Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, September 13, 1828, Image 4

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Candidates, to represent this County, in the State Legislature. For Senate* ARTHUR MONCUIEF, Esq For the House of Representatives. LULLS WILSON, Esq. JAMES GRAY, Esn. ADAM JONES, Esn. DENNIS L. RYAN, Esq. CA.yUIDATKS FOR CO YORESS Major James Merriwether, of Clark, Richard If. VVilde, of Richmond, George R. Gilmer, of Oglethorpe, Char'es E. Haynes, of Hancock, Gen Wiley Thompson,of Elbert, Col Daniel H. Brailsford, of M’lntosh James M. Wayhe, of Chatham, Thomas F. Foster, of Greene, Charles Williamson, of Baldwin, T. U. P. Charlton, of Chatham, Major Wrn. Triplett, of Wilkes John A. Cuthbert, of Monroe. The following gentlemen were nomin ated by the 1 roup party, an electors of President and Vice-President. The elec tion t ikes place on the first Monday in November next, bv the people, mi, JOHN MAXWELL, of Bryan. ROBERT R. REID, Esq. of Richmond. Di. WILLIAM TEKRELL, of Hancock. AUGUSTIN S. CLAYTON, of Clark. Gen. I). BLACKS! I EAR, of Laurens SOLOMON GRAVES, Esq of Newton. Col. JOHN RUTHERFORD, of Baldm-u JOHN MOOHK, E q of Oglethorpe. Maj. OLIVER PORTER, of Greene. PROPOSALS For publishing by Subscription A weekly latcrary fiazette, to be entitled The Tablet, rjrniK subscribers propose to pub- Ji. lisli a literary Miscellany under Hie above title, which will be issued weekly ill Quarto Nos. of eight pages each; and which it will bo their ear tost endeavour to render worthy of public patronage.; and a vehicle both of ,'ostnietion and entertainment to their reaucM* Moral and literary Essays. Criticism, Usance ami Po etrv, together with the latest intelli gence on Scientific Political subjects* J will form the principal matter oi its p ges. The Tablet shall be devoted J to the cause of good morals, and of sound Literature and Taste. Above all, it w ill be the object of the editors to encourage the efforts and do jus tice to the claims of native genius, and show that the natural products of our own soil, want but the favouring warmth of local attention to render Unnecessary much that is furnished from abroad. We invite the contributions of surli of mir friends as may be inclined to favour a work like the one we,pro y >sc; and while we determine to be rigidly scrupulous in regarding the materials offered us for publication* we promise to exercise no undue se verity to what we may reject, and to extend the utmost indulgence to the eft’ usions of merit. For the Ladies there shall be a de. partment where as a sanctuary, noth ing but that which may prop rly be long to then! shall be permitted to en- t*r. To them w shall devote much of our lime* as the jeweller, bestows bis toil upon the richest ore—ami from them we shall expect that favor jug patronage whih. while it pro vides with the useful, will also be ac companied with so much of the street, and grateful as will give to exertion and diligence their most seductive re* ward. The Tablet will be put to subscri bers at S4 per ann. payable in ad vance on the delivery of the first number. It will be issued as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained. JAMES W. SIMMONS. WILLIAM G. SIMMS. Jr. Charleston, June 1, 1828. Wanted. One or two boys between 14 and 16 years of age, as apprentices to the Printing business. Apply at this Of MACON SALES OF THE USER VE I.I.YDS, THE TOWN LOTS AND THE BEID6E. WILL commence on Wednesday the first day of next October, and will continue from day to day with the exception of the first Monday and Tues day of that month. We shall then ex pose to sale in Macon, to the highest bid der, in conformity with a late act of the General Assembly : All the town lots not heretofore dispos ed of j being upwards of 100 in number; on the western side of the river; among them are twelve adjoining the l iver, and a few other choice lots for busine-s. The residue are in more re tired situations, and generally afford good building sites in a pleasant and growing part of the town. Forty two gardening lots of 10 and 20 acres each ; laid out from one to one and a half miles distant from the town in two ranges around the Western Common. Also, twenty eight lots on the Eastern side ; that is to say, four of twenty, eight of Jen acres, and sixteen of one acre each. I hee last include the plate sometimes known as Newtown ; and will be sold, subject to certain leases from the United States, to expire next January. The residue of the lands in the