou of Col. Paul Fitzsimons, in J fIT rson county. We b- lieve Col. F tz'dtnons has been in the habit of bringing the first cotton of each year’s crop, to the Augusta Market, f.r sev eral years past. Chronicle. Astronomy —The planet Mars, now making such a splendid appearance in our neighborhood, is, at this time 191 millions of miles nearer to our Earth than at other periods—that is, he is nearer by the whole diameter of the Earth’s orbit. Methodist Advocate —Seventy seven t< k ii or about twenty thousand co pn‘S of this paper are printed every ■week in New York. A Lond >n Hatter advertises P Rent Vn'i fating H its. lie says the Wa tT Proof Hats have been com plained of as preventing the escape < fp erspi- j ration and causing headache, and lie li.s therefore invented a porous Hat* Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Linehinoti (Oh o ; to his friend in Alexandria,dated July 24, 1828. ‘•There n*s been tin- greah st revi val of r ligion in this city, for the last three weeks, that I have ever heard of, during w hi* h time, we hove had prea< Mug evc;y day and night, in the .Baptist, Pi**sb>terian and Methodist Choi*, hes. About 200 converts live j iued the R piist, 300 the Pr>sb>te ri'-ni, and 200 tin* Methodist Church— making in a l TOO persons who pro fess -d to have been <-born ag tin.” I never witnessed su h an outpouring of the spirit in my life. B tween 40 and 50 persons were I* p'izml in a day, and what is singular, this revival is not confined to one denomination, hut his extended to the three above nam ed t hurt hes.” Cure for the fever and ague —A wri ter in tbo Clt,t.l -.t M M-.rt ury i*c cooi n*nds the f llovving prescription for the cure of the Ague;—Take a gill of very strong Coffe mixed with an equal quantity of lime juice; the dose to be taken just before the fit of ague is expected. A single dose had cured an a< q lahitauce of the wri ter, who had nearly fugotton it when lie came across a review of Dr. Pon qieville‘B Travels in the Mores, which contained the following para graph; *1 have often seen intermitting fe vers subdued by a mixture of cojfee and lemon juice , which is the general remedy for them, all over the country. The proportions arc three quarters of an ounce of coffee ground very fine— two ounces of lemon juice, and three of water.—The mixture to be drunk warm and fasting.’ DETECTING ROGUES. Our once famous Mr, Mon-head is said to have declared in his pulpit that he knew ol a man in the congre gation who stole his neighbor’s wood, ant. that he was determined to throw his bible at the suspected thi* f; where upon a certain man immediately dodg ed his head to avoid the hl*w. There is also a story of Nathaniel Ames of Dedham, the well known almanac maker. It is said ‘but w ? e do not vouch for the truth of the story,’ that in a jovial company of his neighbors, one of them declared he had lost a small sum of money, and believed that someone of the persons present had stolen it. Ames told him he could i denlify the thief, if he was present, without searching the pockets. He ordered the large kitchen pot to he brought into the room, the old cock to be brought from the hen roost and placed in it with the lid on. The room was then made perfectly dark and each person was directed to rub bis hand on the button) of the pot. 1 f any one was guilty of the tlieff, when he touched the vessel, Ames said the cock would crow. The ceremony was finished, but the cock gave tin token of the approach of the criminal.— Come, said the astrologer, here must be some mistake, there is no thief a mong us; but let us look at your hands. On examination with alight it was found that one person present had not rubbed his hand on the pot. i'he inference was too strong to be resisted, and the culprit pleaded guil ty to the charge.— Untei Cos iner. tul.nwitig gentlemen are C; iHid tes, to iepresent tuis County, in tue btale Legislature. bar Sena'e. ART i lit MON CHIEF. F.sq. For the House of Representatives . LLi VHbSO.v, Esq. JAMES CRAY, K q. ADAM JONES Esq. DEN MS L RY FNq. The Subscriber II turns his greatful thanks to the pub lie, for the liberal encouragement re ceived for ti e last ten years—and so licPs a ronti uanc of the same. He will give, the highest cash price f.r set and rotton, this season, at Ins stand in Warrentou, where good bargains may he had for < ash. JOHN 11. ROBERTS. Aug. 23d 1828. I3— ts. IX PRESS, And wilj, he published in a few days, ReMEMBIUNCB < F TUB UIGUriSOUSj A SERMON, Delivered in Warremon Ga. on Sun day, A g s’ 3d. 1828. