Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, September 20, 1828, Image 3

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There ffies the Bat ‘on ciHing wings'— The Burial Ground us Summerville! VI. Oh. there at this sad lonelv hour, 1 lave in mournful mood to ?tr;iy, Fr*e from the calking, venom’d povv’r Os things that vex the soul by day; There falls the unavailing tear, And while the throbs of anguish fill Jdy broken heart —oh, even there 1 bless the shades of Summerville. Bertram PROPOSALS For publishing by Subscription A. week I v Literary (iaZetie, to be entitled The Tablet, THE subscribers propose t> pub iish a literary Misnllany unde* the above title, whi h will be issued weekly in Quarto N is, of eight [Mg’ each; and which it “ill be their ear nest endeavour to render worthy of public patronage; and a vehicle both of instruction and entertainment to their read *rs- M cal and literary Essays, Criticism, Roman e and P * etry, together with the latest intelli gence on Srieutifi P ditical subjects, will form the principal matter of it* pages. The Tablet shall be devoted to the cause of good morals, and of sound Literature and Taste. Above all, it will he the object of the editors to encourage the cubits and do jus tice to the claims of native genius, and show that the natural products of our own soil, want but the favouring warmth of local attention to render pnnecessary much that is furnished from abroad. We invite the contributions of such of our friends as may be inclined to favour a work like the one we pro p se; and while we determine to be rigidly scrupulous in regarding the materials off red us for publication, we promise to exercise no undue se verity to what we may reject, and to extend the utmost indulgence to the effusions of merit. For the Ladies there shall boa de p rtraeut whne as a sanctuary, noth i -,g but that which may prop l rly be long to them shall be permitted to en ter. T i them we shall devote much of our time, as the Jeweller, bestows his toil upon the richest ore—and from them we shall expect that favor ing pnt onage whi’ h, while it pro vids with the useful , will also be ac companied with so much of the sweet, arid grateful as will give to exertion and diligence their must seductive re ward. The Tablet will be put to subscri bers at g>4 per ann. payable in ad vance on the delivery of the first number. It will be issued as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained. J AMES W SIMYIONS. WILLIAM G. SIMMS. Jr. Charleston, June 1, 18(28. KTWeare requested to announce M;.j. Athelstan Andrews, 9 a candidate for Sheriff of Warren County. ■ —, - (fj 0 We are authorized to inform the of Warren County, Geo. that .Tames C. Gibson, is a candidate for Receiver of Tax returns far the year 1829. August 80, 1828. 3t—l4. Mr. Editor, Will you have the goodness to in sert in your paper the following: tick** et,* It will he run by the Republicans of Columbia county. For Senate. PETER CRAWFORD, Esq, House of Representatives. JO/TV’ CARTLEDGE , Esq. Dr. NATHAN t'UA WFORD. JAMES HAMILTON, Esq. *’ - ‘■ JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale at this office, at Fon taine’s store and at the Cost- Office.—Price 18 cents. Remembrance of the Righteous A SERMON, By ROBERT FLEMING. Warrentoy, September Ist 1828. Mr, Robinson , Please to publish the within, four times, in your paper, and the voters of Warren county are r* quested to in dorse on their tickets accordingly at the next general elect ir*. ROBER V L\ZENBY\ j t. c. G. W. C. SHIVERS, j. i c. J. 1). GREEN, j. i c: WILLI AM HILL. j. i. c. THOMAS NEAL, j i. c. CIRCULAR. Savaxn ui, fc 9tii, July, 1828. Gentlemen , Pursuant to the wishes of the Grand Jury of this county, we beg leave to hand you their present uci.t or the subject of establishing a (jour for the Gone, ti ,nos Errors in thi* state. We think with the Grand Ju ry. that in a matter of such great io - port nice to the interest of the commit nity, public opinion ought to be con sulted; that it is due to the good peo pie of tills state to refer the qoestioi at once to them, for the purpose ol eliciting an expression of their senti ments, at the next general election We therefore respectfully recommeu to the Justices of the Inferior Com* •*f each county, to give public noli.. that the