tw reserves, are laid out rn tracts of 100 acres,, and fractional parts of such tracts. Os these the uplands will be next otter ed; the lowest ,number* first; beginning withthnse on the western side. On Wednesday the 22d of October next, at II o’clock, A. M. will be ottered at the place of the other sales, tbe Bridge at Macon, together with one acre of land on the east I ern side of the Ocinulgee river, as one o the hutments ; and the privilege of using os much of Fifth or Bridge street on the western bank as may be necessary for the other botinent of the Bridge. Oo Thursday the 23d of October, we shall proceed to sell the Swamp & Bottom land 9 within the Reserves, those on the western side first: and continue from day to day until completed. The particular numbers that will be sold on each day cannot be specified; but it is intended to put up the several kinds and descriptions in the order here men tioned. The Reserves are generally well wa tered, and contain several good mill se its. The area of the whole cannot be exactly known until the ida s ting is com pleted; but twenty-one thousand acres is the estimated quantity contained in both Reserves aud the adjoining fractions, exclusive of the town surveys. Perhaps no body of land of the same extent can be found, that embraces a greater variety in its surface, sod and timber. Situated j just in that region where the pine of the lower country changes to the oak and hickory of the upper; it includes both hese growths and soils in most of their varieties; m some portions entire, in oth ers interspersed or blended. Tracts of very hilly land, or that which is quite lev el, or gently undulating, may be had of almost every quality; either of oak and hickory, or pine, or river lands; and sev eral of these kinds occasionally united in tracts of 100 acres, and fractions of va rious sizes, adapted to most of the pur poses for which land is wanted. prom the pressure of the times, and mo e especially from the quantity of land and r town lots that have been lately in the market, these must unavoidably sell low. And, lying at the head of naviga tion, immediately around the third town of the state in population and trade, there is every reasonable prospect of their soon rising in value. Purchaser? have now an opportunity, and apparently the last that will soon of fer, of obtaining on cheap and very indul- terms of payment, choice situations for residence, fur trade or for farming. TERMS OF SALE. Perchasers of lands and lots are to pay the Commissioners on the day of the purchase, one fifth part of the purchase money in cash or current bills of char tered Banks of this State, and the residue in four equal annual instalments.-— JYo se cuirty will be required. The bridge will be sold on the same terms,* except that the purchaser will be required to give bond with two or more approved sureties for the payment of the four subsequent annual instalments. W. N. HARMON, 1 C. B. STRONG, iComm’s OH. PRINCE, J Macon July 5, 1828 9—9 t. Editors of the Charleston City Gazette the Tuscaloosa Mirror, and oj the several public Gazettes, in this State will publish the foregoing weekly, nine weeks in their respective papers, and for ward their account 4 to MARMADUKE J SLADE, Esq. Clerk of the Commis sioners. in su< h time, as to reach him by the Ist of November. ■■ ■ I— I ■■ IH——II. ■ ■■■ | A L.L persons indebted to us are tri /V formed that we will allow them the highest price for cotton, this full* in payment, and we hope they will a vail themselves of this notire. ROBERTS & MADDUX. July 19th 1828. B—ls. m n ■ mrnmnmm The Subscriber Returns his great ful thanks to the pub lie, for the liberal encouragement re ceived for tbe last tew years—and so licits a continuance of the same. He will give the highest cash price for seed rotton, this season, at his stand | in W arrentun, where good bargains may be had for r ash. JOHN H. ROBERTS. Aug. 23d 1828. f3—tf. Law Notice. The subscriber, will practice Law in the Counties of Coweta, Carroll, Trou;p, Mus< ogee, Merriwether, Har ris, Talbot, Dekalb and Fayeite. API business entrusted to his care will rmect with prompt attention. ll< 3 will examine lauds, free of charge, in the County of Coweta. D ireetto Newuan, Coweta County. WILLIAM M. BEALL. GEORGIA, Warren county. Whereas, Spivy Fuller (Administrator de bonis non and with ih J will annexed,) on (he estate of Thomas Smith late ot said conrity dec. applies for letters of Dissims sion on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, the