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Fie mio g. Who departed this lif , .line 25th 1828. By robeut Fleming. Law Notice. The subscriber, will pea, (B e Law in the Counties of Coweta, C rcoll, Tr up, Muscogee, Merriwothrr, Uar ris, Talbot, D kalh and Fayette. All btoiriran oiitm ttcl t hi. euro will meet with prompt attention. II * will examine lands, free of charge, in the County of Coweta. Direct to Newnan, Coweta County. WILLI \\l M. BEALL. August 12lh 1828, 12— w2n. ~New Goods!!! - The subscriber is vow receiving from NEW YORK , AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT l>F Seasonable Goods: Among them are the following arti cles, viz : Parasols and Umbrellas, Leghorn and S't aw Bonnets, Vests and Pantaloons, (ready made.) Osnaburghs and Russia Sheeting. Spun Cotton, Sugar, Coffee, &c. ALSO, A general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROG FRIES, HARD-W\RK AND CROCK RY. All of which will bes >ld on accnmmo dating terms and at reduced prices, for cash. CHARLES A ELY. August 2. ift ts GLuuCjla, Warren cuumy Whereas, Spivy Fuller (Administrator de bonis non and with the will annexed ) on tbe estate ol ‘l homas Smith late of said county dec. applies for letters of Dissmi9- sion on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, the Kindred and Creditor?, ol said dec. to b,* and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to phew cause, if anv they have, why Said letters should not be granted Given under my hand at Office this 28th day of Mav 1828. Z. FRANKLIN, elk. c. o. May 31st m6m MO.YIGH.iy ACADEMY. An i'X tuiinatiuu of the students of this ii.B itution, will commenco on Tuesday, the26Hi and end on Tiiurs day, the 28tl i st. All, who feel interested, are respect fully invited to attend. She rilf’s Sale. ILL be sold, os the first Tuesday in Septem’.er next, at the court li.'Um-, in the town ol Wirrcotnn, VVarren coun ty, between the u.u and hours of sale, the hi.;o • mg prop • tv, t i w it: Four hundred acres of land, more or Its-,, adjoining | ho.i,a> B rry ami other?, on tlm wit i> of L.ll!e River, b tielonhy Ilmlv Bit s i). SbcrilV. and return and to me, as the ptopi rtv of Job ft A. M'Gintv, to satisfy on oxeeutim in l\- vor t AJ. it <4. W. Huntington, against the s vi l MMjjnty. One negro woman by the name ol C loe, abou la 50 or year* <>| age U'vie i on by a constable and re u:ned to me as Be pr p r'y of Frances M‘Crary, to satisfy an * x-’ <nt>on in favoi of J-re tmah Butt against sa I France? ‘I Ciary One hundred aeres of pine land, more or ies*. adjoining ! mds I* fog ing to the estate of Nich > as Hartm k an( others, on the wateis of (ioldwiu? < ie k whereon f li tries YV APCa* iv mow Ido. levied on by a constable and i ii ne<l t me as the properly of WJiiam Barbu-k. to satisfy an rxoniioti in favor > f P. () Cans, h. I<let, again-t I)noel iM* Rnmul William Harbu k and Hark bah !M*\) oh One negro iiit Ihy the na e of Phillis, ab ut four y a sol age, levied on by a constable and letorue.d to me as the property of Abner Hill, to ?at sfs three executions in favor of Me rv B Thompson, Mlmr. on the estate of Bich ard B>av and r. anil sundry ex c’B'ons in favor of John H. Winter and others a* i gainst the - id \bn-i Hill. LEONARD PH ATT, Shff. .tidy ofi 18 -3 Ware Mouse AM) c o m miss! av n usixes s. The Huhsi i itn rs n turn Ibeir grate f*l thanks for th p ‘tr on-age bestowed on them during tbe pant season. apt) Hottm a umiioi me ol the sail e with tbe assurance of th<ur best exer'ioos to give gerieeal s tisf ution. Their lfa re House AND Close Stores Will be in complete oder fir fbe re cep inn of PIMDUCE and MER CH \ND ISE another sensoii. And i they will be prepared at nil times, to\ moke advances on cotton stored with them. MITSGRoVB. ETM HE A Cos. Amrosta Jul 31. II 3u. . - , The subscriber BEGS I • live i.o ml inn Ins fi ieiiils