presiding Magistrates at tic general election in October next, wi’d receive the votes of the people on tni> subject; that all voters favourable to the establishment of such a tribunal, will write on their tickets COUR'i OF ERRORS, and all those <*ppose< to it NO COURT OF ERROR?; and for the purpose of giving efficacy to the will of the people, let a retur? of the vote so taken be made to tii Executive Department, to be laid be fore the ensuing session of the Legisla tu re. ff'e are Gentlemen, Respectfully your Obedt. Servts. ELIAS FORI ,J.LG. V C. ALEX. TELFAIR, J. I. G. C. C. JAGOB READ. J. I G. C C. MOSES SIIEFTALL, J. 1. C. C. C. Extract from the presentments of the Grand Jury ojthe Superior Court <f Chatham County, May Term, 1828 \\ e will not conclude our pr • sentments without an earnest return mendation to our fellow citizens, tin People ol Georgia, to make a common effort to obtain a decisive expression ol their sentiments, concerning the establishment of a Court of Errors. But the recommendation of Grand Juries in this matter is not sufficient; the sentiment of a county may or may not be expressed,* & we are warned by experience of such recommendations having been so often made without ef fect, that we propose a direct refer ence of the question to the people. Upon subjects of less importance to us a public vote ha 9 been solicited, and has been received as conclusive of the fate of any contemplated alteration of our laws, or the constitution.—Such a resort to the people is a modern im provement iu representative govern ment, proclaiming in the Ilrtli of Le gislation the will of the constituent upon constitutional changes, without impairing the diguity of the represen tative; or controlling his freedom of action, in prescribing the details to give effect to sue h positive deimmsfra tions of the public voice. Indeed it is the only mariner in which the peo ple, in a representative government, can act democratically; and by i more certain and ui biassed expres sions of their sentiments can be given than were ever obtained in the aggre gate assemblies of renowned anenn democracies. We therefore recoin mend the exercise of a right upon this occasion, by the people, and will very briefly state some of our reasons foi deeming the subject of such impor tanre. We think the Judi iai System of Georgia needs a Court of Errors, because its practical operation with out such a court has destroyed tin permaneucy and universality of the law, as a rule of action. Because e ven in the same district, the law of yesterday is not the law of to-day, the decisions of a Judge are not obligato ry upi/n his successor; and the proof which at oiih term to enable a p ity to recover, will not be sufficient at the next; not because there is any change io the evidence, but because the law lias been changed by the change of the Judge. We object to the Judi'ial System of Georgia, because it coi tides to the judgement <fa single individual, (su preme in his circuit, and from w hose decision there is oo appeal,) the greai rights of lite, liberty and property. I’ is uot< ri*.us that in counties ad* j *ceat, but in different circuits, the ; ppli <tle to our Ordinary con caCis is differently administered. Hut evidence which would fix the liability **f parties to notes of hand and dlls ol exchange in one circuit, would •*e insufficient m another; and the rules r guiatiag the introdui tiou of testimo ny iu a< tions t<* try tides to laid, are so variant and opposite in diff rent tr airs, that with the some evid-nee, •ne iiian lias recovered his estate, whilst another, in an adjoining coun ty* and of a different < ircuit, has been permitted to maintain a tortious pos session. The statute of the State prescribing the order o( paying debts us exei loin nd i du.iiii'di r lots, is diffTeutly j,d ministered, and their liability to an ictioo fur a dt vastuvil depends upon be ciri nit into wliich they may re move and reside, tfhr having fully •od ly administered the estates epr*seiited by them in another. Our Pen-d Code is diff ren ly in terpreted in diifreni circuits, and the same larceny consig .8 one felon to the Penileuti.ity for y ars, and an other to die whipping post. These re some of the. existing differences in ■ lie administration of our laws; many others might he adduced, and the