Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, October 04, 1828, Image 3

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of the tariff, have been forced t > ( |, clare, that the proceedings at Athens meeting ware an entirely different aspect. Arui by whom has this grave aid se rious charge been made? By (he organ of the Administration in she Stite of M iry jand—a paper distinguished for the vio lence and illiberally with which it habitu ally denounces the public and private character of General Jackson,* and the rancorous hostility it displ iys towards nil who sanction his high claims to th first office m the gift of ms countrymen. And has it already com 1 to this, that such men as Win. It. Crawl’o and ad hi* isso* ciates in the Athens meeting, ire to he branded as traitors by the mm >n- of th'-* Administration for pe ceahly assembling 10 express their opinions of an obnoxinu measur ! ‘Verily if*u.h things be done in the green tree what may we not expect in the dry?’ If, at this moment —o th eve of toe elecii m, when toe Preside it aad his cabinet are srou’ ing the country jn every direction for recruits to mao their deserted ranks we are to be told t toque-linn the wisdom or the policy of an ail of this pure and him a uiate Ad ministration is to commit treason against the R pu dir, what may vve not be pre pared to exp ct should they succeed in their pic ent desperate efforts to continue themselves in power? A revival of th-* GA G LAW would he tile probable if not th * certain consequence of so deplorable an event. FROM THE NEW-YORK Elf^nEß, POLITICS JUYD TRADE. A g >od many opinions have been ex pressed recently, on tlie state of trade, during the present season in this city. Some say it i9 very good—others, it is bid—others, it is middling. However dull, or inactive, trade may b *, of a gen eral way, there is little of it felt in Broad way •‘hupping, in attending public pla ces in dinner pirties, soxress aid pic nics, and such iike matters to while a way life. Thos a persons wedded to a high tariffeither, politically, or person illy —cither as friend-* of a presidential can did ile, or as m* w e manufacturers, p’isist in the opinion that the trade is! not dull. however, is a mere e vasion of ilie q lestiwi.—The present not nent is the mod busy season of the whole in New York, [f there is any trade it most generally takes plac“ How. Dir auction rooms appear to be well attmd d—buyers and sellers are bo*y -the t eets ire full of bustle and j business. Thij* may be all true, to ili’e I tter, and.stiff tr ice may have declined Ind *e !, we are informed by intelligent m;i *oi.mts, who luy< b en twenty years in tiade that the bu*hness of this season, as compared with the -ame period of ia*t, is - vidently deficient. In many branch es this fa t is felt, and known, whatever may oe the < aus** which led to it. The late tariff could not yet* aff* t aiv other interests than tln*sr* on which its provis ions operated immediately The ship ping trade has b*en the first to suffer. Ship bu hling, and all dependant on it for supp -rt, were never at a lower ebb than ilow. Our city, is at present, crowded with very tn triy merch mts from the south ern and south-western states. Pur chasers from Tennessee, Albania, Genr* ga, \1 -gouri, Mississippi, anil Illinois, a e takmg the grand fi ur through Pearl street, every day. The-e gentleman are almost to a man in f vnr of General J tek-on for the Prerid ncy. With all th-* openness and candor of the South, or the West, they rover hesitate o avow j their opinions. In such a state of thing-, it is curr us to ob erve the caution and prudence of the Adams e.isternmen, in talking on presidential topics. Some of them want to hit two bird-* with one stone. ( r J he\ want to sell an invoice, and th *v ! want to electio eer for their man Os course, the s utliern men, as all Jackson m n are past the point if electioneering, that is t a say, every thing is