Kindred and Creditors, of fcaid dec. to b and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, ifauv they have, why Said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office this 28th day of May 1828, Z. FRANKLIN, elk. c. o. May 3D ni6m Will be sold, oo the first i’uesday ini December next, at the Court House, in j W arren county, the real estate of John Turner, dec. of said county, consisting of 150 acres of land (the widows dower ex- cepted ) The legatees are hereby notifi ed, that the widow intends claiming her dowre of said land, if any of the heirs to said estate, has any lawful objection, they are requested to come forward and let it be known. JAMES TURNER, Adm-r. July 7. 1828, 7-60d POUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Drury Pate, dec. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm‘r. Jill* 12t’ 1828. 74m GEORGIA, Whiren County. WHEREAS, Hardy Pitts, applies for Letters dismissory from the adminis tration of the estate of William Thomas, late of said county dec. These are, therefore to cite and ad monish all persons interested to be and i appear at my office, within the timepre-j scribed by law, to file their objections, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Z. FRANKLIN, elk. c. ©. w- c. Four thousand pounds of BACON. The subscriber will sell four thou sand pounds of Bacon cured in the best manner, low for cash, or on a credit until the 25th day of December next, tbe purchaser giving small notes with good security. Apply at the Post Office. JOHN MOORE. Warrenton. June 21 4 ts \Vc me Cos omiute ..j p n iivu ;*y the Regimental Court of inquiry* for tbe 12tli Regiment, Geo. Ma. to se lect a General and Regimental muster ground for said Regiment* have at tended to the duty assigned us* and re port that we have selected a place near the house of William W. Martin, four miles below Warrenton, on the road leading to Waynesborough. The said Win. W. Martin agrees to dear out all the bushes* and small gr .wtb, in a place to be four Hundred i yards square, Bnd keep the same down* and said Martin further agrees to have the said muster ground clear ed out, and ready for muster by the last of September next. AarwN Adkins, “*) Nathan Junes, j g Athklstan Andrews, | dvcv tvius | ~ Ffnjamin Ivet, J £ ~rronr the expiration of the ti Q)e re quired by law, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, 0 t the county of Warren, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell 106 acres (of land, lying on long creek, adjoining Richaid Heath and John Harrell. A part of the real estate of Elizabeth King, dec, JAMES T. DICKEN.Ex‘r. July 12th, 1823. 7-4 m FOUR month after date, application will be made, to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting lor oidinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, and the negroes not disposed of by the will, of John MTormick, dec. SAKAH VI‘CORMICK, Ex‘.x, BARNETT CODY, Ex r. July 12. 7-4 m ” 1 1 “ 1 I- I I In FOUR months after date, applicatioa will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary put poses, for leave to sell Lot No 376. in the 12th district of Irwin, it being part of the real estate of Robert Palmar flop WINEFRED PALMER, Ex‘rx. July 12, 1828. 7-4 m ALL persons having demands against tha estate of Elizabeth King, late of War ren county, deceased, are requested to present them as the law directs; and those indebted, to make immediate payment. JAMES T. DICKEN, Ex*r. July 12: 7 40d ALL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Palmer, late of Warren county, (deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment; and those having de mands against said estate, are desired to present them a9 the law directs. W INEFRED PALMER, Ex‘rx. July 12. 7.40d 1 1 * ALL persons indebted to the estate of John M‘Cormick, late of Warren county, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment; and those having demands a gainst said estate, are requested to pre sent them as the law directs. SARAH MTOKMICK, Ex‘rx. BARNETT CODY, Ex r. July 12, - 7 40d Agreeable to an order from the Honorable the Inferior Coutt of Cos. lumbia county, silting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Coust House of Columbia County. One tract of Land, in said County, containing by estimation, Two Hun dred and Twenty-two acres, adjoining i Wrightsboro* Commons, belonging J to the estate of Peter Overby, for the ’ benefit of the Heirs and Creditors.— Terms made known on that dav, by ROBERT WALTON Ex’r. ’