on ly remedy to prevent the multiplica tion of them, is a G>uri of Errors. N\ e therefore respect fully recoin in* ud to the People of die county of Chatham, tu give on the first Monday w< 0 tobir next, an expression of their semiim nls upon this subject; and re quest dial the Magistrals presiding ai die election on dial day, will an vs a Committee to receive their votes* NV e resp i ti Lilly i*e ominend to our fi'llow citizens in every county, to a ilopt the same mode and time, to ob rain a similar expression of publii sentiment. We request the Justices of the In ferior Court to act as a < orninittee of Gorrespendtoee to irculate this pre sentment into every part ol Georgia; rtd to devise, in (onuexion with oth er committees mat may b appointed, the best way of givii.g * tic aey to the will cf the people, when it snail be cx pn ssed iu this regard- Carriage Making. ’| HE Sufun Tiber respec foi.y m ! mis the public, that he s ill car ■ es on the above bush css in Warren on, and continues to m ke and repair Carriages ol ail drriptims at prices corresponding vi.h the times. He has on hid and linishi'.g several CAIUUAGKS GIGS Warmittd first i te work. Those io want of any thing in the line, are invited to cull before they purchase Isewhere. ALLEN BRANEARD. S<‘pt 1 3th. 1828 16—|f. Notice. A IX riersi n* indebted to the estate of la. Will-a i. Jonefl, Sate of Warren coun t dec are n que ted to make payment, s soon as iheii note* bpcome and ai.d those h ‘\inK demand'against said esta'e will render them ii. properly attested, w-thb the time prescribed by law NtCHOL \S H JONES, AdmV. SUSAN AH JONES, Adro’x. September, >HtVi 18’ 8. 16—6 w. BLANKS, Forsaie at this Office. NO’ICE. THE Overseer of the i rad leading from 1 hiinas W. Sin vets’ ,m .Sweet Wa ter to Warrenton, and all others cm c in ed, are infonn* and that unless it is pioper ly worked upon pirviouj t> toe ittu.gof the Superior Court, io W. rreu. I shall make complai nto the < : rn and Ju. y. JAMES KIRKC VI h’H K. Sept. 13 |d t;,r cor con $ roßveeo Ware-11 oiise, Augusta, Georgia. JOHN li EES, INFORMS tns IVi< mis and the pub* lie, that In has taken the Ware- House formerly orcupnot by M'.Laws and I Lit. which is **i turst* r) in tho roar of the City II >tel, and ed j icing the E.*gl * ’C vrrn L t, for the pur pose if transacting a WAREHOUSE AM) COMMISSION I! USLYES S Whenever nquired. be will be pre pared to make Liberal Advances “n produce in Store, and bis person al attention will at all times be cx clusively devoted to the interest of his i ustonift s. \ i Srof, 2m—id. a LAUGH TEH C.LARUZ. j.V, /"i RATEFUL fi r the share of pat run age, which has been extend ed to them, again tender their servi ces to their friends and the public generally, FOR THE TRANSACT! N oF THE STORAGE AND Commission Hus incss, At their old stand hi (Ins place, on the usual forms. Their WARE HOUSES are in good order fir tho reception of Goods and Produce, and they pledge themselves that every attention shall be given to business confided to them, and their heat exertions used to give satisfaction to their employers. Augusta , Georgia. 1 August 271 h, 1828. J IG—Bt. Ware House AND C 0 M MISSION Ii USINESS. The subscribers return their grate* fill thanks for the patronage bestowed on them during the past season, and solicit a Continuance of the same with iho assurance of their best exertions to give general satisfai lion. Their Ware House AND Close Stores Will be in co npletc order f.r the re c.pOon of FRODUUE and MER CHANDISE another season. And they will be prepared, at all times, to make advances on cotton stored with them. ‘ Musgrove, Wetm ire. & Cos. Augusta, July 31. 11-3 m. The subscriber BKGb leave to inform bis fj i.•nils and customers that he continues to trans act the Ware House AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. at his old stand on Broad Street, near the upper market. He has established a TOBACCO WAIiE HOUSE at the same place, where Tobacco will b inspected by a compliant person. He is prepared to gran* his customers the usual facilities, and his personal exertions exclusively demoted to the interest of his employers, he hopes will insure him a continuation of the very liberal patronage heretofore re ceived. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Augusta, Aug. 2, 1838. w2—lo