cut and dry t oeir mind* are made up. Oth rs of the cunning Adams Johnathans will praise. Jo kson and their goods in the same pe riod. leaving, however, a hole to crawl out from the former, and cover ing all holes in the latter. ‘ Old Hi* kory is a pretty clev er fellow—how do you like tint cloth, 1 Mr. Such-a-one? Pm told that Jack-on is much liked at home—here is as elegant a b'ue as you will find in all Pearl Street— true ! the victory at New Orleans was a great—but—that is well wor th three dol lars per yard of anv man’s money,* &c. <S*c <§■?. ’ So they go. alternately, wig gkdj tvaggledy, between politics and 1 chintz till they make np a la r ge bill, 1 which tells w. 11 oo me d*y it paymout. ! At the present moment, >u> h i> h in- IH ix of Jackson men, and so high is the |J a ks mi IV li ig, that, although tti V toms ‘pi: y got iti ui six r seven t iou-*and 1 vote's out of iweoty In u-md, at the la-t elc tinn, it is extremely doubtful *vh ,ii er thev could mu-tei iiv>* tho i-arid, not even of men. women ad children, im iu ding tue young and old men's com nittees twice told. It i-* -u ’ prising, howev* r, to observe the quantities of go ds winch pas- to O mucky, Tennessee, Michigan, and tlnim-ii the to m* coti il and western lakes. W ten he cuius shall he fin -m and, .In commercial ini, rcourse ueiocen New ork and the we.-tern S: lies will he as toni-tnogly m leased. Tin-is al og *tn er ate v connexion vvhi. h ha grown up wit i th** growth of cana's !h p esem politico compfixton of N York and the western states, tends still luither to strengthen that conn xmti. The impotency. f ti * attacks which have been made up n Geo. Jackson, dur ing the la-t three years, by the Ad on* pa*tv. remind us of an anecdote which vve found time since in a roumry ! paper, not a ‘Good Society’ paper. Here it is. * * # * * ‘Mother!* bawl* and out a great two fisted girl, one d-*y, ‘my toe itch-s.’ ‘Well, scratch it then.’ ‘I have, but it wont stay scratched.’ ##*■*# ‘Mr. Thy, Mr (’hy,* erhs nut two |fi fed Uncle T iby, ‘Jackson’s a coming j—Ji.kson’s a coming.’ ‘Will then,* ! savs f’lay, anti-tariff hi u in tin* Journal.’ I‘l have, iiut Ik? worn stay anti tar ffd.’ Vtr. r’lay,* brawls <ut ridpiman Bums, the old farmer’s a coming—i coin g ’ ‘Well, then,’says Harrv, ‘coffin hand bill him*’ ‘I have,’ mv- Binns, iiu* he wort I stay coffin hand billed’ ‘Mr. Adams,’ Mr. Adams*’savs John H. Pi a-ants. ‘the II -ro s a coni'iig-a tu lly coring.'— ‘ Well then ’ says Mr. vd ins i ßurc him J and traitor hirn.’ *1 have but he wmint stay Burred nor trait <red ‘Mr (’! r’ Sir. Clay,’ says Charles Hammond, ‘Jackson is coming.* ‘Wei!.’ says Clay, ‘prove him an adulterer, and a ii ’gro tra der ’ ‘l Inv says Charle-. but In* .wont stay an adulterer, nor a negro trader *M . Clay, ‘dr. City,’ bawls < ut th* full Ada ns slanderii.g chorus, ‘we hove c died Jackson a tyrant, a murderer, an duller er, a traitor, an ignoramus, a so >l. a cr-ok back <t pretender. &c. & . &c ’ but be wont stay any of these names •He wont!’ says ('Jay, ‘why th n Ishuifi stay at Washington—that’s all. Unci *, T bv park up my cards and pistols and let us be off’- We have been long enough here.’ And ‘bus will the Coalition e.d its reign. —lbid J 1 Cure for the Aaue mid *Vivr. that has never failed in five hundred cases. — 1-2 az f cloves, l i * t f cream Tar tar. 1 oz of Peruvian well pnlver ized. Put them int<* h bottle of be-t port wme, and tok** the decoction or tincture on the weP days, as fist as the stomach will revive if. A-* there are more p. - sons affii ted with ‘he f**ver and umm than at any form* r period [in the opin ion of many of the facult ,] t.’-e publication ofth** above recipe will e y iu to the thank-* of numbers ho *ow latmr und ** <h“ ‘i-orfler.—.V J’ Evp Post. SPLBN 1J I) ViEWo * F American Scenery. On Friday, the 10 h “f October, 1828, ; will b* pobfi-heH hv ‘T. K. G'tEKN- j R \ \K, N". 