and j eustomi i% that lie contii ties to trans act tie* Hare House and COMMISSION BUSINESS. at his old stand on Broad tweet, near (he upper market. He has estoh/ished a TOBACCO WAHE HOUSE at the shiim* place, wle re Tobacco will he inspected by a competard person. He is prepared to gran* his customers t c usual fa< ilities, and bis personal . exertions exclusively devoted to ti.ej interest of his en players, he hopes will insure him a continuation of the very liberal patronage hereto!',re re ceived. JOHN C HOLCOMBE. Aon'iiata. * mr g v\2 ,, d- 10 final VLL persons indebted to us are in formed that we will allow them the highest prn e for cotton, this fall, in payment, and we hope they will a vail thenslv> sos this notice. ROBER I S & MADDUX. July 19ih 1828. 8— ts. Me the Committee appointed hy the Regimental Court of inquiry, Lr the 12th Il giun nt, Geo. Ma. to i;e- Icrt a Gem r..! and Regimental muster ground for s id R gumnt, have at tended to the duty assigned us, and re port that we have sie ted a pi ne near the house of Y> ilium W. Mai tm, four nubs lieiovv \\ aiuentun, on tße I‘oad leading to Mav in shoroiigh. Ihe s .ii .1 Win. V. Mai’io agrees to ! i leaf out ail \Ue huslo s, and so a,I | grow 111, in a place to be lour llundr and i ) erds square, and kc p the shu.o down, ami hml Martin fui lher egrets t> have I he s. i ! muster ground i lear ed out, and ready for muster by the last ol September next. Aauon Adkins, Nath v\ Jokes, j § A tIII.LSTAN \N DREWS, J> i Id oi\ll a in: is, | Benjamin Ivey, J Four tliuusiiiul pounds of B A C O N. I I e snhs riher will sv! 1 fmr t! oii sand pouni so! Baron i ured in the best manner, low f r cash, or t mi credit until he 23'h <1 yof Dc- emln e next,-the puivliHser giving s*i, II u .iesvsiih good security. Apply at (In Post Office. JOHN MOORE. Wnrreidnn. June 21. 4 f AF I l:!ji tuo expiralion of tue ton ie (p i (al tiy law, apjdn'utiou will b>* made to ■l.e Honorable. Inferior C(urt. of the eounly of Warren, W eu silting fir or i narv p >rpo?e, for leave 1o sell Iftd ten-s of land, lying on long cm k, adjoi i g Bit ha and Heath and John Harr. II A port of the real esbße of Kliy. ibet* K ng, 'ec. J A IvS T. DU KEN I Vr. ■Tu’y 12fft. I!!'28. 7 1 ... Hull month a ! fei dale, appb fno will be m ul“, to (he Honorable luf.-iior Court, of Warren county, when for ordinary purposes fu leave to sell (he real CHftite, at;d the tiegro*j noi di-jn sid of bv the will. < f John M’Cormirlc, and c. SAB AH MTOIIMK K, Kx‘rx. BARNE FT CODY, Ext. July 12. 7 1m FOUR months after and to, a|>| !i< ati.n I will be made to the Honorabh* life ir Court, of Warren county, win n siiti-'g f >r oidioary purposes, f.r leave to s ‘I Dot No 37(>, in (he I'2 tli <1 stri tof I r (•in, it he:ng part of thereal esiate . f Palmer. d<*e. WINKFRKD PALMER, F.xMx. July 12,1820. 7-1 m l ALL persons h:u irig demarxls again-t (h . c-t te of Elizabeth King, late of M >.r ren . .mi tv. d.-r eased, are rqu s'ml to present dn-m as t'n* law direct*; and t|,- mde ted. to m • k imm and itpayment. JAMES T. DICKEN, Ex r. July 12: 7 40J ALL p’T'Ons in I. hted to the estate of Robert Palmer, late of W arren countv, ‘’ec<*a*’ and, an; req tested to m ike iimne diate payment ; and (ln)?e bavin i’ - marul? against said ♦state, i:r des .< and to present them a th- /a'v dire. f*. W INEi JiEl) PAL dEiL Ex‘rx. July 12. 7 40,1 ALE persons iml !*t -d to the e-tat • ..f J dm M’Cormick, late of Wrr n ( ti tv, dec ased, are d-sired to m,,k im-o and ate payment; and having drin . ul* a gainst said estate, are requt *tvd to pie sent them as the law direr i* l . SARAH i M ICK, Ex rx. HAKNKIT CODY, Ex r. July 12. 7 Ift I— NOI 1C E. rg^HE l aw requires Ex-^ru*or®, Ad f ni- JL nistrators and (iu rdian?, to render in a correct statement, at lea*t once a year, of the Condition ot their ♦■states, and against all who fail, the Inferior C< urt- ( sitting for ordinary purpose?) are requir ed to issue process, cail ng upon tliem to answer for such delu-quoncy. Ibe r*- turns may be rnadi- at any time to the r|eik, whose duty it shall he to report the ?ame to the nex Cos irt. < i l which ail concerned will avail the n?nlvt.*s. Z FRANKLIN, Clk. c. o. w.c. June 7. 2-m3a)