64 Sp ure street. Phila | del phi t, a v loine •f- l r nd and views of ; American Scenery, ass How : 1. A viow if Beck's So’ Tower, on the Sct'uylkill, near Philadelphia, and adjacent scenery. 2. A view of the L'ght house in Island Sound, with th** adjacent seer cry. 3 A vipw ofY-ok, on L.ik>* Ontario with the fortifi atiori-. 4 Charactt ristic Scenery on the Hud son river 5. Views of New London, Connecti cut with the adjacp"* scenery. 6. View ofh ne-n Hill, near Philadel phia. the seat of Henry Pratt, E-q 7. The Tomb us Washington, at Mount Vernon. 8. Vjpw at the Great Bend of the Sus quehanna. ! 9* View nt the Upper Falls of Solo mo .’s Ci i*<. k L. /, •) i-,e L’luuty, Pa. 10. \ ieo ‘ l tli* j L*uver Falls of Solo inoir> l r * k. 11 V . w of the Catt.skill Alountains, from tli liu is.i.i, 1 1. V lew F *rt Niagara, on Lake On t. i , I, * m the Lg'it hou-e on the But i'b ide. 1 he-e \i* \vs are executed in the best s tyie of i 10l nit Iphia Engraving, f urn dt iwmg, mad upon the spot. E*.ch P*ote wnl b* aciompani* <1 by a full and acc'n ile drscMption therefore, <*o as to u. it p ikctly intelj gible to ever \ j.e son. Tin* work will be printed and issued to sub nb is iri the fir* style, on superior p ,ei, ami with a hanuso iu ly printed covei, ad umivi r and to Mib-riib rs at tin* v. \ o pi;ce of One Dollar per ro py* Elex.bie covers will be u-*ed foi c.mii t -übsc.r ibets, so that they can b< safely sc-m by mail. |i.J"*Aoy gentleman, post-mastets and oilier-', who will interest thernsi Ive** to P eu'e ten sul)*; nbers and renti* g O o to* Editor, siiail receive twelve copies. T* mn the vet v (lotieiing pal o.oige al le uiy rectived (1200 subscribers having already put down ihtiir names,) this vo lume will p.* be succeeded by an | otner, as soon as other plates can he eii graved. All orders f. mn the country will be prmntly attended to. Address, T. K. GREENBANK. No 64 S mice street, Philadelphia. 05“ Any Editor who will insert the a riiovt-a f w times, and forward a copy ot I his paj** r cor.taming the advertised ent. direr ted ‘‘S .tuiduy Bulletin, Philudel* phiit,’ shall ipyciie a copy of the Views, immediately on tlu-ir publication. > 4 19 iii-,1 Ih* e > iim. Hiing in ttu Post Otli.e, Warreoti-n Ga. Ist October 18.8 A. Janies .Akins, Mrs. VY n.nfreu A Iki . Asa Ansley, Rebecca Ad,tins, ET. |A and ows 1 B. Gilson flurry', Abram Brickie*, Jeremiah Hurkhalter, Ebeneser B id,| Ttmoios Battle, l)r< wry Bynum,) \i ss Malvina Iho&dnox, lltnrv Btevvtoo! or fo’ said ITe.vtou s heirs, the heirs of his estate at law. C. Benjamin Crenshaw, Diniel ( ’handler, Uisak-m Corse ’h ovplooiH, or tlittr il SAu, apw .n Vlus Vlargsi*-* t Ca> el, Th* Chut hat Wiiiiams’ viek, V ocent li. Corsey, John P. Claxtou, Vlrs. Efiz beth C dy. J.iitn Cboiiipion, Benjamin Culpepper,! I). Jerein oli Davis, Jethro Dortlen, G *n. i homos Dawson. K. vlr>. Sarah Elliott, Junes Eshom. F. Ignatius A Few. G. Li j nun Geeslin, J. D. Green, John (riff-ion. ri. Tie* philus HoweL 3, Isaac f Tar t Mr. 11 a*l, B ij.min Henry, Ambras Heefh, VVilli am tA Hill, Henry Ha Miion j Neai H trial, Fieldn g Hill, John Ham mett.. I. Dinkins Ivey. J. VV ilit .ii. B Jones, Candi-s Jack *oo. Adam J ■ es, J in. Allen VV. Jark*>on. K B z K tfieos, ‘Thomas VV. Kent. L. Ora , i Locke*', Jane** Little, Vliss Ke ec. a V. Low, ‘Thomas Latim r, Son el \1 Latiuier, 11 il * y Laogf rd. M Ezra R| Crary, John McN^ijr w Joi ; en ‘V'!cCullai>, Knd II Lee McTyre D ;ruel Murchison, Jam* s Martin Reu bln M-v James Matto* k, V r icy VlcCal |i-ter l)a ni Rluns, Henry McCane, H n v J. Mitthews William V\'. Martin, Mr**. Aon Met oy. Vl,ss Gilla lMartin. N. Thomas N* al. P. William Porter, Peebles, John S. Parker, Kictia and Powtl, James Perryman. R. Vl r . Kyines, Il *nson Rabon, Thomas Roney, Atm*r R ley, Starling Reel, YValki i Reynolds, 2. S. John Strukl-’ and, J' ph S. E. Spears, John Svaint 2 Da'oel Shows, Willnm Shivers Sen. VV. 6c VV. Shivers J-ilin V\ Shurley, Nathan Snorley, Sam u I Skeliev Junes G. Swain 2, \liso Fa- i tha Sulios. T. Mose- Thompson. Septimus Tor- j i RLss ffiriam “Tu* ker. VV. Sol m n Wild r, ‘Thomas Wynn, Hines Williford, Drewry A. Weaver, Jo seph WughT, Nicholas Williams, Lieut. John K Welch, Mrs. Nancy Watson, Mrs. Alary W*u*d 2 Y. Benue! Yeats. VV hi h v- ill be sent to the General Post Office the first cf January nexr, if not taken out. JOHN MOOIIE. P M. Oct 4th 1828. 19—3 t. are nufhorized to inform the f iz ** o| Warren County. Geo. that Joseph E. Biggs, is a rniidiiinte for R -i river of Tax returns for the year* 1829. Oct. 4 h 1828. 19 # f- Sheriff ‘s salt. 1 LI, he sold, o i th*- fir*e Tuesday in November next a the iom i Imu e, in the town ot W anentou V\ irr**n c< un> 1 ty, betwe'-ri tht u*oml Ihoiis <>| sale, d.e 1 fuilo * t r<ir prop- * tv, to “it: ’ One negro nn. hy ilie name of lloj ew. 11, about sixtt taif of ! 'ge, levied on a- the |ir* p* t\ -f fit tn H- Jones, to sat'-fy n Kxeiutinn, i:> fa vor ot . s hrrred lii.beps levief on ly a cons'able and <etnrr ed to <*•. Ihe undivkled intercut of l)a\id Da cl n, in ii_lii ot sos wife, m three iipgi ot s to Wit; Allen IniwmiSa •ind 30 years of age; Edmond, twentv and about forty; \N itii a like iiilr*st in < ighty three and third acis of land on VA liliams ere* k, whereon Mic jal. Dar den now lives, a<‘j"inn g ( o< k* y and o'h- rs; levied on by a constable and re turi ed to me to satisfy two execution* in favor of Henry VV. I) oden,against Dtid Dai den—Property pointed out by ta.d Henry VV. D.nden. POS’I PONF.D SALE Four hundred acres of land, more or less aej ming Th* mas Hi iry ad others, on the w iters es l.i'tle river, le riedon hy Hardy Pitts, I) Shi riff and returned to me a** the property of John \ Rl’Gii ty to satisfy an Ex* (Uti<nin favor of A. J. ty G. V\ . Iluntn gtnu a gi'iost tfie ex and R *t otv LUO.YARi) PRATT Siff. K For Sal •. Gne hu< and ed aid t ity two aerf's of land lying in do county of Warren, on William’s. Creik. ti e preset t le-nfime of the undersigned—ah ill or.e iu- dud I acre** of which an cleared and Olid rgeod f n< e, on whu Ii o* a eomf ot.diie dwelling house and “do < ro cesaury out h ithling—- Also, a g>nd gin hou-e. arid an a(i>- f lard on who fi it -taod**, and iss ‘-Uiro'ifnl *(l —g oil i ur*tii< g greer new and warr’ rit ed. ALo. tlo O’ e half of the aw and gri*-1 mills on W dliam’s ci**eU, now j *. |y own* illy 9slom n L >ckei, Esq. and t e undersigned. A firdier de- *r iptmu of the above property i- deemed urme'essa ry, as it i< • xp* cted nny person disposed to purchase will view the pieiro-es, &c. licuben (lodgers, jr. Octob r 3, i9 ts NOTICE. j ¥ HEREBY f rwarn II persons, *- from trading for three rioi.cs, nr eitlier of the ii g v*n hy myself and made payable to IBtijamin Smith; as I do not intend to pay thrui 9 tho consideration having i ntir ly faiL ed for which they were giv *n: One .*f tin m given f.n* on** hundred doll is* dated January or F hrnary I>V2B. nd due on the 25 b U * ember 1829: and two others, their amounts separately lo t recollected, but amounting togeth er to twenty tneee dilltrs, h of them datr*il sometime in January r Kebnary 1828, hut the time when due riot recollected. EDWARD FOARD. September 2rth 1828. *3 —IS. The M omit Messenger, will inse rt the above three times, and forward their account to the aubarrinee. Notice to in) C reditors. 3HERLEY i'v • nutite o my c*dit oistliaf, os I tiove liv and in the* part ot th** country as long as 1 could, I shall remove to some other more favorable tu poor men—Now I would req- et my cre ditors, each, to furnish a schedule of what 1 owe them, and pe haps, at some dis tant day, when they least expect it, I wiil return and pay them—l cftMiot pay them one cent at this time—Let no man alter I have g *ne, say that Drury A. W eaver ran-a wav. DRURY A. WEAVER. October 4*h, 1 828. 19—f. Wanted. One nr two boys between 14 and 16 years of age, as apprentices to th© Di luting bubiness. Apply at ihi* Of fice*